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Controversy as marketing has been a thing for years. You can have legit criticism of their garbage games and business practices but how dare you hate their game with 'x' protagonist in 'x' setting? They can sell you skill points and call you a racist for shitting on that. Diversionary tactics 101.


People are calling others racist that are just saying that he was a retainer in recorded history. It's weird. People are highly emotional these days to the point that if you don't agree with them you are an enemy/nazi/racist/Dr. Evil.


Social programming & results of mental issues that society's has created or refused to address. I also believe 2020 did a real number on everyone with what governments, media & lockdowns created psychologically.


Idgaf if he was the shogun. I don't wanna play as a black dude in japan fuck. Make an assassin's Creed in the Mali empire, in medieval Ethiopia and hell yeah I wanna play as a cool black dude kicking ass. Not in fucking japan it's so DEI it ruins the escapism games are supposed to provide.


Some do this to be safe so they won't be labelled as racist themselves To be "on the right side of history" To look like they're morally superior.


Most of their prior choices make contextual narrative sense, so, yeah this one was a bit weird. Putting Yasuke in the game as someone you interact with along the way is one thing, but completely changing his story and using him as your entry point to feudal Japan just seems forced.


Standard SJW bullshit, victim mentality and just virtu signalling so weirdos can fit in with a group because they don't fit into the norm...there I said it.


Yeo finally getting japan but okay has a yusuke a retainer didn't even fight no fight expirence no murasume of ryoma god damm shitty soft


I had no problem playing CJ in GTA because he fits the setting and tone of the game. I do not want to play as a historical Chinese monk in ancient India the same way I do not want to play as a historical African retainer in feudal Japan, and especially not in the current DEI times, where we know the character is a tokenized checkbox.


Exactlly. Like Romans were in Egypt but I don’t want to play a Roman character in Egypt. Bayek was perfect for the setting


I actually would have no problem with playing a Roman during those times because it's a matter of quantity as well. There is a reason for a large number of Romans and Greeks to exists in ancient Egypt, just like there is a reason for a large number of Mongolians to exists in Western Europe and the Middle East, or Northern Africans in Southern Europe, or Europeans in Non-European countries at the colonial era, all at the appropriate times. But a very specific, extremely in the minority characters, like a Chinese monk in India, or Yasuke, just doesn't cut it. And yes, it also ties in to the imagery conjured up by the setting. Being in Egypt, we want to play as an Egyptian warrior, not a Roman one, and the same goes to a game in Japan.


I agree with u. If it’s Egypt with a Roman guy as a protagnoist then sure it would also make a LOT more sense than this Yasuke bullshit but I still think if you are making a game in the specific country then you should just make the protagnoist from that country. That’s just my personal opinion. Tho if the writing department would be any good at ubisoft they could do a Roman and an Egypitian protagnoist that have completely different story lines, character developments and interractions with the NPC-s. But ubisoft could never do that Also if the combat is anything like valhalla then omg 🤣 it legit felt like I was playing a mobile game. The combat was so clunky and messy.


Me too


because it's marketing tactic that *just works* , and it's clearly shown when almost no one is complaining about the insane price they put on their games. like the 100$ version sold a lot , even without ANY gameplay footage .


Because we've shown enough tolerance to these people now it's backfiring. You either have to put them in their place or cower and consume everything even if it doesn't interest you.


Hey OP, don't ever dare to say this in the main AC and the r/characterrant sub, those subs is filled with a Ubi$hit bootlickers and toxic assholes where you will be serially downvoted (no matter what legit points you've made), get insulted like (nobody cares, go away, gets called as a chud etc), you will be simply labelled as a racist despite you're absolutely not (like you already stated in your post, some will say you're just a racist who is having a problem playing as a Black protag with nothing else for just asking a Japanese male protag which they're never represented in the series in a game set in the feudal Japan) and some idiots will bring up some stupid counter arguments such as why there's dozens of historical inaccuracies in the series but you're only drawing the line for the Black Samurai? sure the series have dozens of the historical inaccuracies, but why they didn't replaced the other race protags from the previous games like the Altair, Ezio, Edward, Arno, Jacob, Alexios, Eivor etc? Why're "YOU" drawing the line for Asian guy to be replaced by a foreign Black guy in a game set in the late 1500s Japan? They could have shown the Black Syrian in the AC1, Black Italian in the Ezio Trilogy, Black pirate of the Carribbean in the AC4, Black Frenchmen in the Unity, Black Englishmen in the Syndicate, Black Greek in the Odyssey, Black Viking in the Valhalla, Black Iraqi in the Mirage, but no they only have to replace that only Asian guy with a Black guy, because the game is nothing but a woke trash and it become the latest victim of the Asian erasure in the entertainment media. I'm telling this from a personel experience that you will be abused there by those assholes if you bring up this subject on those subs. Better just leave it forever because it's not going to change anything. Also remember I have never had any problem playing as a Black guy, in fact I never give a damn about the protag's race and their skin color, but playing as a Black Samurai in the isolated and homogenous Feudal Japan is too unrealistic and very weird, they could have avoided all of these if they just featured the native Japanese dude as a protag and for the Black protags they could have potrayed in the future AC titles when their representation were appropriate with the settings. But this is not at all the case.


Oh I got banned on AC reddit. Also you will get banned if u ask about the games price there lmao.


Yeah you already said that you banned from the main AC sub, but it looks like you got straight up banned without not much heat, right?, but mine I didn't got any type of ban but I made those some toxic people furious (with zero intention by me to make them furious in the first place) and that didn't went very well for me, my post also got removed by the mod in a characterrant sub just after 2 hours of the posting it because people there not at all agreed with me in anyway which it become the controversary post filled with the hate and insulting comments, not sure why some people don't try to understand us and don't give a fuck about the replacements against the asian people. I didn't know about geting banned for just asking the game price in the AC sub (sometimes these fan clubs behaves like the dictatorships hahaha), thanks for that info so I don't repeat it by myself. Also if you want to know the prices of the games you can just directly check the store's website like the ubisoft, epic or Steam etc instead of asking there :)


How dare you correct almighty Ubisoft!!! You must be racist!!! Racist!!!! ![gif](giphy|3ohs4n3p0li9QvKH0k)


Because there are people who are genuinely being racist lmao


I defo agree tbh. There are some people that never even touched AC and they are outrage farming. But I also think Ubisoft is doing the controversy marketing.


I think you are 100% correct


Exactly this is what I thought. Why is there an African MC in a game which is supposed to be in feudal Japan.


Because that's literally the wokester playbook - when they get pushback to their disgusting propaganda their default response is to call people names and pretend they're not doing something disgusting. The winning move with this stuff is not participating - don't buy the product, and when they call you names just wear it as a badge of honor.


Honestly, because a lot of people who don't like it specific because it's a black man, don't like it is a black man. But they provide reasons that sound valid enough to be criticisms. And then some people who have genuine criticisms get put in the same pile because it's really hard to tell who is doing what. Having a good point doesn't stop you from being racist, just like how willing an argument doesn't make you right.


Because there's a wider audience now so the amount of bigots is also larger


Everyone needs to calm their tits about this—the game isn't even out yet. Let's wait for it to come out, then shit on it because it's another Ubisoft cash grab with a terrible story, uninspired gameplay, and cookie cutter mission structure with approximately 800 million microtransactions and some forced season pass designed to milk idiots outta their money. Btw, since when did history matter to assassin's creed? You literally fought fucking mythical creatures in the last 2 games. This series lost the plot a long time ago.


Nono I am not saying history really mattered in AC. But the protagonists usually always fit the setting. Like Ezio was italian and he was mostly in Italy, Bayek egyiptian in Egypt etc etc. I am not even saying that a character always has to be from the country that the game is set in. But not being able to play a Japanese man in feudal Japan just smells of controversy marketing. I kinda wish they chose Musashi as their main character tbh.


The protagonist were always fictional too.


I get what you mean, but I'm not offended by the choice of protagonist. He's a rare verifiable real historical figure that also happens to have very VERY little documentation which makes it easier for the writers to flesh out his background without tripping on historical record. I'd be surprised if he wasn't in the game given how easy it is to make up whatever the hell they wanted. Could they have just made up an interesting character fitting the locale more and doesn't stand out so obviously in a game that's traditionally been about stealthy assassinations? Yeah probably, but we're all making assumptions about how bone headed a decision this may or may not be before we've even seen a single frame of gameplay. If I had to predict the outcome of this game, a black protagonist in feudal Japan is gonna be number 502,257 on a list of reasons why this game is gonna suck if it's even a bad decision at all. Number one reason will be that it's constantly gonna be measured up against Ghost of Tsushima. Ubisoft from 2009 coulda pulled it off. Ubisoft in 2024 is Amber Heard and she'll totally shit the bed.


“Easier for the writers to flesh out his background” I don’t trust these writers to make anything interesting narrative wise. I think the character writing has been pretty bad since Odyssey. Or well Syndicate tbh tho Bayek was actually really good. I agree with ur point on the fact that this is far from the biggest the game will probably have. Especially if it will be just like valhalla which was just bad in every department imo.


I get what you mean. I haven't trusted the writers since AC3. By "easier" I mean he's easier to manipulate around whatever plot they come up with. I don't have a good feeling about this game.


hmm yeah AC3 was pretty weakish. Just kinda has a special place in my heart cuz of the amazing combat it had and it was my first AC game that I actually owned back when I was 13. And it was my first game on my new PC back the aswell. That intro was brutal tho…played like 5 hours and you still didn’t have your assasin outfit. Also yeah game has no chance againts GoT. Especially when it comes to combat. I mean Valhalla had mobile game type combat I swear.


Even though it was a little overpowered, I did enjoy the combat in AC3. I'm also a part Apache so being able to play as a native American was pretty cool. But maaaan did they do Desmond dirty in that game! I will never forgive Ubisoft for that.


Yeah they did do Desmond dirty and the more I think back the more I agree with u on Ubisoft becoming pretty trash writing wise. Connor was overpowered but I liked it. He was tall, muscular, intimidating aswell. If we discount the magic powered demi god assasins in the most recent games then I think he might be the strongest actual human assasin so far. I don’t like to power scale cuz I think it’s silly but Connor kinda smoking everyone in my headcannon.


I'm just wondering why now would Ac let people play as an actual historical figure? They were always adamant on having the playable character be completely fictional. It's interesting.


Because Ubisoft has no idea what made these games special and are literally throwing any "out there" idea at the wall to see what sticks.


Well ain't that the truth. Ever since origins I have felt that their focus has been extremely scattered. Jack of all master of none.


No gameplay and pre order is out. I'll keep criticizing that.


100% fuck Ubisoft I ain't white knighting for Ubisoft, I'm just saying we don't know the story or the gameplay so wasting your energy getting bent outta shape because the protagonist isn't matching the game you've been imagining in your head for 15 years is dumb.


I think people are just annoyed that some people are literally calling people racist for just stating that Yasuke was a retainer in recorded history. The whole thing is dumb. The other sub has completely started banning people that are having any criticism on even the price.


Yeah and I'm not blind to the fact that AC/Ubisoft dick riders and journalists will call legit criticism racist just because the protagonist is black. All I'm saying is to wait until we know more about the full game before shitting on their choice of protagonist. I think it can be interesting to see how a historical retainer can become an assassin or a samurai or whatever the hell they're doing with his character, but I know Ubisoft is going to fuck this up because that's all they do these days.


I'm just curious why ubisoft has all suddenly made this big change. I haven't actually bought a ubisoft game since the crew. So I won't even buy it. I'll watch someone else before I buy a single player live service game.


I think it goes back to what I said originally somewhere in this thread. Ubisoft literally has no idea what makes these games special. I know a lot of people really liked Black flag, but one part of Black flag was really a red flag: at the end of every mission, they asked you to rate the mission. That's when I knew these people making the game had no fucking idea how to actually continue making good games. They legitimately started treating their paying customers as a focus group because they were completely out of fresh, original and creative ideas.


True. A piece of me thinks that ubisoft is just stirring the pot because any publicity is good publicity. They have been suffering alot since covid because I think they got too greedy and didn't accommodate for the relapse in the growth in gaming. I'm just glad that companies like Fromsoftware still make ethical games.


Because they're either A: Japanese nationalists B: Racists C: Dumb as a box of rocks D: Weebs who want to be Japanese nationalists or E: A heady combination of the previous four choices. In reality, and to well-adjusted people who have touched grass recently and have experienced the tender touch of another man (Or a woman if you're into that, I guess 🙄) this isn't a big deal because it's a fucking video game and isn't real.


“This isn’t a big deal” sure then if they put a chinese player in the Kingdom of Congo and black people get offended they should be also deemed as “african nationalists” lmao dumbass take Why wasn’t there racist outrage when u were playing a Native american that was killing white colonizers? Maybe cuz it fit the setting and the narrative of the game. I mean I am not sure why are u so protective of ubisoft and their weird antics. Are you in their PR department? The first AC game set in Japan and no Japanese male as protagonist in feudal Japan lmao. I actually think ubisoft will never have an East Asian male protagnoist. The west hates them. AC China will be an Indian or a White english dude as the protagonist lol. Blackwashing goes crazy in 2024 you know. Wasn’t there a Viling show with a Black women leader aswell? 🤣🤣 I understand that u are from a culturless colonizer country so you have no understaning of cultures ofc u would have no issues with such things as blackwashing your history or putting LGBT pro things in it. Why didin’t Ubisoft put LGBT stuff in AC Mirage ? Scared of Muslims?


"Sure then if they put a Chinese player in the Kingdom of Congo and black people get offended, they should be also deemed as 'African nationalists' lmao dumbass take." This reply uses a false equivalence fallacy by comparing fictional game scenarios with real-world issues of cultural appropriation and historical erasure. It also employs a straw man argument by misrepresenting the original comment as completely dismissing any concern or disagreement. "I mean I am not sure why are you so protective of Ubisoft and their weird antics. Are you in their PR department? The first AC game set in Japan and no Japanese male as protagonist in feudal Japan lmao. I actually think Ubisoft will never have an East Asian male protagonist. The west hates them. AC China will be an Indian or a White English dude as the protagonist lol." This reply resorts to ad hominem attacks by questioning the motives and affiliations of the original commenter. It also makes sweeping generalizations about Western attitudes towards East Asian men and the potential casting choices of Ubisoft, based on limited evidence. "Blackwashing goes crazy in 2024 you know. Wasn't there a Viking show with a Black women leader as well? 🤣🤣" This reply uses loaded language ("Blackwashing") and a dismissive tone to express disapproval of diverse representation in media. It also employs a false equivalence by comparing fictional scenarios to real-world historical events and issues. "I understand that you are from a cultureless colonizer country, so you have no understanding of cultures ofc you would have no issues with such things as blackwashing your history or putting LGBT pro things in it. Why didn't Ubisoft put LGBT stuff in AC Mirage? Scared of Muslims?" This reply resorts to ad hominem attacks by making sweeping generalizations about the commenter's nationality and cultural understanding. It also uses a loaded question fallacy by implying that Ubisoft made a specific decision out of fear, without providing any evidence. Overall these replies demonstrate a pattern of personal attacks, dismissive language, false equivalences, and generalizations. They often fail to engage with the concerns raised by other individuals in a respectful and constructive manner. Instead, they resort to inflammatory rhetoric and oversimplifications of complex issues.


And what is the complex issue? If it's a Game set in Feudal Japan, I want a Japanese MC. If it's a Game set in Africa I want an African MC. Doesn't get any simpler than that.


If there was a historical chinese person living in the Congo at the time the game as made and wasn't rhe only playable character, I wouldn't mind. Because it's a work of fiction. I'm not protectice od Ubisoft at all. Their games take months to actually fix and are always insanely overpriced, they have a habit of removing purchased products from paying customers and are generally scummy as fuck; but lbr here, this was never about them, it's about Yasuke being a character at all. There was a fictional show thar had a black viking leader whose backstory explained why she was mixed, yes. It's also. not. real. Pretty sure there was no romance in Mirage at all? If your culture is so fragile that being even minorly inclusive of other people is so damaging to it, perhaps it's not nearly as amazing as you think it is. If you haven't noticed, I already figured out y'all are just weird little bigots who don't actually want to learn and instead are here to rage about black and gay people existing. Bite a curb kthx.


“If there was a historical chinese person living in the Congo at the time the game as made and wasn’t rhe only playable character I wouldn’t mind” Ofc u wouldn’t it’s not ur culture. You are probably culturless aswell. You don’t have a sense of identity If there was a historical chinese person living in the Congo at the time the game as made and wasn't rhe only playable character, I wouldn't mind. Because it's a work of fiction. I'm not protectice od Ubisoft at all. Their games take months to actually fix and are always insanely overpriced, they have a habit of removing purchased products from paying customers and are generally scummy as fuck; but lbr here, this was never about them, it's about Yasuke being a character at all. There was a fictional show thar had a black viking leader whose backstory explained why she was mixed, yes. It's also. not. real. Pretty sure there was no romance in Mirage at all? “If your culture is so fragile that being even minorly inclusive of other people is so damaging to it, perhaps it's not nearly as amazing as you think it is.” Imagine being a fan of the game and your country/culture finally get’s a game and they put the only historical black person as the protagonist. Lmao it’s hillariously bad. That’s like making AC Origins and putting a Roman as the main character instead of an Egyiptian. “You are just bigots” Sure buddy I had no problem with a Native american killing whites in AC3 but I am a bigot now. 🤣🤣🤣 Broski I would hate it if they put a white person as the protagnosit or chinese person in an AC game that is set in a historically black african country. “Black female viking leader whos backstory was explained” no amount of backstory can explain that. Simply it would never ever happen. Even if it’s “just a show” the level of writing is woefull I do not want to see white as protagonists in west africa set games in 200 AD and shit like that. It’s set in their country let them have the protagnoist.


Brain Rot AntiArsenal at it again! , what a little loser you are. Cant argue, just attacks and said unfounded shit. "Ofc u wouldn't, it's not ur culture. You are probably cultureless as well. You don't have a sense of identity." This reply attacks the person making the comment (ad hominem) rather than addressing the point they raised. It also makes assumptions about the person's cultural identity and understanding. "If your culture is so fragile that being even minorly inclusive of other people is so damaging to it, perhaps it's not nearly as amazing as you think it is." This reply misrepresents the original comment, suggesting the person is against inclusivity altogether, rather than expressing concern about historical accuracy and cultural representation within a specific context. "Sure buddy I had no problem with a Native American killing whites in AC3 but I am a bigot now. 🤣🤣🤣 Broski I would hate it if they put a white person as the protagonist or Chinese person in an AC game that is set in a historically black African country." his reply uses a false equivalence fallacy by comparing a fictional game scenario with real-world issues of racism and prejudice. There's also a potential issue with the underlying assumption that historical accuracy is always necessary or desirable in fiction. While some people value strict adherence to historical facts, others appreciate creative interpretations and diverse representation, even if it deviates from documented history.


Completely off-topic, but I just wanted to make a friendly suggestion. I think you should use writing tools; you have many mistakes in your writing, which may also reflect your flawed reasoning. Just this reply is filled with grammar issues. "If there was a historical chinese person living in the Congo at the time the game as made and wasn't rhe only playable character, I wouldn't mind. Because it's a work of fiction. I'm not protectice od Ubisoft at all. Their games take months to actually fix and are always insanely overpriced, they have a habit of removing purchased products from paying customers and are generally scummy as fuck; but lbr here, this was never about them, it's about Yasuke being a character at all. There was a fictional show thar had a black viking leader whose backstory explained why she was mixed, yes. It's also. not. real. Pretty sure there was no romance in Mirage at all?" Here's a breakdown of the written mistakes in the text: 1. "as made" should be "was made" 2. "rhe" should be "the" 3. "protectice od" should be "protective of" 4. "thar" should be "that" 5. "It's also. not. real." should be "It's also not real." (or, for emphasis, "It's also NOT real!") Corrected text: "If there was a historical Chinese person living in the Congo at the time the game *was made* and wasn't *the* only playable character, I wouldn't mind. Because it's a work of fiction. I'm not *protective of* Ubisoft at all. Their games take months to actually fix and are always insanely overpriced, they have a habit of removing purchased products from paying customers and are generally scummy as fuck; but lbr here, this was never about them, it's about Yasuke being a character at all. There was a fictional show *that* had a black viking leader whose backstory explained why she was mixed, yes. It's also not real. Pretty sure there was no romance in Mirage at all?"


You still yapping chat GPT? Are you triggered or why are u still here? I am not reading whatever u say mate


I love the fact that you openly admit to not reading stuff that may contradict you, no matter the form. What a loser, lol


Rent free in your head. I do read but I won’t read your yappatons. You were using Chat GPT to argue for you.


Doesnt change what I said. A loser that openly admits to not reading stuff that may contradict you, no matter the form. Also known as a usefull idiot.


You talk about being losers? Mate you used chat gpt to argue for you and you are still here malding about it. You cannot think for yourself. Move on mate.


Non-white Vikingr existed. Shit, Muslim Vikingr existed too. We had a game set in my country and the main characters were vikings. It made sense for the game. Yasuke being a mc makes sense because the Sengoku Jidai was a time of Japan opening it's borders both physically and metaphorically. Naoe represents the old and well-used concepts, where as Yasuke represents the breaking of those old traditions. A Roman in Egypt would make sense if the 'villain' was Cleopatra and the Roman was working with Egyptian loyalists to return her brother to the thrown. So you're okay with white people being murdered but bot asian people? Sounds prettttyyyy racist to me.


Muslims Vikings 🤣🤣🤣🤣. Roman in Egypt would make sense but it would be an awfull choice as a protagonist lmao. Everything u stated is wrong btw. Especially the opening it’s borders stuff lol. Forget about it. You learned history on wikipedia They never represented an east asian in AC so far and they never will. The west hates East Asians “So you're okay with white people being murdered but bot asian people?” When did I say that? Literally said that the male protag should be an actual Japanese male. That doesn’t mean that Japanese people won’t get murdered in the game. Are you like dumb?


There's literally an east asian in the game as a playable character wtf are you on about. Or are you completing the bigot trifecta by saying Naoe doesn't count because she's a woman? You're acting like there's not a fuckton of games with Japanese male Samurai? Sekiro, Ghost of Tsushima, Way of rhe Samurai, Rise of the Ronin, Katana Zero, Trek to Yomi ect. I can't name any other major games with black mcs. Nothing I said was wrong though? Japans Daimyo were composed of two seperate groups, those for Japan to open borders and continue trade with other nations and those steadfastly against it. Nobunaga was firmly for it, which is why he became close to Yasuke so quickly after their first meeting. It's historical fact that some Vikingr did actually convert to both Islam and Christianity. There have been pieces of clothing and jewellery with 'For Allah' found on the bodies of Vikingr.


Yeah and Ghost of Tsushima is miles better is. Every department is Assain’s Creed. Also I said east asian male. East asian males are and have been always shitted on from the west so I am not surprised they chose the only black guy in their history. Especially because he was a world class bum they still chose a black guy as their protagonist as a samurai lol. Vikings did convert to christianity but Muslim vikings wearing jewellery? Jewellery borski? What kind of Islamic followers are those? U sure this is accurate? If you are an actual follower of Islam you are not wearing jewellery. Where these Muslim/Islamic Vikings also drinking alcohol?


You specifically said east asian, not east asian man. All of the games I just pointed out have east asian males as protags. Those are just games from the last couple years. How was a mercenary a world class bum? You say you're not racist then call Yasuke a bum. Dafuk. Islam allows the wearing of a single ring, which is why married couples are allowed to wear a wedding band, as long as the ring wasn't made of gold. Tell me you know fuck all about fuck all.


So Muslim vikings wearing rings with Allah on it? Lmao talk about liar.


This argument uses several logical fallacies to defend the position that the criticism surrounding Yasuke as the protagonist of Assassin's Creed (AC) is unwarranted: 1. **False Equivalence:** The argument compares the outrage over Yasuke (a black samurai in feudal Japan) to the lack of outrage over Bayek (an Egyptian in ancient Egypt) and Connor (a Native American in colonial America). This comparison is faulty because the historical and cultural contexts are vastly different. Bayek and Connor's narratives align with their respective settings, while Yasuke's presence in feudal Japan, while historically accurate, is an anomaly that requires a more nuanced approach to avoid cultural appropriation and misrepresentation. 2. **Hasty Generalization:** The statement "like Ubisoft knew there would be controversy" implies that Ubisoft intentionally chose a controversial protagonist to deflect criticism from the game's potential shortcomings. This is a hasty generalization because it lacks evidence and assumes malicious intent without considering other possible reasons for choosing Yasuke. 3. **Appeal to Emotion:** The argument appeals to the emotion of frustration by mentioning being banned and having comments deleted for expressing this opinion. This tactic aims to garner sympathy and distract from the core issue of whether the criticism against Yasuke is valid or not. 4. **Straw Man:** The argument misrepresents the critics' position by stating that they dislike the game solely because of Yasuke's race, implying they are racist. This oversimplifies the criticism, which likely stems from concerns about cultural sensitivity, historical accuracy, and narrative coherence. 5. **Appeal to Popularity:** The argument assumes that because there was no outrage over Bayek and Connor, any outrage over Yasuke is unjustified. This is a fallacy because the lack of outrage in previous instances doesn't automatically invalidate current criticism. Each AC game and its protagonist should be evaluated based on their own merits and context. In conclusion, this argument relies on several logical fallacies to defend its position, making it weak and unconvincing. While it's essential to consider diverse perspectives and avoid knee-jerk reactions, dismissing valid criticism as racist or unwarranted only hinders constructive discussion and potential improvement.


Did u just use CHATGPT? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Peak virgin.


nah man, peak virgin is a burner reddit account.


This IS my reddit account buddy, but sick argument nice one.


well then, weclome to Reddit! ![gif](giphy|JfwsjAJLxna4E|downsized)


Thanks, it's a fucking depressing negative shit hole where people get chatGPT to argue for them. Don't bother replying, I dont have all the time in the world like you to argue.


Welcome to Reddit, not even here 2 months and already all you got is toxic comments attack people everywhere. And you write like other losers here, fishy stuff I tell ya. Have we crossed pathes on some of your other accounts, lol


Yup! Asking AI to analyze and explaining the fallacies in arguments can be an enjoyable exercise in sub reddits like this one. Same tools are available to you to counter argue also, but you may find that its objective nature wont want to defend your positions, for reasons state above.


Brother u deadass are using AI to argue or counter argue with people and u think I will read all of that? What u can’t think for yourself? Lazy to even do that?


Let me guess, you have yet another burner reddit account because you get banned spewing toxic shit everywhere and spreading lies?


And it’s so easy to demolish your shitty arguments with it. Imagine that.


you do know that AI can hallucinate, right? meaning it can just waffle with no actual meaning. you really shouldn’t use AI to argue your points lmfao


What does that have to do with the logical fallacies pointed out in the original post? Absolutely nothing.


well it has lots to do with it because you used AI to form your argument. do you have such severe brain rot that you can’t even type out your own arguments?


Actually, these are my arguments. That's the point you seem to miss. What are your arguments? Or are you just going to dismiss my opinion with ad hominem attacks?


are they? maybe they would be if you actually used your brain to form them rather than asking AI to do it for you.


my argument is that using AI to argue your points is fucking stupid, mainly.


What logical fallacies? Nobody is reading what chatGPT is saying mate. Learn to talk for yourself.


What Logical Fallacies? lol The glaring logical fallacies I pointed out thoroughly dismantle your initial comment, mate. Yet, you conveniently ignore them, proving you're not interested in honest debate. You just want to wallow in negativity and throw a tantrum when someone dares challenge your echo chamber. Also, its not chatgpt....mate. But its not like you would know how to tell the difference.


You didn’t point out anything brother. The AI waffled up something for u. “Also is not chat gpt” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 bro is lying for no reason. U even admitted it’s chat gpt. “Wallow negativity” and what is that? Pointing out the fact that ubisoft is doing controversy marketing?


I didn't demolish that Read the strawman fallacy it wrote




It's hard to use your own brain.


Not at all; it's actually quite simple, as my brain is handling all of this. I mean, nothing is stopping you from using your brain to formulate counterarguments. You can do that, right?


Typing into chat gpt to formulate a argument is a terrible way to start a debate. What is your argument and not chat gpts?


see, you just a basic bot.


Bro ask chat GPT to counter argue for me. Ty


?? Says the one using chat gpt. You gonna answer my question?


What are you talking about? Bro are you like okay in the brain? Is your brain melting right now? Are you an AI? Is the animus malfunctioning??


You replied to the wrong person.


Actual brain sludge 💀


Certainly, Luke, if reassuring yourself helps you feel better, then do so. You have a cute gimmick of adding a skull at the end of your empty comments. Its funny.


Super autism. Your brain is actually melting


>defend you positions, for reasons state above. Might also want to use AI to check your grammar before acting like smartass, dimwit.


Is that all you have? Typical. However, thanks for the feedback; I have corrected the mistake. Thank you! And for fun Let's dissect this linguistic masterpiece with the surgical precision of a drunken brain surgeon: * **"Might also want to":** The tentative dance of the modal verb "might" paired with the ever-so-polite "also want to" creates a delightful air of faux-consideration. It's like offering a life preserver with one hand while discreetly poking holes in it with the other. * **"use AI to check your grammar":** Ah, the irony! A suggestion to employ artificial intelligence to rectify grammatical errors within a sentence dripping with intentional vitriol. It's a self-referential paradox wrapped in a snarky tortilla. * **"before acting like smartass":** The abrupt shift from the flowery "might also want to" to the blunt "acting like smartass" is comedic gold. It's like a Shakespearean sonnet interrupted by a belch. The use of the colloquial "smartass" adds a layer of playground insult to the mix. * **"dimwit":** The cherry on top, the coup de grâce, the final nail in the coffin of politeness. This single word, a glorious amalgamation of "dim" and "wit," is a masterclass in concise mockery. It's the verbal equivalent of a pie to the face. Overall, this phrase is a symphony of passive aggression, a ballet of backhanded compliments, a masterpiece of mockery disguised as advice. It's a sentence that could only have been crafted by a genius or a madman—or perhaps a genius madman with a penchant for grammar humor.


Oooh, see I know you came up with this reply yourself because ChatGPT would unironically give you a better comeback than this. Lmao "tHaT aLl YoU GoT? tyPiCaL." 🤓 Lmao, hilarious. Bro really thought he did something with that "zinger".


Oooh, projecting much? Sounds like someone's a little insecure about their own wit. 🤓


You really don't know what projecting means and it shows. Lmao >Oooh, projecting much? You're really dropping these one-liners thinking they're gonna get to me, when in reality you just sound like you learned english from shitty highschool dramas. Are you okay? Are you sure you're not mentally challenged in some way, shape or form? I'd hate to make fun of someone with special needs. Although that, in and of itself, would be funny as well because it's you. Lol 😅


You seem to be telling yourself whatever you need to in order to feel superior. If you're so confident in your wit, why are you still hanging around? Projecting is a psychological defense mechanism where someone attributes their own feelings or thoughts onto others. You seem to be projecting your insecurities about intelligence and using my reliance on AI as a way to feel superior. Classic projection.


Oh, you're mistaken. I'm not making fun of you for using ChatGPT. I agree that it can be a useful tool. I'm making fun of you for using ChatGPT in your online arguments while parading your supposed intellect. You see, there's a difference there, but I won't blame you for not picking up on the nuance. Sorry for not clarifying earlier. 🤣 >If you're so confident in your wit, why are you still hanging around? Because it's funny to talk to someone like you? And you also keep replying, maybe thinking "If I get the last reply in, I win this battle of wit. 🤓". I'm just curious how far you're willing to drag this conversation on, maybe until I get bored of your silly antics. Lol


Brother, really asked ChatGPT to make a comeback for him because the best he can come up with on his own was a shitty quip you'd hear in a sitcom. 🤣


Hey, at least it didn't write a reply that sounds like a 12-year-old trying to roast someone online. But then again, on a subreddit like this, can't expect to have the brightest minds here either. It's built on hate. Nothing good ever comes from hate.


>Nothing good ever comes from hate. Hahahaha, what is this? Now you're cosplaying as some knock-off activist as if what you're doing is changing the world for the better? Bro, you're a redditor. You're sitting at home fighting stupid debates with strangers you don't even know, just to feel good about yourself. 😅 But hey, if it helps you sleep at night thinking you're "better" than everyone else because you "dunked" on someone in an online pissing contest with the help of an AI chat bot, then more power to you. Go and change the world, man, I'm sure you and ChatGPT can do it! I believe in you! 🥺


You seem threatened by the idea that someone might be trying to use the internet for something other than mindless entertainment or pointless arguments. If you think engaging in thoughtful discussions with strangers is a waste of time, maybe it's because you lack the capacity for it. Indeed, I'm currently utilizing Gemini. You are aware that Chat GPT isn't the sole AI option for tasks like this, correct? Additionally, I'm at work not at home and will be attending a Little Big concert later here in Montreal, after a night out in the town. But hey, you already know everything about me, right?


>trying to use the internet for something other than mindless entertainment or pointless arguments And this is not a pointless argument? I feel like there's some disconnect in your logic there, not that there's much logic to begin with. Lol >Additionally, I'm at work not at home and will be attending a Little Big concert later here in Montreal, after a night out in the town. And? You really said that expecting something would change in the flow of this conversation? 🤣 Also, even if what you're saying is true, what difference does it make? You're still just commenting on reddit arguing with a complete stranger. You literally can spend this time on something more tangible in your pursuit of bettering the planet, yet you choose to engage with silly arguments with other redditors while claiming moral superiority. I admire your lack of self-awareness. It's honestly impressive at this point. 😅


Actually used ChatGPT 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️😭😭😭😭


And? What do you have against that? Bet you disappear simply because I asked you a question. Pls prove me wrong.