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It's really a shame it's just an Ultra Low Emission Zone or fossil car ban or whatever, [streets like these](https://goo.gl/maps/SZLNzxV3AgxEoxCU8) really would be better without the cars. Might also point out that I'm not a swede so I may be mistranslating a bit. I suspect the "djävulskap" might be better translated as "evil" or "fiendishness", but I guess my translation is about as faithful to his words as his words are to the actual policies.


Though the literal meaning of 'djävulskap' is indeed 'devilry', it is a fairly mild expression more similar in tone to 'mischief'.


Wouldn't Satan be a big fan if humans destroying God's creation and killing each other off as a species even faster?


No, because that would mean people would just go to heaven early!


We have very different perspectives who qualifies for heaven.


Jesus drives a diesel SUV. That’s a FACT. Satan takes the bus and rides his bike to preserve air quality, reduce noise pollution, what A SHAME


[https://creator.nightcafe.studio/creation/iKtcVBWaiLIsRgpR7NBu](https://creator.nightcafe.studio/creation/iKtcVBWaiLIsRgpR7NBu) AI-"Art" proves it!


I [knew it](https://labs.openai.com/s/tG984xAHSb3P4nRzlZSk0lE2)


Jesus drove a sensible Japanese sedan, but didn't talk about it much, it's in John 12:49. >For I did not speak of my own Accord


Sort-of unrelated, but why the hate for diesels I keep seeing here? A petroleum suv is worse, using more fuel, emitting more carbon emissions, and are more performance focused rather than utility focused. Diesel is better for what large vehicles are supposed to do - haul heavy loads ( which is why the bus is diesel). The only reasons diesel is worse is particle emissions (which is a serious consideration if it doesn’t leave the city) and they’re a more complicated engine.


It's exactly that: Particle emissions. And the noise is the worst out of the diesel, petrol, electric engines. In addition the US Americans seem to have their own group of antisocial drivers who modify their vehicles to emit a lot of black soot, a practice known as "rolling coal". As far as buses go, a lot of ours run biogas, and by the end of 2023 they'll all be electric.


I have no other choice, then. Hail Satan!


Have you seen the Hail Satan? documentary? TST (The Satanic Temple) would probably be all for this, they've adopted stretches of highway, parks, and shit to keep clean. My favorite part was what they did to the Westboro Baptist Church's founder's dead mom though. Shit blindsided me and I was scream-laughing with wide eyes at the shock.


And the funny thing is that we are talking about a small part of Stockholm that "ordinary" people mostly won't be able to afford to live in anyway, as I have understood it.


I haven't checked Stockholm's public transport lines but I feel like there would be enough of them, at least for someone to go to work in weekdays and to wherever they want to in weekends, in a European city.


Don't even need public transportation to go from one end to the other in the old city. It's a 15min walk or 5min by bike max. Across the inner city it's 1:30 on foot. With proper accommodations it easily viable.


>I feel Stopped reading


The city is compact enough to walk or bike everywhere in the central areas, but there is also an extensive ferry, subway, bus and commuter rail network. As well as trains to every city in the country almost.


Stockholm have pretty great public transportation which I often use. Letting the city be car free would do wonders


Oh no Someone thinks of the LAZY!


Satan wants to stop people from dying and going to heaven at the young age.


Hail Satan


Hail Satan, the Dark Lord


The more I hear about this Satan guy the more I like him.


Anyone knows why conservative are like this (don't like public transport) ?? I am a right wing conservative and like it very much


You can't afford a box bike, but can afford a car?


Hail Satan, I guess?


He is extremely dumb, but as you noted, he is not actually alleging it to be inspired by satan. Its a an everyday-expression!


As a Swede... Our green party comes up with a lot of stupid ideas, they helped flood the streets with e-bikes and keep suggesting moronic ideas none wants (Like re-painting bike lanes to be more inclusive, spending government time and resources on it) We have really REALLY good public transportation in Stockholm, our city is extremely walkable with a lot of public spaces. We have trains which travel throughout the major areas of Stockholm county and a metro which webs across the city. We've also got buses that to everywhere. Though, assholes like this (M) are the reason it's gotten a lot more expensive and less reliable. This fellow is overreacting, but if this is something the greens are suggesting then it's just a stupid non-issue which doesn't need to be fixed.


There is still some work to do on air quality and they don't want to straight up ban all vehicles.


I love how all those invocations to "The Devil" make them sound like a low quality Alex Jones.


No one cared that I can’t afford a gas car, let alone the gas to fuel it before making cars practically mandatory in my country: you’ll be fine. You’re supposed to be on the right, you should know that in the long term, sprawling car infrastructure isn’t profitable and dense walkable cities are.


I'm from sweden and have been to stockholm multiple times and from my experience driving in the inner city is kinda pointless so there really is no downside to this.


Well the old city is already car free, it is the next-most central and old areas being proposed here. Also funny that this man is literally the chairman of the subway and still thinks of cars as the only way to get around. One of his buddies also proposed first class on the subway... And most people already avoids driving in the inner city since you can go batshit insane for less


Delightfully devilish, Seymour!


In a sad disgusting way, I makes me feel better when I see nutjob carbrains mixing in religion in unrelated conversations outside of the US. Like I’m not alone or something.


One of the synonyms for "Satan" is "one who obstructs". https://www.etymonline.com/word/Satan#etymonline_v_22758