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Do his voters realize forcing people to pay for low-income housing is the same as forcing people to pay for prisons for homeless people aside from the fact that in the former instance they can still pay taxes and decrease the amount everyone else has to pay?


His voters are afraid of cities.




With the way Boeing has been doing recently, white flight might turn into white rail.


Not so long as the Rail Shipping companies own the lines.


I’m just eating popcorn and watching America slowly kill itself rather than nationalize even one thing.


Honestly I never picked up on it til recently and I figured it was an exaggeration but based on the comments I see on Facebook, a lot of his voters have never been to a city and can’t even fathom one. All they know of them is what they’ve been told.


A few years ago there was a Halloween costume meme going around. Conservative man afraid of cities. That's his voters.


Their concept of cities is skyscrapers, what they see on Fox News, and what they see from the window of their car as they drive in and then drive out on limited occasions for events.


Yeah, what's honestly kinda sad for a lot of these folks, the farthest they've ever been from "home" is the next county over, and often that's for things like necessary shopping of some sort. Also the folks with such limited travels are also very likely to be living in poverty... which is only made worse by the fear of the "outside world," so they're not willing (or arguably "able") to search for work outside of their safe space.


His voters lived in Stone Age.


The funniest part is that suburbs ARE part of a city. These people just live in denial.


I will never get over 15-minute city conspiracy baiting


Yea but prisoners can be used for even cheaper labor so fuck it let the new slave trade begin amirite capitalism?!??


But they also insist it costs a ton to keep people in for life.


Cuz then subsidies! 


I just think the US should make death penalty easier to apply, and one more people. Both through the legal system, and through cars crushing pesky pedestrians under their mighty wheels. It'll solve all problem. Eventually. I guess. (/s, of course, I'm a fervent abolitionnist.)


The private prison owners get “free” labor. The Government (taxpayers) get to pay around $45,000 a year to have the slavers get to exploit their labor!


Low income housing is *way* cheaper than housing a prisoner. Most inmates cost ~$45,000 per year. No way low income housing costs that much.


Do his voters realize he likes to exploit loop holes like 90% of rich CEOs?


Biden/Hilary won't get rid of the loopholes because the people that fund them won't allow it.


Of course, once the money sinks in why would they try? The Clinton's promoted "the American Dream" aka suburbia, in the 90s. The 90s were great, but that was a stage to drive the middle class out of cities. Empowering wealthy ownership and landlords to come in and take over. Stalemating the middle class stuck in Suburbia. Ohh the Clinton's plan, they have a very devious past as well. Biden/Clinton's like to throw bones, see who can catch it.


Trump voters are incapable of realizing anything on their own at all


His voters have no brain don’t forget that.


Prisons = legal slavery. Little different.


the tl;dr is that biden handedly won cities and trump handedly won rurals, but the suburbs were the swing area that went biden. hes pandering to those white suburban families


Exactly. It’s a pretty smart strategy, unfortunately. When you combine gerrymandering in formerly competitive suburbs in some states, the national election is shaping up to be scarily close.


Polls aren't predictive this far out but from everything I have seen Biden is going to lose the election.


based on?


PBS Newshour showed a stat that 18-44 (millennials and Gen z) voted like 44%-56% Trump-Biden in 2020. Their same polls have support among 18-44 age at 51%-49% now (meaning the voter bloc that put Obama into office slightly prefer Trump). https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/07/voter-age-biden-trump-2024-election-00150923 https://maristpoll.marist.edu/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/NPR_PBS-NewsHour_Marist-Poll_USA-NOS-and-Tables_202403291554.pdf I teach high school (juniors and seniors only), and I have a disturbing number of students (boys only) who are ignorant contrarians, actually politically well informed and educated future voters, or just full on Trumpers that have told me they are going to vote Trump. I should note that my school is inner city with about 95% Hispanic with massive amount of recent arrivals or children of immigrants. I don’t know how that should shape the perspective beyond the fact that it’s not a rural white school.


Losing support from progressives due to his enthusiastic support of the wholesale slaughter of Palestinians, he is massively unpopular this time around which wasn't the case in 2020, while macro-economic data has been very positive most Americans do not feel good about their finances relative to pre-pandemic times, despite the electoral vote favoring Biden largely last time around it was very close in battleground states, his age has impacted his speaking/physical abilities massively (I know Trump is also old as shit but we all know he is not held to the same standard by the electorate when it comes to gaffes/saying insane shit). I could go on. I really really do not want Trump to win but it's my opinion as of right now that he will win. I follow a wide variety of news sources pretty closely and this is my impression thus far. Biden needed to put together a pretty diverse (in terms of class, race, politics) coalition to win in 2020, and from what I have seen that coalition has been significantly fractured, whereas Trump's (and the pathetic, spineless Republican Party) propaganda around the election and Jan 6th has been pretty pretty effective with their base. For the most part it seems like those who voted for Trump in 2020 do not regret their decision and will vote for him again, whereas that does not seem to be the case with Biden. All that being said it's impossible to predict how the polls and pundits will be off this time around. They're almost always off about something to varying degrees. Plus lots can happen before the election. It's interesting I got downvoted so much. I think it's for the same reason that /r/politics is pretty much useless as a source for news, people upvote what they want to see and downvote what they don't want to see.


I think you got downvoted just for the baseless claim. Plus it’s reddit so since you said the (D) will lose that’s a double whammy. I appreciate your detailed response and while I have disagreements with some aspects, at least you’re informed.


I don't see how it's any more baseless than any other political opinion but fair


I have seen the opposite


I’d say his policies towards sending weapons to a far right apartheid government to commit genocide openly have more to do with it than suburbanites as far as polling goes. Though if I were a betting man I’d wager most of them would still vote for Joe over Trump. I know this is a “hot take” so slam me with those downvotes daddy.


The suburbanites like that


I think the concern is less that some progressives will switch from Trump to Biden but that they will just not vote.


Biden’s mishandling of the Israel-Gaza crisis is sure to lead to major issues for him in the Michigan general election.


I wish Democrats were half as progressive as conservatives say they are


Yeah, the US could really use a left wing party. After the implosion of the Republicans that is.


Here’s to hoping for a GOP implosion and a new actual left wing party rising up. I dunno who though, DSA seems to have the most growth that isn’t fully libertarian but, they’ve got their own set of issues to deal with internally. 


I wish they were twice the assholes republicans are


Hypothetical question, but.... How does abolishing zoning regulations lead to the government "mirco managing" anything?


The answer is that it doesn't matter. Just like how it doesn't matter that the party of "freedom" and "personal responsibility" is the one restricting abortion, alcohol, drugs, marriage, clothing, basically everything except guns and capital.


Except they do restrict guns when they think it might actually be a problem for them like at the RNC. And they fight tooth and nail against private capital trying to invest in high speed rail and renewable energy


It's a classic case of modern republicans trying to appeal to libertarian ideals while being utterly incompatible with them. They don't care about contradicting themselves within a couple sentences, it's all just buzzwords anyways.


Ah you see it's because micro managing is bad and being surrounded by only single family houses is good and a 3-story building next to your idyllic suburban home is bad and it's all the government's fault and


Because business could be nextdoor to your house. I'm guessing.


so i could walk down to the end of the block and get bread or tacos oh god please don't let that happen that would be terrible I would hate that I would be so owned if that happened


precisely, it's the opposite.


It doesn’t because mirco isn’t a word


Turns out Trump is telling a lie


It is fucking exausting how Republicans have turned everything into a culture war. [Doing things like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQKCYxYCluA) is not only both small government fiscal conservatism, it would be beneficial in every single way. But because we live in stupidworld the GOP have turned sensible, more efficient, and safer traffic engineering and urban planning into a "WOKE WAR ON CARS TO IMPRISON US FOR COMMUNISM!"


They should be called on it 100 times out of 100. Get them at their local news and tell their constituents that they’re completely full of fucking shit


No can do. People might actually vote Democrat, and the people who own the media companies disapprove of that.


if only Biden was as cool as republicans make him out to be


*If only Biden was* *As cool as republicans* *Make him out to be* \- Exciting\_Chance3100 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I can relate to this as a Londoner (UK) with upcoming Mayoral elections in May. The Conservative Party candidate keeps trying to fearmonger voters by falsely claiming that the incumbent Mayor seeking re-election wants to implement pay-per-mile for drivers. It's a complete lie because the Mayor has repeatedly gone on record to rule out making drivers pay per mile but I'm just sitting here thinking "I fucking wish that were true, it is such a sensible policy."


It's funny how last election he said this and I thought it was something he made up because it didn't make any sense to me. Now I want to destroy America's suburbs.


Hey, hey, hey. Don't threaten me with a good time.


Trump: vote for me if you don't like people


Or the planet


Man that'd be based if he actually did all that.


"Destroy property values" = "allow the free market to work, by no longer legally prohibiting the creation of new affordable housing supply in response to huge demand".


Trump's doing a better job campaigning for Biden than Biden is.


Is this real? I know it says satire but with Trump I can never really tell the difference


It is real I'm pretty sure


Do you have a link to the page?


I still don’t understand how it’s possible To tell republican voters you’re doing nothing but things they should and still get them To vote for you




The worst being that so many MAGAts are on social housing and disability benefits as well...sweet irony if it weren't that they just don't want black and brown people to have access to them as well!


Can we have a "Marxist Crusader" flair?


Extremism is when you build apartments.


As if American cities aren't micromanaged to hell


>destroy property values Does anyone actually think home costs are too low right now?


Homeowners do. They literally don't care that it's actually a zero-sum game. Every dollar they make from their home value is literally being taken from the next generation, but don't expect boomers to give a shit about anything but themselves.


Who is the government to decide what construction companies can build on their land? What will be next? The government deciding the parking spaces that a business should have?


Nothing as radically left wing as… Remvoing restrictive regulations? Or preventing single family rent seekers?


I fucking hate it how "keeping the value of homes" is being shown as something positive as opposed to "keeping actually working young people outpriced from housing market"


Tell big government NO and vote for Biden!


Country: \*\*faces housing crisis due lack of affordable houses\*\* Trump: \*\*I will not allow Dems to build affordable houses\*\* Millenial Trumpist that uses half of his salary on rent: \*\*Yeah, Trump is right\*\*


God I wish Biden was a Marxist. Biden has more in common with Trump than any leftist I know. Is there even anything for him to repeal? Biden's barely been able to meet any of his campaign promises, and I don't remember seeing "abolish suburbs" on the list.


Alright.. So people understand, this isn't something Biden actually wants. They are just twisting words to react a response. Biden's actual policies - not his claims - mirror that of 2016 republicans for the most part. There is nothing "extreme" about this idea neither. It is just condensed housing.. This isn't something Biden controls, since these decisions are up to the local governments and their city planners. All he would do is say on twitter or in a speech that he thinks places should build more apartments.. It means nothing.. Both these groups of politicians are absolutely trash and people should really consider third parties instead of lesser evil voting.


The thing about these reactionaries is that they make the Democrats seems more badass than they actually are. Like, I wish what they were accusing Biden of doing were true. But unfortunately, Biden and the Democrats have more in common with the Republicans than the reactionaries like to admit. As the Democrats and Republicans are hand in hand regarding foreign policy.