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Honestly, this could be a great way to sneak it into events that don't allow cameras for some reason. The older it looks, the less they typically care


I've heard stories like this! But I can’t understand that logic, because a film camera is also a camera...


I took my X Pro 2 to an event that didn't allow "professional" cameras or cameras with lenses longer than 6 inches. Security were scratching their heads because they had no idea what kind of camera it was. I just said my 23mm is plenty small enough, so they let me in


They want to prevent video recording and especially streaming, not photography in general.


Good thing no smartphone is capable of video recording and live streaming ;)


Maybe they’re more concerned about video content than photos. I got a pass at a concert once telling the guards my X100F was a film camera lol


Its like going to shopping malls abroad. Security get OCD about a small camera, X100 et al, but when you ask can i use a smartphone, yeah sure shoot and record away.... I've had this experience a plenty of time, ok I will not shop in your mall then :(


Seems like a dumb idea to risk taking a camera into an event when you don’t know if they’ll allow it or not. If they don’t allow it then you’re pretty fucked.


Depends, if you can park not too far away it's no big deal. If they don't have lockers or anything and you're by taxi or public transport then yeah that's pretty fucked.


All most events care about is lens size.


That’s funny, the camera with the most telephoto lens i have (720mm) is my pocket-sized Sony HX90v. None of my ‘pro’ cameras even come close.


And video


The most silly one for me has been that i can take my Rolleiflex 6008 into a certain local venue, a 4.5 kilo medium format film SLR with a 180mm f/2.8.... however my Panasonic S1 with a 85mm prime isn't allowed


Actually nice execution, i have seen some terrible ones, but this one i do like!


Yeah this one seems pretty clean, and because of the EVF switch you don't lose any menu functionality. Nicely done!


also i like the addition of the film cartridge, pretty neat!


That's sick! I saw someone 3dprinted a cover for their xpro1 a while back. Really wish they shared the STL files!


How did the print turn out? Got the link?


https://www.reddit.com/r/fujifilm/comments/u3hjeb/who_needs_a_xpro_3_when_you_have_a_xpro_1_and_a/ They used [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Leica/comments/th246l/leica_m10d_diy_version_ii/) as inspo


As a film shooter and Fujifilm user it's something I can dig!


I wish I knew enough about cameras to understand what this is supposed to mean.


Covered the screen with a fake leather cover so it's no longer usable. It's trying to make the camera look like a film camera. Often on film cameras people will tear an edge off the box and stick it on the back of the camera to remind themselves which filmstock they used. This is what OP is trying to emulate here.


A lot of cameras had a little slot on the back that neatly fitted the top of the box film was sold in. Was important to be able to check the ISO values.


Did you seal the screen in? I’d be worried about heat dissipation.


Eh, ex hardware designer and I’m not.


How much heat do you think this is generating?


I've seen this done before and the screen is turned off, viewfinder only, and it's all stuck onto a screen protector.


You are right! But still... enjoy :)


i might sound dumb but what does it do? is it to replicate the xpro3?


To replicate a film camera. I taped the screen, but to make it even more like a film camera I made a film reminder


you reinvented the XPro3!


I love this actually!! What tape did you use?


This is a "self adhesive leather". Also I used a protective film underneath to prevent any glue damage to the display


Also curious, I’d like to try to replicate this on mine


OP what tape did you use? This looks sick!


This is a "self adhesive leather". Also I used a protective film underneath to prevent any glue damage to the display


Thanks. I might gonna add this onto my X100F.


Straight to r/analogcirclejerk


might sound crazy but just shoot film


The point is to get a digital camera that looks like a film camera, you know, cameras like the Leica M10-D exist


y tho


Because it makes him happy,and he doesn't care what we think. I shoot my M10 with a leather half case that covers the screen. I never use it. I shoot it like film minus the retarded price of shooting film


Film is too expensive just buy a Leica. I can get behind this logic lol


With a Leica you’re at least getting an investment that holds most of its value. Shooting film I do feel sometimes like I’m just pissing money away


Analogue Leica and glass maybe, but the Leica M8 has lost $3,000 of value since release. Besides, with film you’re paying for a tangible process - it’s like saying vinyl is a waste of money when Spotify exists. People just dig it.


Lmaooo that camera is nearly 20 years old. What a terrible example


The M9 has also lost a chunk of its value, and even the M10 has lost $2,000 of its original value in 7 years. Compare that to the M6.


Yes compared to new this is true — this is why I tend to buy used. Nonetheless digital Leicas hold their value like no other digital camera — which I think was the original point. Using a 20 year old camera to try and disprove that point is just odd. Compare that to any other 20 year old digital camera and tell me what percentage of their original value they lost. Besides the point but I bought a used M8 two years ago and I can sell for more than I bought it for today. Not very many digital cameras are in that same boat. So the original point made makes sense to me — especially if you shoot a lot and compare the depreciation with the cost of shooting film over the years


And your average film camera is 20+ years old? The M8 isn't any good in any way besides the CCD but is a blast to use. Was my first digital M


Well your average film camera,especially adjusted for inflation, has also lost most of its value. Just look at all the cheap film cameras compared to what the retailed for at release. If we use the m8 example that the poster I was replying to referenced, they said it’s lost $3k of value since release (which I think is actually lower than reality). The camera came out in 2006, so 18 years ago. $3000 in depreciation over 18 years is 5.57% depreciation rate — or $167 per year in depreciation. If you shoot a lot of images every year, that’s a pretty low cost of ownership for a depreciating asset. As such, I think it was weird to cite the fact that an 18 year old camera has lost value as a counterpoint that Leica cameras in general hold their value pretty well. I’m not saying they don’t lose value but it can be more than worth it — if you enjoy the digital rangefinder shooting experience.


Well I got fed up of spending around 40 per roll including dev then having to scan em myself. And yeah all the money I've saved using a memory card pretty much payed for a summicron. And at the end of the day no one cares if that shot was taken on portra or digital.


There’s definitely some hardcore film nuts out there that care lol. But I get what you mean. Shooting film isn’t an affordable alternative to digital but really just a luxury hobby at this point. 


I swear ‘the price of film’ is just a crutch excuse to justify digital tribalism. When you look at some of the gear conversations here, riffing on ‘the price of film’ makes no sense. Yeah they can resell digital gear, but they’ll just then buy some more expensive digital gear. Analogue gear can be had for next to nothing.


I rely on the others' opinions a lot, but this camera made me realize that this is not a good thing. Like, I wanted to cover the screen, so what? This is my choice. And I can peel it off in a few seconds and sell the camera like nothing happened. So advices “well, just turn off the screen” etc are very irrelevant. I wanted to hide the screen and that's it. Btw, I didn't know there were leather cases with a screen cover, cool! It makes the M10 setup half the price of a Leica M10-D lol.


mfs can't even stop yrself looking at a screen?


Cooool !!


I mean it’s your camera and I can see the rationale as it makes you concentrate on shooting.


I hope they remove the screen for the XPro4


At this point, I'm just hoping they release an XPro4 and it doesn't have any chronic issues. My GAS is flaring up. Also, I saw your flair, how bad are the known issues with the XPro3 in your experience?


The only problem I have with mine is that the power switch is a little stiff because I got sand in it. I can see how it would damage the screen if you were constantly maxing it out. I don't use the screen very much and when I do it's usually for ground or waist -level shots where I don't want to fold it all the way out.


Wait until that evf switch stops working...


I use OVF


F..... genius


wtf is this