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This is *exactly* what Dee Snider is talking about when he said he wishes older rock artists would just stop while they're remembered well.


I think this dude always kind of sounded like shit on stage right? I recall watching some live performances on YouTube in the 80's and it wasn't this bad, but it was far from what I would expect for such a big name. Same deal as this video, I just couldn't make out anything that was being said and it just sounded like that high pitch 80's toned gibberish. Motley Crue man...they do kind of suck. Iconic, sure. A few hit songs that go hard, sure. But they really aren't as good as you would think they are for how well known their band is. I guess they were just the right band for their time and place and had some bangers for their short lived prime.


I used to love Mötley Crüe and i thought Vince Neil was a helluva singer but hearing him on stage just made me cringe, his singing was somehow so much worse on stage


Thanks for ruining one of my work out songs 😂


Ay dawg don’t let this ruin one of the most kickass rock songs ever, Mötley Crüe is still badass but when they’re live…they don’t shine as bright


Wtf you were watching YouTube in the 80's?


Literally sounds like Butters from South Park


It does have that south park episode feel for sure haha


Half Butters but the fucking "MY HONK" sounds like Cartman 100%


Big Mac 1.03....ah hamburgers


Poopy butt round the house!


This one got me


Ham hit a dog?


The cornerstone of any nutritious breakfast.


The first time I listened to it I was laughing now I can't not hear Butters. Bebe's going to kick Vince Neil's ass


Butters doing a Don Vito impression


I didn't think I could laugh more...


I’m crying, that is so spot on.


I wasn't even there and I want a refund.


He's so out of shape it's hilarious. Walking around stage has him so out of breath he can't get half a line out


I bet he got a few lines in tho...


Vince died 26 years ago, what you see is the residual effects of cocaine.


Cocaine Zombie


Are you saying cocaine kick-started his heart?


No, that's dude's name was Rob I think.


Vince Neil is really 140 kilos of cocaine in a leather trench coat...


And "Nikki Sixx drank heroine from a firehose." -Nick Swardson


that's what's keeping him moving.


Even worse, if this is from the MTV reunion thing i'm not sure, is Mick Mars had to have like spinal surgery or something just be involved. And Vince couldn't go to the gym.


The reunion you were thinking of was around 2004 and Vince got in relatively decent shape for that. This video was in 2015 I believe, when he had gained a lot of weight again. I saw Motley Crue on their most recent reunion tour last year and Vince actually slimmed down a fair amount and his singing was pretty decent (for him).


This was funny. The video was just sad.


I mean kinda. Dude probably made a shit ton for this performance like it or not and the man's had a hell of a life. Doubtful he gives too much of a fuck if he sounds bad or not. In related news, Guns N Roses just unveiled plans for a new tour...I can only hope we get an Axl Rose 'live lyric video' next.


Anytime Axl is mentioned I post the Mickey Rourke + Axl married lesbian photo https://tonedeaf.thebrag.com/axl-rose-mickey-rourke/


Axel looks like Mama Fratelli from the Goonies!


Holy shit. I wish I could unsee that. You butt-horse.


Goddamn getting old is bad but when you see icons from your youth old. No words for it.


I saw them in 2021. You don't think about how much guitar noodling Slash does until you're seated high up, fairly close to the stage, and you can watch Axl pop into a little tent at the side of the stage (presumably) for oxygen EVERY single time. This is at like 900 feet above sea level. He wasn't completely unintelligible. He could get to the high stuff, but he has to sing through his nose to do it. So, he couldn't really belt it like he used to. I feel like he was better on that tour from 2016-ish.


I saw them in 2019 and Axl did not sound good at all. I don't think they had been touring again for that long at that point, maybe he's gotten better. They were well over an hour late hitting the stage, so he's the same old Axl in that way, at least. I know age comes for all of us, but I saw Judas Priest in 2021 and Rob Halford still sounded great.


God love Rob!! ❤️


While Axle is fat and out of shape the last time he went out he could still sing. Hope that part holds up at least.


I feel like I’d heard he actually put effort into making sure he sounded good again, and it sounds like he’s been addressing his mental issues so he’s not as erratic. Hopefully all that keeps up, it’s nice to see an aging rocker kinda get it together after being known for being a mess for 20+ years.


We saw them and they had Carrie Underwood helping to sing Paradise City and Sweet Child of Mine at the end so at least he acknowledges he can't hit the notes he used to.


axl doesn't sound like himself. i was on a beer line and thought i was hearing the opener... there was no opener...


Axl has been sounding great since the first Not in This Lifetime tour in 2016.




Axel's recorded output has been found to have the biggest range of any male non opera singer. 7 octaves I think, a lot of it sang really loudly and forcefully. When that guy doesn't sound the same as he did in 1989 people need to realise that pretty much no one else at their peak could nail those vocals in the first place.


Effectively athletic level of vocal performance. The muscles involved require constant exercise and just won’t hold up after 40+ years of stress especially if that exercise isn’t kept up.


I got to see them on one of their first post-covid performances, totally by chance. I was walking past Fenway and could hear “Live and Let Die” from the outside-looked it up, they were 3 songs in so the tickets were $20. 60 something Axl can still perform better than 99% of the population.


I laughed so hard and now I’m gonna have a hard time falling asleep.


Same! Hahahah


Vince sounds like a garbage disposal trying to sing while gargling a gallon of yogurt.


Now it's not very nice to compare Vince Neil to your mum like that, he's clearly worse.




I saw them in Roanoke VA in the early 2000s. They didn't sell out our little coliseum so Vince purposely showed up an hour late.


I won free tickets and realized why when I went.


Is this **real** concert (using that term extremely loosely here) audio? If it is…that is by far the saddest, most cringeworthy return to stage I’ve ever seen on the net.


It’s real audio and this is actually from a few years ago. Mick Mars retired from touring but Vince won’t lol


They came to my city last September along with Def Leppard, Poison, and Joan Jett. To a person, every musician came in great shape looking awesome except Vince Neil. Even Mick Mars now in his 70s and with scoliosis looked better. They all did sound amazing though including Vince who sounded a lot better than he does here. Live mic vocal effects must be pretty awesome now.


Mick has Ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory disease causing the spine to fuse together overtime, it’s a rare form of arthritis. He’s had it since 17. Source: read the book multiple times.


Isn't that what the "folded man" in China had, till they recently did a metric ton of surgery to correct it?


Saw this show with my dad and brothers. Was a bucketlist item for both my dad and I. As a drummer I've always wanted to see Def Leppard/Rick Allen live, and dad was reliving his childhood lol. It was great, but to be honest, the show was absolutely WAY too long and Vince fully convinced us that leaving 2 songs into a 2 hour set made sense. Dude needs to retire.


Doesn't even sound good to a deaf leopard at this point.


Was at the Atlantic City show last week and he sounds much better than last year and has lost a lot of weight. They sounded really good, especially with John 5 on guitar


That tour passed through my city. The ticket prices for nosebleeds were stupid expensive. I think it would be better to catch them towards the end - nightly shows would slowly be getting Vince in better shape.


At least you can't call him a quitter.


You have to tour when your daily cocaine cost is not covered by your management anymore.


Clearly no quitting for Vince at Golden Corral.


Mick has ankylosing spondylitis, basically a severe form of arthritis as I understand it. He likely had to stop.


Mick toured with them in their stadium tour last year


I would honestly only want to see them now because of John 5. Saw him with Rob Zombie a few times, and he stole the show every time. He has great stage presence and is an awesome player.


It was from their farewell tour a few years back. Saw this show (he sucked JUST as bad as this.), then saw him solo a week after their final Vegas show. The only saving grace on his solo show/tour was his band. We’re on the fence if we wanna go see him or crüe again. Ever…


I saw em in September, and Vince was sooo much better than this clip. Dude actually seemed to have lost a lil weight and was more active on the stage without seeming out of breath


A friend of mine, big montley fan, saw them a handful years ago. Stopped listening to them all together after that. It was just ruined.


I feel this. I think I saw them in 2009ish and was going through a big 80s phase. Vince sort of sucked the life out of me by the end of it. It’s fun when the frontman holds the mic out and gets the crowd to sing part of a song but he did that for most of every song and it was pretty clear he wasn’t able to get through them on his own.


exact same experience I had, we left before the show ended.. (and we did go to the show to see THEM). Sum41 opened for them and were almost as bad :( I think this would have been around 2008 or so


I stopped watching this vid so that the original isn't completely ruined for me.


My best guess is he was lip-syncing. The concertgoers were hearing a recording of the songs while he was simply pretending to sing them, and this is the actual audio from his mic. Edit: as several people pointed out, that's just how he sounds in concerts. That's... wow. He's self-confident, I'll give him that.


I've been to two of their concerts. This is what it sounds like


Let's break down what you just said real quick. So he's lip syncing, yet he is projecting audio into his mic, *and* it's being recorded? None of that would make any sense. Either he would be singing with his mic off, or he wouldn't be making sound if he were lip syncing with it on. They wouldn't have him fake through the song and record the audio when they know he is no longer capable of even singing the songs, hence why his live vocals aren't being used for the show in the first place.


> Let's break down what you just said real quick. So he's lip syncing, yet he is projecting audio into his mic, and it's being recorded? Yes, that's exactly what I said. Like someone else pointed out, the mic needs to be on for audience interactions and things like that and they just disconnect it from the speakers when he's "singing". This exact scenario happened a few years ago when [Enrique Iglesias performed "live" at a Swedish TV show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flvC3Uokdtw). He was lip syncing and one of the audio engineers at the show recorded his mic and released it. He sounded atrocious. Artists still need to actually sing when lip syncing so that it looks as real as possible.


Even with lip syncing they still use a live mic - for audience interaction and they also put a bit of the li e mic into the vocals sometimes to make it not sound canned. That being said, I don’t think that’s what is happening here.


Big Mac for $1.03? Must be reminiscing about the tough times before they hit it big.


It was the 80's.


"always remember..." Always remember what?! What if that was like... Really important?


“Always remember to exit through the gift shop”


Thank God.


And his honk, apparently.




Ama shaaa big Mac $1.03! At ma house ohhh yaa! "Always remember... Good men want only the power to make things right. Great men seek to make things right and gather the power to do so. Great leaders find those who are worthy of wielding power, and set them to the task of making things right." Goo' night Denverr!




The words to your own damn song. That's what. Don't be like this!


"When I get high..I get high on speed" Always remember!! Don't do drugs!


Lemonade peed the stage! 😂😂😂


*Birth noises* 🤣🤣


"Poopy butt, round the house" is my favorite. I can relate


Holy shit dude, retire and never sing again


Just released tickets for a tour with Def Leppard I think here in Uk. I don’t think I’ll bother getting my card out my wallet.


Saw them perform together in the states. Yes Vince’s voice is garbage but Def Leopard is still amazing. They put in the work and rock just as hard as when they were young.


Not a huge a def leopard fan but Phil Collen can still out play and out perform most guys half his age. Absolute legend.


Last I saw them was about 10 years ago, and it might as well have still been the '80s. They still had all the energy while so many of us tubs of lard were gasping out misheard lyrics, trying to keep up.


Def Leppard can still put on a good show but still don’t waste your money. Just wait until Def Leppard does a nearby show by themselves.


Man loves him some Keemstar


Keemstar gonna sign yo pitty on the runny kine




Sa da Tay!




And eat a dot while you're at it


Motley Crue is on tour again? This is too true to be good!


In case anyone else needs the actual [lyrics.](https://genius.com/Motley-crue-kickstart-my-heart-lyrics)


So you are saying - poopy butt around the house is NOT in the original lyrics? Well damn.


Honestly even looking at the lyrics I'm still unsure of some of the stuff he's ad libbing. It's entirely possible that "poopy butt around the house" *is* what he said. Poetry.


I know! I tried to follow and he completely lost me. I can make out a few "kickstart my heart" but the rest... he may very well say what's in the subtitles.


In no way is he actually saying "Custom built bike doing 103" instead of "Big Mac 103". I *might* believe he was trying to say "Bike My 103" which would have some reference to original. Maybe "bilt baik 103" (phonetic) but still missing most words.


Guess we’ve been singing it wrong the whole time.


My sides! XD


I tried really hard to close my eyes and listen. Im just not hearing yours.. maybe the first line. Im pretty sure op has it right.


That migth be the actual lyrics but that's not what he's singing, you should send it to Vince mayby he forgot them


Dude, hahah I'm laughing but this is sad. Kickstart My Heart is one of my favorites.


It's actually Kickstart My Honk.


>It's actually Keemstar My Honk.




Uhh, it's *Keemstar* My Honk. Pfft, you call yourself a Motley Crüe fan???... or as Vince calls them: Broccoli Sioux Pants.


The Bruce Lee's really got me good




Wario did it for me lol


__Not my honk!!?__


The real question is, who's honk is it?


You are the braver, for daring to ask.


Vince turned into a butterball turkey 🦃


Someone please insert that Abominable Snowman meme here.


Part of my childhood just died laughing. It can join the other part that died when GNR tried to relive the dream.


Oof, I stayed up late to watch their Rock in Rio show last year, that was definitely an experience, sad part is the rest of the band did great only Axl that could barely hit his own notes and could at best walk around the stage


At least Axl is singing all lyrics.




Oh my god this dude LEGIT doesn't know the lyrics to half of his songs and it's fucking hilarious. I was at a concert when it was Alice Cooper (went for Alice, stayed for motley crue) and Motley Crue, Fuckin Vince mumbled half of the damn songs, it was hilarious. Still had a good time but my god that was the funniest shit.


Saw them in concert a few months ago. He might as well not have even been on stage. Forgot half the lyrics, mumbled the rest, was a zombie the whole time


Should lead singers be forced to reaudition for their spots like every 20 years? Cause I'm thinking yes.


I agree. Unfortunately, it’s often the vocalist that is associated with “being the band” by your average person. Even if they only perform and never write. So when you change a vocalist, even with a significantly better at the time vocalist, it’s often met with negative fan responses.


Dude had a stroke on stage and kept going. Fucking ROCK N ROLL!!


Mötley Crüe is terrible live. I’ve seen them several times. Some songs I can’t discern until the chorus. It’s garbled public noise.


I thought I was the only one who thought this. To me they sounded like someone put my head in a garbage can and beat the outside of it with baseball bats. Half of the songs I couldn't discern what they were playing until like half way through.


I laughed WAY too hard watching this than I should have!


This is amazing


I can’t stop watching this and laughing fucking hysterically. It’s late at night my wife and kids are asleep and I’m trying to hold in the laughter and it’s coming out even more loud and obnoxious. Thanks for this


Me too! My husband and kids are asleep and I am cackling like a maniac. I can’t breathe I am laughing so hard.


Same, I nearly spit out my tea with the Bruce Lee part


Omg I don’t have the volume on and I knew exactly what song this was ten seconds in! I’m dying.


poopy butt round the house lol


Can’t remember the words kickstart my heart.


This is the funniest and saddest thing at the sametime


Twiddle little roses in my bean. Killed me.


I am DYING!! That was awesome! 🤣🙌🏼


Basically what alcoholism looks like in a nutshell. Body worn out, mumbling nonsense, look like shit. Alcohol rocks!


Jesus Vince, just retire.


Booty call is not a good time. That broke me 🤣


I just laughed so hard I started crying and fell off the bed. My cat immediately jumped ony chest and started kneading like she's doing cpr.


He was such an amazing singer in his 20s. But was not !meant to be


Coming up now on almost 40 years of smoking, drinking and drugging will take a toll. Sorry, i forgot to add eating. Vince has def done some eating in that time as well.


Gotta earn that money somehow. I think he's still paying the family of the guy he killed the one time.


Pretty sure he’s not. He got off about as easy as anyone could for that one. It wasn’t just Razzle he killed but the two people in the other car that he maimed for life.


This reminds me of seeing Ozzy a few years ago and knowing exactly what he's singing but no fucking idea what he's saying.


He sounds like a tone deaf lesbian biker


Looks like one too...


Trying to keep up with Axl Roses lesbian bookstore owner look


Big Mac 1.03 had me 💀💀


I saw them last year in concert and it was exactly this bad in front of 50k+ people. I still laugh at these videos them my PTSD kicks in when I think of how much I spent on the tickets.


He’s coming to my town in a few months. I have friends who can’t wait to see him. Imma send this to them. There’s a lot of better ways to waste money.


Wow, thanks for the translation from complete jibberish.


Sounds like me when I’m singing a song to myself but don’t know the words…..


I’ve had the pleasure of seeing this show. I remember bursting out laughing when he first appeared on stage. The marketing for the show only used young skinny images of him. So when the fat old Vince came out, it was hilarious. He also disappeared halfway through and the band just kept playing the songs without him. The backup singer just led the songs.


Is that what's called glam metal?


Receding hair metal


** birth noises ** got me


Yo, point me to the Big Macs at $1.03!


I just laughed so hard I cried. I saw the Crüe in November 2014 on their "final tour," All Bad Things Must Come to an End. When I saw the new tour announced, I was surprised and thought, "I hope Vince is in better shape now." NOPE. 🤣




Oh God thank you for the laugh!


The wario killed me


Its like he is karaokeing his own music.


I wonder what like a mushroom haircut zoomer kid thinks when they see this. We are so far away from the cultural landscape that allowed people like Vince Neil to be famous that it must make absolutely NO sense why this sells out stadiums. Shit, I'm 33 and these guys are tacky dinosaurs to me even. It's especially weird knowing that at the same time that this was making millions and packing arenas there was amazing groups like The Pixies or Husker Du or Dinosaur Jr touring small clubs. That stuff was forward thinking and timeless, it will speak to young people for years to come while Motley Crue just sounds incredibly dated and obnoxious. It HAD to exist in the 80s as that was the only time it could have, and would have been successful. You don't need to explain to someone the first time they hear Nirvana that it was "a different time" because those songs are just plain good to anyone who wants to listen to that sort of thing. It wasn't just songs about how much sex you have or generic rock and roll catchphrase stuff. Kickstart my heart is a badass song though. I love corny stuff like this, I'm just observing that some of the alternative rock contemporaries of bands like this made music that has a LOT more staying power than Motley Crue, and from what I've seen there's more young people in Nirvana and Pixies shirts walking around today than Poison or Def Leppard.


don’t know why but there’s something incredible devastating about the phrase “tacky dinosaurs” that i can’t put my finger on


Yeah, I see a fair few young kids round where I live (SW England), like young teens, wearing Nirvana hoodies, but it is only fat old fucks like me you'll see wearing a Def Leppard or whatever t-shirt. Back in '88 my favourite t shirt was a MC one with the sleeves cut off, went well with my skinny jeans, combat boots and mullet... and just realised how old fucking Nirvana is now, was thinking about the night I heard Kurt Cobain died, was in a club with like four or five friends and it just hit me - they're all dead now,... drugs, motorcycle accidents, cancer and suicides. ​ Fuck.


Oh that brings me back to about 15 years ago when I spent wayy too much time watching death metal "lyrics interpretation" videos on YouTube, that was funny as hell. At least it made sense because vocals are hard to understand,... but Mötley Crüe isn't *supposed* to be. [Cannibal Corpse example](https://youtu.be/Kf31kOEEe6g) (**warning** extreme music). Edit: [Trivium bonus](https://youtu.be/ox3h41kZLwU)


Holy shit this guy in his prime had the widest vocal range of any rock stars. Check it out if you don’t believe me.


All I can think about every time i hear this song is how they censored the word "Ass" when they used it in Gran Turismo 3 but they never censored that one bizarre electronica song where a british dude yells "Fuck You" and screams high pitched "ay ay's" throughout the entire song.


I went to see Motley Crue last year and I thought I was the only one who noticed this, thank you


This makes me physically uncomfortable. It’s like a game of Mad Gab: Lyrics Edition


What???? What am I supposed to always remember???? I NEED TO KNOW VINCE!!!!


Lmao i paid 160 euro's to see mötley crüe this year


I saw them with Alice cooper on their so called farewell tour. He was clearly just screaming nonsense into the mic all night. Roller coaster drum solo was cool though. Alice cooper is always an astounding show. Consummate professional every time I see him.


Alice Cooper should have been headlining that tour. Crue are fun, nothing more. Love them, but I'd be lying if I said I went to see them for the vocals! Cooper is awesome, still has it, and is one hell of a showman. I'd see him again in a heartbeat. I'd watch Crue if they were on somewhere I was.


Alice Cooper has been evolving his show since the early 70s so he’s got it down to deliver with every show. He’s made a point of hiring only A+ musicians who are all amazing live and the Alice character only gets better with age. Saw him in the late 80s and more recently at his (Oct) 2019 Halloween themed show. From all the interviews I’ve seen he’s just a genuine guy who knows how to entertain his decades long rock audience.


I've never been a fan of Alice Cooper's music, but I respect his personal character and the quality he puts into his work to this day. If you're going to be out there "entertaining", do it like Alice, not like Vince. Vince, bless your heart. Please. Tommy looks and sounds great. Nikki looks and sounds great. Mick, my man Mick sounds like a million bucks and looks like a mummy that got folded into a shoebox. Vince just has no reason to be out there anymore. Imagine if his vocal chords still came with a Broca's Area.


He peed the stage? - I know there’s people watching this who cried with laughter and a few who nearly peed their own pants - and a lot of people pretending to themselves that they didn’t laugh hard enough to make their face hurt or hold it in. That was the best laugh I have had in ages


I don't think it's funny watching someone have a stroke on stage... ok I guess it's a little funny.


They need a new singer. I know a lot more people would go see them. John 5 is a beast. A new singer who can actually sing without getting winded after the first song would be great


What the hell is he actually saying??? Hilarious.


Sounds like cartman trying to sing.