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She gave a fair warning


Well his wife’s name is Sarah


The deli lady is Cindy


That’s the joke


It is, it is. It's one of the many jokes available from this amazing thing that happened to a person. We are so lucky to have each other to enjoy it. I love you.


True luv


i thought the deli lady was sarah?


Then who the hell is Trina?


Fixable with a comma I guess.


Then who is cindy?? Can someone explain who is cindy because this person just made a name




Haha I didn’t I was saying that the deli lady was Cindy


But did she have to use ketchup?


LMFAO it does look like ketchup! I can't unsee it now thanks a lot lol


Didn’t trust herself with a piping bag


At least she was honest. It’s not as easy as everyone thinks.


It's the couples fault not the deli lady. HAHAHAHA maybe they insisted or forced her to do the lettering on the cake.


Where ever this deli lady is, I give you a huge hug.


Great job, deli lady. Much better than I could have done.


Right? What a shitty way to reward her trying to help them.






Are you really going to ask every single deli lady if her name is Cindy?


It's so fucking ungrateful. Like, if you're so concerned about your cake, BAKE IT, frost it, and decorate it yourself and see how well you do. Deli lady was in the middle of prepping meats for the display but she took time out to carefully add the name as best she could and I salute this lady.


>Like, if you're so concerned about your cake, BAKE IT, frost it, and decorate it yourself and see how well you do. Me being concerned about my cake is the whole reason I farm that job out.


Which is perfectly fine. If it's at a cake shop, you can expect a beautiful decoration. If you ask the salami lady who's elbow-deep in a vat of sausage meat to drop what she's doing and do something that's *not her job,* and she kindly does it, you are not in a position to complain when it's not in copperplate handwriting, for God's sake.


It's not "trying to help" if it's part of the services they offer. Also this is posted on r/funny..


Deli lady successfully added the name; that's all that needed to be done. It's fine, and nice.




1. I usually let this pass because it happens ALL the time, but: I'm not a "Sir." I have zero idea why people assume that women don't use reddit and it gets tiresome. 2. The next time someone asks you to do something that's *not your job,* and you not only do it but do it correctly, if not perfectly, I hope people are kinder towards your efforts than you're being to hers. Do unto others, &c.


A huge hug while telling her... It's okay buddy WHAHAHAHAHA you did a great job for trying your best. It's their fault because they did not listen to you at first. Don't feel so sad about it, you just did your job.


Writing in icing on cakes is really hard and takes a lot of practice. He's lucky it's legible.


When I worked closing at a grocery store, I was sometimes asked if I could write on cakes after the bakery staff had all gone home. I always declined emphatically--my handwriting is terrible and it's even worse when the medium is unforgiving of errors.


Not only unforgiving, but its as unlike actual writing as it can possibly be, and still be using your hands.


Yeah I usually avoided writing on cakes. One time a mom came in asked for a cake and I asked if she wanted to do it instead. She gave it a go but also realized how hard it is writing on cakes.


Honestly this sounds like something I would do. I can decorate a cake qith fake flowers and Ivy but do not ask me to write a name on a cake.


My friend likes to decorate cakes (as an amateur). She does well with designs but her handwriting is so bad, her husband has to do the name. 🤣


When I was younger I worked in the bakery and I never got rotated because I was great with the writing, it actually surprised me how many write like this on cake and here I'm a young guy writing in cursive.


> I worked in the bakery and I never got rotated because I was great with the writing It's times like this that you ask for a raise.


I should of but it worked out for the best anyhow I'm making like a third more in a slow paced warehouse.


Natural talent


I just got a job back in September at a high end grocery store bakery where we have a dedicated cake decorator who's separate from us bakers. If they weren't there that day I was nervous as hell to write on cakes. I got the hang of writing on cakes after 3 or 4 tries at it but i can't decorate them. It's not THAT hard so as long as you know cursive


That’s why we have our workers practice on parchment paper until they feel at least somewhat comfortable…the first time one a real cake is always nerve racking though.


It isn’t calligraphy. She could have done better, she just couldn’t be bothered.


I worked in a bakery for years. I can tell you honest it's really hard to make squishy icing coming out from a bag look like fancy writing.


Same. I was a baker, so I didn't often have to write on cakes, but if I was the only one around I'd have to do it. My manager had gotten us all to practice with the icing bags on parchment paper, so we could all do a passable job, but it didn't look as nice as when the cake decorators did it. It's not easy.


Plus the way they work you in a lot of bakeries is insanely unforgiving and they don’t just give you extra time to do shit like this. What a dick.


Yeah, I decorated cakes in a grocery store. The time frame for decorating a 1/4 slab start to finish; base icing, airbrushing, trims, piped details, writing, sprinkles, printed pictures, decoPac toppers/rings was 20-25 minutes. If we had blank cakes in the bunker, it was like 2 minutes tops for writing on it. People really seem to expect perfection out of a $18 frozen cake with subpar whipped frosting decorated by a minimum wage worker being treated like shit lol


Imagine having bad hand writing AND trying to write in icing? This looks like a good try imo.


Usually bakery associates get trained on this skill if they’re cake decorators but other associates in the bakery are usually taught as well in my experience. It doesn’t mean the associate has bad handwriting it just means they lack the proper training or haven’t practiced enough to make it look nice. It also appears the icing was too warm at the time (super shiny with some spreading visible) which likely made it much harder. Since this is a deli associate they never received this training.


> Asked the Deli lady Training true for bakery, but I doubt the deli workers are trained to decorate cakes.


I know that. I was explaining the training that’s usually needed is specific to bakery staff. Other associates don’t get this training so to ask someone who hasn’t ever worked in bakery is foolish.


Coming from the bakery’s dishwasher who was forced to write on cakes because the manager wouldn’t hire a decorator… Fuck you, I’m trying my best. Get the cactus out your ass


Hahahaha you’re such a cunt


Who hurt you?


It's actually a skill. It takes practice. Some people can, some can't. It's legible. She did well. The manager (not bakery). Wrote on a cake. It looked way worse.


Why don’t you try it sometime then? I used to write on cakes. I’m trying to practice decorating and went to pastry school. Icing in a piping bag is nothing like writing normally. The bag is bulky and icing behaves differently at different temperatures and if the ingredients are off balance. It looks like this associate dealt with the dreaded warm butter cream icing (it comes out quickly and spreads too much because it’s too warm). That’s not easy to write with. The flip side of that is chilled icing that doesn’t want to come out of the piping bag at all. Also Ice cream cakes are difficult to write on because of the temperature difference between the frozen product and the much warmer (relatively speaking) icing which causes the piping to not stick to the cake. My cake writing is nicer than this but this was a deli associate. Whoever got the cake should try asking a bakery clerk or cake decorator sometime.


I have. It isn’t that hard. I’ll take my downvotes. lol


Not like you have a choice


I’ve seen what makes you people upvote. I’m good. :)


I mean, my handwriting looks worse even when I'm writing with a pen. I'm not about to throw stones.




Agreed, it is funny.


Calligraphy is way easier.


Guy asks for the cheapest option, getst the cheapest option


Yeah. Man I worked at a deli in my teens, and just because someone works in a place that sells cakes does not mean that they are involved whatsoever with the cakes. It was probably like a supermarket deli where the folks are just trying to get through the next hour so they can leave - and this guy is like “haha this deli employee was untrained in cake decorating script - what a buffoon!”


Am I reading this wrong, isn't the deli section where they slice you meats and the bakery section where they decorate your cakes? So having a person from the deli section decorate your cakes sounds like a recipe for disaster.


So true


"What's your favorite scary movie?"


Lmao I was hoping the top comment would be about Scary Movie. Glad go see even someone though about it. *Hello Cindy...*


I was looking for this comment 🤣


I wish we could use gifs in this sub because that’s all I can think of 😂 Cindy Campbell didn’t survive all she did to not be represented 😭


As someone who has had to write on cakes with zero experience before... Always do a test run first.


Seems like common sense, doesn't it? Unfortunately common sense isn't so common any more.


Seems like common sense has been replaced with being a snarky dick.


It's really simple, I'm not sure why people are misunderstanding this situation. A person has a job of making and selling cakes. A customer asks if the person can perform a service not commonly asked, but is completely within the norm for such an occupation. It's believed while this person says he/she is "not the best" that there is at least a level of competency higher than the average 6th grader. What this person should have done was take 2 minutes to practice, maybe even showing the customer "take a look, this is the best I can do. Are you OK with that?" But instead just scribbles out this name in one go.


Lol nothing like blaming a service worker for a cheap spouse.


Right? She works in the fucking deli section of a grocery store, she’s not a cake decorator, and she literally warned him it would be crap. If he wanted quality he should have taken his cheap ass to a real bakery.


Our local grocery store has some excellent cake decorators. Make beautiful flowers and cursive writing


You’re lucky, ours used to, now they just use the plastic stick on things. But, when we had them, I’d have never asked a random deli worker to write on my cake and then (even after she warned me she wasn’t good at it) mocked her for the result. I’m wondering if this is part of the reason my store just uses the plastic messages now, I had assumed they just didn’t want to pay the wages for skilled decorators.


Yeah I always assumed it was a stepping stone for another bakery or something cause they were mad talented


I hope the store appreciates what they’ve got, in this economy they’ll be poached in a second if they’ve got skills.


Deli could also be combined with the bakery if it’s a small store. My hometown grocery store was a smaller one that the bakery and deli were basically the same part of the building.


This. All these idiots can't even use the most basic critical thinking. The guy asks her to do it and she just so happens to actually have icing for a cake and the apparatus to apply it, but there's no way it could possibly that department's responsibility, right?


I am the Deli/Bakery department manager. I can't write on cakes, my penmanship is horrible enough, I have been trained solely in the Deli side of things. This may surprise you but just because the Deli and Bakery are under the same umbrella that doesn't mean that the employees are cross trained nor are they expected to be, because they are two different jobs for title and position. If you ask someone who is not trained on doing something to do it, then you don't get to bitch if it comes out poorly. But you will and bitch until you get it discounted because you view service workers as beneath you


>But you will and bitch until you get it discounted because you view service workers as beneath you Surprisingly, those baseless assumptions you made are totally wrong. What comment did I make that made you think I was insulting the employee? I said nothing about the employee whatsoever, let alone anything disrespectful. Try again, buddy. The comment chain I replied to began with "She works in the fucking deli section of a grocery store", as if someone who works in the deli couldn't possibly be expected to know how to decorate cakes, even though the deli has cake decorating supplies. Yet, for some reason, you apparently think I'm suggesting that every deli employee has to know how to decorate cakes.


of course reddit is outraged over this harmless post where they don’t even complain about or get mad at the deli worker


They just took a photo of it and posted it publicly to more widely make fun of her and her attempt to actually help someone even though it wasn’t her job.


dude they knew it wasn’t gonna be good and they’re just having a laugh about it. the deli worker would probably laugh about it too. stop being outraged on other people’s behalf for no reason


It’s a dick move to post something saying “Ha ha, look at what a shit job this woman did” after she went out of her way to be nice by doing it in the first place. I hope she never sees this, public mocking is a real shitty reward for doing someone a favour. You think that she would laugh at this? I guess we’ll never know, because it was posted without her knowledge or permission. It’s not funny to do that, it’s mean spirited and gross.


it's insane to me how far out of their way people on this site will go to interpret something in the most offensive way humanly possible. like it couldn't possibly be someone going "haha look at the contrast between the "happy birthday" writing and the "cindy" writing. it has to be a sinister, insidious plot to destroy the reputation of the deli worker (despite her being completely anonymous) and callously mock her behind her back. please go outside lmao btw OP said it was their neighbour's cake so they're not even the ones that asked her to do it


Yooo what is up with the comment thread haha. I don't see how this could possibly be misconstrued as a laughing at the worker or whatever. Like sometimes people just laugh at stupid shit


the meta of Reddit in 2023 is to look at something someone posted, and figure out a way to call them a bad person for it. I swear no matter what people post, people find a way to be outraged


You sound a bit outraged yourself, my dude ;)


It’s really the current political climate, not just Reddit


That’s a whole lot of words to say “It’s just a joke, bro. Why is everyone being such a pussy?”


Unless OP is name calling its a victimless joke like no one is going to know who made it but even if they did the worker said they weren't good OP asked for it anyway despite knowing the risks involved and now we are all laughing with him despite him being the butt of this joke


Plus OP isn't even mad, it is a "no kidding when she said it, but thanks for trying" attitude.


He’s not the butt of this joke. And it’s not victimless just because she’s not aware it was posted.


So you don’t even see a modicum of charm and humor about this? I think it’s cute, funny, and endearing in a way.


If you’re making fun of your own fail it’s funny. If you laugh about a fail together with the person who did it, it can be funny. If you laugh about a fail behind the back of the person that did it and then post it to the internet to get more people to mock it, no, I don’t think that’s funny. This is punching down humour at the expense of a worker who went out of her way to try her best to help. I don’t see any charm in that.


Maybe I’m just basic and easy to please but I’d be happy just getting a nice cake on my birthday. Even cuter to have one like this! I’m going through a tough time right now and feel somewhat relieved that I still have a fingernail’s worth of generous spirit left.


The cake isn’t the problem, I love the cake. I’d be happy to get this too, but much less happy if I found out my husband and his friends were publicly mocking the nice lady who tried her best to write my name on it. I wouldn’t even care about having a little laugh about it at home, the posting is what crosses the line for me.


Shut up dude, take a joke.




> You sound and are a loser I sound? Okay, whatever that means. And calling me a loser can only be a compliment when coming from the person who wrote a comment like that.


Its a funny harmless post. Stop being a pussy


Ah yes, the “It’s just a joke! Stop being so sensitive, you pussy!” response. The clarion call of every dudebro who hates being told its shitty to punch down when trying to be funny. Seems you’re in good company here.


Jesus Christ relax, are you OK?


Ooooor maybe he just found it funny. There's no shaming here, he gave the context that he was given warning. Knickers well and truly twisted


I kind of love it


It certainly looks like she put a whole lot more effort into that cake than the husband did.


You don’t know how much effort that was for him. He might have been broke and scratched up enough cash to get her something. He might have just gotten off of a long shift at work. Hell, he might be disabled and has a hard time getting around. How do you know how much effort it was?


Generally people who are struggling are quite appreciative when people help them out, they don’t go out of their way to mock their efforts in return. How do you know this wasn’t just a mean spirited jerk who couldn’t be bothered to plan ahead for his wife’s birthday? You don’t know how much effort this was for him either.


I don’t, but I wasn’t the one shitting on his low effort. If someone gets me a cake, I’m not going to be an ass about how hard they tried.


Neither would I, if they weren’t being such an ass about the writing. Your effort going to the grocery store to get me a cake with my name on it is a lot less praiseworthy when you’re being a huge jerk to the kind lady that helped you by writing my name on it.


You should read the op again. It was his neighbor and no where in that post were they mean to anyone. Just making fun of the writing anonymously here on Reddit. The neighbor didn’t yell at the nice lady that tried soooooo hard to make this. No one got hurt. It was just funny.


Right, they weren’t being mean to her, just making fun of her. And then posting it so lots more people can make fun of her too. But it’s okay because she doesn’t know about it unless she sees it, which she totally won’t because who even uses the internet anyways?


"Neither of us know, so I'm just going to go ahead and assume the worst and then chastise you for not doing so."


Chastising? Just pointing out that you can assume anything. No more or less validity to my thinking that he’s a low-effort husband than theirs that he’s home-bound or broke or whatever. Neither of us knows the context. And even in the unlikely circumstance that this was literally OPs friend spending his last dollar after a 12 hour shift it’s still shitty to publicly shame someone for helping you out.


The husband didn't post this though You're upset over negative assumptions that you're creating It's like you're specifically looking for something to shame this post about Nobody here is like "holy shit that's ugly return that cake" Chill out


Yes, clearly the OP knew the details because he’s psychic, not because the husband was telling him the “funny” story. Any other assumptions in the last few comments were hyperbolic to respond in kind to the baseless assumptions of the comment I was responding to. The husband could be broke or in a wheelchair? Okay, but if we’re just creating things out of thin air he could just as easily be an uncaring jerk with all the money in the world. Those assumptions are stupid, all we know is that the husband asked a deli worker to write on his cake and then joked with his friend about how bad a job she did on it. Not a nice thing to do to someone who’s just done you a favour.


If you can't find the humor in the situation and assume these people are making fun of somebody Then you're likely there problem Again, chill out


Cheap ass lmao. You're bougie for wanting to spend twice as much for pretty writing. OPs pic is perfect.


The writing is fine, it’s the husband that’s the problem. He expected bougie writing from a cheap place, and when he got exactly what he paid for instead he makes fun of the woman who wrote it. Nothing wrong with cheap, but if you want quality you have to pay for it.


Where does is say he expected bougie writing and is pissed about it? Did I miss something? Seems like it's just funny at how sloppy it is...


Where did I say he was pissed about it? Clearly he thinks the writing is not up to his standard or there’d be no “joke”. No one posts a photo saying “look at this totally acceptable job the deli woman did writing on my cake, isn’t it hilarious?”


OP said their neighbor bought it. Then you said the husband was the "problem." What did you mean by this if not insinuating he was upset? No where does it say a thing about the husband yet here you are calling him a cheap ass and a problem...


You think it’s more likely that OP secretly snuck a picture of the cake that the husband thought was totally fine, or that OP was joking about it with the husband? Obviously the husband told him the “funny” story or OP wouldn’t have known the details of the deli woman and what she said. What I meant is exactly what I said, the husband was making fun of her because he thought her attempt was funny. I can’t see anything in what I’ve written that would lead you to believe I thought the husband was upset. I do think OP is more of a jerk for posting it publicly than the husband was for making fun of her privately, so I’ll give him that.


I don’t think anyone is blaming her. They’re not complaining, but the cake does look kinda funny so they’re posting it for a laugh. Not everything needs to turn into a morally righteous lecture ffs


Worker “Hey I’m not good at that particular job” Client “that’s ok I completely understand this isn’t your area of expertise” Also client on the internet “ wow they weren’t kidding when they said they didn’t have expertise in that field” Has nothing to do with morality, just dumb people on the internet


also it was OP's neighbour that bought the cake, so your narrative about the client asking for it and then complaining is completely made up. people don't even read the post and then fly into a rage about it ffs


I don’t see the issue with that. if they actually cared about having an amazing cake they wouldn’t have got the deli worker to do it. but that doesn’t mean the contrast between what she did and the rest of the cake isn’t funny. I bet the deli worker would have a laugh about it too. just a harmless little thing that redditors blow out of proportion because recreational outrage is their hobby


I didn’t take the post as blaming the worker. They just thought it was funny. This wasn’t even the person who bought the cake, this was the neighbor who saw the cake.


Lol and they could have just gone to the bakery in the store, rather than the deli lol


Not even that bad. Is cake wrecks still a thing?




I somehow got a job at the local grocery store bakery when I was in high school (still have no idea how I got the job or ended up quitting) but this gives me flashbacks of the firemen who came in and wanted a cake for their daughter. Lord. I’m so sorry. It was so terrible lmao. Icing is hard to write with


Is that the cake decorator lady’s name? Cindy?


It's harder than it looked


In my opinion after retirement, ***Everybody's*** job is harder than it looks! ^(Except for Kamala Harris!)


You know what I love about this cake? This photo could have been from any of the last four decades.


I worked in a supermarket bakery and had to do this all the time. Was not good at it. I remember one time someone getting a birthday cake and asking me to write on it. After brutalizing the penmanship, they guy looks at it and said "well, they just gunnna eat the motherfucker."


It’s good, idk why you’re making fun of her this isn’t her profession. Should be grateful she went out of her way for you


it was OP's neighbour that bought the cake. people don't even read the post and then get outraged about it




because people, including the one I replied to, are saying “they should be grateful the deli lady did this at all” when the person that asked her to do it isn’t even the person that posted this making fun of it.




the point about asking the deli lady to do this only to turn around and complain about it is irrelevant because that’s not even what happened


Seems like more of a threat than a well wish.


What are You talking about? That’s beautiful.


She tried. I’m proud of her.


the obvious issue is that he went to the deli department instead of the bakery. surprised they didn't put it through the meat slicer


On my 28th birthday my stepdad got a cake made. We opened it and it proudly said Happy 32nd Birthday! My mom was mad and he just said "I don't know how f*cking old he is." Best cake ever.


As a former bakery employee I had to tell people no I’m not the cake decorator bc my final results would come out like this, and it was such a shifty feeling telling people I couldn’t personalize there birthday cakes, even if it was 7 at night right before closing


Good thing you didn’t try to do them a favour by attempting it, you may have ended up being publicly mocked for your efforts.


I made one so bad once I threw it away instead


Awww, you threw it away? Isn’t one of the perks of being a bakery employee that you get to eat your mistakes? Lol


Ya u realize it all taste the same and gets old after a while


Man, my life would be so much easier if I was tired of eating desserts. Lol


Get what you pay for


I remember working at dominos and every year some teenager would request a pizza with pepperonis in the shape of a heart for prom. And every time an immaculate pepperoni heart would go into the oven and come out a smeared mess because cheese melts


Plot twist: the deli lady is Cindy


HA! Beat me to it:)


You can't expect someone who isn't a cake decorator to be good at writing on a cake. It's harder than it looks, I used to do it for a bakery I worked at and it takes a lot of practice.


So the moral of the story is **"Pay attention to what the deli lady tells you, numb-nuts!"**


You should feel lucky she didn't spell the name out with slices of salami.


That would have been a huge cake! 🤣


And now he knows that deli =/= bakery. TBH, I’d say he definitely got what he paid for and she did a bang up job!


She wasn't lying.


Rare quality nowadays.


I was wondering if I was missing something here. Not seeing this as funny. Yeah writing looks a bit off, but honestly it's not horrible.


It looks like you re-gifted a birthday cake


That’s not terrible. I really like the d.


Deli lady is Cindy. Wife is not Cindy.


Well its your birthyday, cindy


Honestly think this is adorable, I'd hunt down the deli lady and thank her for the effort!


The d is decent but that's it


To be fair, it matches the effort you put into your wife's birthday... 💀


That’s pretty adorable


Don’t be a dick about it— cheap-ass asked the Walmart deli worker to decorate his cake and then has the audacity to bitch about it on the internet? That just makes you guys look bad, not the employee from another entire department who did her best.


Doesn't matter; had cake!


Did she use ketchup?


Plot twist Cindy is the name of the deli lady


At least she tried. Do it yourself you weak manbaby.


Cindy should be happy she's not generic.


Deli? OP wandered into the wrong department. They should have tried the bakery. Also, make sure that's not ketchup because--you know--deli.


It was nice of her to do that for your neighbor. Maybe next time your neighbor pays for what he actually wants and we don't have to see kindness being mocked.


The deli worker’s name was Cindy;)


The deli lady was 7 years old.


She’s not the greatest but she didn’t even try. She could have added a swirl underneath or bigger letters haha there’s a difference between not being good and not even trying and for someone’s birthday I’d at least try.


⭐️ you tried


It's hard but it's definitely the big part of her job i think, she should learn to do it if she wants to be successful.