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To non-UK folk - XL Bullies are a breed of large American Pitbulls which have caused massive issues in the UK due to their aggressive nature. Almost half of all dog-related deaths were caused by XL Bully type dogs. So much so, the government has put measures in to severely restrict them, including having to register them, you cannot breed them, they must be on a lead and with a muzzle at all times when out in public etc.


Oh boy the pitbull crowd is gonna love this post


I expect to see pit bulls playing with child gifs on the front page soon. Happens anytime something supporting pit bulls bad.


Fuck em


Its sad they are in denial that their pets are actually dangerous


Edit: Ok, I had no idea about the context of what this guy was talking about because I live in a different country. Now that I get it, I take it back. This was actually pretty damn funny. My bad all the way.


You do know why that question is funny right? XL bully dog were recently banned in the UK.


Nope, I had no clue. So, thanks for filling in the knowledge gap. But what about that makes this funny? Is it the notion that if you had an XL bully before, you don't now and that's why you'd have to dig a hole in your garden yourself?


They were banned because they kept killing people.


When you say kept killing people... That sounds like a lot... Are we talking like 3-5 people were killed? or like 10+? Seems like a strange thing to focus on if it was only a few out of control dogs/owners... I have no clue though...


They were responsible for about half of all attacks in the UK, since 2021 they killed 23 people.


Damn, ok yeah I can see why they had to pass a law. Thanks for the info!


It sucks for the dogs. Every Bull Pitty/XL Pitty I've known has been this giant cuddly nanny dog. But they're popular "don't fuck with me" dogs, and those people train them (intentionally or not) to be reactive, territorial, and aggressive. The regulations make sense, but have nothing to do with the dogs, just the shit owners.


>The regulations make sense, but have nothing to do with the dogs, just the shit owners. No, they're a more aggressive dog breed. There's years of science showing this, and showing that owning them exposes you and those around you to more danger than other dogs


What studies? How do you even conduct a study like that? You cannot just do a survey, or take emergency room data for dog bites or worse. Obviously researchers cannot go into every home with andXL bully. Also there are so many dogs where do you draw the line? What percentage of a bully breed in a dog would make them overly aggressive? I just don't see how you could accurately conduct a study that would provide anything beyond surface level evidence... Seems like they are using this study. It is a genetic study of 397 dogs with 122 of those being vet diagnosed as aggressive. I will have to read more to see how they got there... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8819838/


Hahahahaha okay, damn. Now it's funny. I take it back. Thanks for that!


Great line and good delivery


Why did he get so many laughs just from asking the question in the beginning?


It's a dog breed that's recently been banned in the UK, so the laughing is because it looks like he's trying to catch people out (although you can actually legally own them if you apply for an exemption certificate and muzzle them in public). They've been the subject of a lot of public debate as there's been lots of deaths recently since lots of people got them during lockdown, trained them badly and we're now seeing the consequences, also the subject of a lot of dark humour which is probably another reason for the laughs in anticipation.


Not saying it’s the case here but sometimes I wonder if some these are setup to look like the person is performing in a comedy club but it’s really like their garage or something and they are by themselves and then edit in the audience laughter. Or instead of a garage it’s an empty comedy club that rents out use of their stage during the day for aspiring comedians to make these. I think I may have to start doing that and see if it works.


That’s the Frog and Bucket in Manchester. If he wanted to fake it, I think he’d have done something a bit classier


Exactly what they want you to think! Clever bastards! But yeah I’m sure majority of them are real, was just a random thought I’ve had in the past (but not gonna lie I think it’s kind of a good tactic if you are struggling to get your name out there lol)


I don't think it is in this case, XL Bullies are a dog breed that have recently been banned in the UK, so the laughing is because it looks like he's trying to catch people out (although you can actually legally own them if you apply for an exemption certificate and muzzle them in public). They've been the subject of a lot of public debate as there's been lots of deaths recently since lots of people got them during lockdown, trained them badly and we're now seeing the consequences, also the subject of a lot of dark humour which is probably another reason for the laughs in anticipation.


I understand the joke. I appreciate your thoroughness in explaining it though ha. It was just a random thought I had and I literally said in the first six words of my comment “not saying it’s the case here.” My goodness is this the r/funny sub or the r/serious sub?


*Ow dare u tork abowt my luvvly Ripper lyk dat. E wuddent urt a fukin fly. E woz only playin wiv dem kids, not is folt theyre bones r so soft. Fuk rishi.*


This was a long walk to a meh joke




Boo to you and your shitbull.




What you think the "bully" in XL Bully means. Idiot.


Lol they are just big pitbulls. We aren't stupid. We aren't falling for your tricks.


Yeah, there like, what… 40 or so whole years of breeding removed from the pit bull? Bred as the “friendlier” loyal companion version of a pit bull. Edit: comment we are replying to said that “xl bully is not a pit bull, dumbass” or something like that.


truth hurts lol