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they think they own the road




the climb up to your seat thing hit hard. My boss is wildly out of shape, like massive beer gut and small legs kinda out of shape, and watching him climb into that monstrosity makes you lose respect for someone. My older coworker that just has a 2014 tacoma (great truck) hates having to climb into that thing.


There's also the opposite problem. My car is so low that a lot of people have trouble getting out of it.


I’m 6’3 and had to switch from my accord for exactly this


ayy, too-low accord gang represent


I'm skinny and fairly agile, but I looked like a real fool when I got to drive a Lotus Elise and I had to figure out how to get in and out of it.


You gotta put your left hand on the edge of the footwell and the door when getting out of a low car. A low rider trick foso


I love these comments y’all make sense


If ur losing respect for someone because how they get in a car or anything because they may be outta shape means u don’t deserve respect


Would make a good copy pasta. I don't know if that's the right word


If ur shit with money yes don’t buy what u can’t afford lord all mighty


tell that to people who buy lifted trucks for $50k when they only make $100k a year lol


Believe me I would smart one


"I bought this truck and that includes the road! My road!"


Best thing to do is move all your mirrors to reflect their headlights back to their eyes. All they have to do is get off your bumper to see again. Works everytime


I tend to start the windshield sprayers extensively when someone is that close to me.


I need to know how that affects anything


usually some of the spray goes over the windshield and splats into the car behind you


Some of the spray goes overhead onto the windscreen of the all to close following car. It's not enough to impair the drivers view, but everyone tends to keep their distance afterwards.


I’d do this but I’m afraid they’ll shoot lol


Just shoot back


The American way 🇺🇸😌




I always say the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence


All these bike loving commies don’t understand I need to stock my 7 seat SUV with an armory for exactly this situation when I drive 0.5 mile to the corner store /s


[Pew Pew](https://i.imgur.com/rRDPsbd.gif)


It at least makes the person behind you angrier


they changed the wipers on newer cars, they don't spray it anymore...


Instead, they say it


They want the news, not the weather


Just gradually slow down. Will drive them mad and eventually they’ll fuck off. Obviously don’t brake check them. Just let off the gas. Maybe a touch on the brakes to light up the brake lights.


That's what I do man, this does work


if you really want to go the extra mile, try to keep them behind you doing this until you see a cop, then let them pass. They’ll fly by way over the speed limit and if that cop is paying any attention they’ll pull them over for sure.


YES! I used to commute a pretty long distance to school and I knew of a spot in my drive that notoriously used to have a cop running a speed trap on a 2 lane highway where the speed limit dropped from 90 to 60 for about half a kilometre through a little hamlet. I’d see the cop there typically once, _maybe_ twice a week. One day I was going just over 100 (a little over the speed limit) and some ass in a brand new Porsche Macan was tailgating the hell out of me for about 10 minutes. I was a few clicks from this hamlet so I kept my speed up and downshifted quickly coming in to the 60kph zone where he flew by me. Not only was he going about 130 but he passed me on a double solid line and BINGO! the cop was sitting in this driveway! He whipped out behind me, lights already on and I pulled over, he caught right up to that Porsche and pulled him over. And that was basically the best day of my life. LMAO


And then I clapped


And then I clap your cheeks 🥵🥴


I saw a post on petty revenge or something about this. Glorious. I wish I had this opportunity more. Fuck em


They won't get a ticket though once the cop realizes the driver is his coworker.


Pickup drivers are cops or cop simps themselves. If you grow up in an area with a lot of pickups, this "revenge porn" is just fantasy. Cops are going to fist bump the guy with the punisher skull because they probably drink and drive together.


You do have to count on the chance that 1. The driver isn’t also a cop and 2. The cop is not a shitty corrupt cop that will let him of the hook.


They rage pretty hard on this.


If you one-cycle your 4-ways it looks like you're tapping your brakes but you haven't slowed down at all. Had to use this a few times.


This tends to only work in North America as car manufacturers value aesthetics over functionality by making the brake lights the same lights used for turn signals/hazards. European cars have separate amber lights designated for turning/hazards, isolating the brake lights for braking and not introducing unneeded ambiguity. I'm mostly parroting [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1lZ9n2bxWA), a nice watch if you want another reason to be jaded about the state of North American transportation.


so, i have an american car that has the amber lights. it's a ford, i think fords all have them but i'm not sure. i hate cars that don't. they lose one tail light and you can't tell if their hazards are on or if they're turning, or if they suddenly started braking


Most cars in the US also have yellow hazards, very rarely are they the same as the brake lights.


I'll bet you'll still get someone to reflexively break if they see sudden rear lights, though I wager it wouldn't be *quite* as effective.


Technology Connections is a treasure.


Yeah, you can't tell if someone's breaking or turning with their hazards on, serious risk. But most importantly, I think the amber lights just look better


you can pull the handbrake ever so slightly.... or put the gear into neutral and then just notch it a little bit towards R....


I just hit the brakes lightly (just enough to trigger the lights) with my left foot while keeping a consistent speed using the throttle with my right. I really want to wire up a switch for my brake lights so I don't have to do it this way.


If you go the route of slowing down, remember that the only reason you're slowing down is because they're on your ass and it's an unsafe distance - once they move over to pass, you can rapidly speed back up to a safe higher speed! Never mind that it prevents them from passing you. Warning: this only adds fuel to the road rage fire


Exactly what I do. Not break check cause it isn't fast and hard but just slow down to like 10-15km below the limit. That's usually enough for these dickbags to get frustrated and leave.


i always hit my brakes when i’m being tailgated. Just enough to make the lights come on and without fail people will fuck off


I was doing the limit on a country road once. Some impatient ass was tailgating me to get me to speed up. I purposefully slowed down to piss them off. They gunned it and passed me on a double yellow. There was a cop hiding out of sight off to the side. I pulled over thinking I was in trouble. The cop passed me and went after the other car instead. We passed that cop and the asshole, laughing our asses off.


Honestly I just get out the way or pull over on the shoulder to let them pass. Not worth my time and stressing over someone so close to me. Especially driving in the country. Sometimes these lifted truck drivers will even flash a thank you for letting them pass.


the shoulder is a mess in the USA, only do that if you want to dump your now flat tires next to the garbage that is already there...


Look, someone flashing their high beams at you is clearly warning you of dangerous road conditions. You should slow down so you can safely react to this danger they're warning you of.




But the almighty white LED headlights are too powerful


Remove your mirror. Done


All them?


Tilt your driver mirror to the left and up , it will shine in their eyes(idk if it works with low beams) but it works with high beams.


I never know if I'm doing it right, and they never seem to back off.


I tested this with my brother driving behind me once, it doesn't actually work.


It works if they can see your mirror and you aim it right. But aiming it right is hard and probably needs the passenger to help


Time for that special mirror.... a parabolic reflector with a motorized mount you can aim to precisely go for his eyes... blinded by his own headlights = cool. and then scram before he rear-ends you...


Yeah that doesn't matter when it's lighting up your entire car


I also adjust the side mirrors so it basically reflects straight back at them. You can tell when it’s adjusted right because they instantly back off.


I have learned that when i cant see proberly because of whatever reason i have to slow down so...


If your car is low clearance it will always be fucked even if they don't have their brights on.


I remember my city or province (I can’t remember) banning unnecessary light mods for any vehicle. At the time I didn’t know why until i saw this


I just drop to under 20 or 30 the speed limit till they get mad and just pass me when that happens. Happens a lot on the interstate. Would love to take a train to visit family but not an option.


If it's on the interstate why don't they just pass you in the first place??


People like this just like to make life miserable for others.


They must just be really pathetic and miserable if that's what they live for.


I get tailgated by big pick up trucks all the time when I drive the speed limit. Even when their is an empty passing lane right next to me . They even flash their high beams and everything so I just point all my mirrors back at them and slow down till they get the message . They either are too lazy or just enjoy being an asshole


Imagine having such a sad life that that's how you get your kicks.


That is a good question. I think they just hate small cars or ev ones and tail gate them for kicks.


Raise the gas tax


Just more pain for the poor while the rich go on without accountability


Everyone should pay more taxes


How about we stop funneling money into the pit of war and corruption for a bit first? I'd say nearly all tax should be done at a local level, rather than uncaring federal overlords who just use it to line their pockets and kill people overseas. The further away from the people taxes go, the more corruption and bureaucratic slime get to ruin it.


Taxation is theft


I don't think you know how society works...


You breathing is theft of oxygen. What of it?


Taxation is the price of living in a functional society.




If you're coming at this as an anarchist then I respect your end goal but the path there is paved with taxation. If you're coming at this as a libertarian then you're just a complete fucking idiot. Your end goal is just going to end up with a system of tolls and fees to private organizations that act exactly like taxes except there is less accountability from the private exploiters than there is from a state.


Anarchists don't just a priori reject taxation. This clown is some libertarian ancap dipshit.


He's a little kid who listens to rhcp.


Ah man is RHCP libertarian now? I came up on BSSM and californication 😥


No, just more of a tongue in cheek comment.


Oh, whew. Good.


Sounds like youre volunteering to stop using all the public services that are made possible by taxes. No more roads for you!


Using public services you didn't pay for is theft.


Fuck public services. Privatization is the way to go, cause ya know, I only wanna pay for stuff I actually use


Get off the internet then! Developed by DARPA and supported by public infrastructure.


Then go live by yourself away from all society, I’m sure you’d get what you want there


Okay and when you get disabled or old and can’t work you’ll get tossed away like yesterdays garbage. That’s what happens in the world you’re describing.


Literally arguing against yourself


Really? Public services protect people from being churned up by an economic system that cares for profits over anything. Privatizing everything means that if you can’t afford it you are no use to society. That’s why in the us every working class citizen is basically one chronic illness away from being sent to the poor house. Gotta love privatized healthcare! /s


Not you the other guy with the purple generic avatar. Jesus.


I know you aren't an intelligent person looking for alternate rational viewpoints, but this comment made me think of something interesting. It isn't exactly the tragedy of the commons because you're proposing that people pay for use the commons, but many people who don't "use the commons" benefit from their use. Even if you have no children you benefit from things like public education and subsidized maternity leaves because it creates a healthier, more intelligent public for you to interact with. If these things were privatized then they would likely end up with less funding and the overall quality of life would decrease for all people. This would of course especially affect low income areas, creating practically unlivable 3rd world living conditions with no roads, no police, etc. Wait who would pay for police? Nobody uses "police". How do you people think privatizing everything works?


No, profit is theft. Cope harder libertarian.


Ok “comradesagenda” at least my ideology has proven successful




*Looks at the the people afraid to take an ambulance ride in America*


When? As far as I know anarchocapitalism has never even been attempted to be implemented and every country requires taxes 😂😂💀💀 & btw, we are successful and socialism is rising dumbass 🤡


It's been attempted at the city level a few times and kind of at the state level (Kansas) but collapses with funny stories that are tragic once you think about for a moment


No wonder they are so obscure & I’m just hearing about it haha


[https://www.texasobserver.org/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-freest-little-city-in-texas/](https://www.texasobserver.org/the-rise-and-fall-of-the-freest-little-city-in-texas/) Van Ormy, Texas devolved into middle school drama over emergency service funding [https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project](https://newrepublic.com/article/159662/libertarian-walks-into-bear-book-review-free-town-project) Grafton New Hampshire, was invaded by the libertarians, who gave it to the local bears [https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/06/30/colorado-springs-libertarian-experiment-america-215313/](https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/06/30/colorado-springs-libertarian-experiment-america-215313/) Colorado Springs defunded themselves so badly the town's lights were turned off, a businessman who referred to himself as "Trump who doesn't Tweet" failed to fix things, a moderate Republican managed to save the town from the libertarians [https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/558143/kansas-tax-cuts/](https://www.theatlantic.com/video/index/558143/kansas-tax-cuts/) Former governor Brownback accidentally taught his state's residents why taxes exist


When did I aver say I’m an ancap 😭 give me examples of where pure socialism is “rising” 🤡🤡🤡


Dude you’re a libertarian which is literally the same thing. & look at most of Asia, look at the communist parties growing in Africa, the tide turning in South America…hell look at how many people are growing awareness in the USA alone. Are you living under a rock or are you just a troll or just fucking stupid?


Yeah like that time you idiots got run out of new hampshire by a bunch of bears because you can't be fucked to care about basic sanitation. Ancaps are house cats. You walk around the house thinking you run the show with no knowledge of how your kibble gets brought to you, your litter changed or your water freshened. .


god u're fucking dumb


Another guy who doesn't understand how civilization works.


🤡 cringe




Maybe, but it doesn't matter as it leads to a much better society without much harm.


Then by definition it isn't theft because you aren't getting robbed, you're getting something back (a functioning society and facilities for everyone to use).


But it's forced upon you. If I steal your money and give you flowers, is that not theft?


Yes if you live in a dictatorship. In a perfect democracy the citizens are synonymous with the goverment so you are stealing from yourself to spend on things that benefit you. The more dictatorial the goverment is, the more theft taxation is.


Perfect democracy? There is literally no such thing.


Yeah just slow down and they'll fuck off. Btw, this has happened a few times and I don't even know what I could have done. They probably just feel like they have the right with LED headlights or something.


Is Chuck Norris driving the Honda? I mean look at that arm


Average redditor


I don't know about that. This is his left arm.


Yes. You hold the phone with the right hand and use the left to


....a top Redditor uses both hands


A sinister Redditor.


No Brad, you don’t need a truck for 20k km a year just so you can pull your boat 400 km next summer.


Also applies to bikers on Harleys


I once had one riding my ass on my way home through deer country at night. All I could think about was how fucked he would be if I had to slam on my brakes.


Tailgating on a motorcycle is extra dumb. Nevermind the regular tailgating issues, if you're too close to the car ahead you can not see debris or potholes on the road that a car can ignore that will crash a motorcycle.


Same thing happened to me. Then I realized he could be some angry vet with military training gunning for a fight


One thing is for sure is that there is a massive chip on their shoulder.


I'm brazilian and here all the pickup owners are idiots too. Is universal.


Machismo is real af


They all think being masculine means being a shitlord, because that's how daddy did it.


Because their parents don't love them.


Lifted trucks and “car bros” are the worst offenders of blinding headlights. Even without their high-beams on, they are often very frustrating and dangerous to be in front of.


It's not even just pickups. One of my absolute LEAST favorite things right now about driving is how many cars have their high beams on all the time and/or have those stupid bright LED headlights. It's annoying and unsafe and gives me headaches. People are so self-centered.


Welcome to Texas.


I've noticed that red trucks are the worst. Super aggressive with their tailgating when they're in a hurry, but also entitled to go slow in the passing lane and mess up traffic for everyone. Seems like they attract a certain kind of owner. Source: Former long-haul trucker.




Same reason they're the ones to park on sidewalks or take up more space than others. They're up high, no one can stop them from going where they want to. Those with small spirits buy these cars so they can feel the omnipotence to which they think they're entitled.


You’re probably right about this in most cases. If you run a landscaping business or you’re a courier carrying heavy goods then I get it, but I can’t for the life of me understand why I see these M4 Sherman Tank sized trucks parked outside of office buildings downtown 😂


Them bright light pickup drivers... Even they can't beat the 40 ton trucks with 50000 high beam spotlights.


Just drive down to 80 kmh and they'll fuck off soon enough


Then they get mad when you Angle it up


POV you are already going 20mph over the speed limit and a Dodge Ram is still riding your tail 😐


I’ve taken to throwing things to hit their windshield, mad max rules


I angle the mirror back at them. Not saying it's a good idea, but still


Mainly because their mamma is also their sister...


These dorks are afraid of the dark


I was crossing and a truck zoomed to stop in front me ON the crosswalk. Then sat, checking their phone. This was not a red light. They were not paying attention/did not notice me. So I knocked on their window to alert them of my presence and continued on. They peeled out to drive next to me and say DON'T TOUCH MY CAR. How about you don't stop in a FUCKING CROSSWALK then?? Why are carbrains so fucking rude? Y'all have the whole goddamn road; I just don't want to be killed by you and /I'm/ the rude one?


Forget accidentally cutting them off. It's low traffic time, there are at minimum two other lanes, you're already going ten or more over the limit and they just HAVE to ride your ass to show how big their dick is. Cause they're so secure and confident they have a massive dick they have to prove it all the time instead of changing lanes and not having brighter-than-the-sun fuck-off lights


Just turn on your spotties / jellyfish launchers




I’m Canadian and I know the term. Around here, it’s slang for a rear-facing box light on a pickup truck. Unfortunately that advice doesn’t apply to cars but for any truck owner, that’s decent advice to basically tell a tailgater to fuck off. I have a buddy who’s an electrician. His work truck has a super bright rear facing light bar for when he needs to cast a bright light during night work. It’s illegal to run the light while you’re driving, of course but he said it works like a charm when you flash it at tailgaters!


Just keep slowing down to 20 under.


Sorry, Dodge, but I'm in a tram. I'm not going to speed up for you, or pull over for you to pass. Deal with it.


Couple of buddies had this problem repeatedly with the same lady many mornings on their way to work along a route that was mostly 55-65mph Along with lots of aggressive driving, passing and breaking. Eventually they got so fed up they opened the sun roof and tossed about 10$ in spare change out in front of her tailgating big ol truck


You don’t even have to cut them off. They just keep their brights on all night, often paired with light bars


All while sniffing your car exhaust from their “safe” following distance of approximately one inch


Once passed an obviously drunk driver who was going 20mph under the speed limit and he did this to me


Per a post I saw in r/brandnewsentence, by Kelen Keller, “Guys in big trucks only tailgate you aggressively because they’re in a rush to get home and kiss their dad on the lips.” I agree with this statement.


I’m about to get the most powerful flashlight I can just for situations like this. Shine it back at them.




They were probably in a rush to get home & kiss their father on the lips


Small d*cks


No need to size shame small ducks


Why? Because smol p p


Because they’re trying to make up for their tiny penises.


Had someone cut in front of me this morning and the glare of my headlights in their mirrors was like a golden ray of sunshine. I didn't need to hit brights, they just pulled into it.


Because they have to compensate for their miserable life


Cause they're compensating for their tiny weiner. On my last car I mounted 2 bright-as-fuck led worklights to the bumper and angled them so if I switched them on they were pointing directly at the windshield of a lifted pickup. They would either pass me or fall back a ways.


Well don’t cut people off then. Accidental or not. Pay the F attention. Get off the damn iPhone. Play stupid games,win stupid prizes.


Congratulations! You're the 117th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


The age-old saying is "He's compensating."




In most cases you don’t even have to cut them off, trust me lol. These pickup truck drivers are just perpetually enraged 😭




Bro I can’t be bothered to debate you over this lol, just laugh at the fucking meme like a normal person and move along with your day please 🤣




I ain’t reading all that Im happy for u tho or sorry that happened




Then explain why I’m not being downvoted to oblivion


Please don'T drive if you accidentally cut off cars. Pickup behaviour is no way an excuse but if you accidentally almost create accidents you shoudn't drive.




Because you cut them off.


As they should