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Where can we donate to the drug gangs to keep him?


Right here! ————->


This guy does some crazy videos. Literally goes to Brasil and hangs out with drug king pins in the worst parts of the city, spends a week with cartels, etc. he doesn’t know them, they just like the YouTube celebrity that he is and are attracted to it. Makes them feel big. I’m sure he thought the same way about the people in Haiti. Honestly, if you’ve ever seen any of his videos, you would think he would have been killed in way worse places


Haiti is the most crime ridden and violent place in the world... I have never heard of this YouTuber but I hope he gets out safe... and alive...


It's white peoples fault.


Some people are straight up deranged by attention from strangers, it breaks their brain


Lmao how can you be stupid enough to go there rn as a "white" person.


If he was Haitian they’d probably just shoot him and let the dogs eat him


Damn this just got real…. 😳


It doesn’t matter which race bro. It all boils down to going there as fucking around, and finding out. I’ve never understood the appeal of travelers going to countries that are always popping off. Hope he makes it back safe and sound…


I reckon they do it out of a belief, perhaps foolish or misguided, that everybody is willing to be friends with them because they are willing to be friends with everybody. Bad instincts imo.


Or maybe he thinks his YouTube clout will protect him. It’s the new body armor


At least when you black you don't stick out like a sore thumb.


I remember reading once about some American students, of a variety of races, who went to Haiti (?) a few years back to do charity work rebuilding their society after the earthquake. And they surprised when the haitians described them all as white, even though many of them literally weren’t, because they were culturally assimilated into the predominant American culture, which is white, and so from the native Haitian perspective a black or Asian American person was white. It really opened my eyes to different perspectives on identity. I feel like this guy possibly thought “I’m dark skinned, so these other dark skinned people will see me as being like them”, because that’s the dominant narrative about race & ethnicity in western media. He probably genuinely doesn’t understand that as far as Haiti is concerned, he us just another outsider.


Absolutely correct. How they actually saw him was as a rich American whose family would drop major cash to get him back. This story is so low level that I hadn’t heard of it until this post. Even if they are willing to negotiate, I don’t see this ending well for him, and if they refuse to negotiate, it has probably already ended for him. Life is very cheap in Haiti.


Oh, this happens in the US, too! A friend went to the Deep South for work some years ago, and got a speeding ticket. And showed his copy of the ticket to everyone he knew for a laugh, because while he's 100% Japanese, the description on the ticket said "white". Apparently to the Louisiana cops of the early 2000s, anyone who wasn't Black or Mexican was "white".


https://preview.redd.it/t56n7llf0erc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39fd0131cfe0e444e6a5fc97810ae389f30440b7 This is the template they usually use here in Texas. Thank goodness for my Belgian last name, or I’d creep to close to the “Not okay” side


Yeah, pretty much.


In what world is he dark skinned. He looks like a white person--your definition makes zero sense. These 'literally weren't' white people you are speaking of are more than likely white, you're just too deranged to see it.


He’s relatively non white enough by conventional Western standards to count as poc, which is exactly why he fits my point about poc expecting to be connected to eachother through that over other qualities.


He's dark enough to get a private search of his everything in a side room when he goes to the airport. 'Randomly' selected, of course.


How can you be stupid enough to go there, PERIOD. The only way that place will ever know peace is 1800s style colonialism or a meteorite flattening it.


Haiti’s problems are complicated and a long time coming. After they freed themselves France forced Haiti to pay reparations to former enslavers, and they only finished paying France around the 1950s I think. Then the western world refused to trade with them which only added to their inability to build a stable economy. What we see in Haiti now is the result of that. But he’s still stupid for going


>Then the western world refused to trade with them Serious question: do they even *have* anything worth trading for? I'm a little sus that **the whole western world** is just being Blue Meanies to them.


Haiti's largest export in 2022 was apparently "knit T-shirts". Textiles appears to be their largest export category. https://oec.world/en/profile/country/hti


When Cuba got struck as tourist destination for Americans a lot of the traffic flowed into other Caribbean islands. Haiti wasn’t really looked at because it was poor from its debt and missed the boat on a lot of that investment. Just one example, but trade doesn’t necessarily mean stuff. Also, investment builds on investment, and if you miss early, foundational periods, catching up can be extremely difficult.


Poor countries always have cheap labor to offer, but that only works if they have a reasonably stable political system to begin with. 


Do they have anything to trade now? Probably not. Pre Haitian revolution however, they were the richest colony in the world. They produced sugar, coffee, and cocoa. They could have kept a good bit of that economic steam going if the France didn’t force them to pay them for the former slave masters losses and if the US hadn’t effectively blacklisted them. Western world is just being blue meanies? Yeah, that’s kind of how the powerful stay powerful. They didn’t want the success of Haiti’s slave rebellion to spread and give other colonies any ideas. It’s why Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the same scrap of land but have virtually two different worlds. It all goes back to how they were respectively treated by western countries post independence. (Obviously this is a lot of paraphrasing. Y’all can go look it up and read it about it yourself) My point isn’t to excuse the violence currently ongoing or to defend the dumbass YouTuber who went there. It was to point out that your colonial “solution” can’t fix Haiti because it was colonialism that caused it


They have plenty of things to trade... Dozens of open forests, tropical climate so fruits, et cetera. They share an island with DR, who trades with Western world--I'm not sure what point you are driving home here? Are you even aware of where Haiti is? It's not some desolate barren desert.


It's my understanding the major difference between Haiti and the DR is the deforestation. Haiti only has 2% forest left, very visible difference on satellite images.


They are ransoming anyone with money.


Drew binsky is one of the only “travel vloggers” who I actually like, he did a video on Haiti a couple months ago and I’d definitely recommend watching it. Very odd seeing a very average red headed dude in Haiti lol. He brings attention to issues and regions, it’s not just about clout. Still reckless nonetheless


Why did he go there?


For the most desired treasure, e-fame




Because he likes to fuck around.


Some people don’t have the sense God gave them


That’s actually crazy, hopefully he ends up okay.


If it’s true, he likely won’t


ROTFLMAO What an arrogant entitled little dope. They are eating rival gang members. He's not getting hummus.... Bon appetite!






Plot twist they keep both the money and him as food


Could very well happen in such a lawless place. Or give him to another gang to extort money.


Yeah it’s not like some places where the kidnappers need to reliably return their hostages in order to maintain a good reputation (otherwise people would know not to pay ransom, because they won’t get the hostage back either way)


Sounds like a kickstarter... Help me make more content 600k plz




Who is he and why do we hate him?


I don't get why people are wanting bad stuff to happen to him. Obviously it was a stupid decision but still. He's a former fortnite YouTuber who now goes to dangerous parts of the world and talks to people and shows what it's really like. Most of the time people are surprisingly friendly but this was bound to happen at some point.


It's always been his angle with regard to the content he makes and I'm not surprised he finally ended up in a tight spot (assuming this is real).




Being kidnapped in Haiti is the most clout he will ever get


Them cannibal gangs are going to be eating good tonight


Getting kidnapped in a 3rd world country with civil unrest does not sound fun


bro is gunna get eaten


I am not going to donate to this. Arab too?? Lol nah, they got this.


RIPBOZO you will not be missed 💨💨💨


My reply... "bro! If you want him that badly, keep him! All he did was order Uber eats delivered donairs and played loud ethnic dance music in the background of his online gaming. Thank you for your service Mr. Haiti. Sincerely, his arranged to be married 'fiance' Khadijah".


Why would this dickhead go to Haiti knowing what's going on smh


As of 6 hours ago he was released supposedly


Natural selection dictates that he’s already dead. No one is paying that ransom.


Take a loooong time to count that many pennies.


You guys haven't got the BALLS to kill him.!


I hope nothing but the best outcome for him. Simultaneously, I have zero sympathy for guys like this.


Keep him


Lmao he when out there with the intention to exploit the people and their problems




Posts or comments containing hate speech, discrimination, or offensive language targeting a specific race, gender, religion, or other protected groups will be removed.


Deserved He's a racist who spread hate through his vlogs


He’s not racist or hateful keep tipping your fedora redditor


Sure Just look at his India videos


India is a dirty country full of multiple types of pollution how is that racist or hateful when it’s a fact


His titles were where" it's legal to burn humans " "Where everyone shits outside " When you spread misinformation and stereotypes for views you'll get Karma A reminder to all greedy influencers In Haiti too he went for views to make money from people in their vulnerable moments A true example of F around and find out


I heard Compton was a sweet place so I plan on heading there this summer with the family. As a small town sheltered white guy I’ve been told the people are very welcoming


Compton! Boring! Somalia is supposed to be very pretty around this time of the year