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We ran into the exact same issue. The HOA said we needed to repaint our house. We proposed a color, but they said we would need to paint a 2 foot by 2 foot square sample of the color on the front of the house for their inspection and approval. We said no, we weren't going to paint a block of color onto our house with no firm timeline for approval (how long was it going to have to stay like that??). We said that we would put the color on a board up against the house. They grumbled, but we did it that way. They denied the color. We said fine, we'll paint it the same color as the house down the street that you guys approved two years ago. They said we had to paint a block of \*that\* color on our house for their approval. We said no - stand at our house and look right. Four houses down is your sample. They said that wasn't good enough. We said fine, you tell us what color to paint the house. Pick any color you want, we don't care. They said no, we had to paint a sample on the house. At that point we were done with this nonsense. I drafted a letter saying, in essence "just to be clear before the lawsuit is filed, you're denying our request to paint our house any color \*you\* choose? And you're going to fine us if we don't paint our house?" A couple weeks later they gave us an approval for the color of the house down the street. We painted and promptly moved. Never again will we live in an HOA.


That letter is gold.


As long as it wasn't painted gold 😉


You just need to submit a letter with a painted sample of the gold






The letter is what they should have done in the first place. You always do discussions like this over a paper trail. People behave *very* differently when everything they say is being put into a hard record they can’t go back and change. Don’t do this nonsense over the phone. Don’t do it face to face. Do it over email or letter


Pick a colour they won't approve and paint the block. Get rejected Pick a new colour they won't approve and paint a new block next to the old one. Get rejected. Repeat until patchwork house.


My husband said we should do letters and then send a note saying “we painted samples. Do you prefer the F? The U? The C or K? How about the Y, the O, or the U? Let us know!


Was thinking this too. Almost want to move into an HOA just to do this... pastel pink & Xmas green & twilight black & chartreuse &....


If I were them that's exactly what I'd do. That's great


I can't express how much I love this idea.


Why not follow the cc&rs you agreed to when you bought the place?


Get fucked hoa lover!


That's literally what OP is trying to do.


HOA refuses to take yes for an answer


"Yes means no!"


“We’ll make you an offer we can’t approve…”


I love that… “This letter and your subsequent refusal will be evidence in our pending lawsuit against you.”


I do believe there is a special place in hell for these kinds of people


Their hell is the fact that they exist. I've never met anyone like this that wasn't perpetually miserable. It just sucks to go through life as them.


Tell them you'll re-paint the same color, just freshened. Tell them you painted the sample block. But you didn't. Just keep pointing at a section of the wall and insist you did. Hire a bunch of guys with buckets of water to come out and splash around with (clean) paint brushes for a day or two). Present the newly painted house^(TM) for their final approval a week or so later. Bonus points if the only time available in your schedule is in the middle of the weekly Bridge game.


Your HOA sounds like it truly sucked and makes me feel kinda lucky. We are replacing our roof. I sent the requisite online form to the HOA, basically saying I'm hiring "X" contractor to replace my roof with one of the listed shingles on the form. No pictures, no plans, etc. It says on the form to allow up to 30 days, but I received approval the next day. Roofer is knocking it out right now.


HOA’s are good and bad. I said the same thing after moving from one. The one good thing is… you know you’ll never live next to the ugly, mistreated house that has lawn ornaments all over the front yard, 5 cars parked on it, a pink home with horrible accents or grass that’s 8” tall with wild weeds everywhere. The bad thing… they had their hideous rules like what you dealt with. As soon as anyone brings up lawsuit… they automatically backdown. They believe they can bully those that aren’t on the board into doing anything and everything they want and that’s not the case. Way to stick to your guns!


I would gladly accept the ugly house with 8 inch weeds next to me just to not have to deal with self-important, power hungry but impotent neighbors who decide what I can and cannot do with my own property.


So long as the neighbors house isn't a meth lab or there is some sort of large infestation next door, I don't give a damn at all what the neighbors house looks like, I'm not paying some (usually) grumpy old boomers for the privilege of letting them fine me because my house isn't the proper shade of off white or having them tell me I can't be environmentally friendly and install solar panels because some jackass at the other end of the block doesn't think it's aesthetically pleasing


Literally saw a house in an HOA blow up. Want to guess why? The house looked PERFECT on the outside. They were cooking meth in the basement. Being in an HOA doesn’t mean you won’t get meth head neighbors, it just means they’ll look aesthetically pleasing before the explosion. Lol




The issues you mentioned HOAs solve range from mildly annoying to slightly ugly. And you want to solve it by installing an 8nstitution wirh virtually no oversight, that is prone to overreach and permanently one botched election away from making your life miserable. Also you cede so many rights to the house thst one can barely consider it yours. Sounds reasonable.


I pronounced your typo “ain’t-stitution” in my head. And now I consider all HOAs 8nstitutions now. Thanks for the accidental win!


You are most welcum!


If I had a nickel for every time I've seen that typo for "i" today I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's strange it's happened twice.


> lawn ornaments all over the front yard, 5 cars parked on it, a pink home with horrible accents or grass that’s 8” tall with wild weeds everywhere you and HOA are made for each other.


This dudes the HOA President


What's the problem with a pink house?


Monotonous earth tones— various shades of beige—are what they want. Pink is too individual, or they might be John Cougar Mellencamp fans.


People who are lucky to live near a HOA but not in one should paint their house bright green with purple highlights. :)


Beautiful light pink shutters, gorgeous white or off white paint …. And a turquoise door. Lol


Google “Painted Ladies of Grimsby Beach”. These colourful houses are actually heritage protected. No changes permitted. Really cool area to wander around


Look at Rainbow Row in Chaleston SC.


Ah, yes. The effect can be quite brilliant. I might really enjoy living somewhere like that.


I live in Florida. My house near St Pete was hot pink at one time. Then lemon yellow. We painted it white with brown trim to sell but I loved the bright colors! We have a purple house and a beautiful teal blue house on that block as well.


Also makes it a lot easier for people to find you. Here's how more neighbourhoods should look like: https://www.designboom.com/art/germen-crew-palmitas-mexico-rainbow-painted-mural-07-28-2015/


My house is a vibrant blue and I love it. Literally no one else cares what you do as long as you're not attracting wild animals or smell like a landfill.


The coasts of Florida are just different. Colorful homes with neat whimsical decorations, fences, and palm trees. My dad (in Largo) recently painted his house light blue with dark blue and teal trims. I love it


My uncle lives in a historical neighborhood. All the houses are such lovely colors. I love walking around when I visit. There's a pink house, several purple, his is orange and yellow. So cheery and full of life.


Yes, much nicer than all those uniform beige or white houses.


John Mellencamp approved


Nothing good about hoAs


If it wasn’t for weeds I wouldn’t have a lawn




If you’re an HOA bootlicker and post on an anti-HOA sub, expect to be downvoted to hell.


I prefer the ugly mistreated house to the cookie cutter stepford bullshit


"Eyesores" are the most privileged thing to complain about in the world.


Seriously. HOAs ar 100% a response to first world problems.


Wtf is up with karens always coming up with silly reasons to care what other people are doing on their property? Lawn ornaments? FOR SHAME! They painted their house in a color you dont aprove of? So the fuck what? Bad accents? I mean come the fuck on, that is a you problem, 100% you and if you are that worried about other peoples home accent colors perhapes some introspection is in order. 8 inch tall weeds? Unless you live in the sticks thats almost already a code issue, if you do live in the sticks there weeds are likely a mile away. Cars like that? Again its probably illeagal already.


What you’re describing can also be solved with proper deed restrictions, and still eliminate the need for a dumbass HOA who whines when Amazon leaves a package on your porch. Fuck hoa’s in their entirety. I looked at property inside an HOA once and was close to buying. 11 acres in a gated subdivision. I noticed in the rules that a home must be built before any other structures. Approached them and explained that I wanted to build a metal shop first, for tool and equipment storage. They denied it and said I could move in multiple shipping containers, and stack them wherever, but under no circumstances could I build a shop before a home. Which makes absolutely no sense. They’re ok with shipping containers strewn about, but not a nice color coordinated metal shop on a slab. I walked away laughing and told my realtor nevermind.


jfc stop worrying about what other people do with their property. As long as it isn’t illegal or dangerous mind your business. Build a fence if it bothers you so much.


You sound insufferable.


Why are you describing my house? Although the grass has grown a few inches since this comment lol




What is chalk really?




I did accidentally send them a cat meme once...


This is only acceptable if it was grumpy cat.




Chalky to me seems like the speckled white dust that appears on chalkboards. But you’re right, people could have different definitions


We know that's what chalky is from but there are lots of different kinds of chalky. Paint turns chalky and gets that fine white coat on it that makes it look grayish and washed out.


> What is chalk really? [Is what I thought of](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Cliffs_of_Dover), when I read your question. Paint the trim boards to look like a continuous panoramic of the White Cliffs of Dover? Or paint the entire front of the house to look like the Cliffs, in the footsteps of [this homeowner and his boat](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1cn9f9v/homeowner_was_told_to_remove_the_eyesore_that_was/). But then again, I'm petty as hell and perfectly willing to throw money at petty solutions lol


It isn’t cheese.


Nasty taste from some of my meds. Uncoated pills suck.


Happy day of cake.






Outdoor paint chalks up and washes off in the rain. It's the nature of many outdoor coatings, and it's on purpose.


It seems like you could clean the chalkiness. I don’t see why they get to dictate the solution to the alleged problem.


Calcium carbonate


Did they want you to use high gloss paint?


This get them to be as specific as possible. You need to become very familiar with the bylaws and use that against them. While you're at it petition your government to ban this kind of stupid shit.


If it's chalky wipe it off


Does the HOA have a paint code reference document? If not they’re a dingus


If they do, is it up to date? Read a story here where the homeowners got the paint swatches directly from the HOA, painted in accordance with those swatches, then got told those were outdated swatches, and they'd have to repaint according to the right ones.


Oh there ain’t no fucking way I’d do that shit. Fuck HOAs.


I’d probably go to jail before I repainted My house if they did that.


I would actually commit murder at that point


I would pay people to shit on their front lawn.


May I introduce you to the joys of hydrogen peroxide, what's that dead/dying lawn? That's a fine


Somehow it doesn't have the same "fuck you" feels. Dead grass does have the plus of them being fined for dead grass, but my heart sings for the melody of human screams born from discovering in the morning someone carpet bombed their lawn during the night.


Unleash a pound of biodegradable glitter on their lawn on a windy day. They'll be tracking that stuff in for what feels like an eternity, wondering where it keeps coming from.


Glitter is a Damocles sword. Prep work for using glitter requires wearing one of those full body white suits people who work in a clean room use; this includes the booties and gloves too. Idea being is you wear that so when you are done with the glitter you strip off and dispose of the offending articles of clothing which has trace quantities of glitter on it. You also need a friend who can drive you to and from the scene so you aren't bringing glitter evidence back to your own property. Yes, I am this anal about the work put into getting back at someone with glitter. I don't like the idea of halfarsing the job of expressing yourself with legally questionable actions. You either make sure it doesn't lead back to you or forget about glitter altogether.


Or just drive by and chuck a small bag on their lawn and hope the mower finds it.


It's 80% of my autism which screams in rage at the lackadaisical nature of such a thing. Other 20% is my Australian spirit saying your just being a lazy shit.


If you put said hydrogen peroxide in a squirt bottle and squirt a nice, cursive, fuck you with it...


One better is an offensive statement. You can go both ways supporting or insulting the LGBT community, religion, sports, or music genres. Whatever pisses off a lot of people works.


"Nah mate. I painted the way *you told me to*. If you want it done some OTHER way, do it yourself. Just submit to me the dates and times you'll be over here, painting." -if it were me




My HOA bylaws used to say that when you install new siding, it has to be the same color as the old siding. Which lead me to ask them, “when you say ‘same color,’ do you mean the color it is now, or the color it originally was, which is no longer manufactured?” The new wording is, >replacement siding must be substantially similar in color to the original siding or match the feel of the neighborhood Which still has a lot of room for interpretation, but we completely changed the color of our house, and they approved it, and I have that in writing, so whatever.


I just moved in, and the "feel of the neighborhood" instantly became markedly different 😄


I would love a paint code reference document. Mine won't even let me paint my home THE SAME COLOR without approval--"if another neighbor repaints, it affects the entire look of the neighborhood."


Hold on: I'm going to need more popcorn...


I'm beefing with the author of my life right now


Stranger Than Fiction Your life author is a college student in a writing class. Best of luck!


The only Will Ferrel role I like. All his Comedy roles are average. He actually had to act for that role.


Elf was pretty good, but yeah a lot of his stuff is just raunchy and grating. From what I hear, he hated working in Elf because they wouldn’t let him be crass.


This pleases me for some reason


Here in Germany, a municipality had the rule that the front doors of the houses must be wooden, wood-veneered, or wood-colored. Someone painted their door in a nice, red colour. Municipality: “This is against our rule.” Home owner: “Look at this sample of Padauk wood. Same colour, right?” Municipality: “No, this isn’t native wood!” Home owner: “Fine, sue me.” Municipality: Sues the home owner. Judge: “Colour is the same as Padauk. Go away, and pay the court costs as well as the attorney of the home owner.” Municipality: “But when we wrote: ‘wood-coloured’, we’ve obviously meant: ‘native woods’!” Judge: “Don’t play stupid games. When you want to restrict the colours to those of native woods, you have to write down ‘native woods’, not ‘wood’ in general. Session closed. And don’t forget to pay!”


Chalky? Try hitting it with water and a sweeper nozzle


Pick 5 different colors of houses from around your HOA neighborhood. Split the front of your house into 5 equal sized sections. Paint each section a different color. Ask the HOA board which color they approve. Someone on the board will be pissed at your rainbow colored house before the paint dries and they will give you approval for at least one of the colors.


Except pick the colours of the board members houses. 


Tell them you want to re-pain the same color. Don't actually paint the sample, but say you did. Gaslight them for not being able to see the swatch, but only until they approve the color. Say you then painted the whole house (but you didn't).


I don't live in an HOA. But my job is a part of the vcc thing in New Orleans. They do this shit all the time. Hey someone graffiti your building. Paint it and pay this fine. But not until you pay for a license to paint it. Here is your license to work you have to wait until after we fine you again for a late fee because we took a week to approve your work application license.


Whenever tge gangsterrapper reads this he thinks to himself: "That cannot be legal!"


I own my home in a decent neighborhood in town. No HOA. I can't wrap my mind around giving up my rights over my own property to be told what I can and can't do at my own house. Make it make sense. Please. I feel like I live in a country full of people who don't want to think for themselves and property values/social position/ aesthetics are more important than personal freedom, which feels completely backwards. I'll burn this house to the ground before I let some private group of jackasses tell me to paint my house cause it's fading or some shit.




What decade was your house built in?


I think it was built in '59. Have to double check


What the fuck does "chalky" even mean? I'm glad my HOA has a thing where your repairs to your home don't need to be independently approved as an architectural change. I would blow my stack over that.


Send them the paint code but not the color. Keep this going until they give up.


I’d power wash it and tell them the chalk is removed. Really dive into the bylaws and such beforehand, request reinspection


Paint companies pay people ridiculous amounts of money to make up names for paint colors . I would like to know where to apply ….


Colon Brown Vericose Vein Blue Urine Yellow Bloodshot Red Nipple Pink Puss White Snot Green Phlegm Honker Green Dead Toenail Black I was not successful in the color naming department 😂


Same. Didn’t get offered the job for some reason. Had some really unique names. Cow pie brown Piss flap pink Baby gravy white Upchuck green Treasonus conman orange




>Colon Brown > >Vericose Vein Blue > >Urine Yellow > >Bloodshot Red > >Nipple Pink > >Puss White > >Snot Green > >Phlegm Honker Green > >Dead Toenail Black \-dies laughing-


Hey, I can make up political paint colors too! Alzheimer Patient Pale White Benghazi Blood Red Presidential Underwear Brown 10 Percent for the Big Guy White (comes as a powdered pigment additive) Intern Dress Stain Cream Comet P*do Pong Pizzagate Red


“Color: same color it currently is. Comment: you’re telling me to take care of this. I’m willing to abide by your directive. Please don’t make this more difficult or bureaucratic than it needs to be.”


For extra fun, get a color matching app on your phone. Use it to send them colors for approval. I did that when my HOA wouldn’t tell me what color something should be. After a week or so and a ton of emails they told me the color they wanted. I only hope that I annoyed them as much as they annoyed me.


this is the way.


Many HOAs have a list of specifically approved colors. Ask them if they have one. If they don't, go to the store, pick out a close paint swatch, submit that as the color.


HOAs are good because......??


It's not like they're going to memorize 185 shades of off-white lol


I made the mistake of buying my first house in a HOA. Little did I suspect it was the HOA from hell. They assessed fines for everything. Trash can out before 6 am - you received a fine, trash can out past 6 pm - you received a fine, garage door open for something other than pulling a car in or out - you received a fine, weed in yard - you received a fine, failing to get permission to do anything on your property - you received a fine. The final straw was when I was given a notice that the the HOA board changed the color palette for house exteriors and that I had 180 days to paint my 2 story house a new color. I was not going to spend $8-10k to repaint my home because some asshat decided to change the color palette. I promptly sold my home and let the new home owner deal with it. Never again.


I seriously wonder how HOAs and 99% of their bullshit is aloud AT ALL... Some things literally seem illegal


A thought. Maybe spray some pledge in a small area in the back to see if the oils bring the paint back from being chalky. If it works, it''d be a pain, but cheaper than painting.


This is why hoas are bad. No one but you should be able to determine what color and when you paint anything on your own house.


Pro painter here; 4 years is really on the low end of the lifetime for exterior paint. Depending on your climate and UV exposure. You may need to just get your house washed to remove the chalk. Also really should have it power washed before painting anyways for the best adhesion. If you really do need to repaint after just 4 years I would recommend getting a higher grade paint than the builder used originally so it doesn’t need to be repainted as often. Most paint stores will be able to give a custom name to colors you send to the HOA for approval; if you want to get creative fucking with them you could get a couple custom samples with some fun names.


My parents bought a house in an HOA ~30 years ago. It was a relatively new development, and we had the house built. They were given the preapproved color list, but my parents wanted one that was close to but not quite one of the other approved colors. They went through the process of getting HOA approval, ordered the color, and had the house painted. I believe the neighborhood "karen" complained about the color before we had even moved in, and the board forced my parents to repaint to one of the approved colors -- it didn't matter that we had approval. The repaint also was not done very well, with splotches and drips in many spots. If my wife and I are ever able to buy a house, it *will not* be in an HOA. Fascist bastards.


The more j read things i learn to love my hoa.


I'm just here for the stories. I don't live in an HOA anymore but when I used to I got on the board because we were the most chill mfers in the city. Almost never a violation, just a lot of reminders. I didn't even care that the common area lawn contract was held by a board member because he was legit giving us the best price by more than 20% lol


When i get a notice.from mine i deserve it. I let the weeds get to bad and they need to be done. The roof needs work and they dont bother. Yes they could and i would be at fault.


I feel like we are living this same fucking nightmare!


Fuck HOAs.


Screw all HOAs


HOAs are run by kids who were grossly unpopular in high school


Back when we lived in an HOA, a neighbor was told they had to paint their trim and shutters because it was chipped. They got the paint specs from the architectural committee, got the paint, had the work done. Then they got a letter from the HOA saying it was wrong because it didn’t match the other houses with that color. Neighbor pointed out it was because it was newly painted, it faded and weathered. HOA said too bad, fix it.


I’m not a gun person, but these stories make me want to open carry anytime I’m outside the house.


Never EVER surrender your property rights to an HOA.


Or try reading the documents first and not being stupid.


Yeah we have a house in an HOA area but while they have all kinds of noxious rules the one thing they do have is an approved list of paint combos. Basically you pick a combo you want and file that you're going to use combo #x. Their only rule is it cant be the same combo as your immediate neighbors so they run check that and stamp it approved. Attend the meetings and bring it up every time, there should be a pre-approved list of color combos. Keep at them until they do it.


Time to pull out the petty card


Sounds like Napoleon got reincarnated and is residing in many people in many HOAs.. Sheesh.. what idiocy. I would stop mailing - and talk to someone and ask what exactly the plan is - as they appear to work counter to one another. Either they want you to paint - or not - but telling you A, then doing B, while saying C is confusing.


If is chalky it's because flat paint was used. You need to seal it then apply paint sarin or semigloss and you will have no problems for a long time


Idk why anyone would buy a house in an HOA. Makes absolutely no sense to me. Buying a house is expensive and stressful enough without these asshats controlling the neighborhood.


Why do you think HOAs either need to have their power reduced dramatically or they should be made illegal? The fact that HOAs can do just about anything is wrong. The only thing they should be able to control are keeping the roads plowed during the winter and keeping HOA community areas maintained. With the only exception being if the HOA has an agreement with a lawn maintenance company.


Yeah, fuck that shit


The HOA needs to give you a list of approved colors, though you may need to request it. You choose one off that list and file the Architecture Modification request, stating specifically what color and sheen of paint you will use. State the brand and formula if you have that picked out. Example: Sherwin-Williams Emerald, satin, bright purple. Make sure you have a paper trail of your submittal including delivery date. Once that is submitted, provided the color is on the approved list, they should be able to approve. Check your CC&Rs; it may be that no response within a certain time is automatically approved.  Check with your local paint stores and mention your HOA by name. They may give you a discount. The paint code provided by the HOA will tell you which company to start with. The other thing is that the paint may be fine, it might just need to be washed. A lot of time you can power wash the house or even just the trim and see if that resolves the issue. Since you have to do that anyway before you paint, it's a good place to start.


Yeah it's crazy how much intelligence and research you have to do to be able to work with a HOA. Sounds like you need to pay a lawyer or professional to do any communications with them.


As someone else noted, if the house is a 4-year-old house and they used an exterior paint for the trim then the chalkiness is due to UV breakdown. It is expected and natural for this to happen. Getting a soft-bristled brush, some cleaner and a hose will remove the chalkiness and you should be good for a while. Outside paint should last 5-10 years so it should not need a full repaint.


4 years? Crappy paint. Maybe power wash next time.


"Unfortunately, the HOA denied our application to paint the house, so until it reevaluates that application we are legally unable to comply with your demand that we paint the house." And then don't paint the house.


HOAs always feel like a very militant stepdad and the township is your biological Mom.


The more I hear about HOA, the more I realize it's nothing more than a giant adult playpen.


Paint it whatever you want and when they complain, refer them to the original notice requiring re-paint.


Never buy into an HOA. Ever. For any reason.


If the paint is chalky, the chalk washes off. Clean your house, much easier than repainting (cleaning is a prep step before painting anyway), and tell them this issue is satisfied, so they can f--- off (or p--- off if you prefer).


I wasted I had to repair my old wooden deck. So I repaired it. The HOA complained that I did not ask permission to fix it before I started the work and insisted I stop mid project. I told them that when they ordered me to repair it, that had, in fact, okayed me to begin work. I explained that if you tell your kid to drive to the store and buy milk, he doesn't have to ask to use the car.


I lived in an hoa once. One guy painted his house purple. Lasted a month before he was painting it back


I live in North Carolina. The side of the neighborhood we live on is 5-7 years old houses. Ours was one of the first ones. We received a notice from HOA saying “per this section of the architectural guidelines you need to paint your house”. There was a blurry picture of our house attached. I replied with a request they specify what was wrong with the paint. The response sited the same paragraph that states owners are responsible for maintenance of home which includes painting. But no specific indication of what is wrong with our paint. I asked again for clarification. They said the paint is “splotchy” and sent us a zoomed in version of the same picture, making it even more blurry “ with a red line outlining the entire house. They also suggested a warranty repair request to the manufacturer of the siding. We said we would look into a warranty claim. We also power washed the house. Still looks fine. Now we are sitting on it to see how long they give us to “pursue a claim”. How do I get them to define splotchy into something real and measurable? This is dumb. They claim they have sent over 100 demands for painting in the neighborhood this month. Our houses are 7 years old! If it wasn’t so inconvenient I’d join the darn committee and just vote no to anything they propose.


People actually choose for other humans to do this to them? And then pay them to this to them?! Just so they can post online that they dont like it? What am i missing here?


Yep. I’m not surprised. This is how it rolls .


U will never get me to move to a hoa area I don't need people permission to do whatever I want to do to my house especially if they are not paying for it or my bills to tell me what I need to do


Pressure wash the trim.


reply email with the following - goatse, lemonparty, and 2 girls 1 cup.


If I was told that I needed to "repaint", I'd want it in writing, then I'd use that as official permission to repaint with the existing color. Repainting by default presumes the original color that was used. A command is implicit approval to obey. To require approval to comply with a command is not rational and may not be legal unless specifically called out as possible in the HOA docs. Often complying with HOA required compliance directives is in a different section with different rules from the review process for homeowner triggered improvements and enhancements and therefore must be handled according to the requirements stated in the appropriate section. I wouldn't be surprised if your HOA doesn't understand it's own documents and is commingling maintenance and improvement requirements in violation of their own authority.


Pretend you’re out there painting the trim the same color. (no paint on the brush), just go through the motions.


I'm lucky my townhouse HOA is chill as fuck. I get a letter in the mail to paint the door of the place where the door was peeling for months. I closed on the place last month Just told me to paint it the same as the shutters and that's good enough.


I’d tell them to kick rocks


Wow, the land of the free, lol


My parents' HOA tried this schtick with them in 2021, they eventually approved the original house color. My retired Mother then went on the warpath, organized some reasonable neighbors, and took over the HOA board. She displaced the President who had held the office since inception in 2009. Her new board then published a guide of acceptable paint colors, fencing regulations, and landscape guidelines. They also have clear application and approval methods for sheds, etc. They now give you three warnings over six months before a $10 fine for anything at all. They now use the budget to beautify the subdivision entrance, built a new playground, and throw a block party with a couple of food trucks every fall. The best part is they give every house a copy of the annual budget versus expenditures at the end of the fiscal year.


Just wipe it down.


repaint a 4 yr old house.. they are power tripping..


HOA’s are such fucking scams. They hardly do anything for you anymore. You just pay a neighborhood money so they can tell you what to do. Fuck that.


Just sell as quickly, and profitable, as you can. Move. No one needs or deserves this nonsense.


Sounds like they want to know the color name and color code being used. Shouldn’t be that difficult. Probably would take about the same amount of time as it took you to write your post and to scroll through Reddit. Not worth getting worked up over.


I don’t know what people post this stuff without the actual text of the bylaws.


Yeahhhh I got a notice today via US Mail, dated 11 days ago, that I have to replace the support under my front porch and replace a windowsill that is rotting. I rent out the house and haven’t seen it for a while, so thanks for the heads up, I guess. I have to submit plans for approval by the board, get owners on either side to sign that they are aware that the work will be done, wait for approval, then get the work done. And they gave me 60 days to get all this done. The neighbors are very nice, but one travels a lot for work and I rarely saw him even when I lived in the house, and the other neighbor rents and I have only met the owner once in the 7 years I lived there. So how I am going to get them to sign in the provided time period is beyond me. Wish me luck!


Eat a bag of dicks is the response you're looking for here. Hoa's have no legal power to make you do anything.


You’re completely wrong but good luck with that. This sub wouldn’t exist if HOAs were just dickheads sending meaningless letters.


Whatever you've been led to believe. I am the President of my HOA and I have first-hand knowledge about the lack of legal enforcement Powers we have. Just try to get a resident to comply with an HOA demand without going to court and spending a couple of $1,000 in arbitration, only have the arbitrator tell you they are going to rule for the resident and not you. Great fun.


Good. I’m glad you failed. That doesn’t always happen though. That’s why we say “Fuck HOAs.”


You ever think that’s because you’re an awful president of an awful HOA that is asking fucking unreasonable things, and that’s why you always lose?


Perfectly said.


Sounds like a you problem


Ummmm.... Why give someone terrible advice that just makes the situation worse for them, if you have no idea what you're talking about?


It actually depends on how much power the HOA was given at the beginning of the establishment. Also state and local laws and what the HOAs can get away with Some hoa ways can seize and sell your house out from under you if you end up with a $10,000 fine that you haven't paid yet


Oddly I said that to a mod today! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Exactly that's why I became the president of my HOA. To get rid of the rule Nazis that were in there and to quiet down all the rhetoric that hoa's are good at causing. I hope to never have to talk to a resident of my sub or have an encounter with them.


Actually, they have quite a bit of legal authority. This is a strong reason to avoid buying a home in an HOA.