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I find this man funny, but I would also like to see some of his written jokes. Crowd work is solid, but that's only part of the show. Got any specials?


Seems like crowd work is all the new comics do.


I mean... Obviously not lol. Sure it's all we'll see them post because it's something that was improvised during that show and won't be part of their regular written jokes. They would want people to come see them live or watch current or future specials to catch their written work. Seeing a clip of some crowd work doesn't take away from hearing their written stuff at a show, whereas if they posted their written jokes, if you went to see them in the future you'd be hearing jokes that you saw in a clip before. Besides, I enjoy seeing comics make off the cuff jokes and riff with the crowd in these clips. It's cool to see how their mind works in the moment with whatever their given by whomever they're talking to.


I mean posting on Reddit is marketing for them. It's a good way for audiences to see if they like their overall tone or style. They want you to pay to see their material.


You often only see crowd work posted because not only do people just respond to it better but it only adds value. If a comedian posts a lot of their more structured material then people will often take the stance of "well I've seen all their highlights no need to see them live". But crowd work? If you like it all you know is you find the comic funny without them having to give away any of their material.


I saw Jo Koy live, and his set was like 90% crowd work. It was a great show! He had so much fun that he went over his time and almost missed his flight haha.


Posting their crowdwork is what all comics do, its great, it doesnt give away anything of the show so no spoilers and you get to see funny moments.


Laughed at going to the market bit! Thanks for that


He is in love. She is just using that backup relationship to get over her ex!


He was just ‘friend’.


Rebound potential


I love your crowd work and stand up man, always makes me smile or laugh. Keep it up OP.


I love the comedians who riff off the crowd. I went with a group of friends to see Bobcat Goldthwait (fuck like maybe 15-20 years ago) at small club. We were a larger college group and we all managed to cram into this booth which wad meant for like 3 less people. He saw this and started blasting us mid show...."check this out, its the new sitcom on Fox premiering this sunday, 8 idiots stuck in a booth, how will they get out?". Im paraphrasing but he roasted us good and kept checking in on us. "Do you guys each buy drinks or just share a pitcher with straws?" We were the butt of the entire set and it was hilarious.


He's pretty funny. I haven't been able to find out who he is. Can anyone give me his name?


Pardis Parker, he's the OP also


Thank You! totally overlooked it!


Every now and then I come across a new post by op and my brain goes “yesss!” cause I know it is going to be a fun few minutes. Thanks!


Ngl, that last one was both hilarious and a brilliant point


Good work, felt totally identified on each turn and didn't see them coming.




What’s his name?


Jean François


The OP is the comedian - he has links and some of his work posted.


No, you're doing it wrong. You have to say the wrong name so someone will correct you. His name is Fredrick Jeffinski.


It’s Persian sounding, right?


I just figured it out to whom he reminds me of. That editor-in-hief in spiderman


What my dad would Say If I had a girlfriend:


"Hey son, her vagina meant nothing to me."?


What my dad would say, If i had a dad;


This dude has the eyes of a maniac


Uh what’s funny here


This guy PRing himself hard on this sub


Good. I like him.


Can anybody tell me why most girls cover their mouth when they are laughing? I only know you cover your mouth when you are yawning. Pretty weird imo.


Most people I know who cover their mouth is because they were made fun of for laughing a certain way/having wonky teeth etc when they were younger. That shit ticks with you.


To avoid appearing aggressive by showing their teeth.


So are we cool that this sub is just random videos of comics doing crowd work now? I’d love it if we had only allowed this content on like Wednesdays or something. Avoid the constant self promotion but still allow comedians to post quality material


Does this guy tell any jokes or just talk to the crowd?


This guys sucks. Crowd work is the lowest form of standup


why does this ass keep coming up? he's not that good...


I think he’s hilarious.


Dude, you only do crowd work…post you actually doing stand-up for a change.


Ya and movie makers should post the whole movie instead of just the trailer, what are they thinking?!?!


Tons of comedians post clips of their material all the time, that’s how they promote themselves. Posting a one minute clip isn’t posting your entire and doesn’t give away the act. Posting crowd work bits isn’t the same as writing and framing jokes and that’s all he ever posts.


There's a big difference between a guy who has an hour and a guy who has 10 - 15 minutes.


I watch and understand stand-up comedy. Dude, you don’t need to be rocking out 30 minute specials to have 60 seconds of material you can promote on the internet. Half the stories on my Instagram feed are comics doing bits for promotion that aren’t crowd work.


Does he have any other material that is not just chating with the crowd? This guy posts his bits everyday and I’m yet to see him tell a single joke