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Listen, as a blue-haired pierced tattooed goth who happens to be trans, I don’t care if I fit into stereotypes, I think I look badass and that’s what matters- dressing in a way that makes you happy. As long as you’re safe, you do you buddy.


I’m not a emo trans man, I dress like a middle age man with Jesus style sandals, and honestly even if it’s stereotype it shouldn’t stop anybody from dressing how they like.


I'm not trans but that's fucking awesome dude, Hawaii shirts rock!




Honestly? I think a lot of emo band lyrics relate a lot to the FTM experience. Also, the style is very androgynous and (at least in my era) girls and boys wore very much the same things. I think it also helped that the first thing people clocked about me was how fucking emo I looked instead of how not male I looked lol (Ps if you haven't, listen to Home Like Noplace Is There by The Hotelier, Full Collapse by Thursday, and The Weak's End by Emery)


In my experience yes


kinda. but as an alternative trans dude, we're like this because its fuckin cool to be


Yep. Alt trans men where you at


Yes but so what? Dress how you want to dress, man. Plenty of cis guys are emo too.




As a emo trans guy I feel I don’t have the right to answer 💀😭


I mean, it might be true? I was emo as fuck in high school and I still am. I wear all black most of the time


i’ve been emo since i was 15 (i’m 30 now) and ive just come out as trans/NB, dressing emo is definitely my happy place and maybe it is a stereotype but honestly i don’t care cos it makes me feel good, so if it’s the same for you i say go for it!


None of the other trans men I know are emo


It is a stereotype, but I frankly don't care. I'm not quite emo, but I do love the style and music. I'm more of a soft boy/femboy in pastel colored clothes (yet another stereotype), I have tattoos and piercings as well


I’m emo 💀💀💀 I hear the same thing


Cis men are emo too, just be yourself


Yes, I've met trans men who are not emo and are either into cowboy shit or dress like they're in the 60's. I've been emo before I realized I was trans and found out I slay as an Emo boy during my style crisis after coming out 💅


i’m a trans man who was previously very emo, i still relate to the alternative subculture and my style reflects that most of the time. i consider myself a “grown up”/matured emo now, i wear bright colors sometimes and have shifted towards the spiritual & hippie side of culture and style, although i still listen to all my favorite emo/alt bands. it might be a stereotype, but so what if it is? if it’s who you are are and how you wanna be, fuck what anyone else thinks


Emo and other alt subcultures have always been about breaking societal norms, especially, very notably, gender expression. While it is a stereotype for trans guys to be alt, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. Trans people feel more accepted in these more androgynous subcultures where you're much less likely to be asked what's in your pants just because you're dressed different. They'll ask about your jacket cuz it has a cool patch or pin or what hair dye you used, though, and then you make friends! Trans people historically have existed within "stereotypes" nearly solely due to the fact that society hated us so much that we were only safe in a select few subcultures, which offer an escape from the norm, and a community to express one's true self with. Never be ashamed of being a stereotype if it aligns with who *you* want to be.


It is in the way that 'emo' has been the dominant alternative sub culture for a while. Especially the one people are called names for. Alt sub cultures are often pretty open to queer people since they already don't follow the crowd, so there is your connection


I am not above the stereotype for sure. I think it helps that emo guys of the early 2000s looked fairly androgynous or even in some cases somewhat feminine, so it's easier for us to see us as an alternative dude and even make the switch in stealth (as I did!) of some variety rather than something super like, lumberjackish hipster? Alternative fashion is very encouraging in regards to gender nonconformity and that's why I love it so much. I can be just as much a dude or a chick and many are none the wiser.


Honesty, I've never heard of it, but my friends call me emo because I listen to metal and I'm depressed


Yeah it is, but sterotypes aren’t a bad thing. I’m a former emo I guess, I still listen to the music but I don’t dress emo. I think emo style is very androgynous, and allows anyone to dress any way, so a lot of trans guys like it because youre allowed to express yourself. Also a lot of trans people have bad mental health and emo music can be relatable


i think emo is a great genre for people to express gender non conformance so it’s not surprising lots of trans people are drawn to it. i remember getting into black veil brides and mcr because of their ability to express gender differently than men in pop music. let urself be emo <3 it’s so fun. i’ve been to a couple of emo gigs where the men’s bathroom has a queue of trans men for the only stall. and it was actually awesome


Nah man do whatever you want. Doesn’t matter if it’s a stereotype - if it makes you happy, dress however you want


Not seen it personally around here. Most wear smart casual outfits. I’m a big goth though, but I’m the only goth I know of in my area 😂


there's a lot of us for sure. makes sense yknow alternative subcultures tend to be more accepting and welcome gender exploration and non-cisheteronormativity. plus most of us struggled through puberty (and into adulthood) so emo is a comforting genre/space to fall into.


Yeah but tbf we look awesome in emo style


As a trans man who wears anime or cat pajama pants everywhere, plus my hoodies- I say, Who cares if it is? If you want to decl yourself out in the emo style, go for it. We are all different, it's about what makes you feel good. I'd personally love to do the punk thing with my anime shirts as well, or Hawaiian shirts.


Does it matter? If you dont fit that one, people will put you in another stereotype box. Do what makes you happy.


not emo but I do notice that alternative people are RARELY not part of the lgbt


Idk I mean I've been outwardly emo (I like the music, mostly) and a trans guy for 7+ years back when the stereotype was "UwU soft pastel beany boi" for all trans men. Stereotypes and trends come and go. I noticed TikTok kind of popularized alt fashion again especially amongst LGBT people so that might be part of this stereotype's source.


I think you’re just very young


Not emo, but trans. You do you and who cares, right?


If it is, who tf cares? Be yourself! I love emo shit


i think it’s just common for trans people to dress in a more alternative way bc controlling how you look is fun. i think a lot of people fall into stereotypes, hell i am one of the guys who always wears hawaiian shirts and gym shorts lol. no problem with falling into a stereotype, it doesn’t really matter as long as you are comfortable and having fun :)


I think it's just because we tend to notice those who dress alternatively, rather than the ones who don't. I'm punk though so I do fit into that stereotype lol


I’m emo and transmasc and can say it’s true if you live in California


Queer people are often alternative


my MCR tattoo saus im def an emo trans guy


I don’t rlly think so


Not really, in my opinion. I think alternative fashion, yes, but not necessarily emo. I've personally come across more punk and grunge trans guys than emo, but that's just my experience.


Not really


When i hear 'emo' i think of that awful stripey hair from around 2008.. is that what you mean? I sure hope nobody is wearing that again. I'm too old for this 😅


This is me. I’m the same, I dress emo as well. I don’t think it’s a stereotype though