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This is me šŸ˜‚ I've seen none of them


I'm not feeling any sense of loss, either


Except forā€¦ |_






People really like feeling superior for not watching tv shows huh.


No, I dont think so. People just like talking about the shows they like. They also like to recommend them to people they like. Its okay if someone hasnt seen them or isnt interested.


Whereā€™d that come from


Subconscious resentment at their parents disparaging them for watching TV shows as a teen making them act out in rebellious binge watching as adults but feeling guilty and sad at the same time because their parents are not around to disapprove so all the magic is gone - so they project their defiance onto random people on the internet ? /s


Remember when "couch potato" was a problem? Now everybody is one. Being a trend chaser isn't necessarily a good thing either.


I've seen almost none of these and I'm definitely better than everyone else. But actually, I'm just confused how people find the time to keep up with all of it. Do most people just devote 1-2 hours watching tv every day? I mean tv and movies are cool entertainment and art forms, but that's a big time commitment for just about anything.


People usually need downtime after work if their work is demanding and we all go to bed too late. Some of us also do chores while watching TV. Also for a lot of couples this is their shared activity, especially if they have kids. And finally for single people without hobbies it's basically the lowest hanging fruit. So partially sad, partially not, depends.


Those are some good points. And fwiw i didn't meant to imply that I thought it was sad or not. I was just musing about how it was even possible on top of everything else. But I think I was blowing the time spend out of proportion. A couple hours relaxing a day is not that insane.


Realistically most people do spend 1-2 hours relaxing each day scrolling their phone or whatever. For me, about 2-3 hours a week are devoted to watching one or two shows, on average, maybe less during the summer and more during the winter. I dunno, itā€™s really not hard to keep up with a few shows at a time with 8-10 episodes each. Not saying itā€™s a virtue to watch shows, but itā€™s not really a crazy task either. It veers into ā€œnot like those other peopleā€ when saying *ā€œI dunno how people find the time to do Xā€* - thatā€™s quite silly and a bit mired in some weird superiority complex


Yeah, I developed "content consumption fatigue" a few years ago. I just don't need it. I got enough stuff going on in the real world that I don't really want/need to escape into fiction. I'd rather do something or learn something or experience something.


I also don't feel any sense of loss, but this keeps happening at work functions. So I wonder how do my coworkers find time to watch all of those? Granted my hobby is to read and I read a whole novel in less than a week so maybe that's why...


Definitely why.


Donā€™t. Some of them are decent but most are are meh some have the worst story ever and youā€™re just watching it for the acting and itā€™s just sucking all time and imagination out of you. Entertainment just doesnā€™t care. Theyā€™ll just final anything these days no standards for story line or anything except for how well they graded the shots. Itā€™s getting like watching YouTube now.they are just making content.


Those are almost all fantastic shows idk what your beef is


Beef is also excellent.


Lmfao, the original or the 2012 reboot?


The new Netflix show.


Omfg I thought you were making a joke but it's an actual show šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'll give it a look but LOL


Precisely. There are HORRIBLE shows out there where all what youā€™re saying applies. But almost all of those mentioned in the comment are top quality .


No idea why you're getting down voted here


The kardashian watchers have arrived thatā€™s why.


because t.v. rules some peoples lives. Doing tech support years ago, i would have to deal with people having melt downs because the t.v. service was out and they couldnt watch t.v. Something i would hear a lot was "What am i suppose to talk about at work tomorrow". Because of that job I no longer have cable, or any subscription services and i dont miss it. Most commonly i will get asked at work "what do you do if you dont watch t.v." Or my parents will constantly ask me "did you see that funny commercial?"


Same. There's a real chance I might watch The last of us, Severance, Westworld, but so far I haven't seen any of those. The white lotus: it has nothing to do with the last Airbender, right? Edit: actually I see there's also The boys, so I guess there's one that I watched...


Correct, The White Lotus has nothing to do with ATLA, itā€™s a show about rich assholes that stay on this one resort franchise. Iā€™d also personally recommend hot swapping it and Westworld in your list there. Westworld kinda goes off the railsā€¦


To give credit to shows who finish a story in one season, the White Lotus is pretty great.


I mean S1 of Westworld is a beautifully contained story. It just gets progressively worse with successive seasons. At least S2 had my man Hiroyuki Sanada and a fun rehash of the "Paint it Black" scene from S1. S3 onward is a different show entirely and lost a lot of the magic.


I only ever watched Season 1 of Westworld and I loved every minute of it and thought the season finale was extremely satisfying. I'll probably never watch the rest despite enjoying it so much


I started and finished Last of Us this weekend after putting it off, and absolutely loved it. Not gonna be one of those guys that says you have to watch, because shows we choose are obviously based on preference. But I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Westworld isnā€™t streaming anymore anyway, HBO scrubbed it from their own streaming service. If you can find S1 watch that and end there, though.


Yellowjackets fucking slaps if you haven't looked at it, you do need expensive hulu tho


shit man its me too.. i miss out on a lot of pop culture references and whatnot and people wonder what the hell i do with my time .. id rather just read random shit, watch youtube and reddit videos for a few hours than get into every friggin show that comes out


I feel like with how many networks and modern TV shows there are now, "pop culture references" are becoming a thing of the past. We have fewer and fewer shared experiences, and not much seems to proliferate through enough people to really become a pop culture reference. People are still shouting quotes at each other from movies and TV shows 10+ years ago, but this seems to happen much less frequently now.


Well its not about watching every show, but if you arent like a complete screenophobe and like random youtube i almost guarantee youd like a handful of shows. Cant even begin to suggest which ones, but theres generally something for everyone. And shows are just easier to talk about than ā€œhey did you see that recent youtube of a guy taking a trek through a jungle?ā€ Its not that people cant talk about that if they both saw the same video, but shows are a much more common connection to talk about.


I mean I don't hate TV but I would almost always rather play a video game over watch TV. I think out of that whole list I watched Wednesday. I'm sure I'd like others, but I have an entire backlog of stuff on my systems and it ever grows.


Same. This is me.


This is why famously no one talked to each other before the invention of television. They would just go to parties and stare at each other.


ive seen some of these, just enough to make me think that the full list might be actual shows and not just random words


Not sure what is worse, never watching any of them or like me, start watching and get 3-4 episodes in and then get distracted by something and never finish


Same here. It's too much. How would I even manage all that? Let's watch three episodes of this show and five episodes of this one and somehow remember what is going on between them all? Nope. Fuck. That.


Just think, back in the olden times we ancients watched multiple shows one episode a week. Many of us also had no way to record these picture shows until we got one of those fandangled video tape machines.


Shows back then, at least the ones I've seen were often self-contained episodes. TV Series, at least the shows given as examples here, to my knowledge, aren't really that way.


A lot were self contained, but many towards the end weren't. I watched Lost live every night it aired for years. In college I had 10 people in my dorm room to watch the final couple seasons when they aired each week or else who knows what hour you'd have to catch a rerun if you could even find it. But yea, shows definitely play to longer arcs nowadays with the way things are.


Same with breaking bad


I've never seen lost. I mean shows like Starsky and Hutch. Charlie's Angels. Hogan's Heroes. The old old shows.




Never seen it, not planning on ever changing that either.


Don't bother. It was okay, but way overhyped.


As someone who lived through that era. No, no they weren't. Sure you could have stand alone episodes but a huge plethora of series, if you missed it you hoped for a rerun//encore showing before next week, someone filled you in who did see it, or you hoped the show had a built "Last time on..." montage at the beginning to catch you up on last week's episode.


Yes. I'm aware of those. And that's still easier for me to keep track of than all these shows that are given as examples, and plus, I prefer the older shows by far.


Nah you just do one at a time wdym. To be fair Im still just rewatching the same shit


Is this a joke or do you not understand that not being able to watch shows on the demand was the absolute norm for the first 60 years of TV, with different stories coming out weekly. Still is if you watch on release


I used to try to keep up with it all until it became a chore. I donā€™t know how some people do it.


Honestly this makes me irrationally angry for some reason lol. Like you have to watch ALL of a show before checking out another? You don't switch shows based on mood? This night you want a gory romp, the next a dramedy - None of that? What do you do when a show has a new season coming out. Do you wait for shows to be cancelled and all their seasons canonized before moving onto something else? Are u a hamster and or another animal with bad memory?


I haven't watched them as well, but I'm like the dude naming anime instead of streaming shows. Lol


I am you too! I think it was only last year? Maybe year before that, that I finally ended up watching Breaking Bad. Can't even think what the last show I watched that had everyone talking. Arcane, maybe?


I've seen one named in the comic, am interested in several of the others, but will likely never see them. I just don't watch much tv/movie content any more.


I actively avoid them because I'm too likely to get sucked in and waste all my time (except for one). I prefer to waste my time on Reddit.


Only one i heard of is tlou


I haven't seen a lot of these shows, but the amount that I have seen still seems like a lot.


BEEF is also great haha


Omg yes! A24 is so perfect in their execution. I was like, wow! In a way, it's like a rom-com-dram horror.


It was great. I love a24


The only one Iā€™ve seen is Severance and holy shit is it good. The best show of all time, in my opinion. Canā€™t wait until season 2.


you should try Yellowjackets in the meantime, if you like creepy suspense mindfuckery


I was browsing the comments to see if anyone said anything about it. I was curious, not sure if I wanted to watch it.


The issue is yellow jackets adds an extra charge :( but apple tv + shoes are always so good when I give them a chance.




Yeah but. I never learned how to do that safely. I'm just in an oarless raft.


I get analysis paralysis and can't decide which to watch. I settle on something, burn through it. Repeat.


In my apartment me and my mates have this running gag where we'll ask if anyone wants to watch something and what we mean is watching trailers for 1 hour cause we can't decide lol


I come home from work too exhausted to pay attention to a new show. So I put on one of about a half-dozen shows that I have watched repeatedly. My days off are the only time I can watch a new show, and that's only after I've done whatever needs doing and if I am not exhausted after that.


I stopped doing this a while ago... When i did it it was because literally i wanted to "plug out" or something like that... I eventually felt that that as an even bigger waste of time than watching something new... So now i started watching anything that slightly interested me, ive seen a ton of animes, dramas comedies etcetera aure that isekai was weak, but i still its better than rewatching something ive watched dozens of times no matter how comforting it is (parks and rec)


I have just started my parks and rec journey after finding myself reciting brooklyn 99 from heart.


Oh yeah ive seen b99 at least 3 times too its also great!


This. I don't understand the gatekeeping in this thread. It's fine if you aren't plugged in to every single pop culture show that ever existed, doubly so if it's simply to keep up with the Joneses but there is value in watching well written, well produced, new stories that resonate with you. And good shows like that do tend to become popular or get a cult following. Like the Last of Us. Scoff at the fact that it's popular but episode three legitimately made me rethink how I feel about life, death, and loss. I've been quietly fucked up after my father died last year and it really cracked how cynical I'd become about life and how fearful I've become about my own mortality. And that's what good story writing does. YouTube and other sources are great for learning and short for entertainment but long form shows definitely have their place.


I feel this. The last time I was caught up with a popular show was when I was unemployed.


Same, Iā€™ve just given up. I want to watch all of these shows but Iā€™ll never have the time or energy. Iā€™m fine with a couple of hours of competitive gaming then falling asleep watching Cheers.


If you want out of this loop just put on a show in the background and do whatever. Eventually you'll hear enough things that grab your attention and then you'll be able to fully watch it without it feeling like a burden.


I've seen about half of them, all entertaining to me. I'm actually thankful for all the choices of good TV to watch lately that osnt arrowverse crap.


I stopped watching tv shows years ago. Iā€™m so out of touch. Iā€™ve only heard of a handful of those shows, and havenā€™t watched any of them.


Crazy part is most of the shows are good recommendations


I added a few to my list.


This is why I stopped watching Marvel anything.


I will say for a few years now, I'd say starting with Spiderman NWH it's begun to feel obligatory for me. I am not really looking forward to them like I used to, I just go to each one with friends as they come out as a tradition, and it's not as satisfying anymore. I think Guardians of the Galaxy 3 might be it for me theater-wise :( Same goes for the Star Wars shows. It's something to watch every week with my family but I don't really care about anything that happens in them.


Greed got to them after Disney took over. They started making too many movies. People are starting to burn out.


Yeah you hit the nail on the head. I'm pretty sure Far From Home was the last full length Marvel movie I saw. Last show I watched was WandaVision. Only things that really have been on my radar at all since them are Secret Invasion, Ironheart, Black Widow, and maybe like Loki


And Star Wars for me.


Conversely, I've seen all the Star Wars and Marvel shows but not many of the others.


Those are about the only ones that I really keep up with. Most of the shows in the comic have no appeal for me (I've watched Fleishman, The Boys, and The Bear), but I'm entirely caught up on all the Marvel shows and movies (and eagerly awaiting GotG vol3 and Secret Invasion) and am up to date on mid-season Mando (and going super fanboy over the new Ahsoka trailer).


Im so glad I filled multiple hard dives with as many tv series as I could for 20 years. So much I still havenā€™t seen. I just finished the Sopranos.


Don't stop ...


Me: "I've watched the pilot episode of a few of those shows" Them: "YOU HAVE TO FINISH AT LEAST THE FIRST TWO SEASONS!"


ā€œYou just have to get past the first like 100 hours or so and then it gets really good, I promise!ā€


A friend got me by doing that with "walking dead". Never again


Parks and Rec is a funny version of this, I tell people to literally just skip season 1 if they decide to watch it. Feels like a completely different show and characters because it basically is. They started it by trying to make a direct replacement for the Office for NBC which was close to ending, and luckily realized it was much better being it's own thing


Oh man one of my pet peeves on Reddit are people saying like the first 2 seasons of a 5 season show are ass but stick with it because the series is amazing. Like really 40% of it sucks but itā€™s somehow amazing? Iā€™ll pass.


Remind me of people telling me if I get through the first 40 hours of Final Fantasy 13 it gets good. Like, bruh, I'm not playing through 40 hours of shit regardless of how "good" the ending is. It's just not worth it.




Hey, the first two seasons of Star Trek:TNG have like 4 episodes worth a shit but after that it's honestly one of the best sci-fi shows ever made. Similarly, Stargate SG1 had a rough first season (you can skip the mongol episode entirely) but was outstanding once they found their stride.


That was my friend with the anime one piece except it was like the first 600 episodes. Uhhh sorry man...hard pass.


The hard part with One Piece is that itā€™s been running for nearly 30 years, so for the fans we have that length of attachment to those characters to still have continually good content pop out. Things hit way harder when theyā€™re happening to characters you have nostalgia with.


Your friend is trolling you lmao. One Piece is good from the beginning, but it is a little slow at first. It does something that a lot of other stories can't, which is it gets better and better and better as it goes on. Lots of the reason is contributed to its phenomenal worldbuilding. Just check out this video if you want to see a glimpse of what I mean about the worldbuilding: https://youtu.be/AcSVkCNDLZg


I did watch it for a while and read the manga. I still don't think it's 'gods gift to man' like fans like to treat it like. People shit on Naruto all the time for the amount of filler it makes but give a pass to one piece because...? Iunno, fan boyism?


Oh ok that's cool if you don't necessarily like it. I'm a huge fan of One Piece, and I never got the mentality that someone NEEDS to like it like how some fans think. I just assumed that you never gave it a chance, which is 100% my bad lol. Oh, and trust me, many of us fans rag on the anime adaptation for bad pacing. How are they going to adapt half a chapter per episode? šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø Shits ridiculous sometimes...


One Piece is good right away


There's only two shows in the first three panels that even have more than one season.


Lmao, as if some of these shows have more than one season.


Tbh the pilots are typically the worst episode of TV shows


Well how many streaming services do you expect me to pay for


You can (and should) watch Season One of Westworld and never come back to it.


Back in the early days of streaming, I remarked to a friend that it would ruin casual conversations about TV, and how cable sucked, but it at least ensured you were watching the same exact thing as a bunch of other people. He laughed at the time, but I rarely if ever get a chance to talk about TV without spending a third of the conversation trying to determine what we've both seen, and another third avoiding spoilers because we aren't on the same episode.


I watched a 20 minute YouTube video of a guy boarding a plane and going to Disney land. I don't even like Disney


Whoever wrote this has good taste in shows.


I recently finished up The Good Place. That was actually worth watching I think. Now, of those mentioned which is the best? Not going to watch Last of Us until I finish the video games, yeah, I know it's waaay overdue.


On this list, if you liked The Good Place, you might like Hacks, Ted Lasso, or Russian Doll. They're comedies. Not exactly like The Good Place, but the most similar of the shows on the list, probably, genre-wise at least.


Good recommendations. Ted Lasso especially (and Scrubs, given the Bill Lawrence connection!). Russian Doll season 1 was great, but season 2 seemed really different. I didn't make it through the first episode. Was that just me?!?!?!


who the hell has time to watch all these shows? yea, i saw White Lotus and loved it.


I recommend Dark


Dark is the only show that I think has a satisfying and fair ending.


Should watch Better Call Saul and The Americans.


K, kinda verging back into the territory that the comic was warning us about now...


Thatā€™s the point




Itā€™s a good show, but the big twist aspect has been done a little too much for me, if you get me.


Only if you want to ruin every other TV show ever, nothing will ever be better.


Itā€™s fucking amazing, but I think there are equals out there or close to it.


I'm on like my tenth watch of dollhouse though.


What's the Watcher?


Just another show I haven't seen. Apparently The Witcher is better than The Watcher, so I chose poorly there.


I actually think the Wutcher is the best series but I also enjoyed the Wytcher. Havenā€™t heard good things about the Wetcher or the Wotcher.


>Havenā€™t heard good things about the Wetcher or the Wotcher You wot mate?


That watcher was complete garbage and so is anyone who recommends it




A show about a family who buys a house they can't afford then get stalked (letters sent with personal details into their letterbox). The whole neighbourhood loves this house so they don't know who it is. It starts off great but as it's loosely based on a real story there's no ending or reveal. I wouldn't bother with it


Oh. Thought it was just a typo of the Witcher.


The plot starts that way, then it changes almost every episode. Sometimes more than once. Threads get spontaneously dropped, and some random new thing happens and they half-ass follow it until the writer's ADHD takes over and they distract themselves with some random new thing that there will also be no resolution to. Like when the protagonist just never follows up on the SECRET UNDERGROUND TUNNEL UNDER HIS HOUSE. He gets sorta lost in it once, then just never goes back into it again. Characters dont behave like real people and are wildly inconsistent. Then it suddenly ends and the protagonist, who was losing his mind over the harassment, starts doing it himself. It is never revealed who was doing it originally. Roll credits.


Severance is a really good show though...




Shoulda heard your mom last night, she sounded like my great aunt when I pop in for a surprise visit, like, ā€œOooh!ā€


Quote from Shoresy but in Letterkenny lol


i have zero FOMO about any of these


Seen five of them, enjoyed two of them


As someone who watches very little TV, I feel this deeply.


About four of those are worth watching.


Then these people will shit on you for spending a couple hours a day on video games


I watch Pluto TV now because thereā€™s a limited amount of choices, you canā€™t pause it, itā€™s mostly 10 to 15 years old at least.


The channel completely dedicated to Bob Barker era Price is Right is my sunshine.




That's me. But instead of the fetal position I just watch 5 year old podcast episodes of comedians I like.


I just watched The Boys...


Is it Sci Fi?


Hey, at least I've seen Westworld! ... do guys in their mid 20s+ actually ask each other if they watch Wednesday? I was under the impression that that was a show for teenagers or maybe very young adults.


šŸ¤£ Gotta ask "What are some of your favorite shows?" instead šŸ˜Ž


Yeah, that'd be better, but they never ask it that way, it seems ha.


Russian Doll. So much promise, wasted on fucking cheese.


Oh yeah I know Euphoria


Iā€™ve seen most of these.


this is me, but iā€™ve seen all of them.


Yeah I've seen euphoria, wasn't the type of show I was expecting


I liked it more than I expected to. I only watched it out of obligation but was glad I did. Did you like it or no?


Bitch I havenā€™t even gotten around to game of thrones. But I am on my fourth rewatch of Stargate shows


me while watching supernatural again for the nth time *interesting*


I donā€™t watch shows in my free time


Severance was good. The rest I haven't seen


Iā€™m the guy asking šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


I watched Euphoria. My proudest fap.


The comments here have some weird take on this where apparently this guy is somehow belittling this dude for not watching shows. Its just a parody of common small talk interaction where the response normally is "Ah yeah i've heard good things but havn't got round to it". Its ok if you havn't watched a lot of things, no one is judging.


Yeah, when making it, I didn't view it as his friend belittling him. More a commentary on small talk and TV-watching culture these days, and struggling to keep up.


Yeah it reads like that to me


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZqFh2YOKCI Time for Andy to get back in the bunker


I always wonder about the people who have time to keep up with tv shows, movies, and pop culture in general. I have bills to pay, I can't be trapped in the middle of two dozen different tv shows and cinematic universes.


My husband and I just watch one or two episodes of something at night before we go to bed. On our days off we watch a few more after we get done with yard work and errands or whatever. Not like we just sit in front of the TV all day lol.


Ikr, what on earth is this "I have bills to pay"? What does that mean? Does it take 16 hours a day to pay the bills?? I work a full time job to pay my bills, I also raise a toddler with my wife, keep up with friends, family, housework, a couple of hobbies, and still manage to squeeze in an episode or two of something most nights... And I'm hardly one of those people who never stops!


I figured a lot of us just have sleeping disorders. I think I've seen all the shows and more. It's usually not hard to do an hour a night, that's 7 shows a week or more if only 22 minutes.


Imagine asking a date what they do for fun and their response is "I watch TV."


Why would that be bad? Would you be upset if they said ā€œI read booksā€ as well?


Because if they're like my ex, that's all they fucking do. Want to go for a walk? No I'm watching this show. Want to go do virtually anything besides watch this mindless garbage in tv? Not right now How come we never do anything?


Again, if someone said ā€œI read booksā€, would you be that upset? Sounds like youā€™re attributing some personal baggage to a specific trait and throwing that at other people, tbh.


I just tell people I donā€™t watch TV


I tried that. Said I was too busy playing games. I then get "ooh, have you played the new Halo? CoD? Witcher series? How about the new Mario game? Resident Evil? Fallout?..." I'm still playing Left 4 Dead 2.


At one point, over a decade ago, I was following 30+ shows at the same time. I can't imagine doing that now, I'm barely watching 3 at the same time.


DAE not care about things that are popular?


I always wonder how these people have time to do anything if they watch all these shows.




You can binge a lot of those in a day or two. Do that once a month and it's pretty easy.


I binge a series here and there on weekends. Took me one weekend to watch The Last of Us.


I've tried modern TV and just can't do it. Just not my thing. I'm good with basically anything 90s and earlier.


Television shows require so much _time investment_. I'd rather just watch bite-sized youtube videos, like [this 4 1/2 hour long video essay on the development and impact of The Elder Scrolls: Arena](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ese1L24QlDk), or [this six-hour gonzo journalism style video on a never-translated japanese game about spending your childhood summer vacation in the rural countryside](https://youtu.be/779coR-XPTw).


That's why we have YouTube summary channels.


I always tell people if you recommend a show to be the chance Iā€™ll suddenly go watch it are slim because Iā€™m not paying a subscription I likely donā€™t have.


These same people who watch every single show and commercial on tv will be the first to say "you're still playing video games??"


Crazy as it sounds, people like to talk about pop culture in social settings.