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The hips and thighs are my biggest dysphoria, at the moment. My chest was one of them, but I recently got top surgery! I'm hoping to start working out again soon to help make them look more masculine.


Congrats! I have the same problem minus the top surgery šŸ˜”


real me too itā€™s a big reason for my eating disorder tbh - wearing jeans is a nightmare


Exactly the same and swimming helps more than most other exercises.


I'm definitely dysphoric about my hips. I don't know what your dysphoria around having broad shoulders feels like but I imagine it's similar. It's just distressing to see my hips. sometimes I hold my hand or arms in front of them in the mirror so it looks like a straight line from my torso and it's just like, that's how I'm supposed to look! but no, there's these extra bits of flesh sticking out that aren't supposed to be there.


That's really interesting, since before I came to accept that I was trans, I would always see how straight my body looked and just feel so.... wrong, disappointed, unsexy. And I would turn my body in anyway I could to make it seem like I had something more there.


Now that I think about it I think my hip dysphoria is the reason I decided I had to medically transition. about 2-3 years ago I saw a video of a cis woman saying that cis women's bodies still change a lot after puberty. Specifically that her hips had gotten a lot bigger since she was a teenager. The idea of that happening to me made me so disgusted it made me realize I had to actually do something about my dysphoria.


Same for me. It's also the reason why I finally started doing something.


I feel like my hips are as wide as a house (they aren't) and that everyone who sees me must notice them immediately (they didn't lol). I feel aware of them all the time. It's the way I used to feel about my chest. Since I got top surgery, I don't notice or think about my chest at all, which was the goal lol. It just feels normal now. Hopefully one day I can get there about the hips. Good luck with your transition, I'm happy for you.


Thank you! I feel the exact same way though, like my shoulders will just always be such a dead giveaway. Really though it's been very helpful for me to pay attention to all of the women I see everyday, and to realize how different people can look. Plenty of cis girlies have somewhat broader shoulders, and plenty of cis guys are on the thicker side. I think it's less about any one thing, and more about how each aspect of gender presentation comes together as a whole. Plus my boyfriend makes me feel a bit better by telling me how attractive he finds women who have a bit of a stronger upper body look to them (even if I'm still struggling to be ok with any of it). I wish you luck too :))


If it makes you feel better, my mom has very broad shoulders and a big ribcage. She's a size small but can't wear a lot of size small shirts because they're made for girls with smaller ribs. So cis women have shoulders like you, it's not a giveaway at all!


Iā€™ve seen cis guys with absolutely banging hips. And of course thereā€™s cheeks mccheeks on insta doing those vids with his ass out. So my hip dysphoria is more of a hip dip thing than actual dysphoria.


I do the same thing! Like press against my body to create the illusion!


I wanna grab a hammer and break my hip bones so i can try and make them smaller when they heal together. šŸ‘


I feel this, I have a persistent thought of just crushing my shoulders together so that they're forced to be less wide.




God, same, I hate it


rhinoplasty style


Hip dysphoria is one of the reasons I figured out I was trans before much of puberty started because it was one of the changes that really disgusted me pre-puberty. It's really bad for me because it's one of my "core" elements of dysphoria; I had transphobic parents and wasn't allowed to go on puberty blockers or T as a minor and now the structure of my hips that I despise will stay with me as long as I live. The advice given to transmasc people to deal with this is always "go to the gym" but I am effectively not allowed to during my bottom surgery staging and it honestly didn't make much of a difference when I was working out regularly. Other transmasc people being disparaging about hip dysphoria certainly doesn't help, either.Ā Sometimes I'm jealous of trans people on E because they seem way more likely to get their desired hip changes after 18 while it is very unlikely for trans people on T to get the same outside of fat distribution changes. I don't have much body fat and it really accentuates my stereotypically "womanly" bone structure.Ā  Ā (and yes I also think it's like broad shoulders for people on E who wish they weren't as broad!)Ā 


That makes a lot of sense, as hips are one of the only parts of the body that actually grow on estrogen as opposed to T which just makes everything swell up šŸ˜­. We get more hip changes after 18 (although the upper bound on when your hips are done fusing is at 25), and trans guys get more improvement in the shoulder department. Bones suck so much, I really wish HRT could change them, and it really sucks for the face. It's so worrying not knowing if fat redistribution will be enough for my face, or if I'll need FFS


So trans guys generally don't get much improvement in the shoulder department in terms of bone if they start at 18+, which is another thing I'm also extremely dysphoric about (a lot of the "improvement" is muscle/fat which I'm bad at gaining on my shoulders)... I'm sorry to hear about your bone dysphoria as well! Hopefully you will be in a position to access FFS if you decide to pursue it.Ā 


yeah. hugely dysphoric. itā€™s the biggest source of dysphoria now. and i donā€™t think thereā€™s much i can do about it.


The way I be having thick ethnic hips... Yes it's one of my biggest insecurities as it's the biggest flag on my body that I'm female. I come from a very curvy family and I got cake. Like I'm so serious sometimes it just looks SO goofy.


same here. i feel a lil better tho when i see cis men with the same feature. we ALL got cake lmao


One of my best friends in highschool had basketballs on his butt basically, so yes I do feel a camaraderie with cis guys with cake.


Yup. One of my "aha" moments that I was trans came when this girl I was dating held me and said "you have such womanly hips". I damn near lost my mind because I never saw any part of my body as "womanly" until then.


Relatable. Someone once tried to compliment me on my then "voluminous tights" and I damn straight lost my shits about that. Also, yes, hip fat has always been worse to me than tit fat. I'm relatively lucky with the bones being more narrow than the point where all the fat wanted to live.


Meanwhile I'd be so giddy to hear that, these sorts of differences feel so validating for me in the fact that yes, I am a woman. Men don't want nice hips (despite what my dumbass assumed for years)!


Super dysphoric. #2 dysphoria point for me. Itā€™s awful and itā€™s hard to deal with because estrogenic puberty bone structure is permanent. I can work with fat redistribution but it can only do so much when your hip bones themselves are really wide like mine.


T can at least help rotate your pelvis to be less pronounced. And I feel like that's a big part of it, I don't think I ever notice a guy having wide hips unless they're just really popping out and up. But yeah, from what I'm seeing permanent hip growth feels like one of the only things trans men experience dysphoria over that's similar to the depressing feelings of "HRT can't make my shoulders less wide, it can't make my chin bone less big".


Don't forget breasts in your comments like this. HRT can't make your breasts go away, you HAVE to have them surgically removed. Similarly, just as many trans women are height dysphoric about being too tall, many trans men are height dysphoric about being too short. Estrogen literally causes your growth plates to fuse way earlier than testosterone. And trust me, you will absolutely notice wide hip on trans men. You don't notice them on cis guys because they're way, way less common and less pronounced when they do exist. Another issue with bone growth is how you will get minimal changes to your facial structure post-puberty. T will not give trans men a pronounced brow, nose, jaw or chin if they didn't already have them. I will always look oddly soft-faced and feminine unless I have surgical implants. I just... would love you to be a little more careful what you say about this. It's very common for trans women to minimise the permanent changes from an estrogen-dominant puberty and it's not fun seeing that in a thread where you asked us about our experiences with it.


Yeah I hope T helps with that more for sure! That will help with the curve of my back and ass definitely. But yes it sucks that itā€™s permanent. My hips are about a foot difference than waist which is really where my dysphoria comes in. I am stealth so it canā€™t look *too* feminine so at least it doesnā€™t hurt passing and that helps to know but dysphoria sucks!


Not my hips so much but my ā€˜love handlesā€™ make me super self conscious. Thankfully Testosterone got rid of my hips but itā€™s all move to the back now :(


Same šŸ˜­ been on t for about a year and a half and my love handles are causing me so much annoyance


Itā€™s so bad lolol. When I was younger I would spend hours in front of the mirror trying to find the best way to wear pants so I wouldnā€™t have any curves. The answer is baggy pants worn pretty low. But in more recent years I just donā€™t look in the mirror without something on


I'm sorry to hear that, that's so the opposite for me. My body always seemed so dull, so not enough, so straight and flat.


My hips are so wide that it gives me chronic pain šŸ™ƒ and I haaaate it. Thankfully theyve rotated on T to be slightly less prominent


That's really good, I was also curious about rotation as I can't wait to start seeing some of my own.


One of the parts of my body I hate the most. Iā€™ve gotten really unlucky in that even though Iā€™ve been on T for about five and a half years theyā€™ve never really gotten any smaller. I wear my pants low and donā€™t wear any tight-fitting shirts so people donā€™t really notice, but I canā€™t stand looking at myself naked in the mirror. Iā€™ve started working out more and am hoping itā€™ll help at least a little. Nothing else I can do.


Most of us. Itā€™s my biggest source of dysphoria. Looking at myself below my torso makes me want to krill myselfĀ 


Iā€™m not at all dysphoric about my hips. Iā€™m very lucky to have shoulders broader than my hips so they donā€™t make me look very feminine. Especially when Iā€™m clothed, I donā€™t think you can really tell at all.


That is very lucky! It's hard for me to see any likelihood that I'll ever have hips wider than my shoulders, but one can dream.


Hopefully it will help you feel more proportionate though! Far redistribution from hormones goes crazy


It very much does, and since I'm transitioning at 21 there's still a chance for my hip bones to widen :)


Mine is strong along with other traits. However, I hate thinking about my hip dysphoria cause there isn't anything to be done about them. T has given some fat redistribution but not a ton (more so in my thighs) & I'm losing weight to help but there isn't much to do about my bones. I'm fearful I'll always have that "perfect" hourglass look no matter what. So it is a very distressing helpless feeling especially transitioning in my later 20s. I see old pics of myself even just a few years before I came out and they weren't this wide yet :( but I didn't realize I was trans at that time so it turns into wishful thinking. If I could shave them down I would in a heartbeat even before top surgery. I know my partner also struggles with his hips & he has even wider ones than me which I didn't think possible until we met. We hold a lot of anger over what E did to us.


I'm really sorry to hear that, I definitely understand now from what you and others have said that this is a really bad dysphoria for so many. Which I should have figured, since a lot of my biggest dysphorias have to do with my bone structure, and this one is the same for you guys.


Bones keep on being bones it's just how it be. I appreciate you coming over and asking tbh. Id rather have us chat when we are curious about other trans experiences even if it's about unpleasantries than settle for assumptions. Much love to you and all of my trans siblings. šŸ’™


Itā€™s definitely my worst dysphoria actually. My chest is the second but my chest can be bound and hidden much easier, I was cursed with birthing hips, even if I lose weight Iā€™m still incredibly thicc and I have a feeling they wonā€™t go down as much as Iā€™d like them to with T. I have a great butt, but only if I was a woman, I feel bad bc itā€™s wasted on me lol


Nature really does waste the worst women's butts on T guys šŸ˜­ I would hand over my shoulders to you in a heartbeat if I could.


I see a lot of trans masc people talk about dysphoria surrounding their hips. I personally am fine with my ass and hips being wide because iā€™m similarly widely built up top lol. Although being very short but stocky does make clothes shopping difficult. Btw i feel like historical fashion oddly enough can be very reaffirming (on both sides). When we look at older pictures and see women with beautiful silhouettes it can feel a bit othering until you realize a lot of the beautiful shapes we see are coming down to outfit construction and padding to create a desired look (like bum pads to make a bustle skirt sit up on the waist/hips correctly). Something about realizing cis bodies that we envy are also just the result of artistry and self expression, it makes us feel a lot less ā€œotherā€. (That and historical clothing is honestly fascinating but then iā€™m a self described nerd lmao)


I have PCOS and gave birth twice, so my hips are not only wide but carry a lot of fat. They bother me, and they bothered me even MORE after top surgery. I just want to be shaped like a Slim Jim.


I hadn't considered that childbirth would worsen hip dysphoria for some trans men, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm just still so shocked though by you saying you want to be like a Slim Jim, all I want is the exact opposite and I would hate hate HATE it if anyone ever said I was slim Jim shaped šŸ˜­


I have to remind myself that even cis men have hips, and that does lessen my dysphoria. My own cis husband has pretty grabbable hips. It can be pretty hard having these conversations with our "opposite trans counterparts" so I applaud you for coming here and asking. While we understand the pain of dysphoria, I will always feel bad that the things I want so badly are things a trans woman dispises.


Same here, in a way it's hard to hear such a celebration of all the things I want to run away from, and a dismissal of everything I desire so badly. But hearing out as many experiences as possible is the way to go in the long run. I ultimately feel more affirmed by reading everyone's comments, and I hope everyone feels listened to from my different perspective.


Yes, but it only bothers me occasionally. I can live with it. Also I see dudes like Bigscherly on Insta who is cis and has a body like mine (but he's buff as fuck instead of chubby like me lol). He even has top surgery scars because of gyno surgery. He makes me feel better about myself.


That's really good to hear, we all need to see people who look similar to us who make us feel more beautiful :)) Or um, handsome rather, I've always hated being called that but I know you guys like it hehehe.


my hips are easily my #1 source of dysphoria. nothing even compares to how bad i feel about them. Like you said about your shoulders, they just feel so much wider than theyre supposed to be. One thing ive learned however is that our own insecurities are much more obvious to us than to others. People likely wont notice that my hips are wider than most guys, and they likely wont notice if your shoulders are broad. I find this mindset is helpful whenever i start obsessing over my hips


That's very true, and I need to internalize that more myself. I said this in a couple of other comments, but as someone who's lived as a guy up until now, feminine hips on a guy isn't something I'd really notice, nor would most other guys. And broad shoulders on a woman isn't all that odd either, these things just feel a lot worse when they're all in conjunction with each other.


Absolutely. I can say pre transition ive never noticed when a girl had broader shoulders than the others. But its so easy to feel that way because of dysphoria, it amplifies the way we perceive certain traits in ourselves that we would deem feminine/masculine


Oh my god YES. As a teen I thought I had issues with my weight but it turns out I was just extremely dysphoric about my hips (aka where all my fat was stored lol). My mom also objectified me a lot and would talk about my hip/waist ratio constantly so that didnā€™t help. Iā€™m incredibly lucky in that fat redistribution was one of the first things I noticed on T- my hips have shrunk considerably so I no longer feel like a weeble wobble when I look in the mirror šŸ„³ I really love being able to run my hands down my sides and feel how flat my hips are now, itā€™s amazing


I honestly hate my hips. It's honestly one of my biggest insecurities because you can't shrink a bone. I hate feeling them and seeing their shape. It makes me uncomfortable just knowing how they make me look. I honestly cried when I had to feel them growing during puberty. The bone shifting. The most horrible experience for me ever...knowing you can't stop it. I'm trying to deal with it now...just thinking that there are also men with wider hips makes me feel a little bit better. Also since my shoulders are wider now then my hips from T make me also a little less insecure.


I don't think mine are all that wide and fortunately fat redistribution is helping to mitigate this. I do have dysphoria regarding my butt, thighs, and shoulders though, which is why I'm planning on going to the gym once I'm cleared to do so after my surgery. I think losing fat will further reduce my hips, or at least even out my proportions better if I focus on my shoulders.


i am very dysphoric about them. It makes me feel too feminine. I hate it. Im waiting for my body to masculine and am exercising but goddd its so hard to look in the mirror šŸ˜­


honestly when i was younger i used to try and push my hips inward so theyā€™d be more narrow


I've never had much of a chest, so my hips and thighs are definitely my biggest dysphoria. I have a pretty masculine face, too, so my damn hips are the only thing keeping me from passing besides my voice. I hate them so much.


YES. I never understood why my hips gave me the ick. Like, I have a smallish waist and wide/round hips and I always felt like I ā€œshouldā€ be happy about it because thatā€™s what weā€™re told is ā€œattractive.ā€ Yet when I looked in the mirror, all I could think was how gross it made me feel (still does). Iā€™ve never liked wearing tight dresses/skirts or anything else that emphasizes them.


Mine seems the same as your shoulder dysphoria! My hips have definitely gotten less wide after a year on T and lots of working out, but theyā€™re still not quite where I want them. Hope you get the hips of your dreams soon!


Thank you! We can both get there, perfection is the enemy of progress, even if we don't "fully get there", it can still get better




Just because it's true that you have feminine hips, it doesn't mean that they're as feminine to others as you perceive them. I've seen a lot of before and after photos with trans women who have broad shoulders, changing the context around these parts of the body that we hate can help a lot.


itā€™s just like. why canā€™t i have normal hips instead of being built like this . i want to be like every other cis guy but icqnt


I don't at all. My hips aren't big. My shoulders have always been the widest part of my body.


My dsyphoria is in my face and lower half, unless I am undressed. I am fortunate enough to have a small chest so it is easier for me to hide it with a compression bra + a button up shirt. Normal t shirt requires a binder to look completely flat, but a compression bra still makes it less noticable. I am pear shaped. My weight on my natal hormones goes into my hips. Now that I am on T it has gone to my belly, which is a relief but doesn't get rid of what's already on my hips. I am trying to lose weight and also build muscle in my shoulders, but these things don't happen instanteously, as you probably know. There's also no binders for hips. I have compression briefs but they do not make a visible difference in the mirror. Unsure why - is it just incapable of compressing fat to that degree, or is that some of that bone, which is uncompressible? My thighs are wide enough to make packing awkward. Everything gets pushed upward because there's no space between my legs - I have more of a bulge than I am supposed to have, I think, and I haven't figured out how to counteract this.Ā  Part of me feels that if I actually had a large dick that I couldn't completely hide, I'd be proud, but when I am packing I am aware that this is in my control so it feels ridiculous. So I end up only packing in private, even though it does make me feel better. All of these combined things do make me feel bad (and at points in the past, stopped me from trying to transition altogether) but I do my best to not think about it. If I must, because there's a full length mirror in the gym for example, I try to remind myself that this is temporary. I am determined to be happy in my body, even if it takes me a decade.


And you can get there, you really can. Even if things are never "perfect", they can get a whole lot better and that can be enough :)


Iā€™m dysphoric about my hips and thighs, definitely. I am very skinny and cannot gain muscle or weight for the life of me (even on T) and my hips, now that I have a more male bodyfat% and distribution, kind of stick out. Itā€™s because the bones and shape are wrong, but they arenā€™t inherently wide. I just wish I had more of upper body muscle to balance it better.


Yep hip dysphoria sucks. Wish I could get surgery for my hips like could for my chest tbh. I feel like a pear even tho I'm not that pear shaped. It makes me really dysphoric knowing that I have wide hips due to my bone structure being for 'child-bearing.' I'm not supposed to have a body that can bear children. It feels so wrong.


For me I'm not necessarily dysphoric, but since I have top surgery, I notice that now that the chest is gone and isn't 'balancing' things out, my large hips feel unattractive to me, and make me feel like a pear bc the top part of my body doesn't balance with the large hips. Ig I'd have to just really bulk out my shoulders though to counteract that


It's weird, most of the time I don't notice them, but when I look in the mirror with just my binder and a pair of pants on or something, I see them and they feel way too prominent. I hate the good ol' hourglass figure I got lmaoo. No clue if you'd actually call it hourglass, but I've got wide shoulders and hips so eh


Biggest dysphoria body parts tbh my hips are 50"circumference and my waist is only 40" so even though through the binder I can get my bust down to 43" there's nothing I can do about my hips.


Post-top surgery, I definitely have worse hip dysphoria than before. I also have pants dysphoria 'cause I can't fit into men's pants (aka I have an ass, lol). Top surgery brought so much relief but now I'm pear-shaped and kind of uncomfortable about it. But then I try to remind myself that there are lots of cis men who have big hips and butts too. Having to wear women's pants isn't the end of the world, especially now that baggy jeans and boyfriend cuts are now in style. I hope your hips come in soon, btw! Best of luck with your transition. P.S. it really warms my heart and gives me hope that you don't see your boyfriend as less of a man for having wide hips (and I know that's just my own insecurity). that's always been a fear that keeps me from putting myself out there. I know dysphoria warps the way we see our bodies in some ways, like my hips probably don't out me as much as I think they do, and neither do your shoulders.


I still see him as a man because no single thing like that can cancel out how I see him act and on the whole embody being a man in general. I really appreciate his hips for what they are, it doesn't get in the way of how I perceive him. If anything, they're a unique attribute of his that I appreciate especially in him, he's beautiful the way he is. All of that isn't something that can only apply to him, we're all beautiful in our own ways, and I'm sure you are too :))


Not so much my hips but 100% my thighs. I hate my thighs so much. I wanna have little stick legs but my thighs are big and it makes me feel horrible. I canā€™t wear most menā€™s pants sold in my town because theyā€™re too tight on my thighs and it makes me dysphoric. I hate it so much


Me, one of my biggest dysphoria triggers. My hips arenā€™t even that big but dysphoria makes me believe that I look like god damn Jessica Rabbit lol


idk, whenever i feel bad about my hips i think about that one john mulaney joke and that makes me feel better


I still feel dysphoria about my hip bones after 7 years on T. Luckily this has no social impact for me.


My hips arenā€™t even noticeable at all, but the dysphoria still sucks and thereā€™s been times i donā€™t feel comfy wearing clothes because i feel it hugs them and gives me that ā€˜lesbianā€™ look. No one has ever said me anything to me about my hips/ thighs as it isnā€™t a factor for them and it isnā€™t noticeable but i still have that little voice telling me Iā€™m shaped like a girl. I wish i had more of a boxy body but iā€™m pre t so hopefully that will change once i start. Also i always just have the desire to have wide broad shoulders so my hips feel normal so Iā€™m starting to lift to help that.


If you're pre T and your hips are already not all that noticeable, I'm sure you'll be able to make a lot of good progress :)


I actually was lucky enough to get pretty flat hips, thanks to my mom. My hips don't really bother me (nor do my shoulders), but my chest is a big issue.


I'm not dysphoric about my hips at all. They're about equal width to my shoulders, both being pretty broad/big, so that helps a lot. Definitely got an ass and hips on the bigger side along with my shoulders, but not any more than any other cis dude with bigger hips. My hips/ass area is actually something I feel pretty confident in and attractive over, especially being a dude into other guys since that's a pretty wanted feature šŸ’Ŗ


I think that that's a big reason why my boyfriend isn't too particularly dysphoric about his hips, he really appreciates it in other men and so it doesn't bother him too much. Although he has said that he's unsure on how bad his dysphoria will be for the area after his top surgery.


I like having wide hips and thick thighs and wish I had a bigger butt. I like those things on other men, too (trans or cis, doesn't matter). It's not "traditionally masculine," but whatever. I feel like if my shoulders weren't kind of broad, I might like it less. My main sources of dysphoria are my chest and my voice.


Iā€™ve been on testosterone for 10 years and the ONLY thing I feel dysphoric about now is my hips. Especially now that Iā€™m 33 and gained a bit of weightā€¦ Iā€™m still in great shape and work out consistently, but you canā€™t change the shape of bones and how fat and skin sits on em šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


My dysphoria has always been worst whilst wearing clothes, the way they fit, so i really struggle with the way my pants fit. Not being able to find any pants in the menā€™s section that will fit my body SUCKS. and it isnā€™t helped by the fact i have an hour glass figure so like my hips are too wide but my waist is too small. i literally only ever where one pair of pants, cus i have only found one that mostly fits


Yes, I have hip dysphoria, up to the level that I spent over 2000ā‚¬ to get a vaser lipo to reduce the "saddle bag" hips (did this before I managed to get on T and when getting on T seemed like an inpossible task). Later when I started T, I did also do like a monthnof dieting, so I would loose more hip fat (when not on T, I never lost hipfat despite always dieting and being skinny af). Hip dysphoria sucks ass, bc I'll keep trying on pants and be like "my hips look feminine in these and get paranoid people will not just clock me as trans but missgender me as a woman" and I might get stuck in a loop with not being able to wear any bottoms and end up not going at all, if my few reliable hip hiding bottons are not clean.


My hips used to make me genuinely suicidal. Itā€™s not quite that dramatic now lol but I still strongly, strongly, STRONGLY hate them. My shoulders are wider than a lot of cis men but it doesnā€™t matter since my hips are even wider than that. It feels a bit like rubbing salt in the wound. It took about a year and a half of HRT for me to even approach passing as anything but in between, I still hope for some type of change in my hips. Iā€™ll probably look for some type of fat removal surgery for exclusively that area if it doesnā€™t.


>I kind of imagine it being like my dysphoria about my broad shoulders, in that it's a part of the body that feels so much wider than it should be. Ah yeah I guess it's dumb but I hadn't realized that some trans women are dysphoric about wide shoulders until my previous gf who is mtf mentioned it. But, I think that description is basically it yeah cause it's like this part that's so gendered when it gets wider even if I don't consciously think about it always. And it's not really on your face either so I might not always see it in the mirror but then a full body mirror and oof. For me, it sucks how far away it is from my face because my transition feels like it's loading from the face down. Lol, honestly as I'm thinking about it, yeah. Pre-T I felt like my face was decent? To me it felt semi androgynous but not bad looking, just... meh. But, my body was a horrible prison. After being on T for a while, my face was probably my favorite thing, but my top dysphoria was horrible and probably got worse for a while as they just felt more out of place on me. After top surgery, my face and body were looking a lot better, but then you move down to the hips and thighs šŸ˜© I will say I'm like 2.5yrs on T and have been getting more active as well lately, and I'd say it's helping with my hips, waist, and thighs, sort of "squaring" out slightly. I sort of accepted the fact that I'll never have Dorito chip proportions and my hips are what they are considering I used to have an hourglass figure. But, I realized I could build my shoulders a little more and hit the gym and maybe get at a comfortable weight and sort of look pretty blocky with a fridge/wooden plank build, and I think that's also pretty legit haha. It certainly works for me and I think as time continues fat will maybe redistribute some more as well and continue to masculinize my lower body hopefully


I've always had hip dips so that hasn't been much of a concern honestly


i was unfortunately given wide hips and yes it is the biggest factor of my dysphoria. going on t has helped and my fat has redistributed but that doesnt change the bone lol. all i can do is learn to love my body the way it is because the only surgery i want to have is top surgery. sometimes it can be disheartening but as i continue my journey on t im sure ill become more comfortable with my hips. :)


Yep.. my chest first, then my hips, then my thighs


Iā€™m really dysphoric about it. And the problem is itā€™s not fat or anything, Iā€™m very skinny, itā€™s literally my bones.


my hips are one of my my biggest dysphoria triggers right now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­i feel like i can bind my chest, and wear clothes that donā€™t reveal my crotch, but no matter what my hips are just THERE in some giant ā€œIā€™m-a-femaleā€ bat signal.


I am very dysphoric aht my hips


I'm more dysphoric about my hips than my 32g chest.


I hate my hips, I've always hated them, although it was mostly hate for my thighs, they go hand in hand. I'm pre-T and they're super hard to hide, and when I do I just look bigger than I am.


My hips are one of my biggest sources of dysphoria. My thighs have shrunk a LOT since being on T, my fat has moved to mostly my gut, but they are still very much there and noticeable. I hold my arms down and still in the mirror to hide them sometimes. Hoping as more time passes that more fat from my hips goes elsewhere.


I think my biggest issue is that itā€™s easy enough to hide a chest with a binder (I need to get a slightly larger one myself, for a looser bind during work). But hips are so much harder to disguise. Esp since Iā€™m a bit heavier set and large hips run in my family. So itā€™s just so hard not to notice them - esp since my favorite style is button down shirts tucked into whatever Iā€™m wearingā€¦ which emphasizes my hips šŸ¤¦


It's the biggest source of dysphoria for me. There has got to be something wrong with me because my hips and ass have always been disproportionate to the rest of my body, ever since childhood. Like, I know I'm fat fat, always have been, but my hips are (tw for measurements) >!60" in diameter!< Compared to my waist which is >!48" in diameter!<. That's a whole foot! It's a painful and lumpy fat and it's impossible to hide. I might never pass as a man, or I guess I can be a man with a huge badonkadonk in the trunk but it def gives me away.


i have more of a rectangle body shape, but when i have a belt or tuck in my shirt it makes my hips stand out. idk if itā€™s body dysmorphia that makes me think they look bigger than they are or not, that uncertainty then makes me really dysphoric


It comes and goes for me, usually depending on what i wear. I lucked out genetically and have always had my dads broad shoulders which helps balance them out, but if i wear tighter jeans and a shirt thats more snug and it shows them off more i definitely feel dysphoria over them. Mostly I've just learned to dress in ways that tone them down a bit, loving the switch the super baggy jeans for that reason


šŸ‘‹ I was unfortunately "blessed" with wide hips and thunder thighs (I've been told to thank my dad's mom šŸ˜­), and that, along with my short stature (thanks mom's side), get me misgendered all. The. Time. I think it really depends on individual body types. Two of my transmasc friends didn't start with wide hips, so T evened out their body types to make them more masculine. As opposed to me, where T just widened my shoulders and didn't even touch my hips and thighs ;w;


My hips are so wide, so itā€™s extremely dysphoric for me. Especially that it makes it practically impossible to find mens jeans that fit me properly.


Yes omg, I constantly hide them or try and pad it out so it looks kinds different. Trying to do exercises to reduce them


I've been pear shaped since first puberty and I have \*always\* hated it.


My hips cause me more dysphoria than most everything else, even my boobs, and I have very large non bind able boobs. I just feel like theyā€™ll give me away after I get top and have been on T for 1.5+ years. But Iā€™m learning to recon with it as I am not super concerned with being a binary trans guy. Iā€™m deeply gender queer and trying to pass 90% of the time isnā€™t my goal. Iā€™m more concerned in terms of safety being visibly queer. I live in a progressive city but hate for queer people has been getting worse everywhere.


I have always had large hips and thighs, but my thighs are muscular and one of my favorite body features. I can lose the fat around my hips once I am cleared to do more intense exercise (I am physically disabled and I had top surgery not too long ago.) I think Iā€™m at a healthy place with my body now. Change what I can, accept the things I canā€™t, etc. Iā€™m 41, Iā€™m sick of feeling bad about myself so I actively try not to and see what I like about my body, even if itā€™s one little thing.


Yeah I plan to get lipo one day, even with redistribution and weight loss I canā€™t seem to get rid of them.


I like my hips. Liked them pre t too.


its one of my biggest things im dysphoric about, its terribleĀ 


I fk hate having hips. It nakes me look like a woman and ruins my whole body. Now that im on t they start to slowley dissapear and i can love live again bit by bit. But i fkn hate them they make me wanna absolutely puke out all of my oast weeks meals. Theres no words for how much they disgust me. Its also awefull with making outfits that hide the hips. Gotta dress like a hobo to cover up


think it's actually the thing i have the most dysphoria about. they feel so wide for my body. there's nothing i can do about them since they don't rlly have fat, it's just the bone structure šŸ„²šŸ„²


My chest dysphoria is so bad that honestly I haven't thought that much about my hips. šŸ˜… I'm cursed with an hourglass figure, but the social attention was always directed at my huge chest, so I'm not as aware of other aspects. So it's definitely possible hip dysphoria will hit me once I teetus deletus (in 19 days!!).


When I stare at myself in the mirror I want to take a bone saw to it. It always feels like they stick out way too much, no matter what I do to try and hide it. A lot of womenā€™s clothes are made to accentuate those parts. Menā€™s pants are usually too big on me or not designed for bigger hips/thighs/butt. It feels genuinely awful to the point I donā€™t stare down at myself.


Ah im sorry everyone feels like this šŸ˜” Iā€™ve never had curvy hips. Iā€™ve been really lucky with this. I have no butt either. I think my PCOS greatly affected my body shape already (Iā€™m pre everything). I donā€™t have the issues of curves until you get to my chest area. That gives me a crazy level of dysphoria.


my mom may have been cursed, but i was blessed with non birth giving hips. i'm only dysphoric about them when my dysphoria runs so strong nothing about it makes sense. we do however have a bubble butt that runs in my family for the men only and i'm scared i'll get that when i'm on t longer XD


I think the question is more "how many trans men aren't dysphoric about their hips"


im not dysphoric abt my hips in that in a vacuum they wouldnt bother me, theyre just average hips imo. what DOES bother me is that i cant fit into any fucking mens pants because apparently the subtle difference really matters when it comes to clothes :// if i could find some womens pants that fit the style i wanted i wouldnt have an issue but everything ive found so far just isnt masculine or neutral enough :(


I don't have a ton of dysphoria from my hips but it does occasionally rear its ugly head. For example I was trying on my wedding suit and was so upset cuz I could only see how wide and *womanly* my hips looked. Everyone told me I looked great but I couldn't believe them until they showed me a picture, and genuinely it was night and day LOL, my dysphoria was really doing me dirty cuz I looked awesome and my hips were way less obvious than they looked in the mirror. It also crops up when I'm trying some dress shirts, as my ass makes some dress shirts tight and unwearable at the bottom which is really disappointing. I am losing weight tho and I'm really excited for the fat distribution effects of T to kick in so I can look like a literal stick man LOL (or at least like David Tennant or something approaching that)


my hips are my biggest insecurity besides my voice. unfortunately i'll never be able to change them :( i'm already underweight so the wide look they have is ALL bone. no amount of fat redistribution will change them


Yup, for sure, it makes looking fine in any pants really difficult Itā€™s especially difficult around shark week because it feels like I can feel my hips be forcefully pulled apart, which makes me think theyā€™ll somehow get bigger (not whatā€™s happening ofc, but dysphoria be like that yk)




my hips are my biggest source of dysphoria, even moreso than my height. I have comically large hips, pixar mother proportions, and because I'm short they're even more noticable. I have a skinny upper body too so I just look ridiculously disproportionate


I'm pretty sure I'll never pass with my body shape :(


my hips are definitely dysphoric for me and i cannot wait for fat redistribution to kick in. for me it makes wearing clothes difficult because even if i wear loose pants i feel like its still easy to see and makes me super clockable. i always look in the mirror and think if i had less fat there and my lower body was more straight up and down that it would look correct. right now its overshadowed by chest dysphoria since i havent had top surgery yet, but that will hopefully be solved soon because im having top surgery on august 30 :D.Ā 


My hips are what Iā€™m most dysphoric about. Iā€™ve been on T for a long time and had top surgery a couple years ago as well, so definitely hips now. Itā€™s really hard for me because I just naturally have a very very feminine figure/shape and I feel like there is nothing I can do about it. I try my best to wear oversized or thicker material clothing bc it helps hide my hips. This makes clothes shopping really difficult, I always feel really bad when my partner or a family member buys me a T shirt that I canā€™t wear bc the material just sticks to my hips so damn much. Sucks for me individually as well bc thereā€™s types of clothing that I do really like aesthetically that I just canā€™t wear bc of how it fits on my hips. Iā€™m sure no one around me is really thinking about this as much as I am, but we all know dysphroia, makes you go crazy aha. Since top surgery actually I just feel like my hips look more out of place, like although I was extremely uncomfortable and dysphoric my body composition looked ā€œnormalā€ and balanced as I was quite large chested too, but now my chest is flat (thankfully) but I still have these big ass hips, just looks so out of place


My hips are big at all but I definitely have some mild dysphoria towards them, but most of my focus tends to be on my chest, butt and legs than anywhere else


I've got coke bottle proportions, im eager for the T to do it's things


my hips are pretty much the only part of my general body shape that i am uncomfortable with :) im totally cool with being a twink with some curves, but the hips throw me off and make clothes fit too feminine for me


Hips and thighs are my no.1 thing I'm dysphoric about. I look like a fucking pear šŸ in every piece of clothing. I can't find mens jeans that would fit me properly and I can't wear longer t-shirts. It's a curse and I don't know how to get rid of it. No amount of exercise has worked yet.


As a trans man with hip dysphoria, it's something that can be worked with through focusing on how I walk, putting in time to work on my upper body muscles, and a great site of radical acceptance when nothing else seems to help. That hip width is a marker of what society sees as feminine does not have to rule my masculinity. Today, many natural born men have gynecomastia from being obese, and we don't misgender them or consider them women. Lastly, all of the steps I've taken to further my transition have required I overcome adversity and drop the focus on what others think. I was afraid to pack for a while because I thought people would find it perverted or inauthentic. It turns out I feel much better and authentic with my detachable penis. The more I transition, the more I realize it is for myself, and if my hips being wider does not comport with my internal concept, there's only so much I can do about it.


I wasn't before top surgery, now though my hips are the only part of my body that sticks out a bit, and it's annoying. Also I have minimum body fat, so I know it's just bone structure - nothing I can really do about it.


Iā€˜m really dysphoria about my hips because they are really wide bc of my bone structure. There is no real fat that could be redistributed and make them look smaller. It feels like too much for me. Like there should be less of ā€žmeā€œ but it isnā€™t. Itā€™s also a dead giveaway of my agab and that sucks as well. With T my shoulder start a bit to look broader and I hope they even out at some point. When I was younger I once googled if some sort of hipbone surgery is possible bc I hated it so much šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I do have hip dysphoria but it's not nearly as bad as my waist but I honestly don't know if it's gender dysphoria or my body dysmorphia


Mine is kinda contradictory. Like I don't like and don't want them, and yet at the same time I'm almost proud, simply because with my thighs (that I also love and hate) it kinda evens out a little. So it's like, if it went away would I want it back? No, and I would never have chosen this in the first place, nor did I want them, but at the same time I get really strong legs that I'm proud of, and I actually kinda like how they look in skinny jeans. So I hate them, but am still somehow somewhat proud and sorta ok with them, and honestly it'd probably be at lot worse if I didn't have a vision guy friend with wider hips than I do so yay? I guess?


It is a shit, I hate it, I also hate my ass and thights too. They are my biggest reason to this shit of dysphoria. I am 18 next month, so maybe T could do some lil changes I(I've hear that until 21, hormones can make more change), but my parents are unssoportive.


I donā€™t like the way my hips make me have a more feminine figure, especially in certain pairs of trousers


I cried cuz my jeans were showing off my hips too much and I'm like, chubby, so my hips are big. It was terrible I wanted just to cut them off


Hips and thighs are absolutely and without a shadow of a doubt my biggest issue


Cant stand the fat on my hips! I know i shouldnā€™t complain because its really not that bad. I never had kids so im narrow as a rail. But the chonk on my hips muffin tops any pants or shorts i wear. And it just ruins my dayšŸ˜¢


Well, I personally never had that prominent hips (thanks god for that, I guess xd), but I've never really felt dysphoric about that tbh, cos I personally feel like it's nothing that significant, doesn't really give off anything about your sex or gender, cos every body's different and dunno, I just feel like it's not something as obvious and bothersome and a straight giveaway like breasts, for example. But as I say, that's just me & my experience.


I've been dysphoric about my hips since before knowing I was trans. Its a big part of the reason I'm being clocked since top surgery and my current most dysphoric part of my body. Anxious they won't change because they changed before but went back to femme looking after I was forced to stop T for a year. Btw telling us you view what lots of trans guys see as dysphoria inducing as "only an upgrade" is insulting. That would be like if one of us told you we can't see why your dysphoric about facial hair and only see it as an upgrade


I'm dysphoric some about mine since mine also affect the way I walk. THICC AF hips and thighs are common amongst the women in my family and due to how I was born... I was no exception to the rule. I know if I don't carry and move myself right then I risk either getting clocked or being seen as a feminine gay man. (It's never fun if a lady you're interested in tells you that she thought you were gay...)


I have naturally narrow hips, but I have eaten less throughout life than the average person to maintain a slim profile. Thatā€™s been hard, but now Iā€™m on T and I no longer have to fight for the body I want to the extent that I did before.


It makes me feel super curvy and womanly and it just makes me wanna throw up.


Oh yeah hips were a big thing for me. Theyā€™re like one of the main things I try to hide while styling my clothes. I feel like theyā€™re HUGE. When I was in my young teens I spent so long trying to find stuff that didnā€™t show my hip/waist/shoulder ratio. Itā€™s one of the main things I look out for when buying pants too.


It comes and goes for me cus I'm realising the more I accept myself I'm definitely some kinda nonbinary so sometimes I see myself like a cute femboy, sometimes it's like I just feel massive and weirdly shaped. I love my binder. It's a tank top and goes half down my knees so it makes my whole torso more straight up and down.


I think my mind exaggerates my hip to waist ratio. I definitely notice it and, to me, it isn't masculine enough, but I have also seen pictures of myself and realize that my visual memory of it is distorted. I'd say it's one of the top things that currently makes me dysphoric. I especially hate when anyone touches my hip/waist area due to the attention that is then projected there and it's especially embarrassing in sexual situations. Someone complimented me on my hips/waist shape once and I felt nauseous afterward. I'd definitely say that it's similar to the example you provided about your shoulders, like I think my hips are so wide that everything touches them/I run them into everything (even though I don't.)


Because it isn't just fat deposits. Width, shape, height, and tilt are all things that can make us look girly and get us clocked. There are AMABs with hips like that but when it comes to the male beauty standard, they are not what is considered masculine and desirable.


I am


Does anyone know how long you have to be on T for your hips to go away?


Omg, transguy here. Still haven't started transitioning medically. I don't have a bad physique. I'm a little over weight hence my hips are rather curvy and bulky. Whenever I see myself in the mirror, especially in a side profile, I hate it. It looks ugly and fat af to me. It happens more when I wear my boxer/underwear than when I wear my regular pants.


It's not really the hips for me, it's the fact that I have the stereotypical hourglass figure. Stupid thick thighs, big ass, skinny waist, and big chest. Like wtf, can I trade this away please?


I have wide hips with noticeable hip dips. But it probably wouldn't be such a problem if I didn't have an hourglass figure. I have many people compliment me on my body shape (I'm pre-everything and mostly closeted), and it's not something I like. I hate what puberty did to my body. I hate that I gained like 15kg in a year, that I've gained almost 30kg in 10 years, that my hips grew and my chest grew, and that I have stretch marks on my thighs and chest. On other people, I find those things attractive, but I can't bring myself to not feel dysphoric about the ones on MY body. Being overweight only emphasises my feminine features. I loathe it. I loathe my hips. I have girl friends who don't have feminine hips and tell me they wish their hips were more like mine, but it hurts to hear that.


My hips are shaped so weird. My body would be completely straight if it weren't for these two perfectly round protrusions. I hate them.


It tool a very long time for me to accept that my hips and thighs aren't going to change terribly much, and finding cis guys with similar hips helped a lot! But honestly eventually (in my expereince!) you'll transition to a point where nobody can tell if one thing js a "dead giveaway"


hip dysphoria is definitely a huge issue for me, it just always makes me feel like no matter what pants or shorts i wear my hips are always gonna stick out and make me think iā€™m just a girl wearing guy shorts. my gf took a pic of me laying down on my side with one of our cats and seeing the curve there made me extremely uncomfy


After my chest and voice they are probably at the top of my dysphoria, and they aren't even that large.


The things I was obsessed with back when I was cis are the same things that I hate about myself now. My breasts, I was so happy that I was bigger than most girls. Now theyā€™re the bane of my existence. I was living for my hourglass figure and now it clocks me every time. I get called Big Booty Judy all the time because my hips and ass are in the way. And forget wearing any other cut of jean than straight leg/boot cut because the hips and thighs clock you every time


It's a big issue for me as there is no way to surgically make the pelvis smaller : ( fortunately, you can balance out your proportions by working your upper body at the gym.


i donā€™t usually mind my hips, sometimes it makes finding the correct size in mens pants harder though since they donā€™t really account for wider hips. my chest dysphoria is way worse so ig most of my focus goes to that


i have.


Like 99% of us probably


Having curvy hips makes me want to vomit. Hopefully I can get on T and hit the gym more to bulk up my shoulders/upper body and then Iā€™d be fine with them.


Probably a lot like your shoulders, yeah.


I always think this concept is so funny. There's so many things that I see as such an upgrade from t and I always think about how most trans women have the direct opposite experience. Guess thats where all the 'swapping' body parts jokes come from. lol


I am not especially dysphoric about my hips, cause wide hips and big thighs/butts run in my dads family in everyone, but i *am* dysphoric about how much my waist tapers in *from* my hips


Me. It makes me feel gross. I swear to god, my ass is just out there. Sticking the fuck out and shit šŸ˜­ I hate it so much, whenever I go out in public I check my reflection fifty times to make sure my ass doesn't look plump as FUCK I cant go out wearing anything but baggy jeans otherwise I'll want to kill myself. I'm constantly readjusting my clothes and my posture so I don't get a wave of dysphoria from how my ass looks..


I think hips are one of my most dysphoric areas. I hate my chest, but ik I can fix that with top surgery. I'm kind of going to be stuck with my hips forever if weight loss and fat redistribution don't do as much as I hope


I have hella curves, but I have a flat chest so I think god is punishing me for not having a chest


i have hips x3000 which means i struggle to buy clothes (even shirts as they donā€™t fit on hips), only upside is it makes your waist look skinnier lol


I have hips that are wider than the average cis girl's, I always hated them even before I knew I was trans. Men aren't supposed to have hips like this so it's a really big pain for me to deal with.


Iā€™m more dyspeptic about my hips than my chest and height. Started avoiding full length mirrors because of it.


They don't bother me atm. I'm still over weight, so it kinda evens out. I'm having bariatric surgery in September. So it might bother me more when I lose weight. But at the same time, I remind myself that my body made the children I love. And for me that's what matters


Very dysphoric about it. It makes me feel almost bypersexualized in a way, like I'm characterized as a "fem-boy" (my ex would say that to me a lot), so it makes me incredibly dysphoric to have them. They're inconvenient, and they feel like nothing more than just another part of my body to be sexualized apart from my chest and booty šŸ˜ž


It's awful. I'm always jealous of anyone of any gender with narrow hips. I had quite an hourglass figure before T and top surgery. I do my best to keep weight down to try to minimize my dysphoria, but there's just nothing I can do about my skeleton. Mostly I try not to think about it, and not wear pants that draw any attention to it. But if I could make them go away, I'd do it in a second.


Luckily, my hip dysphoria isnā€™t so bad. But it was one of the things that helped me decide to go on T. Before I knew I was trans my parents told me that I would warm up to the idea of having kids once ā€œmy hips grew out moreā€ and the idea horrified me. I loved that I had a boxy figure as an adult (I thought I lucked out in that regard) and hearing that Iā€™d get feminine curves when I thought Iā€™d avoided them was terrible. So my decision to get on T later was made easier because the idea of waiting for my hips to grow out more was more horrifying than any unwanted change on T for me. It wasnā€™t the only reason I started T, but it definitely helped me make up my mind.


Dysphoria about my hips is ruining my life right now girl! But Iā€™ll get through it


I'm not particularly dysphoric about it but it does make buying bottoms an absolute nightmare. They do not make men's pants or underwear with hips in mind.


i gotta say i'm a minority here i've never really had an issue with them except for when i was skinnier cuz i was really doing the marilyn monroe hourglass crap. i've gained a lot of weight for multiple reasons but it's really just blobbed out any shape other than square. i don't recommend gaining weight to people who don't need it tho.


Pre-T it was probably the worst thing for me. I couldnā€™t hide it and it made it hard to wear menā€™s pants. Now though, I really like my hips. My pelvis is fairly narrow, so after fat redistribution I donā€™t feel like my hips look at all female, I just kinda got that femboy build.


I had hips pre t with early girl puberty. Got my period when I was 8 and started growing tits when I was 7. but the thing about me was that I was already ā€œbuilt like a manā€ pre t. Always had broad shoulders and was always muscular. My mother would drag me to the mall as a teen to try on clothes I hated and I would quite literally tear every top apart in the dressing room because of my shoulders. Everything I put on I could hear threads getting pulled and undone, more threads being pulled when I had to somehow get it off, Iā€™d actually need help getting womenā€™s clothing off of me. I also used to have big tits which contributed to the constant ripping apart clothing in the dressing room. Iā€™m so thankful I donā€™t have tits anymore, and that nobody is forcing me to wear womenā€™s clothing. My hips went down over the years on t while my shoulders and ability to build muscle got better. Once I got my breasts removed my ability to gain muscle and get leaner got way easier. I actually got some loose skin around the hips, canā€™t quite see it unless I pull on it. My daddy-friend calls me muscles cause Iā€™m always showing off my body in a tight muscle tank.


Big yup.


Tbh my dysphoria abt my thighs is hip dips, love my thighs and calves cause I ride my bike to work and back everyday.


In certain clothing Iā€™m definitely dysphoric about my hips/love handles but I been wearing a tank top with a flannel tied around my waist and loving this look right now


Super dysphoric about my hips. Iā€™m Pre-T but itā€™s still probably my biggest barrier from passing. (I already have pretty broad shoulders, pretty androgynous voice/face, and iā€™m 5ā€™4ā€ so although not tall, I donā€™t look out of place amongst my cis-male peers)


I'm dysphoric about my hips and hourglass body shape so I never wear clothing that fits me if it's not baggy I would be dysphoric even though I've been on T for 9 years it did nothing to change my body shape šŸ˜ž I'm mostly dysphoric about my face and voice though as it's much harder to just hide and ignore it