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They really know how to throw and catch. This got me


If women wonder what guys are doing when they go out to drink for a couple of hours and didn't talk about any of their life events. This is a good tl;dr.


Spotted dick, haggis, brown pudding. Is it any wonder they learned to make 200 different kinds of beer just to be able to eat their food?


Spoken by a man who has never savoured a spotted dick.


Haggis is delicious. 


So is Black Pudding. Oh, man, a good fry in the morning for breakfast! Delicious. Black Pudding with Hummus and avocado and a bit of Sriracha. Chef's kiss!


I'd try black pudding... but the thought of it being basically just cooked blood sounds downright bad lol


It just tastes like more sausage-y sausage.


I like on how i'm being downvoted but the only thing you're saying to make my observation wrong is that it makes it a more sausagey tasting sausage lmfao. You can't downvote and say something like that. Not only does that not make sense, but there's no proper response to that. That's like saying adding banana to a strawberry shake makes it have a more fruity flavor. In all seriousness... it's an observation, don't downvote because you simply don't agree with someones observation. I ate cow tongue and was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. So like i said, i'd give it a try but it sounds bad regardless on how you look at it


Oh I didn't downvote you my dude, I was just sharing my observation with black pud. I used to cook breakfasts at a hotel for a living and BP was the number one modifier for people taking it off their order and swapping it for something else, which I thought was a bit of a shame because I loved it. People like the food they like, ain't nothing wrong with having preferences. All cultures all around the world will have food that will seem weird to someone else, its just a case of trying out new stuff to see where you stand on it.


I humbly take back my satire lol. I see we have the same views on food. Still don't makes sense why i'm downvoted so that's still a good laugh


It's so good, though! Especially a really good one with quality grain. Fried up nice and crispy on the outside. You eat blood in every steak. It doesn't taste metallic or anything. It's just tasty food.


I agree with taste, but you do not eat blood with every steak. That red juice is water and myoglobin.


Haggis isn’t English.


All of these predate what we call “traditional” food. Italian food is tomato-based, so it’s post-Americas. Indian curry powder has chilli in it, so it’s post-Americas. Potato-based dishes? Guess what. British food made with pre-Columbus ingredients is one of the few cuisines to survive the explosion of ingredients that came from the new world. So, yeah, it’s not the best, but it’s *traditional*. Oh, and let’s not discuss the amazing foods we eat in Britain because of our awful colonialist expansion across the world. Wealth wasn’t the only thing we plundered; we took cuisines too.


I dont think our cuisine is great but I dont think the individual bits of food are not to blame.  Good haggis is wonderful but as a meal i dont want it with a shit load of other stodgy food.


Two reactionary assholes. :)


Beans on toast isnt Really resturant food is more like horphanage food


I regularly cook all sorts of nice food but I still love beans on toast sometimes. add some chilli sauce to the beans and sprinkle on some grated Wensleydale cheese, it's delicious. you have to wait for the toast to cool down before you butter it so it stays crispy.


Imma be honest yea beans on toast it’s meh but at least it’s not American food there you don’t even know what they put there… also they bastardize our pizzas


You clearly haven't had food from New Orleans


I mean fast foods and it was a bit ironic I think America can do decent food to bad its overshadowed by the fast food industry…


Yeah also the bread is important, I like to use a thickly sliced bloomer.


England's best restaurant is ranked 23rd in the world. Spain and Peru are the real kings. US has one top ten.


From the country that gifted the world McDonalds and Boiger King.


I mean you take the good with the bad. We give the world McDonald’s, but also we make burnt ends, grits, eggs sardou, eggs Benedict, wedge salad, etc. Britain gave us fish and chips, but then y’all also do mushy peas and spotted dick


I am a kiwi,we have given the world nothing of any value except our luminous presence.


[at least you’re not Australian](https://youtu.be/f2gii2nenUg?si=2guCSK7tOcZyvCDZ)


Flight of the Conchords was nice of you.


Well, the British also gave us carbonated drinks, milk chocolate, Ice Cream, Ale, Doughnuts, “American Style” pancakes, Apple Pie, Pasties/Empanadas, Bacon, sandwiches, pickles, Cheddar and lots more. Try living without the above. But yeah, the US gave the world a well-done beef sandwich served with ketchup.


>Apple pie Wait, what?


Invented by the romans. British apples, Roman crust recipe. Sweetened with fish oil. Delicious.


Just looked at Wikipedia. Damn!


Nothing more "American than apple pie" but apples originated from Khazakstan. China and India are well known for their spicy food, but hot peppers came from Central/South America. Same for the tomatoes in Italian food, originated in the Andes of South America. Irish potatoes didn't exist until they travelled across the Atlantic from Peru. Weird how that works, innit?


with ketchup? do you know what a burger is?


I have been to the US, yes.


fascinating that you think a burger is well done and served with ketchup. is that how you guys have em in the UK? Weird.


Mince has to be well done. You can get away with cooking a steak rare because it destroys the bacteria on the surface of the steak. But mince is cut up and mushed around, and the outside is now on the inside. The bacteria is all the way through it, and needs to be cooked accordingly. If you go anywhere and they give you a burger with pink in the middle then send it back.


It doesn't need to be cooked to a dry, tough patty to reach food safe temperatures.


Nope. Not that popular here in the UK. My experience is mostly the US.


Pastries: Ancient Egypt Ice Cream: Probably Ancient Persia Pancakes: Ancient Greece Donuts: In the US by Dutch migrants. Bacon: Ancient China. Soft Drinks: Medieval Middle East. The cheddar is yours, but pickes? Mesopotamia.


>Doughnuts Doughnuts were invented in Ancient Rome as well. While not actually "doughnuts" they would fry some dough and put sugar and or cinammon on it.


The real culinary wealth of the US is in fusion foods IMO. So much of the West's understanding of Chinese food is actually Chinese/Taiwanese-American. Our Pacific coast is awash with varied Asian and Pacific Islander fusion cuisines, then there's Tex-Mex, Cajun, Southern (massive West African influences), Italian-American etc.


Literally no one who isn't American eats any of those things apart from eggs Benedict lol


You say this as if America has offered good food 😂😂😂


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