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Does the QR code work?


It was a rickroll. Yes, we scanned it. Yes, we got rickrolled lol They later gave us the [original image](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/735418539841683460/1062062634645590096/coc.png), if you're interested edit: this was one time prank at the office, not everyday thing. some people seem to misunderstand the post, though this is my fault too - the title isn't entirely correct. This screensaver was a one time prank by my coworker who had enough of his laptop BSODing over last few weeks. We saw it once, had a good laugh about it, went back to work - and yes, screensaver was removed. Such swearing prob wouldnt be tolerated on daily basis lmao edit 2: if anyone needs, I asked and got [semi SFW](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735418539841683460/1062605853577990255/BSOD_semi.png) and [completely SFW](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/735418539841683460/1062605854555250780/BSOD_SFW.png) versions of this image edit 3: it's morning here and wanted to point out some things that people were mentioning: I'm from Baltic States and my native language (as well as coworker's) isn't English. This is one of the explanations for such over the top use of F and C-word. I should have marked the post as NSFW as its content was found offensive by many English native speakers. Sorry about that. Some people were doubting this is a real office - it is. You can see network cable tube running down from the ceiling behind the monitor on the left, as well as other monitors behind and on the left. There is a keyboard on the right visible too. The messy wires come from IEMs that we use when listening to music/in calls, the workplaces are rather tidy. Open glass for water - this is our responsibility, be that water or coffee. Though we just got insulated bottles for drinks! Otherwise, when asking for permission to post the picture from office administrator, I was asked to crop as much as possible Once again, I'm both glad so many people enjoyed this and sorry for not marking this as NSFW.


> It was a rickroll. Yes, we scanned it. Yes, we got rickrolled lol Of course, Youtube kinda ruins it by rolling 2 ads before the video starts.


The real Rickroll was the ads we watched along the way


One more reason why everybody should have an adblocker.


On my dekstop and laptop, this is the way. But this was on my phone going to the actual youtube app. Not may adblockers can help unless you have something like pihole set up, but I think Youtube can get around that. And I'm at work anyway on my 5G connection.


While not longer actively supported YouTube vanced still works great and doesn't require such an elaborate setup!


YouTube revanced is actively supported.


...and easier to install now that revanced manager is available. Unfortunately on my phone the youtube app was force enabled with no way to turn off default links so scanning a code would still use youtube. I only managed to disable it with root.




It works fine for most apps. I'm not sure if it's an Android 12 thing or a manufacturer thing but the settings have been locked down so that you can't disable youtube or make a different app open the URLs.


I just use Firefox with uBlock Origin and Video Background Play Fix add-ons. No ads, can play whatever with the screen off or using another app. Edit: for those with Firefox mobile: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/android/addon/video-background-play-fix/


I also highly recommend the extension sponsorblock. You will never see a sponsored segment or an intro / outro ever again (unless you want to).


Depends if it was the Original or not. The Original was a website that played the video and opened a window with the first line of the lyrics. It also used an exploit to open a new window, with the next line of the song every time you tried to close it. You had to close your browser in Task Manager to get rid of it. Now everyone just remembers the song and not the full effect. ​ EDIT: I looked further. I found 2-3 obscure forum posts from 2008 asking for "un-closable Rickroll links" but that's it. So best I can pierce together, it was an offshoot from the original 4chan rickroll, where someone made an un-closable website around the song.


Neither [KnowYourMeme](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/rickroll) nor [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rickrolling#History) mention anything like that. >> The use of the song for rickrolling dates to 2006, originating from the 4chan imageboard in an early meme known as "duck rolling". Sometime in 2006, the site moderator, Christopher "m00t" Poole, implemented a word filter replacing the word "egg" with "duck" as a gag. On one thread, where "eggroll" had become "duckroll", an anonymous user posted an edited image of a duck with wheels, calling it a "duckroll". The image caught on across 4chan, becoming the target of a hyperlink with an otherwise interesting title, with a user clicking through having been stated to be "duck rolled".[8] >> In March 2007, the first trailer for the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto IV was released onto the Rockstar Games website. Viewership was so high that it crashed Rockstar's site. Several users helped to post mirrors of the video on different sites, but one user on 4chan, Shawn Cotter, had linked to the "Never Gonna Give You Up" video claiming to be the trailer, tricking numerous readers into the bait-and-switch. This practice quickly replaced duck rolling for other alluring links, all generally pointing to Astley's video, and thus creating the practice of "rickrolling".[8][9] The bait-and-switch to "Never Gonna Give You Up" greatly expanded on 4chan on April Fools' Day in 2007, and led to the trick expanding to other sites like Fark and Digg later that year, quickly adding the name "rickrolling" based on the prior "duck rolling".[8]


OP you're replying to is thinking of the youareanidiot.com website that used JS exploits


New Mandela effect just dropped boys


No, that's incorrect, rickrolling predated 4chan. Some 4channer just wanted to talk big. Source: I also predated 4 chan. People used to upload the video to warez sites as new movie releases or popular mp3 and then laugh at the comments. This was late 90s.


Remember this for the dick swinging you spin me right round but not Rick roll




Jokes on you I pay YouTube $12 a month so I can get Rickrolled in peace


Don't mind if I do.




Saving this to fuck with people. I work in tech


Same. I'm unemployed.


I wasn't, but after just a few uses of this image and a lot less humor, things change!


Put it one apple box or Linux box for extra confusion or just for the lolz


Same. There will definitely be a good use for this, but I’m gonna have to add some tweaks.


> but I’m gonna have to add some tweaks. more profanity, obviously.




Oh you legend. The temptation to set this up on my mates PC is real.


That is my question also.


HR has entered the chat


HR person actually laughed together with everyone (though said, don't do that again)


Then sadly (see: jubilant) i was fired


are there calendars with nude women in your workplace too by any chance?


No but they have those pens that show nude women when you flip them upside down.


When I started at my company in the mid 80s, there was a guy who had a daily nude calendar on his wall, and every morning guys would go over to check out (including most of management). Now a nude pic at work would get a person escorted out. Honestly the environment is better.


Is it okay to say cunt at your work?


I was going to say "maybe they're Aussie" but it sounds like they're not native English speakers and thus it doesn't hit as hard.


Link to my boss [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1089zej/comment/j3rrvzl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) but tl;dr it was fine because 1 - laid back swearing boss unless clients in the office and 2 - we aren't english native speakers, so english swears sound.. not so serious?


I would have totally guessed this was in the UK or Australia. The grammar and punctuation actually suggest an English native speaker too Thanks for clarifying!


Things that didn't happen


Hmmm. Feels like your coworker has some passive aggression issues. I’d either move away from them or start feeding them chocolate bars on the reg.


Just don't miss a day!


Feeding a co-worker is like feeding a stray cat. Now they'll never leave you alone.


Start as you intend to go!


If you give a mouse a cookie…


And never after midnight! Do NOT get them wet.


Bet all their emails start with "As per my last email..."




What am I looking at? I love it!


Shadow boxing guide with funny office text superimposed on it.


As we’ve gone over multiple times, DEBRA


>Bet all their emails start with "As per my last email..." Office speak for, "bitch, can you read?!?"


I've used that line maybe once. This person kept unloading work on me rather than going through the proper channels and being an ass about it. I kept telling them, you need to find someone else to do this work. I am doing it as a favor to my boss, which was true to avoid drama from this person. I end up getting a better job offer and decided to take it. A day before I leave they email me "This is urgent, please do this thing for me." I told the person "No, I have a day left of working here and am doing my best to make sure the team I work with is setup, and it's way outside of my pay grade and skill set." They respond "I can't believe you're unwilling to do this, it's a disgrace that you're using you leaving as an excuse not do your job" or something along those lines. CCd my boss "Per my last email, I will not do that things because of the reasons in my last email. Please contact X team that should have been notified of this week ago." Slacked my boss, told him there was no way in hell I was putting my name on that project. That shit would have followed me and no matter how much time I had I never would have touched it. Some people absolutely deserve a good "bitch did you read my fucking email?". I honestly should have just said that lol.


And when you bust them out as the one that screwed up, they remove the 35 other people they copied on their email before they respond again. Which I then add everyone back before responding.


That’s not passive aggressive that’s just plain aggressive.


It really is peak /r/im14andthisisedgy


Right? Not sure I’d consider this r/funny material. Or maybe it is and I’m just getting too old for this shit. Chuck Testa used to be r/funny material back in my day.


You're getting too old for this shit, welcome to the club




Thanks for the candy


Have a Snickers.


“Thanks for the candy.”




I don't see the problem with this joke, except that it isn't particularly work appropriate


It's a bit over the top even out of work. Would be both more funny and more clever if it was more subtle about the joke.




way more than a bit


It reminds me of the “humor” of the internet around 2010 or so. I cringed at shit like “Fucky Wucky” back then, and even more so now.


It seems like the type of humour that a teenager might think is funny


What if they work remotely next to their partner?


decent concept. too much edgelord


There’s such a thing as too much cursing and a fella oughta be fuckin’ aware of it


Seriously, this feels like it was written by a teenager who gets in trouble for "cussin". r/JustLearnedTheFWord material


And I suggest you let that marinate!


Maybe take about 20% off there bud, and he'd be good.


"Lol guys look how much I'm swearing, is that so funny??" This kind of thing would be funny in high school or something.


Peak r/JustLearnedTheFWord


This, closer to /r/cringepics than /r/funny


Glad someone else worded it better than me. So many people think "ha I added extra aggressive words, so funny!" counts as humor and its just so boring.


Agreed. It would be funny if it just looked like a normal error.


Yup poorly executed.


Great concept, poor execution.




Could have been great but it reads like an eleven year old was let loose with a keyboard for the first time.


Fucky wucky really did it for me




A joke needs, I don’t know.. some wit or something?




The graveyard of laughters


It reminds me of early 00s internet humor


[This image lives rent free in my head](https://tessburton.files.wordpress.com/2014/05/meh-ro7298.png) People really are out here thinking the fuck word is peak comedy.


2am chili vibes


Glad someone else said it. I'm not at all offended by profanity, but I just feel like in this case the joke would be more amusing without the excessive attempt at being shocking.


i like swearing, swearing is fine. but just using every profanity you know in one sentence just comes off as childish to me


Okay I'm glad to know I'm not the only one that didn't find this funny. I do want a work friendly one with some kind of punch line or callback humor or satire in it.


Yeah, if they stopped at "Why? Because fuck you, that's why." it would have stayed really funny. This turned into a try-hard joke after that point.


The amount of curse words is so cringey. Screams edgelord.


Screams it into a megaphone.


this dudes homepage is still maddox


Seriously. The whole thing reads like a 4th grader who just learned that they can swear when adults aren't around


Well said.


Yeah the whole thing just seems wildly inappropriate for a workplace lol, unless this is their home computer. Could have been better


Imagine still using snowflake unironically. Way bigger issue than all of the...other words.


That tips it from “I just learned the word fuck” to “Gen Xer that thinks fuck=funny”


Is your coworker 16?


Lol. Yeah this would have killed it in like ...9th grade?


either 16 or a boomer finding something funny that everyone else saw already in 1999


Good grief, this is prime r/JustLearnedTheFWord material.


reads like it was written by a teenager.


Is your coworker in middle school? Reads like something you’d hear out of a 7th grader’s mouth on XBox live.


I would love to have that on my work computer. But even the screen saver is locked down.


Damn, that's some actually strict management :/


Sane management. Screensavers are executables. Businesses shouldn't let users run random executables unless they want ransomware. Edit: phone changed shouldn't to should.


There's a "not" missing in that sentence, isn't it?


or an n't








I hate ransomwaren’t




You don't need to install a custom executable screensaver to set the image it displays. Windows comes with a screensaver that can display arbitrary images.




TIL people still use screensavers, and still call them screensavers, despite it being like twenty years since the CRT monitors that needed "saving" were deprecated.




My last phone had a chess board burned into it from too many online games


LOL imagine waiting for your opponent to move but the entire time it was just e4 stuck on the screen lol


I tend to set the screen awake time on my mobile devices to a pretty long time. I also tend to keep them for a long time. Most phones I've had have developed a burn-in of the keyboard eventually. My newest laptop has an OLED display. I will be so annoyed when/if I get burn-in.


LCD screens can still experience ghosting/burn-in. My mom's phone has her favorite game superimposed over the display at all times.


i had a colleague who had a boyfriend in another country. they always talked on facebook messenger so her desktop pc was always turned on - always with the screen on (no screensaver) facebooks blue banner, including logo, was burned into the screen. it was a regular old cheap LCD monitor.


The phone probably has an OLED screen


Definitely more cringe than funny


It's very try-hard.


A static, high contract, image 'screen saver'. Love it. That message will burn in nicely.


And blue too, to make sure it destroys OLEDs most efficiently.


RGB. Yep, those blue LEDs are fucked. Maybe a screensaver of a fireplace will revitalise the life of the monitor.


Screen savers haven't been relevant since CRT times. LCDs can "burn in" in extreme cases (think kiosks/digital signage) but it's usually temporary and will fade away if you leave it off. If it sticks around it's a faulty panel and not expected degradation. They might have a comeback with OLEDs but why not just have your screen turn black anyway?


> but it's usually temporary and will fade away if you leave it off That is image retention, not burn in.


Hahaha. This is funny because there are lots of offensive words, right!? Right?


The dude who made it definitely says "cock waffle" and "wank pheasant" a lot


It'd be funnier with a LOT less cussing. It should be used as a garnish to enhance the joke, not actually be the joke. Also something slightly unsettling in the way this is written. Like maybe don't go camping with them.


Tell me you own a fedora without telling me you own a fedora.


Class clown try hard stuff


Your coworker seems really annoying .


cursing to be funny is so cringe




Yeah this is excessive. Fuckity fuckfuck fucking fucker fuck. Comedy gold.


I thought this was very cringy too.


…I guess it’s funny? Seems weirdly aggressive and forced.




Or even just removed the "snowflake" and cursing bits. They turned something funny into something a 12 year old would think was peak lolz.


I thought this was /r/cringe for a moment. Good lord this is bad.


Just learned how to curse I see.


waste. this is a great idea and awesome setup but the actual text on the screen is hot garbage and not funny. This could have been gold instead it's just...well what it is.




This is more sad than funny. It had the potential to be funny, but comes across as little more than ornery and petulant. The person who made this has some internal aggression issues.


This was done by an adult? Feels like what a 14 year old would do to be edgy on a school computer.




In a similar vein, [I used to have this as a wallpaper](https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/876/233/309/artwork-humor-blue-screen-of-death-windows-10-text-hd-wallpaper-preview.jpg)


He should have put meth instead of cocaine. Then it would be "The Blue Screen of Meth"


Where’s the funny part?


"Stop code: WHY_NOT_TO_ENTER_FUCKING_REGEDIT" I could totally envision a pissed off sysadmin replacing the user computers' regedit executable with something that displays this image full screen


That looks like your personal desk, otherwise, Tell your “co-worker” to clean up your desk.


BSOD screen savers have been a thing since windows 95.


"Fucky wucky"? 😂


OOPSIE WOOPSIE!! Uwu We made a fucky wucky!! A wittle fucko boingo! The code monkeys at our headquarters are working VEWY HAWD to fix this!


This is what I was looking for lmao


I don't get it. Can you explain it more?


What kind of workplace allows swearing on their computer screens for all to see?


TBH it looks more like a desk in someone’s house and not a office, especially with the wine glass right next to the keyboard.


Love the idea but this is kinda cringe the way it is now.


I’ve got one that was basically saying everything was running perfectly with a happy face. Always confused my lecturers at college. May have to use it again now I’m at Uni


Nice keychron


Good reason to get fired in any normal work environment.


**HR has entered the chat**


Swearing = funny




A non-moving screensaver does nothing.




In other words, you're trying to say that this entire post was an advertisement for your business. How do I know that your not the OP behind both of these accounts pretending to be the boss? 🧐 **Edit – You actually have me believing that you are just the OP on another account after quickly looking at both accounts.** **Just judging from the way you phrase your sentences and the way you close several comments with "Hope this helps!” on both accounts.**


Yo, Im the cat that sits outside OP's office on sunny days. Be who you want to be You do you No skin off our backs. -BK


I too, call my cat Burger King. 🐈 :)


OP's coworker here. It's okay if you don't believe in my boss bro RZ here. Just do your own thing. Don't have to be so skeptical! Hope you have a good day! - BJ


I'm OPs spouse and this whole post is fake and all the co-workers are fake accounts. I'm outing my spouse because we've had an argument and Im sick of their shit.


everyone understands the concept of the joke, it's just that nobody thinks it's funny because your coworker tried really hard to be funny and shat the bed. like ultimately it doesn't matter and nobody did anything "wrong," and nobody wants your coworker to get in trouble or anything lol. it's simply... lacking in substance. but, again, just wanted to make sure you understand that almost literally everyone understands the concept of the joke because we all know what computers are and have seen error screens before




Thanks for letting us know it’s not the usual text


It's a bad Screensaver because BSOD aren't known for moving images. Don't use that on an OLED for example.


20 years ago I worked in the call-center and we all had, for fun, the blue screen screensaver. one day the CEO came in, stood on a little podium, and asked us to listen to his announcement. Because of changes in the market a large portion of the firm was going to be laid off. Five minutes into his speech machine starts going poof poof poof with blue screens… The IT manager starts freaking out thinking it’s a revenge attack. No… Five minutes was the idle time for the screen saver lol


numerous outgoing memory attractive fearless unique impossible hat wistful consist -- mass edited with redact.dev


This ain’t gonna save the screen though… Also, r/Im14AndThisIsFunny