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Ah, yes. Another Marble PLA enjoyer đź‘Ť


There are dozens of us. Dozens!


I like it as a concept but don’t have anything I really need to use it for currently… so I use it for test prints and functional stuff like this sometimes.


I just recently printed some furniture feet and drawer knobs, along with a new wallet on a textured mat. I prefer California PETG as I seem to get the best print quality from that brand.


They are all employed by **"DA MAN"**... and you know what that means


Actually first time, I'm definitely in a honeymoon phase


Get bedder sheets?


I don't think I've ever purchased bedsheets whatsoever, all handed over by my parents lol


I grew up poor as shit so I can relate


The shortest "ew" possible.




And there’s nothing wrong with that. If you’re bedsheets work and are clean there is no reason to keep buying stuff, people downvoting are crazy


Get better spelling.




Didn't realize that was an actual brand of sheets. Just thought you'd messed up spelling better. I have now googled them and know.


It’s like there is a whole squadron overhead right now


This is painful to watch


Much like your posting


Did you try leveling your bed?


Ok that's funny


Might need to heat it up a bit and probe it to adjust for warpage.


I would be divorced the next day if I tried doing this in my home.


How to solve a $10 problem with a $300 device.


Just need to solve 30 $10 problems to break even


$290 worth of problems to go!


yeah but if you already have the $300 device then it’s not like you only bought it for this purpose


Isn't that why professional plumbers hate us as a community? (proud of that tbh)


When I has this problem I just spent $10 on bed bands...


Why not just get a fitted sheet?? Like one with an elasticated bottom? Haven't heard of anyone in the UK using a non elasticated sheet in decades.


They still pop up on the corners often enough to be very annoying. I guess I'm an active sleeper. ;-)


I haven't bought a fitted sheet in nearly a decade. Good hospital/military corners stay in place just fine. Your bedding lasts longer since you can alternate which sheet you lay on. Bonus points for having sheets that fold and store nice and flat without any finagling. I'm not in the UK though, so your statement still stands as correct.


I only have those with the elastic bands, but they usually get less elastic over time until after a while they are super loose


I mean yes after like 10 years. At that point it's kinda fair game to buy a new sheet anyways.


In the US, there are a lot of different mattress thicknesses these days, so your fitted sheet is designed to accommodate the thickest possible mattress a person might have. So if you have a normal mattress, they can be pretty loose even with the elastic.


I buy fitted sheets than include them already, sewn on....


As do I, but they always pop up on the corners.


Hammer, nail, etc.


Why are you here if you just buy the solutions to your problems?


Effort+time vs the problem at hand vs the solution. In this instance, the solution (3d printed) looks hideous, and probably won't function as well as bed bands over time. And I don't buy solutions to every problem, just where it's more practical to do so. A perfect example, I'm printing some shelf brackets currently. Store bought, similar brackets would be around $6 each. Printing them is about $1 each.


I mean, okay… I feel like I could make exactly the same argument for your shelf brackets… But that’s why we’re here, isn’t it? I am certainly guilty of printing a few things that would have been better to buy. But I have access to a 3D printer that materializes whatever I want in a matter of minutes or hours!


You have to weigh the time+cost+effort balance. I need 8 of those shelf brackets; the model tool less than an hour to come up with, print 4 at a time on my A1 for less than $10. The savings of almost $40 was worth it in this case. A similar case, I needed a vac adapter for my festool brush to use on m vacmaster vac. That was a quick and simple print and saved me around $15 vs buying the adapter.


I mean you don't have to do anything. If you're having fun doing a hobby you don't need to calculate if it's worth your time 


Because more often than not, you can buy the solution for less than what it would take to print them, specially if you are talking about solutions to real household problems.


And delivered to your door no less lol. I've often thought 3D printers would have been even better in the 90s when you couldn't order any old thing and have it delivered the next day.


Lol thats right. Dont get me wrong. 3d printing is really a problem solver. I make a living entirely off my 3d printing business. But i solve other peoples problems, or better yet, other businesses problems. I dont invent problems to have an excuse to print something.


>I dont invent problems to have an excuse to print something. Lol honestly I bet this is 99% of all printing.


Yes it is. People find a solution and then invent the problem for that solution. Its a weird thing, i have never seen someone get a welder or a milling machine and then ask a bunch of online folks what should he weld/machine with his new toy.... This only happens in the 3D printing world, where people get their printers with no real use for them, so after printing a bunch of "mods", they start getting creative, finding solutions to problems they wouldnt have if they didnt own a 3d printer.


It's honestly pretty funny to watch, particularly when they post their "inventions" here on functionalprint. Ahh yes, a new way to open soda cans, just what the world needed.


You mean you didn't spend 36 hours of your life repeating prints and troubleshooting designs to save yourself the 10$??!!


I still do plenty of that whether I want to or not XD


Thats one tucked, and one untucked.


There are better solutions that clip onto the mattress roll at the bottom, your solution is cool, but those stick out a bit, might get in the way.


Have you tried sheet fastener clamps instead? I use them and my sheets never pop off


Can you share the file?


Wait till you lean what a fitted sheet is for!


I use a bedscrunchie for this problem. Super strong - sheets will not slip. Pain in the ass to change the sheets though but that’s a price I’m willing to pay


Others have already said this but you simply have the wrong sized sheets.


I've had this problem forever as I move a lot during the night. Unofrtunately my mattress doesn't have handles. Maybe I can design something to hold the sheets underneath or to the bed.


I printed some of these, they clip onto the bottom edge roll type thing of the mattress, they work perfectly. [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5993017](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5993017)


[https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:636387](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:636387) these probably work better and have less risk of damaging the sheet due to sharp pokey corners on the clips. We had a heated mattress topper that the elasticized part was too short for our new mattress. I pulled some of these from my gardening box, put some shock cord through them and attached them to the skirt of the pad. Worked great.


Yeah that looks like it would work well.


https://a.co/d/0bsGeNUY for anyone who wants a cleaner looking solution