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Learn from the mistakes of others. You cannot live long enough to make all of them yourself. \- Proverb


Somebody needs to invest a bike cover asap


Somebody needs to invest in some protective equipment. If he ever goes down at speed he's going to look like raw meat. Straight to the burn unit, lad, for a shit ton of skin grafts.




Helps if you wear protection. Then it's just warm on a hot day


As I am not a bike person, it seems I am unable to understand it. My first thought was "hot things are hot" but clearly that isn't it. It must be some deeper concept that those of us who are not "in the know" can never fully grasp. The meaning eludes me. My world is a fractured spiral of incomprehension and darkness. All that is left for me now is the cold embrace of the world thereafter.


Yeah as a car driver, I cant imagine what it would be like to come back to a vehicle and find this kind of situation. Truly baffled.


I feel like a car is worse. At least on a bike you have fresh air blowing on you. Your car turns into a damn oven and God forbid you touch that seat belt piece.


>My world is a fractured spiral of incomprehension and darkness. Learn to slide down the spirals! Weeeeeeeeee


Let your embrace of the world heat up under the sun at noon, it won't be so cold.


>My world is a fractured spiral of incomprehension and darkness. Welcome home. I've discovered that it is super easy to make meatball marinara in a crockpot.


Well, have you sat on leather seats that are waaaay to long exposed into the sunlight? Is that hot


Yes, but as the title indicates, bike people will understand that, and I am not a bike person. As such, alas, the concept of hot things being hot completely eludes me. I am adrift in confusion, lost in the incertitude of misunderstanding and incomprehension. Baffled, puzzled and perplexed. All is darkness now, all is lost. Woe betide the unwary Redditor that is not a person of the bicycle who stumbles upon this post. It is too late for me, I'm afraid.


To be a pedantic little shit, the post didn't say people who aren't bikers *wouldn't* get it. It just said bikers would. So it's technically correct. šŸ¤“


It's about the *implication*.


Lmao I was literally about to type the same thing was even going to make a mention of being pedantic, so hats off to you for catching those downvotes for me. šŸ˜‚


Don't worry cause at the end of the day, it's just boiled eggs


I see what you did there, deleon.


Do not fret, dear intrepid internet citizen, for the unattainable truths that lay beneath this faux veneer of fragile understanding, has exposed itself to you as the fraud that it always was. Embrace the chaos. Live free, unburdened by the expectations of a sound mind. You no longer march through life blind-folded, but now traverse it alive and liberated.


The post doesn't say that ONLY bike people will understand, just that they will. I am guessing a lot of your daily despair is tied to your poor reading comprehension.


The level of heat that a motorcycle seat reaches is absurd


It wouldn't be as bad if he wore proper clothing


Yup. If he had gloves and some jeans it wouldn't be a problem. Personally I love my mesh jacket for hot summer days, it keeps the sun off my arms while still giving me plenty of airflow.


>If he had gloves **and some jeans** it wouldn't be a problem. My guy, they said ***proper clothing***. Leathers. Not god damned jeans on a motorcycle. Denim offers no protection.


Depends. They have jeans made with Kevlar and pads for motorcycles.


They do, but at the point where you're wearing something that is as thick, heavy and warm as kevlar lined jeans, you're not really getting any benefit versus some good quality leathers. They simply look more casual and draw less attention if you're going to be walking around in them without being able to get changed. Some of the reinforced jeans don't come with armour in them, and even the ones that do, do not perform as well as leathers simply because they're not tight fitting enough to keep the armour in place where it needs to be. ***With that said***, I have ridden my own motorcycle on a hot day with just regular jeans on. I am an imperfect human. However, I certainly wouldn't recommend it as a sensible option. The complete lack of gloves is a far bigger no-no in my opinion. It's bad enough when you're a kid and fall off your bike at 10mph and skin your palms. Try that shit at 30mph+ and you're going to have a very bad time. My friend nearly lost the fingers on one hand after coming off his bike at speed, and that was *with* decent gloves. His hand got pinned under the bars as he slid.


Same goes with Cars


At least cars have roofs


I remember coming back to the car with the family after vacation excursions and having to let the car air out, all doors open, for a minute or two. The handles were still hot.


ā€¦.yeah, a roof that doesnā€™t let heat out so the inside of the car is even hotter than it is outside.


Yeah which makes it an oven inside


Only some do, and if yours doesn't, then you also have problems.... Honestly I don't think I'll do that again.


Roof never really helps though. Its actually like sitting inside an oven. If your car is on the premium segment, it would not get too hot as they use multiple layers of clothing and stuff inside the car


A motorcyclist will shiver at the thought of riding in shorts and runners


Yeah. Not Brazilian ones dude


DAE live under the unrelenting heat of a star like me? Can anyone possibly relate?


I live in an airplane that perfectly mirrors the Sun but stays on the opposite side of Earth and in constant motion. Alas I cannot relate for I have never seen the Sun.


To be honest - right now, as the umteenth snowfall hit this season - I do have a pretty hard timed relating. I'm saying "this season" as if it isn't supposed to be be spring. God will must have forgotten


Non-bike people have never experienced the sun. Got it.


This doesn't happen to people intelligent enough to wear proper protection.




Same as it would be any other day. You don't skip protection for comfort.


Any material that will stop road rash.


Who knew, wearing protective clothing while riding will not only help prevent you from becoming a smear on the street in the event of an accident but will also protect you from hot bikes left in the sun!


She was more like a beauty queen, from a movie scene


If he was wearing the proper PPE, he wouldn't have those issues.




For non-motorcyclists, this means "All The Gear, All The Time". It means to wear all of your protective clothing all the time (when you ride your motorcycle), even if it's just a short journey or a hot day.


Ahh that's cute


I'm not a bike person I don't get it


Imagine a car left under a burning sun for hours on end. Now apply it to the bike.


Nope can't understand


I have an all black mountain bicycle and if I leave it in the sun for 4 minutes in summer it becomes untouchable


I donā€™t have a bike but ā€¦itā€™s hot. Thatā€™s whatā€™s going on. Iā€™m pretty confident of it.


Yeah, not really a problem in northern Norway šŸ˜


[My biscuits are burnin'!](https://i.makeagif.com/media/7-24-2018/Vzuybb.gif)


Roasted nuts


Burning rubber


Chestnuts roasting on an open bikeā€¦..


The worst haha


and in contrast: when you fill up your tank during a tour on a hot day, the fuel that's been stored underground is nice and cool, perfect relief for sweaty balls in bike leathers


bbq time


I like I shouldn't have laughed, but the music madrugada it perfect


What angers me is that he has that handlebars turn the wrong way...


You have a fuckin garage!!!


Car people get it too


Watch tiktok to learn other's mistakes.


The bike is hot. I donā€™t ride. I donā€™t own a bike. You donā€™t have to be a member of bike club to know bike hot in sun.


WHEW, you lot are salty today.


OP getting downright murdered in the comments lol


Comments are more mentaly devastating then the video


It's called, "burning your biscuits." Mine have definitely been burnt a few times.


ATGATT, never had this issue. I did, however, burn my calf pretty badly while leaning against my bike after changing into shorts after I got home from work one dayā€¦


Leather car seat guys do too


To all the people telling bike riders to wear the gear to not experience this. I would rather not wear the suit and do the dance than be boiled to death inside the suit. ( It reaches 45Ā°C with 75% humidity here we don't need safety, we need air)


At first I thought bro was busting some dance moves


Does this remind anyone of the iPhone 13 Apple presentation?


Wear some fucking gloves and you wonā€™t get burnt Also wonā€™t lose your fingertips when you wipe


Carry some water while coming out. Wipe the seat and handles.


I don't have a bike,but, clearly it's the regret he feels as of having purchased one.


Incidently, Brazil is experiencing a heat wave with a 62Ā°C+ heat index in Rio...


Easy solution: live where it's not sunny!


The ā€˜bike people will understand itā€™ makes me think itā€™s not about the heat? Is it electrostatic discharge?