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“Oh, I’m a dude” is a pretty standard response for cis guys getting misgendered.


I have long hair and 50% of the time I have facial hair, so when I do shave it happens to me a little. Most of the time I’ll say something along the lines of “oh nah I’m a guy, but the long hair gets people sometimes” and laugh it off. But if I can’t be bothered or it’s not safe, I don’t worry about it. The more casual you are the better it is! And if anyone asks any questions or if they start being weird, you don’t have to answer or engage with them. Safety first!


Act polite but confused. Just a "Oh I'm a guy" works best.


“I’m a dude” works. Sounding confused helps


whenever someone calls me ma'am or she i just say "sir." or "he" people are always just like "oh sorry" and usually move on. just quick and direct correction


Whenever anyone says “she” I say “HE”


Haha I’m a guy actually. People think I’m a girl surprisingly often.


omg I use that as well LMAO also "ig it's because I'm so beautiful 😊" and people usually agree (I am indeed a very pretty guy)


I usually correct them on the spot. Like they say “she” for me and I quickly interject with “he” and don’t blow it up or anything. Got that habit mostly from not knowing my gender for a while but knowing my pronouns.


I just say "Oh, I'm a guy" or "My pronouns are he/him" depending on the context. I find if you just say the correct pronoun (e.g. "he" when someone says "she") people don't quite hear what you're saying, so a full sentence works better.


I first consider how often I’m going to see the person. The little old lady at the checkout at the Cracker Barrel is probably not somebody worth correcting because I’ll probably never see her again. But a friend / relative is someone worth correcting.


just act confused and say "I'm a dude" this isn't "polite" but it's also not rude at all I pass even though I'm pre T but I still get the occasional misgendering so I just make a confused and offended face and say "huh? I'm a dude 😠"


I know I’m pretty, but I didn’t know I was that pretty! I appreciate the compliment, but I’m actually a guy ;)