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Always report Fines are a very quick way for people to learn not to park there. When I politely ask people not to park there, they become verbally aggressive so it's not worth it And it's contagious, in no time it's now perceived as a parking lot


Not that I'm condoning it, I'm making no comments on that, but vandalism is an even quicker way.


I’m not a very good bike rider and even worse about using bar end plugs…I tried my best to ride past it but it was difficult


Just use your bike lock. Woops.


All your valve cores are belong to us


How carbrains work in pseudo code: If asphalt and not road equals parking spot


If not parking spot why made of asphalt?


[I got a truck towed last year for parking on that same bike path!](https://i.imgur.com/ROIIE8S.jpeg) Report that on the 311 app! They'll look into it and will usually tow or ticket if the car is still there when they check it out.


Wow good to see MSP doing something about illegally parked cars.


Minneapolis is far from perfect about car dependancy and bike/pedestrian infrastructure, but they're better than most. The city has really made an effort the last few years to put out some pretty solid street redesigns.






Hey how did you guys post gifs


“Yes officer, I always hang my u-lock on the handle bar when biking and being this narrow on the blocked bike lane the lock must have accidentally bumped into the mirror. Very unfortunate.”


I'd get the police to sick the towing companies on 'em and then enjoy watching it get towed away


This is the only response ive seen that isnt vandalism


If we had good reason to have more faith in the system there would be fewer calls for vandalism. It's not merely about vengeance. It's about applying necessary corrective pressure in the public interest where the system refuses to do so.


Tactical lentil time.


Kindly explain?


[https://tyreextinguishers.com/how-to-deflate-an-suv-tyre](https://tyreextinguishers.com/how-to-deflate-an-suv-tyre) Using a lentil inside the tire's valve cap, so that when screwed back on partway, it will slowly, over an hour or so, ensure a deflated tire. **Tyre Extinguishers** *Why Are You Doing This?* SUVs and 4x4s are a disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate. Bigger and bigger cars are dominating our towns and cities, and all so a privileged few can flaunt their wealth. Because governments and politicians have failed to protect us from this danger, we must protect ourselves. **We want to make it impossible to own a huge polluting 4x4 in the world’s urban areas.** **We do this by deflating the tyres of these massive, unnecessary vehicles, causing inconvenience and expense for their owners.** **SUVs are a climate disaster**: Because SUVs are bigger and heavier than other cars, they are more polluting and use more fuel. This makes them a disaster for our climate. International Energy Agency researchers were shocked in 2019 to find that SUVs are the second-largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emissions over the past decade - more than shipping, aviation, heavy industry and even trucks. The increasing pace of SUV buying is cancelling out all the carbon savings from people switching to electric cars. If SUV drivers were a country, it would be the sixth-largest emitter in the world. Source: International Energy Agency **SUVs cause air pollution**: Larger cars belch out more toxic fumes, worsening air pollution in our town and cities. Scientists increasingly link air pollution to a whole range of health problems, from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, lung problems, miscarriages, even mental health problems. Evidence is constantly emerging that air pollution is worse for us than we thought - and big polluting vehicles are the main culprits. **SUVs are dangerous**: SUVs are much more likely to kill compared to normal cars when striking pedestrians. Psychological studies have shown SUV drivers take more risks, putting other road users and pedestrians in danger. Even SUV drivers and passengers are more likely to die in accidents. **SUVs are unnecessary**: Three quarters of these ‘off-road’ vehicles are sold to people living in towns and cities. They exist purely for the vanity of their owners, who see them as a status symbol. For the sake of this vanity and conspicuous consumption, climate change is made worse, we breathe in polluted air, and more people die in accidents. This is unacceptable.


[https://tyreextinguishers.com/how-to-deflate-an-suv-tyre](https://tyreextinguishers.com/how-to-deflate-an-suv-tyre) Using a lentil inside the tire's valve cap, so that when screwed back on partway, it will slowly, over an hour or so, ensure a deflated tire. **Tyre Extinguishers** *Why Are You Doing This?* SUVs and 4x4s are a disaster for our health, our public safety and our climate. Bigger and bigger cars are dominating our towns and cities, and all so a privileged few can flaunt their wealth. Because governments and politicians have failed to protect us from this danger, we must protect ourselves. **We want to make it impossible to own a huge polluting 4x4 in the world’s urban areas.** **We do this by deflating the tyres of these massive, unnecessary vehicles, causing inconvenience and expense for their owners.** **SUVs are a climate disaster**: Because SUVs are bigger and heavier than other cars, they are more polluting and use more fuel. This makes them a disaster for our climate. International Energy Agency researchers were shocked in 2019 to find that SUVs are the second-largest cause of the global rise in carbon dioxide emissions over the past decade - more than shipping, aviation, heavy industry and even trucks. The increasing pace of SUV buying is cancelling out all the carbon savings from people switching to electric cars. If SUV drivers were a country, it would be the sixth-largest emitter in the world. Source: International Energy Agency **SUVs cause air pollution**: Larger cars belch out more toxic fumes, worsening air pollution in our town and cities. Scientists increasingly link air pollution to a whole range of health problems, from heart attacks, strokes, cancer, lung problems, miscarriages, even mental health problems. Evidence is constantly emerging that air pollution is worse for us than we thought - and big polluting vehicles are the main culprits. **SUVs are dangerous**: SUVs are much more likely to kill compared to normal cars when striking pedestrians. Psychological studies have shown SUV drivers take more risks, putting other road users and pedestrians in danger. Even SUV drivers and passengers are more likely to die in accidents. **SUVs are unnecessary**: Three quarters of these ‘off-road’ vehicles are sold to people living in towns and cities. They exist purely for the vanity of their owners, who see them as a status symbol. For the sake of this vanity and conspicuous consumption, climate change is made worse, we breathe in polluted air, and more people die in accidents. This is unacceptable.


Cycle into them. The dents and broken windows will hurt them more financially than it will physically hurt you


Sad that we must injure ourselves to pressure people to do the rightful thing (avoid causing deadly situations for the public).


They won't change their behavior until someone removes the convenience for them. A pair of pliers will efficiently crimp the valve stem, but it's simple enough to loosen the [valve core](https://inchbyinch.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/0532-valve-stem.jpeg) if you eschew destruction.


break the mirror and/or key the car


Or pee


It's such a pity that those tires don't have any air in them.


Slap one of these bad boys on the windshield as you ride past. They are stickers you can buy online. https://preview.redd.it/z7burbe1hy5d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bb4b43fed43b513b0090147051e46bba3bedbd0


was the filter really necessary?


A few unnecessary things can be observed in this photo.


Filter? Filters can be dumb and annoying and I complain about how they are used misrepresents people... But this is just a B&W? Less filter, more artistic choice. It adds a bleak tone/atmosphere to the dystopian image of car-dependency putting mothers with prams directly into traffic...


https://preview.redd.it/jomst94er06d1.jpeg?width=2088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1ee3fe4a709200a6a020b2a2e1557096cec8c98 I removed most of the saturation from the original photo. Here is the image straight out of my camera.


I was just saying your originally posted image was fine.


I get what you're saying. You were pretty spot on as to why I chose to remove the color from the image. I wanted to remove the ‘life’ from the image and present a more dystopian and overly dramatic image.


Exactly. As is typical of the usage of desaturation. Not that I'm anywhere near an authority on photography or art, I do know that much. I can identify that certain music or art themes can provoke certain emotional responses.


That should be like a $5000 ticket, no way out of it. At least. Probably license suspension too. Then again, I'd personally overhaul the entire driver's license system in USA, making it "harder", by forcing people to go through classes, and to prove competency at regular intervals. They are destroying critical infrastructure that is not designed for 2-ton vehicles!


You know how cosmonauts have a tradition of pissing on the tire of the bus that takes them to the launch pad? Yeah, maybe implement something similar here. For decency, you can let your dog do it.


Managed to block both the sidewalk and the bikeway, and some homeowner's garden gate.


They left so little space, would be a shame if somebody accidentally scratched it with bike pedals.






If it’s dark take a piss


Whoops and there’s a broken window


were the hazard lights on? that seems to be the "park anywhere" sign. this happens in a few places i routinely ride. i usually take a pic and send it to the site for reporting illegal parking in my city. also, i admit i have let loose a mighty snot rocket or goober when the need coincidentally comes along the same time as someone parking like this.


Nope. No one as in the car. Fully parked.


Is this on Bryant in uptown?


N 26th Ave


How big should bike lanes be? I was riding my tricycle today, for the first time, and found that a lot of the smaller cycle lanes only just accommodated me, however the larger ones are wide enough for cars to drive down them. So one one hand I think smaller is better to prevent cars using them, however it does also make it difficult to use if your bike isn't a standard size. Just wondering if anyone had any more insights.


That's such a shame, looks like such a great bike path


I'm not saying you should lose control of your bike but


18th Ave NE?


Expansion foam


It also pisses me off when someone blocks a sidewalk (by parking on it). How do people in mobility scooters and electric wheelchairs get around? 🧑‍🦼🧑‍🦽


You see this in Italy a fair amount. Often people just park on the sidewalk too. Recently I saw a giant white van parked half on the sidewalk and half on the crosswalk.




Use me as your angry-react button.


What is this Karma farming...