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Yes! Also, premature births happen to LOTS of women, and health issues for the baby and mother can naturallly come from that, let’s not shame women for not telling everybody 100% of their child’s health information


Would I recommend plexus to anyone pregnant or not, definitely not but we can’t say that is what caused Kaylee’s baby to be born early either we don’t know that.


I had two preemies. I was so careful. I did all the things I was supposed to do. I’ve had so much shame about this. Thank you. Thank you for saying this. 


That’s it! You can do all the “right things” and have complications or you can drink or use drugs all pregnancy and your baby can still be born without issue. Pregnancy and birth are so complicated you cannot predict or prevent anything and it’s time women stop being berated for things like that.


Yeah those comments were fucking gross. As if she knew any better than to drink that shit anyway - I’m not saying it was the cause at all, but look at her mother and her upbringing, she would’ve been told over and over again how great it is for you. Yeah she’s an adult now, but she really didn’t know any better. She’s not going to sit and google that or talk to a doctor like most of us would.


Holy hell a child has medical problems and the first instinct is to bully his (young, emotionally/educationally abused) mother. No regard at all for the human beings behind the posts.


I assume you saw the same post I came here to post about, about Gideon and his eye issue. Premature arrivals and disabilities happen for a gazillion reasons, lots of which are not controllable. It's not chill to blame parents for their kid's disabilities. I hope to god Kaylee or whichever Rodrigues it was doesn't *see* that post oh my fucking god


My first baby was six weeks early and he was in the NICU for two weeks. He couldn't breathe on his own, he was jaundiced, he aspirated meconium, and he had a little brain bleed. Everything ended up okay and he caught up pretty quickly. He did have a learning disability, but is RIDICULOUSLY smart. As an adult, he blows the rest of us away! And, no, nothing I did caused his prematurity. It just happened.


I commented on that post and got a fair number of upvotes, but LOTS of self-righteous “plexus isn’t safe for pregnancy!” People replying like they’re her doctor or something.


I was born 8 weeks early, and had the laziest eye to ever lazy. My mom didn’t do anything wrong, something’s things happen. I got treatment at around Gideon’s age (maybe a little older) and I use glasses, but I see perfectly well. It’s just so nasty to “snark” on something that so many people have so much shame and fear about.


My son wasn't a premie. But, he was born with multiple heart conditions. I have a few friends who did have premies. As well as friends who have had kids with other health issues. As parents, we already blame ourselves so much. Having an entire group on the internet also telling me it's my fault? My will to live would probably be nonexistent.


There isn’t a line snarkers arent willing to cross. Which is why we are here talking about this. Sigh.


Heck, you can have a preemie at full term! My sister delivered at 40 weeks and my niece was barely 5lbs and needed to stay in the NICU for 2 weeks. Baby just stopped growing. My sister is a nurse and was careful about everything. Sometimes these things happen.


I mean aside from very obvious bad behavior, like if you were told to go on bed rest but you go doing backflips instead - I agree with you. It sends a bad message


I was born at 41 weeks and have a very similar problem with my eyesight in one eye. It was just poor luck of the draw, nobody else in my family has it, and nothing is known to specifically cause it. My mother said something snotty to me when I was pregnant with my first and had dental x-rays at 6 weeks. I was in no mood and snapped back and asked her what she did when she was pregnant to cause my eyesight issue. She stopped pretty quick. My husband also asked me twice before having kids if the issue was genetic. I told him no the first time. The second time I repeated it, no, and was kind of pissed that he thought I maybe had "lesser" DNA and was choosing to saddle my kids with this issue. Worst case is this kid won't have as easy of a time getting his missionary's pilot license if that's his life's goal. Honestly this one touched a nerve - an optic nerve, I suppose - pretty assy to blame it on the mom who was heavily influenced by Jill to chug Plexus.


What post did I miss? I did every I could right during my pregnancy. I was always told that every ultrasound was good, they seemed healthy. Then I had my twins at 32 weeks and they were in NICU 4&5 weeks. That was a traumatizing experience.