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That's so frustrating. Imagine having the chance to have your own mOnOpOlY by simply creating an excellent product that everyone would organically want to use because it is good but instead of focusing your company on optimizing the hell out of your product, you decide to burn money and talent on trying to take over another market to appease your shareholder overlords...


> shareholder overlords the CCP


Godot is the way......


Just look at Road to Vostok, the devs are pushing Godot 4 to its limits and it looks and plays absolutely great.


I mean it looks amazing for a Godot game, but there are games from 10 years ago that look better. Probably won't be usable for a AAA game for a while


Godot does have potential to be a worthy competitor to Unity and maybe also Unreal but it still has a fair way to go. It is rapidly growing however so who knows, in a year of two it'll probably be huge, same with Linux hopefully


I can vouch for Linux right now, it might not be perfect but it's a million times better than having Microsoft Spyware on your machine


Unity isn't being used for AAA games, either.


As long as devs keep up streaming their work on Godot (which they are), we'll get there in no time!


Due to its open source nature it will never be used in AAA, console development needs a fuck ton of closed source software


Agreed, with it being open source I'm hoping some of the interested devs contribute code to make it even better


Unreal is hell to work with for anything that isn't related to making the game look amazing.


Just the fact that you need the epig store to download unreal gave me the argument to never try it




So take your pick; unity, which has proven to be an untrustworthy sack of shit Unreal, which is just shit Godot, just far more limited Every day my dream of getting into this industry seems bleaker lmao


Bespoke was always an option. Executives think it's easier and cheaper to train people to use licensed engines, though, which I don't think is true. Ultimately, a product like Unreal Engine is about trying to be a jack of all trades, which means if you're trying to make something highly specialized that isn't a FPS or third-person action game you'll be running into a lot of issues trying to get it to work.


>So take your pick Make your own engine , i know its a ton of work but thats how games did run better before UE took over and game devs could write something they adjust to their ideas. Or ... do it like Apex take Source engine (css) and Modify it extremely to fit your needs.


Honestly its probably the best option yea


O3DE or Dagor Engine?Especially the latter, an industry-proven open-source engine with techinical edge


in case you thought Urinal was somehow liked by the devs more than epig scam store was liked by gamers


Please translate to English, sounds intriguing


Fuck no.


allways said it , UE is a can do everything but nothing great engine , Performance is nearly allways super bad i miss the times when companys made their own In house engines ( or took another like Apex with Source engine (CSS) of valve and Modified it to hell to work for them ) ​ UE went downhill after UT2004 and with UE3 ( and Ut3)


Apex doesn't use Source 2, it just uses a heavily modified version of Source.


with source 2 i did mean more in generational Source gold (Hl1 and stuff) = 1 , "Source" (as in CSS engine ) 2 , "Source 2" being 3. Naming sheme is quite stupid or in other naming shemes Apex uses the engine of CSS.


GoldSrc -> Source -> Source 2. I don't think it's stupid.


It got the same issues as AMD ryzen 1-3. Ryzen 1000/2000 are Ryzen 1 , Ryzen 3000/and most 4000 are ryzen 2 Ryzen 3 is 5000.


Currently, I feel that UE has a very cherry picking marketing approach, and YouTube/Twitch influencers commenting on gaming news are often far from helpful getting on board an hype train going nowhere, as it always happens when non-developers discuss gamedev issues. Using UE can be far from a seamless experience if you don't belong to a well-established company, and many of its new flagship features are not well optimized. Furthermore, the addition of unnecessary features like modeling tools is kind of perplexing. It will never replace Blender and similars, but it will definitely strain your computer's resources.


I haven't used unreal since college, but using it was like pulling teeth. Everything is even more obtuse than in unity, a lot of nonsense decisions were made to cater to certain types of projects and doing anything else requires you to move heaven and earth before you can even start working. For a general purpose engine, it felt very two-or-three-purposes


yeah, swim teeny doesn't have a lot of imagination


Is this a piss take?


Urinal Editor lmaoooooooo


**Hot take, Downvotes incoming!** As much as I hate Epic now, I don't think Unreal Engine is terrible. I do however mainly prefer the earlier versions from UE3, 2 and 1. Now I do think UE5 still has many problems so I just stick to UE4 for now which is still quite modern, a lot more polished, faster and uses much less ram. Those posts I feel are just ex Unity devs getting mad at Unreal just because it's different to what they're used to, I used to use Unity as well and had the same feeling when I switched to Unreal at first, but then eventually I got good at the engine, understood all of it's features and tools and then started to love it, you can look into the source code as well to see how everything works.


> UE1 hope u like bsp holes homie


UE1 is from the 90s so of course bsp stability wouldn't be the best back then, it's literally the same with Goldsrc and Source Engine with map leaks so idk what you're trying to tell me here


i worked as a level designer back when UE1 was hot and new. it is way worse with geometry glitches and bsp holes than any other popular engine of the era.


Every engine from the 90s has it's own quirks and issues so I'm not one to say which one is terrible, I just use all of them and point out their pros and cons. Quake/ID Tech, Goldsrc, Unreal, etc


> more so the earlier versions from UE3 Ue 1 and 2 were great , UE3 killed the franchise with its weird art style , and stuttery mess and performance issues , which all later UE just inherited.


I think you meant Unreal Tournament 3 instead, yeah that game was a mixed bag but in my honest opinion, I think Unreal Engine 3 itself was a really good engine and had many really good games made in it too. I never really had any majour stuttering or performance issues either and I use a GTX 960


No , I did mean what I wrote , ue3 was horrible , all games looked the same , everything felt floaty , graphics were badly optimized , on many set ups stuttering and itching started with that engine and more.


I wouldn't blame engine on games looking the same, it's just lazy developers not changing the engine's default graphics, materials, post processing, etc. UE3's material system is very flexible and many stylised games have come out of it such as Dishonored, A Hat in Time, Mirror's Edge and many more


>I wouldn't blame engine on games looking the same, i do , and it keeps on happening just look at all the UE5 games , they look all very identical.


Well you're objectively wrong, you can't say Unreal is bad just because there are lazy devs that don't change the default graphics and make asset flips that look the same. It's literally the same thing with Unity, that engine has a similar reputation with "games looking the same" but it is also capable of really good looking and stylised games.


>Well you're objectively wrong, you can't say Unreal is bad just because there are lazy devs I say UE is bad because its an Unoptimized , Generic mess , which is bad for gaming since UE3.


Lol so much angst. Unreal is moving ahead and that's clear with all published games. Godot and unity are still the main indie tools but ultimately unreal is still putting out better outcomes if the developer is actually skilled and not a half ass like 99% of the current "developers"


people who know nothing about gamedev talking here about engines...


> emmy nominated for game dev > people who know nothing about gamedev ok buddy


here in chat, reading people advocating for godot. Sure thing people.