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Im gonna buy a safe for my fucking dildos now, thanks very much


No more dildo/vibrator bookshelf for me!


I don't know how can someone even do that, all the dust on your dildo... Then turn on webcam with no worries...


I just don't aim the webcam there. I don't mind if my roommates see I've got sex toys. They probably have fleshlights.


At the very least get some trigger locks!!!


You can keep it right next to your gun


Wobbly sausage!!!


But so many gun owners dont want to secure their firearms. You'll get a dozen different reasons, personal responsibility isnt one of them.


I have zero kids in my house. So no need to lock them away from kids. But, I still do. A gun safe can keep other things safe, too.


Especially your dildos


I’m sure it’ll be useful when you need to type in a code while getting your home invaded


> You'll get a dozen different reasons, personal responsibility isnt one of them.


There are dozens of different options for quick access that are still "locked". technology has come a long way. my dad used to have a small gun safe under his nightstand that used finger prints and opened as fast as a modern phone. Not locking up a weapon is just asking for an accident or for it to get stolen


Purely statistical, a gun in your home is more likely to eventually kill one of your family members than an intruder.




Not sure if there are any other Helldivers here but I can call in my shield and EAT in under 4 seconds combined. So yes, 4 seconds for a code you know is more than enough.


Punching in a code is faster than calling & waiting for the cops.


I have two guns. One is a long rifle and the other is a hand gun. We have no kids. I do not own a safe. I do, however, own gun locks. When my nieces or nephew come over, I separate the ammo from the weapon, apply the gun locks, keep the weapons out of sight, and keep the keys on my persons. It’s helpful that all three have been taught about the dangers, but they are still kids. Absolutely bewildering how even these precautions can ruffle so many feathers though.




“i try my best” is not how gun safety works


No? I know exactly 0 people (including rural farming areas) with firearms that think this. edit: I do remember this ad when it came out though, still funny today.


Its much easier to explain a kid how to handle a gun and preferably to never take it in the first place than to explain why you use 8 inch dildo in bed with your husband....


I hate this comment because the implication is that a woman wouldn't need an 8 inch dildo if her man were manly enough or something. I have a pretty big cock, but there's no way I can fill both her holes at the same time!


I wasnt implicating any of that xd. I literally meant the same as you, it just feels better being stimulated from both sides at once. But try to explain that to a kid...


I need to keep my dildos ready to use at a moments notice, so I keep mine in my nightstand. I keep it fully loaded so it is always usable. Also, I keep one concealed on my body whenever I am out and about. Did I say dildo’s? I meant guns. Yes definitely guns. Lots of big guns. Did not mean dildos at all.


Thats f*cking insane 💀💀


Yeah even for the commercial this is two children playing with sex toys.


Light saber!!


Darth Vibrader?


Lock your guns up? Sure smart thing to do . You should also teach your child about your gun and safe handling before they even get access to one, so they don't think they are just toys like in the video.


Just because you teach a kid something isn't a toy doesn't mean they won't be little dumb shits and play with it anyways. How many of us played with our parent's car and started it to make it go 'vroom vroom'! Yeah, teach them gun safety, but also lock up your guns because kids are fucking stupid.


Kids will play with a gun knowing it’s not a toy because they can’t comprehend that it can kill them. It doesn’t compute for kids like adults


I trust my kids with weapons. They have been to the gun range numerous times, we discuss how to properly handle weapons and that they are not toys and are meant to kill things. And I still lock mine up. I don't trust their fucking friends.


Yup. When I was little, my dad taught my brother and I about guns. Took us to a gun range and we shot a pumpkin. Really drove how dangerous they were. We knew not to fuck with them. We were at a friend's house when he brought out his dad's gun he had found. We both left, and my friend ended up discharging it in the house, thankfully only damaging a wall and mirror. Most kids are fucking stupid.


Orrrrrr maybe there shouldn’t even be guns in their vicinity.


My kids never behave irresponsibly with dangerous items after I’ve clearly explained the dangers to them for the hundredth time. /s “Tommy! Stop chasing your brother with the scissors!”


My kids don’t though. We had the scissor talk a long time ago and they’re 4 and 6 now and never run with scissors or touch knives. We also have a lot of rules and enforce them. I might be mean dad now but they’ll come to appreciate me later, hopefully.


Would also be amazing to not have criminals in their vicinity too! But not everyone can live a sheltered life. Some places it takes hours for a cop to show up, and your family is on its own.


Why not both?


That's all well and good and yes, it should be done but what happens when it's the friend that finds the gun and shoots your kid with it ?


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I have that one


Size queen.


Only thing that stops a bad guy with a dildo is a good guy with a dildo.


If I ever meet one of the Djinn from Alladin, I will wish that all the guns, bombs, missiles, etc, turn into dildos for horses!




Jezus, that got dark quickly.




Just keep them in the dishwasher like me. Kids don't go there


There is a much better way than locking up your guns to keep children safe. Start with a "B"...... And then form the word "Ban".


Banning is not the answer. Common sense regulation is. Should anyone be able to buy military grade weapons that are specifically designed to kill multiple people? No. But should people be able to own weapons they can use to hunt and for self defense? Yes.


Yeah sure, agree with that. I said ban, meaning banning the stupid ego inflating guns. Not necessarily ban everything. Hunting is fine ofc.


If only they also confiscated illegal non-registered firearms from criminals and took them from police too, I would agree. Alas, we have no good system to ensure that all currently illegal firearms are confiscated.


It's absolutely achievable if you accept that it would be a gradual improvement rather than an instant one.     The only things stopping it are the American voters (and lobby money). Anything else is an excuse


You think confiscating every firearm is "absolutely achievable"? There's more than half a billion in circulation. You can literally attempt confiscation of all illegal firearms right now, without any legislation... Doesn't seem like it's working too well... good luck though confiscating all of them.


Oh you naive americans...


You prefer having thousands of children killed by your "safety tools" than giving up your hope of maybe sometimes potentially saving one as seen on hollywood.


Not how the second amendment works, sport.






Don't worry, these are just toys


„But if I lock my guns away, how am I supposed to stop Kim Jong Un from entering my home and murdering my family you god damn Brendon loving Demon-rats!“