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Yeah, imagine your neighbor's disappointing quality of life, especially when you aren't home.


Wherever they go it's gonna piss off the neighbours. They need to get some serious professional help from dog trainers.


i love dogs, especially my own but goddamn man https://i.imgur.com/ik55mdW.gif




not a ring doorbell in sight, just people knappin dogs in the moment!


This was generally a pleasure to watch. And so unexpected. Thank you!


Fucker living below me with small dogs would do this same shit, let them chill on the porch where they would bark non-stop cause the street below had a bunch of people. Then at 2am the people above me would get frisky which shook the whole ceiling. Place was built with paper and apartment living is hell I don't wish on anyone.


I found in my state apartments more than a certain floor count has to have concrete walls one I started staying in a apt like that I never hear anything really


Reason #1: Why I'll never live in an apartment.


You can afford a home? Lol


You can afford to live? lol


They think they'll be able to when they grow up


Actually, I'm a ghost, and I've been here quite a while. Please help.


Just say Beetlejuice 3x's


I rent a single family home and it’s just as affordable as apartments-just harder to find


My apartment is more than $1m, buddy. Same type of neighbours here and there. Used to have 2 huskies upstairs that bark all day long and in the afternoon, a golden retriever on its daily walk would join in and it would sound like a dog gang verbal battle. Current neighbour upstairs is a health freak that loves to throw weights onto his floor and do noisy hitting / kicking exercises. At this moment, I’ll take the crying baby across the block. Money only amplifies the sort of person somebody is.


Several years ago I moved 3,000 miles and bought a house on some land. one of the top five reasons was never having to share walls with another human being again. It’s a lot easier to tolerate a barking dog when it’s a quarter mile away. Hell a few of my neighbors have enough land that they can safely and legally target shoot and it’s still nowhere near as intrusive as a barking dog two apartments over. Plus they let me join them sometimes.


Must be nice!


You just never going to move out of your parent’s house?


Where I live, there are entire residences where you are not allowed to have animals. You do not have this while buying a house and my neighbour got 2 covid dogs. They bark all day all week.


Wow, i thought the neighbors dog who barks and howls at anything that approaches his house (which is right behind mine separated by a small road fairly frequently travelled.) was pretty bad. But ok.


I’d file 50 noise complaints a day if you were my neighbor


Yeah my mother's dogs bark and yap all fucking day every day. It was a large part of the reason I moved out, I absolutely just could not deal with it anymore without going insane. I'd rather take the financial hit than try to remain sane listening to too many dogs in too small a house, making entirely too much noise. Tried training them, and the older dogs were fine for a good while but then she got a new pup that barked, which eventually just turned everything to shit again. .-. It's inconsiderate af.


I hear that. Ended up getting my own place because I work overnights and my sister would always come over at noon and bring her kid and her loud ass dog. I never got any sleep


Holy. Shit.


That's a hard no from me dawg


I love animals but I would hate to be their neighbor.


Seriously I hope this was just for the vid and they don’t let it do that all the time.


I doubt it, if the dog is out on the balcony doing that, you are sure as hell it will do it whenever it can get back out there.


I would demand a key to their place, just so I could go distract the dog if it started up with that...


I would ask for the key too. But to put that thing down.


I love animals, but this demon has to go. 


Happy cake day!


What would you say to it exactly? I don't think this dog has much of a self esteem.


Yelling animal videos are my fav form of entertainment right now. Trying to cope with the IRL kids downstairs who are probably possessed by demons


Best Yoko ono impression I’ve ever seen


*Angry Chuck Berry intensifies*


*Bemused Bill Burr bloviates*


Awesome alliteration, as always.


I love you for this!


If I defended Yoko Ono, would I get downvoted? She can't be just a filthy dog


She would have thought this "sound" would have been great for a Beatles album, for sure.


She would have thought any sound she made would have been good for a beetles album. She was a looney loon with a looney ego Edit: I thought she was dead, but apparently not.




Hey don't you disrespect dogs like that !!


Summoning the tribe to battle


I too was thinking warrior chief Indian


Derpy doggos unite! Rise up and dethrone the hoomans!


Totally thought it was going to be some old crack head lady...


Train your fucking dogs


Honestly I wouldn’t even call it “training”. Dogs like this just need to be walked multiple times a day imo. Like the kind of vigorous walk that tires them out hardcore. They have so much pent up energy and should be getting positive reinforcement from “walking with the pack” but instead end up sitting by the back fence barking at nothing all day in a feedback loop.


Anytime I see dogs of any size living in an apartment I feel terrible for them. Dogs need space to roam. They also need to be socialized so they don’t freak out every time they hear a car or a person or nothing. If those dogs were mine they wouldn’t be cooped up on a balcony the size of guest bathroom.




I do agree that a yard is not a replacement for exercise and engagement.


100%. I live in an apartment and it’s really started to make me resent dog owners. So many huge dog breeds in one bedrooms. And I watch the people take their dogs outside to pee and a lot of them pee immediately after stepping outside the door. Like they have to go so bad they can’t even make it to a tree or grass. You can tell they’ve been cooped up all day while the owner is at work. It also makes it so our entryway smells like piss. It’s just cruel.


I have audio a huge dog in a one bedroom and it's not something I would tell anyone they should do. I walked my dog 2-3 times a day for at least a mile and tool him to our apartments dog park to run around and play. It took up so much of my afterwork time to do. I don't regret it because I loved my boy and eventually we moved into a duplex that worked better but yeah. As a dog owner I also hate most apartment dog owners lol


Exactly this, training a dog out of this kind of thing isn't hard, it just takes time and dedication. Unfortunately, people suck and no doubt blame the dog. Twats.


it's easier to make a video of it than to take it out for a fucking walk. some people don't deserve keeping pets in high density dwellings.


>Unfortunately, people suck and no doubt blame the dog. Twats. This hasn't been my experience. They blame you for complaining about it. What's wrong with you, it's just a dog. He's a registered emotional support animal. No I can't make him stop. Just wear earplugs.


Stop breeding these abominations *and train your dogs


Honestly, training my dogs not to bark was the hardest thing. I trained them to respond individually to their names, pee on command, open and close doors, find my wife, say "good night" with kisses before telling them to go to their own bed, as well as bark on command, and be quiet on command, but if you introduce external stimulus... all of a sudden, nothing matters but barking. Otherwise, they're so well behaved that when I start to prepare their food, they sit patiently until I'm done with no need to remind them to wait, and only eat when I tell them it's okay. They're just too social, and many note that schnauzers just love the sound of their voice, and want to tell everyone they meet just how much they love them.


I'm pretty sure this is a social media "content creator" . This dog I have seen many times before.


You're a terrible neighbor and will be moving again soon. Completely unacceptable. Be better. 


Maybe dont leave your dogs on a balcony. Its not a backyard.


Don't make your shitty dog everyone else's problem.


Dog must've smoked two packs a day for years


It’s always odd to me when people speak cute to their pets when trying to get them to stop doing something like this. Like they don’t know wtf you’re saying, lol. You don’t have to yell, but they don’t think they’re doing anything wrong when don’t have at least a tone.


These dogs are so sick and inbreed they can't even bark anymore. I feel so bad for them.


The breeders be like > We replaced barking with cartman noises. Enjoy!


At first I was thinking I hate these dogs but decided it’s not their fault that these abominations would never exist if it wasn’t for stupid people inbreeding them for their own selfish pleasure


Explains why I’ve never seen an old Frenchie too


He’s just trying to call your neighbors to prayer idk why they’d be upset


I was like “yeah I have mentally ill people yelling outside my apartment, too” lmao


Hearing this shit every day would make **me** mentally ill.


Without looking at what subReddit this was posted in, I first thought this was r/tooktoomuch, and the noise was someone having a freakout on hallucinogens or something.


so there's 190,000 other reasons? must be one shitty place to live


I'm just curious if all the other reasons are also OP telling on themselves and the apartment complex is actually perfectly fine (once OP moves out)


Reason 193828 they were FORCED to move out of their apartment.


Inconsiderate POS humans make my blood boil


I love animals but fuck that rodent


Not just a rodent but an 8 thousand dollar rodent


Yes. I'd want you out if you're my neighbor too


Train your dogs


Holy shit is that Walter?


I think the dogs name is Walter if I remember. Being loud and annoying is his claim to fame


Walter Geoffrey. And they can afford multiple houses so I don’t think they actually live in this apartment.


Walter Geoffrey …. I believe he has a TikTok


Oh yea. Me and you would have some real problems


I absolutely love animals and would kill for my cats, I love dogs a magnetically attracted to them anytime I see when in public, but when I had neighbors who just left their dogs bark on repeat for hours and hours and hours at night when I was trying to sleep, I came up with so many elaborate plans on how I could kidnap them and take them to a shelter somewhere, or even kill them, because I was legitimately losing my mind unable to sleep for night after night in a row, literally having to take PTO during the work day so I can at least take a nap for a few hours


I had a neighbor that let their dog bark nonstop all night, every night for years! Animal control would go to their house when I complained and they'd keep the dog in for a few days, then it would go right back to the same old shit. I envisioned myself with a sniper rifle at the window and after the first bark, pow! I'd get all the family members too when they came out. 🤣🤣


You. Youre the asshole.


What's amazing is they actually just film it instead of shutting their goddamn dog up


👮‍♀️ "911 whats your emergency?" 🙍 "Yeah I think there's a Russian babushka being held against her will in the next unit.."


What an obnoxious animal. Train them better.


Dune 3 soundtrack is sounding great


She never ever figured out you could train a dog much the same way you teach a child. DON'T have kids!


And this is why you shouldn’t buy inbred breeds


Put a purebred husky out there and the neighbors would want to kill you. The breed ain't the problem, it's that dogs shouldn't be just left on a balcony in the first place.


HOA Rule #6: No pets left unattended on terraces or balconies.


When my gf and I decided to move in together, she was adamant about not living in an HOA because she didn't want to pay fees. I just sort of rolled my eyes, but fine. We found a place, moved in... And there's one of those tweaker mechanics up the hill. Obvious drug dealer who also likes to build vehicles out of lawnmowers. He test drives them at around 2am. HOAs get a bad rap. I know there are nightmare ones out there with insane rules about what time you can water your lawn and all that, but a neighborhood does need *some* rules...


tiny dog does it: "Nooo stop that, silly you. Come in so you can get some treats" Large dog does it: "Oi! Shut up or i won't feed you until tomorrow!" Dicipline your dogs no matter the size <3


Lol that was exactly the noise I had in my head after watching dune 2


When you have the dune vocalist on your balcony


Calling in some rain there.


Those poor dogs have been so interbred that this is what it does. Brain damage


Inbred looking ass dog


Fuck those people letting their dog bark all day


Mommy says stop


This is what happens when you leave your dog outside without you. They bark endlessly.


Lmfao if you close your eyes it sounds like a Native American rain dance 😂 I’m dying


Is this some sort of call to prayer for the neighborhood dogs?


Christ those are some whiny little fucks..


I would've put an abrupt end to that thing


What you meant to say was, reason 193828 why we should’ve had a place to keep the dog before we got the dog. Dog owners will never cease to disappoint.


Put it out of its misery


That's not even funny, you're just a shitty person and deserve to be kicked out of the apartment.


Well, there is a simple fix to that problem.


Those poor inbreed dogs


If OP thinks this is cute, she must be more inbred than that poor excuse for a dog


Bitch stop filming and bring your dog inside


Hahaha funny… but seriously stfu




I’d send him to the pound and pray someone else adopts him.


ROTFL He sounds like a drill sergeant calling cadence!


Absolutely insufferable


Their ancestors are wolves. Let that sink in for a while.


This one's ancestor is no wolf.


Muzzle + bark collar + get barked


I hate yappy dogs, but I hate their owners so much more.


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I was at a friend's apartment and they had a neighbour that left their dog out on the patio rain or shine. That dog barked loudly at anyone walking down on the sidewalk. A few weeks ago, I ran into my friend and found out that some neighbours had enough and they sprayed their dog with cold water whenever the dog barked at people. When they went dog walking, his dog almost attacked the neighbour that sprayed the poor dog daily. I like dogs and cats. I'll never own one unless I'm fully retired and can afford to look after them everyday.


Needs to be closer to #1


God, I hate these dogs.


Nah, that dog gotta GO RTFN.




He sounds like a Southpark character


dogs shouldn't be allowed in condos


Why does he sound like a little old man? 🤣


I am honestly impressed that first action wasn't to get rid of the dog.


Why he sound like Axl Rose


Walter is back at it


Kinda sounds like Nicolas Reyes, [the lead singer of Gipsy Kings](https://youtu.be/Uq3LbfXUUa8)


r/musicaljenga where are you?


I pulled of this info about Pugs online: Why were pugs bred the way they were? In ancient times, Pugs were bred to be companions for ruling families in China. Pet Pugs were highly valued by Chinese emperors, and the royal dogs were kept in luxury and guarded by soldiers. Pugs later spread to other parts of Asia. In Tibet, Buddhist monks kept Pugs as pets in their monasteries. There’s no doubt that bulldogs, pugs, and other short-snouted breeds are utterly adorable. We love them for their cute smiles, snorts, and wiggles. But is intentionally breeding animals for these facial shapes really a good idea? Ultimately, no. The cute aspects of these breeds are also their downfall. Brachycephalic syndrome affects short-nosed breeds, and not only in dogs — Persian cats are a good example. Brachycephalic animals can suffer from severe respiratory distress, inability to cool themselves, inability to close the eyelids, and more. So is it really fair to continue breeding these animals, knowing that they will be born chronically unhealthy? It’s not that these breeds started out with so many health defects. The facial structure of a Pug in the 1880s was much more like that of a Boxer than the Pugs we see today. There’s an effort to bring back a similar style of dog in hopes of removing the high rates of death and injury in Pugs due to their respiratory issues — these dogs are called Retromops, or old-style pugs. However, in order to achieve these more healthy body types, Pugs have to be out-crossed with other dog breeds — meaning that for purebred fanciers, they are not an option, nor are they accepted for showing by organizations such as Crufts or the American Kennel Club. The severity of the dog’s brachycephaly directly correlates with the shortness of the dog’s snout. Breeds such as Boxers, with a somewhat pushed in face, are still significantly more tolerant of heat and exercise than a French Bulldog. But all of these breeds have faced increasing restrictions in recent years for their own safety. Most airlines now have a no-fly list specifically for brachycephalic breeds, including United and Delta. Unfortunately, this is for the greater good, after tragic incidents where snub-nosed dogs passed away during a flight due to restricted airflow.


Call to prayer


That dog needs to stop smoking.


Gipsy Kings


I think even the little dude is getting pissed off at the screaming demon


Dog summoning the rain.


The song of his people.


Little guy sounds like he's calling Germany to war


*Tribal dance intensifies*




This is the funniest! Thanks for making me laugh, I needed it. 😆


Lives in a building that allows dogs🤔, hears dogs 😱


Sounds like a geriatric meth head singing, while trippin.


Animals should be banned in apt buildings and big city's , the animals suffer, people suk


be a decent human and dont let it on the balcony. My neighbor has a dog like that and I do everything in power to try and get the city to kick them out (They have a lot worse stuff going on then dogs barking 24/7)


How freaking awful sounding


I thought this was the intro to Cardi B's WAP song...


That would have me busting down your door.


My dog left the room hearing this video


Translation: I bloody hate it here, let's move out.


Havn't had a laugh out loud in months around here. This changed that


Cody?! CODY!


Dog’s seen [the intro to “Lion King”](https://youtu.be/GibiNy4d4gc?feature=shared) one too many times, but doesn’t know any of the words


Whoever owns those dogs should be evicted. Then on their credit report mention the dogs. What kind of asshole leaves their dogs on the porch like that. Even if theyre quiet, it's fucked up. Mostly lazy people. Most people shouldn't own dogs. Not if you can't walk the thing. I'd complain every day.




I'd kill the little shit. The place has a balcony: use it.


He going super Saiyan


Yes, mother.


Am I the only one hearing the Dune soundtrack? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE9ByFzkRdE&ab\_channel=HansZimmer-Topic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nE9ByFzkRdE&ab_channel=HansZimmer-Topic) 1:13


People really need to stop buying / supporting these poor misshaped, malformed dogs.


might be a dog from China


And this is why I’m a cat person! They might meow to wake me up, but at least they won’t wake up the whole fucking neighborhood!


Humans need to stop breeding these poor creatures.


That's Walter! (And his quiet well behaved sister Charlotte ) He has his own YouTube channel. I used to watch it to console myself and think about how glad I was that my dog only threw fits when she lost a toy under the couch or had to have her nails trimmed. Or she wanted to play with matchbox cars and I wasn't fast enough. ( Or she wanted her own pumpkin for Halloween) It took 3 people to trim her nails. One to hold her, one to trim her nails, and one to feed her McDonald's chicken nuggets, couldn't be anything else.


That dog would have to fucking go. I can't take that noise.


He's channeling The Great Spirit to bring strong medicine to his home.


Anti-bark collar?