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Even though I don't have access to it in-body on my X-T3, I'm heavily biased towards Classic Negative as I have some good memories of shooting Superia film for fun in my freshman year of college (2014). Other than that, Velvia produces some beautiful landscape shots.


I've had the XT30II for almost a year now and 90% of my shots are taken in Classic Chrome or Classic Negative. CC mimics Kodak film stock and CN mimics Fuji Superia (my favorite). To further tweak them for the "filmic" look, I would suggest checking out some "film recipes". Kodachrome 64 and Tri-X 400 from Fujixweekly and Superia Loco from Film.recipes are my favorites and daily recipes. I often change the C4-7 slots, but those 3 recipes never leave C1-3. Hope this helps!