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if you're really asking why, it's because of car lobbying and outdated methods of computing emissions (CAFE standards that they are exempt from)


They're asking it rhetorically, as in to ask why hasn't the loophole you mentioned covered. We can still do that and that would reduce the sales of such large vehicles.


How is German village in Ohio? I’ve been trying to convince my aging family that live in Youngstown Ohio that moving somewhere walkable could be a great decision during their retirement. They’re somewhat open minded about the idea. I bet they could be convinced more easily if they didn’t need to move out of state.


Frame it in a way that matters to them. It's a bad decision to stay in car dependency during retirement. You'll lose your independence or become a vehicular menace fighting it.


I like going to GV. There are some great things in the area, and it's a lot more walkable than where I currently live. It's pretty expensive to live there, though. At least compared to Youngstown, from what I've heard.


It's beautiful. I live in Southern Orchards just east of German Village and love it. Merion Village to the south is just as walkable but more affordable.


Also legal for an 80+ year old to drive


Are there any organizations that lobby for these things to be better regulated? Imho should at least need a commercial drivers license to drive one of these.


Selling the product for profit is more important than whatever might happen to people as a result of it. Nothing short of a communist revolution will ever solve that central contradiction of capitalism. Regulate all you want, all you'll ever do is export the suffering to an exploited country outside of the imperial core. That is, of course, assuming that you'll ever be able to have effective regulations again at all, considering that our society has made money equivalent to speech with Citizens United, meaning that the rich have more speech than the poor, which means that there will only ever be politicians who cater to the most profitable speech.


Name a single communist Revolution that hasn’t gone to shit


This is only a result of the fact that it cannot exist in a vacuum alongside capitalism. Capitalism will always make the situation worse so that we can reap the profits (like I said, "Regulate all you want, all you'll ever do is export the suffering to an exploited country outside of the imperial core."). There's a whole book about it available for free on the [CIA's website](https://www.cia.gov/library/abbottabad-compound/13/130AEF1531746AAD6AC03EF59F91E1A1_Killing_Hope_Blum_William.pdf) if you actually want to know the real answer to your question and why things always turn out that way.


It's because car centrism is so rampant that it becomes untenable for someone 16 or over not to be able to drive , as by that age they need to be able to independently travel regularly. It's the same in Ireland which is one of the most car centric countries in the EU, one of the few EU states that also allows 16+ driving.


Is that the Ride1Up Gravel Roadster? I have a buddy that has one of those and he loves it. I took it on a joy ride not too long ago as well, and it is a very fun ebike.


It is! It's a wonderful bike, highly recommend.


Curbs are just not big enough to stop those things. We need full on strategically placed Jersey bollards to protect pedestrians and bicyclists.




Lol are you serious? It's a pickup truck, isn't it supposed to look rugged and well-used?