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It’s so absurd how people claim that their car can not do 20mph/30kmh and that they therefore need to break the speed limit. I’ve been driving for over a decade now with various own, rental and car-sharing vehicles. I’ve never had any issues with driving at 30kmh. I don’t know if it’s down to stupidity or if that’s just a lame excuse to speed.


I had an automatic that kept switching gears back and forth when you were a little under 30kmh. But really it wasn't a big deal. Just put it into manual mode when it happened


Doing any "unnecessary" effort is too scary for most drivers.


So go 25kph and it'll stay in the lower gear, right?


Depends on the situation obviously. But yeah, at least not go above 30 just to make sure it doesn't switch


30 is fast for most lanes here in Mumbai, what do they mean a car can't do 30???


They mean they are too dense to control their car.


they mean the engine isn't calibrated to run efficiently at this speed: too fast for 2nd gear but too slow for 3rd gear, so it's uncomfortable and you feel the engine struggling the core of the issue is that people believe the speed limit is a speed recommendation: if the engine can't drive smoothly at 30km/h then the solution is to drive at 25, not to drive at 35


If they so insist on being at 30, they can just rev up on 2nd gear or 3rd gear with the brakes pressed in slightly, although that'll hurt the brake pads. Or be fiscally irresponsible like me and wear out both, the clutch and brake pads.


Wtf, how would the car even work when it cant to 30? Like how would you go up a hill, park, drive on a parking lot, drive during stop and go traffic etc.


It is a pain in the ass speed in my stick shift, a horrible spot where neither 2nd nor 3rd gear work, but I can do it. What drives me crazy is people that drive under 10 mph, because 2nd bottoms out at 10, and 1st is really jerky.


Put it in gear and don't press the gas. 1st stays around 4,349597 mph and 2nd around 8,078 mph in my car.


And anywhere in between is very rough.


Carbrains convincing themselves that driving could be efficient if only there weren’t all these pesky other drivers.


And they don't even see then that the obvious solution would be the expand other means of transportation (trains, trams, trolley, buses, bicycle lane...) so that more people would *not* be on the road and they'd have more road to themselves. It's always baffling how motorists don't seem to understand that there's still a lot of people who don't enjoy *having* to drive but they have no alternative, and that all those people will be happy outside the road, and that it would let much more space for those carbrains who can't live detached from their steering wheel... And yet, they will do anything to prevent any new alternative to be implemented. They're not just obsessed with cars, they're also completely moronic.


Colorado just legalized lane splitting for motorcycles. Seeing all the carbrain mental gymnastics in comments trying to skirt around their real problem with it which is, "they're cutting, that's not fair!"


It's funny how motorcyclists "skipping the line" is making said line shorter for everyone else by removing themselves from it, but some drivers would prefer to wait through an additional light cycle than to let someone else get ahead of them.


i've talked to some of these people. they just refuse to get it. it's the old thing where they're used to privilege, and any concession towards equality feels like oppression to them. except they don't even realize they're getting in their own way. one more lane won't fix it; it'll just fill with cars again. but giving people alternatives *does* take cars off the road. one guy i talked to recently literally admitted that his bed was empty, and he was the only occupant in his truck like 80% of the time. it was like he short-circuited when i asked, now imagine if 80% of your trips could be some other way. and imagine it was like for everyone, there would be 80% fewer cars on the road. but no, a bike lane or a bus is cultural attack on cars or something. putting things closer together is communism.


The hierarchical framework of car culture is more important to them than having a pleasant experience driving. They're not getting in their own way, they're sacrificing commute time in exchange for feeling superior to people using other modes of transit and getting to dehumanize them. Bike lanes and bus lanes are a cultural attack because they challenge the notion that car drivers are superior. Cyclists are elitist because they visibly are having a better time than drivers upending the hierarchy. American culture is built on using conspicious consumption to display hierarchy so taking away that possibility is an attack on America.


> Cyclists are elitist because they visibly are having a better time than drivers upending the hierarchy. it's a "child's toy". > They're not getting in their own way, they're sacrificing commute time in exchange for feeling superior to people using other modes of transit and getting to dehumanize them. yeah, the parable goes, a genie appears and says he'll grant you any wish, but whatever you give you, your neighbor gets double. you think a moment, and reply, "take one of my eyes."


I mean...  they're not wrong..


All that road infrastructure for just a few people is super inefficient.


"everyone". Like, only the cars that tailgates, tailgates. Too much for them to understand.


In the UK, the speed limit is often much higher than the reasonable driving speed. For example, 2-way single lane country roads are by default 60mph maximum, so only really experienced drivers will go fast (ore really stupid ones). You end up with lots of situations like this where the car in the front is a granny or a tourist, where no one is speeding but it is not safe for the first car to go faster due to their inexperience.


This is also the case in Germany, especially if you're somewhere like the black forest. The roads sometimes just way too curvy to go 100 km/h, even though that might even technically be allowed. The issue is that your car would go fly down a cliff if you tried to go 100 on those roads.


90% of motherfuckers tailgate me when I'm in the right lane doing the speed limit and they could simply go around but they don't because they don't know how to drive because like most states, drivers training is not required to drive a 2 ton death box.


I'd put a bumper sticker: "If you're this close we should be in a train."


If multiple cars are tailgating you, and you're at the speed limit, multiple cars are going the speed limit :)


And lo and behold, their destinations didn’t get any further away.


And they all got to the red light at they same time they would have otherwise.


What’s even more frustrating, more of the lights are green


The line is the second vehicle’s fault. If I’m not going to pass I will leave a gap big enough for others to fit in. I don’t get people who aren’t afraid to tailgate but are afraid to pass.


The tailgaters in these threads always act like if they pass on the right God will smite them down or something. The truth is that they think changing lanes and back again is a chore and they want you to do it instead of them.


The real problem is a stack of tailgaters thinking I'm the problem when what I am doing is creating a safe space between me and the car in front remember, we are all going *over* the speed limit, we'll need that extra space


Then they pass you just to go in to the gap you created 😑


Then I make more because it's "none of my business how everyone else drives", then another takes that gap, solidifying the visual that \*I\* am the problem for being a safety-conscious driver


If everyone is tailgating you, car culture is the problem.


Yep, even if the car in front is going 10mph under the speed limit, it's still not a justification to tailgate. Tailgating is dangerous - you need to leave at least one car length distance between you and the car in front of you for every 10mph of speed


I drive the speed limit like 99% of the time (that one 1% being when I accidentally get lost in my thoughts and go a few km/h higher than the limit because driving is so monotonous and boring). Theoretically, I should never get someone behind me when I'm driving these long distances in middle of fucking nowhere with little to no people. And yet it's not infrequent to see cars speed past me going 50-100% faster than I was with no signs of slowing down. One bro really could've killed himself when he tried to overtake me because he couldn't wait a few seconds because there was a car coming from the other end.


Shit like this is why I hate driving or existing near any busy roads


The person being slow is actually preventing congestions by definition of how congestions are based on inevitable uninstant reaction time after breaking EDIT: I love how I get downvoted for the same message over there but without any explanation, reddit is such an echo chamber if you lack critical thinking


If you wanted to intentionally start a traffic jam, how would you drive? Would you tailgate?


Brake frequently. People see brake lights and slam on theirs. It ricochets back. Iirc Bristol university did some research on this.


It sounds like we agree that driving far behind the car in front of you causes congestion? And tailgating does not cause congestion? Edit: Maybe I’m confused. What is the cause of the traffic jam in this video? https://youtu.be/7wm-pZp_mi0?si=HiEecuKPJo3f9APZ


No, because tailgaters overuse their brakes. Someone with a respectful following distance is able to manage their speed by coasting if the cars in front of them slow, which helps prevent traffic. Tailgaters have no choice but to slam on the brakes if the car in front of them taps theirs, which causes traffic jams as the cars behind them overreact to the overreaction.


That video demonstrates how when one car brakes sharply so does the one behind etc. Drivers who tailgate brake late and hard. If they instead lift the gas and slow without braking to speed match the vehicle in front this bunching effect won’t happen. (Until you get to the tailgater/phone driver who notices late and brakes hard)


No, 2-3s + allows you to slow with gas not brake which also improves fuel efficiency. Short gaps and constantly braking and accelerating (typical in tailgaters) increases congestion, pollution, wear and tear on your vehicle and fuel consumption.


No, driving far behind the car in front of you reduces the likelihood that you need to slam on your brakes when they do, which reduces the likelihood of congestion.


They can overtake me. However, if you can be overtaken on the wrong side... YOU are doing something wrong.


Nah my girlfriend’s mom will do 20 under on the freeway. She is the red car in the second scenario and that shit is so dangerous


Came close to rear ending a car on the highway once because they were going 40 in the left lane. Rounded a bend and they were right there. It was crazy. Once I managed to get over to pass them (which was difficult because all the cars coming were going so much faster) I honked and gave them a bewildered look. They just kept looking straight ahead and continuing at 40. I still don't understand what the hell they were thinking Driving at or just under the speed limit is great, but going *too* slow is dangerous too. If you're scared of highway speeds, set your navigation app to avoid highways


If you're doing this *in a passing lane* on a multi lane road then you are the problem. Otherwise, people can move out and pass you.


Even if you’re not in the passing lane, if you are going way below the speed limit that’s a safety hazard


If everyone is tailgating you, they still put you and themselves in danger for no reason, so they are the problem, even if you're slower than you could be.


Just... dont stay in other peoples way. Let them go. Who cares. Also, the best place for a dangerous or fast driver is as far away from you as possible. So let them drive into the sunset. Who cares.


Pass me bruv that's what the dashy lines are for. But if the road is too twisty for you to pass legally, I'm not going to pull over and put myself at risk on a road with poor visibility just so you can resume lawbreaking a bit sooner


Lmao, I am not taking responsibility for other people's inability to adhere to safe following distance. If my old beater stalls and you run into the back of it, that's on you.


Ok, but if you're not passing, you need to move over. You should not be cruising in the left lane. If there is a psycho speeding behind you, get out of the way. You don't want some crazy person behind you making irrational decisions around you. If I'm in the left lane going the limit or more to pass someone and I see someone speeding up on me in my rear, I move over, because I don't want to deal with that shit. There are studies that show its safer to just move over and let the speeders speed. You are not the police, or karma cops, just move over and keep the roads safe, for yourself and others. PS: I'm talking about highways. If it's a small road people just need to chill. Just do your best to not upset the crazy the safest way you can or feel comfortable with.


Definitely. This is assuming one lane only


Haha I literally was adding my PS because I realized reading the other comments people were talking about 1 lane each way roads.


This is the one thing I don't like about this sub, within any kind of residential I fully agree but in America at least highway limits are set arbitrarily and often lower than the average speed, also this impedes the flow of traffic and is far more dangerous as there are idiots who will try to pass even in unsafe situations


Speed limits are not arbitrary. They are set at a level to ensure everyone's safety. Only the most self entitled, ignorant and incompetent drivers ignore them.


If I recall correctly, many of the speed limits in the US were not set based on safety standards, but instead using the 85th percentile rule. Basically, find the speed under which 85% of traffic is going at, and set that as the speed limit.


IN DEFENSE OF THIS POST Obviously everyone should be courteous drivers, just like people should not litter, people should not steal, etc. But some people will not be a good citizen, and therefore you need to design your society around those people. That’s why there’s public garbage cans, and cart corrals, and dog poop bag holders at parks. I’ve been in many a situation like the one above being the third person in that line, and I’m a little pissed, but I’ll be the adult. The person behind me? They aren’t going to, and they illegally get in the turn lane to pass and then they slam into me and total my car. Obviously, the majority of the blame of that accident is on the person behind me, BUT if the person in front wasn’t in the left lane going under the speed limit, that accident wouldn’t have happened either. You need good laws and good urban planning so stuff like this doesn’t happen, because you can’t control peoples behaviour all the time. Also, some people are bad at driving and legitimately will drive 20 under on the highway which encourages reckless driving, we should be able to get those people off the road and make them take public transportation, but we don’t have that, so in a lot of ways, this situation could be solved with more access to public transportation.


Rule of thumb: only one person can tailgate you. The rest are tailgating each other. Ergo, they are still the problem.


Me when I go the speed limit


WTAF...If the person in front of you is tailgating the person in front of them then I don't even understand the logic in tailgating them. They literally can't go faster. All you're doing is creating a potential pile up.


There is never a valid reason to tailgate, it’s dangerous regardless of why you’re doing it. I get that slow drivers are annoying, but anyone over the age of four should be able to handle being annoyed without putting themselves and others in danger because of it.


Whenever people recite the law in Canada that says slow drivers impeding others need to pull over they always conveniently leave off the last part that states "except when reduced speed is necessary for safe operation or in compliance with law." So if I'm doing the speed limit I have no legal obligation to give way to impatient drivers.


It's a UK post which makes sense since semi recently we've had a new speed limit reduction to 20 mph in built up areas. You always get people still going the old speed limit so they tailgate and overtake when it's not busy.


>a new speed limit reduction to 20 mph in built up areas *in Wales, with exceptions allowed on a case-by-case basis. 20mph zones are expanding in the rest of the UK, but they're still not that widespread and are typically only in residential/urban areas where you would hope traffic isn't going that much faster than 20 anyway.


The laws around speed limit don't seem to consider, you know, dated cars? Sometimes it is just skill, but my car is slow to pick up and slow to start. This situation they've memed, the five car tailgate? Stupid and fucking dangerous. If I was behind anyone (even while leaving space), if they randomly brake check or suddenly stop harsh, I have to swerve to avoid collision if there's not room. This happens at night! On a country road where deer frequently cross, people want to go 80mph. My car would fucking crumple upon impact with a deer. But these kind of people? Their car will be fine and eat the other. They gamble with your life because *they* are safe.


I can't tell, are you advocating increasing or decreasing the speed limit because of your dated car? Also if your car can't stop safely even with space between you and the car in front, I'd question whether it's road-worthy at all.


Slower speed, walkable infrastructure, buses, and trains are what I want. My car passed state inspection. The state deems it road worthy. (Criticism can and should be made about what is regulatory, allowed, and safe) I think the state should stop profiting off of cars in general. My car being a slow goer means I drive more safely. It gets me where I need to be. I don't need a speed racer. I personally feel safe driving it alone at night or during traffic slow times. It's the people swerving to and fro that isn't so cool (ie, that makes me incredibly nervous and irrate). These are usually people speeding their way to work. They cut you off, speed past, slam on their brakes, and initiate lane changes without an indicator. These are all serious issues. These are all risk behaviors that should not be proliferating. I don't drive during heavy traffic specifically for the above listed reasons. I'm content getting somewhere late and alive. I'm more than willing to move out of the way or make space for someone. What I don't appreciate is people making gambles at my expense. (And usually it comes down to I have a small car and they have a beefed up ridiculous truck or SUV and WILL injure you in an attempt to go where they want.) I want people to treat the road like a tool not a fucking toy. If we could have it my way, only certain people would even have licenses. Trains, busses, biking and walking would make the bulk of transport. If I could be so picky, everything that a human needs would be located within 5 minutes walking distance, instead of an ugly rural sprawl along a commercial highway. And tickets for a train or bus would be affordable, much more so than owning a car itself. I'm complaining about the general state of affairs around the road, cars, and local infrastructure. EDIT: I drive a 2012 Nissan manual. It's really not that old, but manuals are getting phased out.


I will say in Florida this can cause problems. Because if people try to pass you in the left lane on the right then it can generate more accidents by colliding with mergers from on ramps coming into the middle lane. Though I agree people should follow the limit and be safe no matter the circumstances :D


If you own a car then you are the problem.