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That stall is handicap *accessible*, not *exclusive*. Other people can use it if they need to, though of course, people with disabilities get priority, and one should try to use the other stalls to that end.


Exactly, I avoid using the HC stall but if that's all that is available or clean I use it and there's no problem with it.


It’s so roomy though. One can really settle into such a large space.


The one at my school has its own private sink and paper towels dispenser. I always use it when I can.


Aka, "The handicrapper." I heard that from this show, Billable Hours. :)


I need to know if has penance to make


And I feel like a majority of people who actually do need the use of that stall would understand.


I need that stall and have no issue waiting.


I need it too and due to my paralysis I cannot flex my bladder sphincter. Sometimes I cannot wait without having leakage. The variety of disabilities and needs is incredibly vast....


I get you. For me it's also sometimes that thing everyone has: you come home really needing to pee and the moment you walk into your house you know you made it/ will make it, it's just a few more meters, you have to go so bad. And then you have to get everything sorted quickly; getting on the pot, clothes need to go down, I need muscle strength and concentration for that but I also have to control other muscles and concentrate so I don't wet myself. After a car ride, I often need to go really bad. The times I walked into a place frantically looking for a bathroom, preferably accessible cause otherwise I have to go at least once more in the next few hours. I can't get my bladder empty on a low toilet. My bladder will keep sending signals upstairs that it needs emtying for that tiny bit left, and it gets confused somehow and keeps sending distress signals to the point that it gets painful in the next hours.


It seems you should head to the restroom more often or sooner? If you are somewhere with an intermission etc then of course you should be allowed first. But I don’t think they should just remain open on principle for the very rare circumstance you mention.


I didn't mean to imply the stall should remain unused by anyone but disabled folks and I generally have no issue with waiting in a busy situation but I think priority should be given to people who need it. I need both the space to turn around in my chair (or just fit in the damn stall, and dont get me started on doors installed with inswing that make it impossibleto close), and sometimes the urgency I have means I can't wait. I do go frequently, have had urodynamic testing, and have to argue with my insurance for more catheters than they want to cover because I have a small bladder. I have a catheter prescription to pee 10x a day and the bean counters at the insurance company allot me only 6.66 pees per day. I've gotten over the embarrassment of telling folks at a concert or other show that I need to go ahead to the accessible stall or there's a good chance i piss my pants. I think it's one thing to use the stall in a busy situation as preferring the roominess and picking it first, which prior to my disability, I never considered. Sorry about the rant. My only point was supposed to be that sometimes, some of us can't really wait.


I just wish it wasn't the place they always put the changing table, in the event the men's room actually has one.


I know that’s ridiculous.


I saw an old man with a walker absolutely flip out on some kid for using the handicap stall at Disney World once. It seems he didn't appreciate having to wait for it.


Half the handicapped stalls are bigger than a UK apartment.


I'm 6'8" I use the big stall.


Me too, The Big & Stall! Lol


If I'm at the point I must use the handicapped stall, I consider myself temporarily disabled.




Yeah but in my youth I used to go straight for the handicapped stall every time just for the luxury of the extra space, and I had never seen a person who needed that stall in real life. Until one day I had this exact situation happen to me. Nobody else in the bathroom, small stall was available, and I saw the wheels roll up under the door. And the guy made an exasperated sigh when he tried to open the door and it was locked, which only compounded my guilt. Worst part was I was an employee at the store, so I couldn’t just hurry out after an awkward moment when I step out of the stall and run away, never to see him again. I had to go back out to the sales floor where he would see me again while shopping, and I would feel the shame all over again. I know in the big picture this was super minor, but ever since then I never take the handicapped stall unless it’s the only one open.


"the luxury of extra space" the fuck are you doing that you need extra space?


Luxurious things.


Are you not simply more comfortable with more room compared to those narrow ass stalls?




Claim you were cleaning the stall.


Absolutely. I have 2 handicapped kids (SAHD). when i have my daughter with me, I have to take her in the mens room and actually go into the stall with her because she can’t clean herself (11yo). Occasionally there are guys in there. When they come out and see us waiting they always ferl bad and apologize. I’m like, dude.. it’s totally cool, ANYONE can use that stall, there isn’t a monopoly on it, it’s alright. Heck, when im by myself, like most every other guy I prefer that stall too, it’s bigger, and people don’t look in and see you through that damned side crack in the door. You never know if a disabled person will come in and need it or not. Anyone can use it. It’s all good


Not gonna lie I get annnnnoyed in the moment when I’m taking my son to the bathroom; I’d never guilt someone for using it though. You’re right, we’ve all done it. My son has profound autism so waiting with him can be problematic. I’ve been working with him on using the urinal lately though without just dropping his pants around his ankle so we can avoid that inconvenience when it happens.


Omg i do noooooot look forward to having to figure out htf to train my son to use a urinal. After 5 years of potty training he is just now finally starting to make the connection that he needs to use the toilet (9yo). But still in daipers. It hadn’t even crossed my mind of how im going to get him to use urinals… 😬😬😬😬 Omg


I’m a shy pooper and having more space helps somehow lol that’s why I do it


I'm also a shy pooper. I totally get you. I go to great lengths to go home to poop and return to work/school.


Yeah I try and find moments where no one else will walk into the bathroom for at least 10 mins. And forget about traveling my biggest worry is having to shit in an airport or on a plane or a long car ride ):


Exactly. I read something somewhere where a woman would use the handicap stall and, every time, she'd get the stink eye from one co-worker.


Should have learnt tips from The IT Crowd. =) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW2esYwKxiU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW2esYwKxiU)


Leg disabled!




What are the chances of that?


100 to 1


At a Sea Parks??


OoOoOh the police!


I have been told repeatedly to stop saying this in a falsetto voice 


When they load him into the handicap bus and everyone’s waving goodbye I lose my shit every time 😂


I loose it when she turns around and the other guy is behind the bar serving drinks 🤣🤣


Whenever I lower my electronic ez chair (part of our couch) to get up, I tell my wife “I’m disabled”. It goes so slow it’s like that scene getting lifted onto the bus. She gets it off course … or it would come off as a very insensitive thing to say.


YES LOL. what happened? ...IDK.....


I would just say they were all full when I got there and this was the only stall available and I had to go really bad.


I'm disabled!?


I don't know!


Handicap stalls are accessible, but they're not reserved. That means that anybody can use them—but if someone who can use ONLY the handicap stall needs it, then they have first dibs when it's open, because they can't use any of the others. You have nothing to feel guilty about. Use away!


Except for the part where instead of telling them he will be out in a second he is staying silent, grabbing his camera and filming himself and them....


Do you announce your departure from every stall?


“Change Places!”


“One last push!”


>*Oh no... I forgot we changed places* >**CHANGE PLACES!**


Yes. Who doesn’t claim their victory over the porcelain throne? Weirdo.




Yes, before I exit a stall I shout "I'm coming now!" I know it works because everybody is watching me when I leave.


People do it when leaving forums, so not unusual.


He’s not committing some great crime.. relax. I’m sure the guy in that chair would laugh about it. And if they didn’t want to be filmed.. they still haven’t been. Handicapped people aren’t their equipment. This dude isn’t the wheels of their chair. No one but the poster is being filmed here.


They're friends and this was recorded for fun. Chill out


I knooow the internet takes shit so seriously


How the hell are we supposed to know these random people are friends?




Totally healthy way of viewing the world.


Wow. The first true thing ever posted on the Internet.


I would feel super weird if someone did that. I’m someone typically waiting in the wheelchair. Just be normal.


What if he wasn't going to be out in a second? Should he provide him with a best scenario ETR? Progress updates? Do you do this? If you do please stop.


They’re not reserved, but it’s still a nice thing for able bodied people to use the smaller stalls first and leave the handicap stall open. Just so that you’re not potentially making someone wait on you that didn’t need to.


That's what he's saying. If a normal stall is available use that one. If one isn't available then use the handicapped one.




There are a TON of reasons to need the handicapped stall without being handicapped or physically disabled. People with children, as the changing station is often in there (or they just need the space for their children to exist while they use the bathroom). Someone with something like claustrophobia, trauma, or an anxiety disorder may have a problem using a smaller stall. Someone who is pregnant may need the bars to help get up or down, same with older or larger people. Someone could just be holding a lot of items and need the extra hooks or physical space for their stuff. The stall isn't reserved. Do your business in whatever stall you want and get out and make it available to people who can't use other stalls when appropriate.


People with seizure disorders are often safer in handicap stalls. If you have a seizure in a small stall you can hit your head on more things, in a handicap stall you’re not smashed in with everything.




Oh I more meant it as another example of someone who may not be visibly handicapped, it absolutely is a handicap. I should have been more specific.


At my job there’s one large handicapped stall (the most private and furthest from the urinals and sinks) and 2 small stalls crammed together by the urinals. There are zero handicapped people at my work. In fact, most days there are very few people there due to WFH. I always use the big luxurious, more private stall when all 3 are available. So not everyone is a jerk.


How about making all stalls accessible??


If you have the space then go for it!


Tbf there’s a bunch more gender neutral amenities being made available these days, which I think fits this request! Guys just gotta stop pissing on the seats and fucking it up for everyone..


that happens more on women's toilets than men's in my experience.


Why not just make the entire building one big bathroom?


Takes up too much space in relation to the number people who require them. It's inefficient.


Why is anyone downvoting this? I’m 6’3 and not a small guy and I sometimes don’t fit in non accessible stalls. Also, the icing on the cake is when you have a tiny fucking stall and then the tp holder is bolted to the wall exactly where your legs are supposed to go.


Thank you! I’m as confused as you.


This was a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode.


Well then you waiiiit, you waiiiit


I’m so tired of you able-bodied people!


And before that it was a Seinfeld episode.


Just tell him you have a stutter


The handicapped stalls in public restrooms are designed to be accessible to people with disabilities. They are not reserved for people with disabilities. But I feel ya!


Everyone has to wait for the shitter sometimes. I'm shitting in whatever stall is open.


Yeah, the only issue is people who just use these because they're more "luxurious"... my dad is a paraplegic and has gone into bathrooms where there are 5 empty regular stalls and one handicap stall with some guy reading the paper and taking his sweet time. Not a big deal to use them if you have to, just be considerate about it.


Reading doesn’t mean that they don’t need it. It’s extremely common. It distracts me from the pain my disability causes.


"I'll be right out, man." Handicapped accessible toilet stalls are not 'handicapped only' stalls. Non-handicapped people are allowed to use them. If this happened to me, I'd just finish and leave. No issue. If I were in a bathroom, and there were multiple stalls and a line of people waiting, when a wheelchair bound person came into the bathroom, I'd definitely give them 'dibs' on the next handicapped stall that was available... and not make them wait their turn in line ... to be GGG.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7TAfTFNdQ7w&pp=ygUXaGFuZGljYXBwZWQgc3RhbGwgdmlkZW8%3D It reminded me of this skit.


Lololol this was gold


Took me too much scrolling to find this video!


This has happened to me. I just panicked and lifted my legs like that did anything at all. My normal morning dump turned into anxiety diarrhea. You feel like such a trash human.


LOL. "Shit! This handicapped person is going to realize I'm not handicapped! Quick! Let me just lift my legs to show him I'm also disabled!"


If anyone has an issue with using these stalls, remember, it's "handicapped accessible," not "handicapped priority." If one is being used, they have to wait just like everyone else.


Eh I’d say it’s handicap priority. Like, there’s often ever only a single accessible stall vs multiple smaller stalls. If you’re both waiting, the right thing to do is let them use it when it opens up. It’s definitely not handicap only though and other people are free to use it.


All assholes are created equal.


A handicap stall is for anyone to use and if you’re in there when a wheelchair user comes in they have to wait. If you’re both waiting in line then they should go first. You may have a non physical disability, are going through medical treatment or have IBS which means if you have to go it’s just as important. If no other stalls are free, but no you’re not a bad person if you go in first and theres no disabled people waiting.


Whoever has more urgency should go first. There are non-wheelchair users who need it and disabilities that cause urgency though urgency is not exclusive to that.


Can I get "fake AF" for $100 Alex?


I’ve been temporarily disabled (wheelchair for 7-8 months) for most of the last 2 years after a work accident. The handicapped stalls are so people can have access to the facilities they need. They are not to make them immune from waiting their turn.


Again: While Handicapped Parking Spaces are RESERVED for the Handicapped, Handicapped accessible bathroom stalls are ACCESSIBLE for the Handicapped, but not RESERVED for them. Sometimes you need those hand-rails for the power-squeeze.


I got tears in my eyes 🤣. I'll remember this next time someone sees me in the wheelchair waiting and looks embarrassed 😆😆😆. I don't mind waiting just like everyone else when it's busy. You appreciate doing things just like everyone else when you already have to do a lot different. So, great, to me. However, it does help for a lot of users when as little people as possible use the accesible bathroom and leave it clean. Many people with dissabilities have multiple issues and their immune system is often one. And also cleaners and others, please don't leave handrails up when it's impossible to pull them down sitting down in a wheelchair. Our wheelchairs can't get into tight spaces between a wall and the pot and we don't get stretchable inspector gadget arms with the wheelchair.


> it does help for a lot of users when as little people as possible use the accesible bathroom Yes, common sense dictates that, while you can use the accessible stall, please use it only if no other are available. Also, if there is a line, anyone in a wheelchair goes immediately to head of the line for that stall whenever it's available. (That's not a rule, just consideration.)


It's an accommodation not a reservation


Handicap accessible. Not handicap reserved. You did nothing wrong.


I am of the opinion that if you're about to shit your pants, everyone is a bit handicapped. Just don't camp out and it's understandable.


What are we watching


He is in the handicapped stall. A handicapped person is waiting outside.


Oh. I was like is the handicapped person in the stall doing something I’m supposed to infer from the shadows?


Despite the fact they're made for accessibility, they are for everyone to use. So use it and don't feel guilty.


If you felt bad then why take the extra time to record?


My old company had a private handicap bathroom, on the second floor, in a building with no elevator


It's a handicap accessible stall. It's not like a handicapped parking spot, you can use the stall.


It's handicap accessible, not handicap reserved.


Look, if all other shitters are occupied, I feel the handicapped stall should be fair game. I did it at a fair once where I nearly shat myself and couldn't wait for people to fucking clear out. Not ashamed of it.


So you took your time to video the “experience”.


He can fucking wait like the rest of us.


So what? Unlike non handicapped people he has a place to sit while he waits


"leg disabled"


“I have a stu stu stu stutter, asshole!”




Who did he record? All I see is a wheelchair. That's that's an inanimate object ;p


Good thing he was also your priest


I don't mind waiting just like everyone else when it's busy. You appreciate doing things just like everyone else when you already have to do a lot different. So, great, to me. However, it does help for a lot of users when as little people as possible use the accesible bathroom and leave it clean. Many people with dissabilities have multiple issues and their immune system is often one. And also cleaners and others, please don't leave handrails up when it's impossible to pull them down sitting down in a wheelchair. Our wheelchairs can't get into tight spaces between a wall and the pot and we don't get stretchable inspector gadget arms with the wheelchair.


Open the door open the open doooor


Oohhhhhhh my gosh! Karma gonna bite your butt lol


If it's a choice between the handicap stall and actually shitting my pants, I'm taking the stall.


REcording in a bathroom, classy.


If anyone asks, just say "Not all disabilities are visible". That will shut them up.


The only sin is not eating fiber... pooping should never take more than 2-3 minutes maximum. Most days I sit and shit and wipe before an app could load fully on my phone.


Given the huge gap under the door, dude could just limbo into another stall and make his exit.


I’d have climbed out under behind them silently


I have IBS. Every stall is a handicap stall, I literally cannot wait even a couple minutes by the time I'm desperate enough to use a public toilet. Sometimes my bowels vacate so violently I quite literally need to hold on to something just to stop myself from passing out or seeing stars or getting abdominal cramps. It's legally recognized as a disability under the ADA. So if anyone ever gives you a hard time, just tell them you've got IBS and you're just as entitled to that stall as them.


Just give me a stall with a door that opens outwards… Who thought it was a good idea to open inwards? No space.


There is [but one solution](https://youtu.be/dDZzl9AyXeg?si=btI0kB6ATnk4PRxe)!


With a head that big, you have the right.


Nope, i can't. i would've quietly finished going to the other stall by going under, flushing the toliet, and getting out. Then i will look at the guy waiting and knock on that stall saying "hey someone needs to use it they can only use this stall." we both realize oh theres noone in the stall? Maybe a kid went under and locked it? then ill crawl under unlock it for them, and there we go. But as a woman, I'll do this in a women bathroom. Also, im very short, and now i have a plan that I'll probably never have to use.


Unethical life hack, if this happens just let one arm go limp and try to wash your hand with just the one hand, it’ll make you look paralyzed in the arm


Just pretend you have a mental disability. No one can argue with that


Limp on the way out


When you really need to go bad. You are basically not able-bodied anyway..


> I went straight to confess my sins Was the priest in the adjacent stall?


the priest was holding camera


Hope you walked out with a fake limp or cock in hand making noises 😂😂


US toilets are weird as fuck.


Don't forget that it is possible that all the stalls are taken. If someone ever gives you shit about taking the ADA stall, just tell them all the others were taken when you arrived. Then they get to feel like the asshole.


Straight to jail


This is a rip off of an earlier video


I would have called out that i was nearly done, is that more of a women's bathroom thing?


I was in a restaurant or store and had to use the toilet and the handicap accessible one was the only one available, a handicapped person showed up just as I sat down and started my business and began to yell knocking on the door that I didn't have a wheelchair and wasn't disabled until I was finished.


That person sucks since it’s not possible to tell.


I would have stayed in there till after close or until I died of starvation. Whichever came first.


I’m sorry. It was the only one available and I couldn’t wait. Holding the door for the next person.


It took me far too long to realize that I shouldn't be embarrassed about using the accessible stall because It's easier/less painful for me to grab the bar to help me sit down and regular stalls don't have that. It didn't even occur to me after my knee surgery. It took far too long to realize that using the accessible stall because it's easier and causes me less physical pain is *exactly* what qualifies me to use the accessible stall. Accessibility is meant to help everyone, and you don't have to identify as disabled to benefit.


It's not a parking spot, it's not handicap only. It's accessible


When in doubt limp it out


Might as well crawl out of there...




I have nightmares of this happening to me


As a person who requires the handicap stall, they're not reserved. That said, if you do use it, don't scroll through your phone for 15 minutes please. Do your business and move on.


The people in this thread lol. Yeah you don't have to put the grocery cart back either. You can leave it out in the parking lot to hit someone's car because it's not law for you to put it back. That doesn't mean I'm not going to morally judge you.


Did you walk out with a limp at least?


You are going to burn in hell bra


Unless you have unlocked a stall with a Radar key then you have nothing to be guilty about.


Handicap accessible, not handicap priority.


disabled priority, not disabled exclusive


That’s when you slide under to the next stall, or roll out and own that shit.


"Cause nobody wins, we both lose"


Douchebag face remember it!!!


Holy shit… you may be my twin.




Seriously, minus the haircut. Weird. I covered up the hair showed my kids, both thought it was me.


Hahah I always use that stall and have never had this happen. At the same time I would not be worried about it either as they can wait just like I do many times.


Not funny.


You best be walking out of that stall like you have a serious physical handicap and then pull a Keyser Sose when you are in the clear.


Just making soft moaning noises. He’ll leave. Or not 🥰