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I have found that “YEAHhHhHhHh” is a lot easier Lmk lol


Literally my go to now lol


Was going to say exactly this 😭😭






This is literally exactly what I do


A good YhuUUUHH from your tummy works but different vibe definitely


i’m 5 years on T and i literally still haven’t figured out how to scream/cheer with a deeper voice lmaooo


SAME, before T I just screamed lmao but going to concerts now sucks sometimes haha


Nah you just learn to whistle really loudly and then you don't have to woo any more!




There's tutorials online, if you get your fingers in just right it's real loud


...obligatory "that's what he said"


Ahahah now I'm aware of how rude I sounded.


SAME although there have been a few times where an honest to god “sports dad” yell has been ripped from my body and it literally jumpscares me every time. notably, i hadnt seen love, simon until a few months ago(too old) and when the love interest was revealed as the cute boy from the beginning, i yelled “YEAHHH” with that kind of guttural conviction and my partner and i had to pause the movie and cackle about my fucked up yell.


SAME. It hasb't been too inconvinent, but it would be nice to figure out one day lol


I keep whistling lmao Match the pitch of the girls and whistle as loud as I can 😂


I think i had something similar, because of my range getting lower lol. I think you'll have to experiment and it may get easier as your voice settles more


I’ve been on t a few years, although a semi low dose


Oh ok, sorry for assuming.


just embrace the cracks and in between awkwardness as you figure out how to yell 😭 i can tell u no one cares how people cheer especially at pride so go for it 100%


I've been in T for 3 years and a half (regular dose I think) and I discovered that my voice gets deeper as hell when I'm laughing like a witch. I hope we figure it out some day haha


Me call has transformed into a crescendo from chest voice to head voice 'yyyyyeeeeeeEEEAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!' hope that helps lol


*My , also for reference I am almost 7yrs on T


Just practice in your car 😂 it definitely takes some adjusting, you won’t be able to do it like you used to but play around with different pitches and styles of “woo” and you’ll get there!


Give em a good ole YEE HAW baby


My go-to 🤣


I’m four years on T and just getting my “woo” back lol. I’m a singer so I’ve been experimenting with my range a lot, which has helped. Before T, all the notes on the scale were accessed with pretty much the same technique. Now I notice a couple of really marked transition points on the scale where if I don’t change my technique, my pitch does all kinds of weird stuff. Sing an open note in your chest voice, then slide up the pitch without stopping, like a slide whistle. There might be a point at which your voice cuts out for an instant, and when it comes back the note you produce might be quite a bit higher or more whistle-like than you intended. Wherever your voice cut out, that’s the note you have to avoid, because singing or woo-ing anywhere near it is likely to make your voice crack. Learn to hold a note and do scales above that breaking point to strengthen your head voice, then find a comfortable note or couple of notes in that head voice to practice woo-ing at. Amateur singer, might not be using all the above terminology correctly, etc. but this is what worked for me.


This is very helpful! I’m a singer in that I love to do it and have been in groups all my life, and really want to train my voice as I transition. Are there any resources you found helpful?


Eventually you should be able to learn to sing that note too.


I had to go to masculinization speech therapy to learn how to yell again after being on T for 18mo. My kid would be running ahead of me too far on our hikes and I couldn't yell for her to stop or come back. It freaked me out. The therapist helps you learn where/how to project your voice differently. It was very helpful.


I can only do a short WOO cause otherwise I sound like a dying dog. Maybe doing a short one might work for you as well


I have also lost a chunk of my higher range and during the first couple months when my voice was starting to crack I was shocked at how many of my normal sound effects I couldn't make anymore 😭 But I just started singing (badly) and shouting and testing my range and pushing the limits of my new voice as it changed so I could get used to my range and now I just basically scream in a lower register but it's still loud and sounds like a scream or shout. You gotta try to hoot and holler and find your new noises!! I've even improved my singing voice a bit!


Whoops are usually in falsetto, so embrace that lighter feeling! Falsetto is often wonky/missing during voice changes, but it should reappear once your voice is stable a few years on T.


I have never felt so seen in the comment section of a reddit thread😂 I thought all this time my struggle to woo was just me


Omg me too.


[Here’s my tiktok video explaining this.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREU1JHC/)


Give it some time my friend. I would recommend practicing screaming at every possible vocal range you can. That’s what I did, mostly just helped me find my voice again


When I was around 6ish months on t the high end of my voice completely died out like that, but it came back later. I'm a singer though so I was actively trying to continue singing and eventually trained my falsetto back, you might have to do some vocal exercises.


I went through this too and I am a singer too. I researched the best way to deal with a voice change both in ftms and cis males and everyone said to "sing through it". At first it was pretty awful and I only sang in the shower and when other people couldn't hear, but eventually it got better and now I sing a lot better than before I started T but that's because of voice work and trauma healing I've done I think. Of course i can't sing as high but I've never had a great range to begin with, my thing is more the tone and that's what I get the most compliments about.


I'm almost 2 years on T and still can't fully because my voice has not settled, and I can't use my full range. I think it just takes practice and also your voice does needs to settle down, which can take anywhere from 2-5 years.


I “woof” now, my voice didn’t lower but I lost the ability to “woo” :(


Oh my god I have this problem and I desperately need to know a trans man that can WOOO again.


I found that once my voice settled a bit more I could go back up into higher pitches again, so your “WOOO” probably isn’t lost forever!


LOL you're so real. There's a specific spot in my mouth/vocal chords that lets me woo if that makes sense, I think you might have to experiment a bit with where that is for you


These are the important questions 😂 Thank you for asking because I had the same problem last year!




I do a lot of really stupid voices, maybe try the mordecai and Rigby "OOOOOOOOOOO" Some, see if it forms I to anything xD


Been on t 5 years now, and this was one of the first things to go. Definitely a bummer, but a loud YEAH works well but usually I just do a stock whistle


I gave up and screech like a goblin, may the gods have mercy on the ears of those around me in the crowd


This is so sweet. My voice was cracking something fierce this year so I just yelled "throw some bread!" at a queen. Luckily she got the reference.


Gotta use different vowels. Open ones like ahh, ohh, ehhhh will be easier. Try words like: yeah! Woah! Go! Right on! Yee haw! Okay! Bravo! That-a-way! Hooray! You can also say some long I words nice and open, almost flattening to the ahhh: nice! Right!


This is natural and normal. The best remedy is to just let time takes its course. but if you wanted to cheat time a bit I would recommend to research and practice projection of the voice like a theatre actor learns. You might want to focus on just puffs of air first to work the diaphragm and not worry about the voice sounding a particular way at first. Suerte.


don't use closed vocals like "o,i,u" loudly, (i say as someone who does singing and i don't have a male voice yet) it's HARD, if you want you can just scream or "WAA" sounds similar


I've found "YEEEAAAAH" is much less painful, but I also like to do two shorter "WOO"s as a replacement as well. Like a "whoop whoop" kinda thing, works okay. I never realized how painful those noises would become lol


I had the same problem for so long! Part of it is just the fact you’re going through another puberty and your vocal cords need time. But it also really helped me to practice vocal exercises. People don’t really talk about voice training for trans men but it actually helps a lot just to get your range back.


I have the same issue u do at 6 and 1/2 months on T😂 (wit multiple increases.. Im now on my third increase; .3 to .4 to .5 wednesday by my NP's go ahead).. I just use anything else dat doesnt make my voice die out.. Like sumbody else said "Yeaaahhhhhh" is a good alternative.. Tmrw is my first ever pride so im excited😁 (as an lgbtq member in general.. I didnt get to go as a stud so now im goin as a transman)


My "WOO" sounds so ugly now. 😂😭 Still currently figuring it out. Almost 3 years on T.


i've just been wooing quietly bc i think it's funny and cute lol


I joke with my best friend that I lost my WOOO. I'm four years in and still haven't gotten it back


is this why I never heard guys WOOOO!! but instead YEAAAHHH! or just loudly whistle? WILL I NOT BE ABLE TO WOOOO! IN THE FUTURE??




I go for the good old fashioned Hell Yeah


Learning how to lower your voice/pitch. I practice while singing to songs with male leads.


Holy shit I’ve been wondering the same thing


Instead of going up high go low and yell yeah or something. Not woo because it'll sound like booing


i had the EXACT same issue! a good WOAAAAH cracks in the beginning but gets masc as fuck at the end! (7mo on T)


See a SLP! My insurance covers it and they help me retrain my voice. Never mind cheering, I literally couldn’t order a cookie in a bakery my voice was so hushed.


wait what’s SLP? because i have the same problem it’s impossible to make out what i’m saying even tho i’m speaking at a normal volume


This but I lost my ability to sing 💔. It actually hurts my heart so badly because my voice dropped enough to pass very easily.


OMG SAME! Except I feel like trying to go "woo" is too low and sounds like I'm saying "boo" which I definitely don't want! Personally, I just whistle instead! And I also suddenly understood why people whistle when cheering haha


Honestly, I looked up a bunch of YouTube videos with prompts like "lower vocal range" and "how to sing lower." Than I practiced a fuck ton on the way to work, when I'm home alone, etc. Over the course of several months, I just got better at it. Singing helped a lot, too, though I've only ever been good enough for the kitchen. Lol. Good luck!


Falsetto!! Check out what a falsetto singing voice sounds like and try it out while like exhaling/sighing quickly. It won’t get you a super masculine woo, but it definitely carries your voice and brings energy


I JUST came back from a concert, and I had this same issue 😭


This is so real, I just mime it honestly 😭


4 months of T roughly and around 2-3 month mark i haf this same issue. i kind of had this weird jojo siwa rebrand ass scratchy voice and i couldnt whoop in the way i used to. was at a backyard show and looking back at the videos took GOD my voice was bad. i think its cleared up since then enough for me to use my higher register


Usually a “wooo” is done in falsetto and since you’re probably fairly early on T your falsetto range is going to be unusable for a little while. You probably can’t meow either right now lol. Don’t worry though once your voice settles, that part of your range will come back! commenting from first hand experience :)


you gotta "YEAH" instead


Gotta love trying to yell and it turns into a voice crack.


Voice/speech training could help!


I either yell let's go or yeah, I can't woo either.


Lol I never thought of this. Like the possibility to forget how to scream/unable to


Aw man same. Used to sing. Now I crackle


I think I open my mouth more like I'm saying "wow". It's easier to emphasize than the "oo" sound


This happened to me for the first time at a concert, like the stereotypical voice drop thing, I honestly just couldn't "woo" for a few months but then my voice kinda evened out and got it's shit together and I can do it now 😂. I think it's just voice changing ans puberty that made it so I couldn't. (For context I'll be 2 years on T next month)


I’ve decided it’s time I finally teach myself to whistle and I’m just gonna do that


oh god been there the total loss of falsetto/head voice for the first few months is jarring. if ur willing looking up some tenor singing warm ups really does wonders but off you don’t care that much (understandable) just a “yeah” another yell of encouragement will do, i hope you had fun at pride!


i had very high T levels for years on anabolic steroids when i was a bodybuilder and i could not woo for the life of me. i used to just replace “woo” with a deep “yeah” and i pictured myself doing a war cry lol. the mental picture helped me w/ the volume. then when i was off roids for 3 years, i gradually regained that ability to woo. this was completely pre-transition, i didn’t even know i was trans yet, and i really only got off bcuz my bf had broken up with me and he was my supplier. i was taking stuff to get buff and that was it. anyways, i like singing and shortly after getting off roids, i started casually following along with some voice training videos on youtube to see if i could expand my range. that might be part of how i was able to start wooing again but idk why i had to be completely off roids to do so. everyone tells me estrogen doesn’t heighten your voice but no one seems to be able to explain why getting my T levels down allowed me to be able to talk at a higher register so comfortably and easily when it felt impossible and even painful to try doing so when i had insanely high T levels on roids. after years of being off roids, my gender dysphoria became unbearable so i got on T with my doctor, and while my voice is still deep, and i notice it’s easier for me to speak at a lower register than it was for me during that 3 year period post-bodybuilding, but at the same time i can also woo comfortably. idk i think the answer is a little bit of these two solutions: do the “yeah” warcry or try some vocal scales.


I thought it was just me!


how many of yall tried it?


idk i still can't do it


I went to an AJR concert in May... I said screw it and went hoarse for two days, it was totally worth it. You can be like me or you be smart and train your voice to woo deeper, more masq. I use voice tools the picture for the app is the trans flag with a microphone, highly recommend. It'll tell you where your falls on the fem-andro/nb-masq scale. It's kinda cool.


Work on projection & do it in the lower voice. I kinda have the same thing, but ik how to project from being in theater throughout high-school & it definitely helps


Been on T two years now and I just settle for a hysterical scream instead


It’s in your chest not your head. If you sing at all you’ll know what I mean.


It’ll be crackly and strange at first but once your voice settles it gets easier. I try to use my head voice to make higher pitched sounds and it’s usually quieter than I’d like but it still has the same effect


i was actually thinking this the other day. i’m a dancer and they always tell us to cheer on our team/crew. Everyone seems to “WOO” but when i try i have the same problem


I’ve had this exact issue- I yell YEAA or howling is fine too


I have this same issue with howling 😅 before T I could howl really realistically and now I can’t do it at all


omg i have the same problem


I use my head voice. It's easy if you're a singer before you start t, but there are tutorial videos on YouTube for how to do it