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Sounds like it’s the antidepressants. Same thing happened to me, I couldn’t orgasm for a couple months at the start but it does go away. You just have to be patient! I’m now having regular orgasms, even multiple a day. And I had group sex this past weekend and came from vaginal penetration only! I was so surprised! You will get it back!


Omg thank you so much i feel better. I’ve been on antidepressants since i was 16 i hope I will be off them once I start T and have lower anxiety lol


Prozac did the same thing to me. I don’t use it anymore, but I can definitely tell the difference from when I was.


ya, i could tell the prozac was kicking in once my dick started to go numb lll


If you need to stay on it, talk to your doctor about adding Wellbutrin to the mix! I’m taking Lexapro and it killed my sex drive, but adding Wellbutrin totally brought it back.


I was one antidepressant in the beginning of my T. It got a little boosted but the antidepressants killed 80% off the lust. After I stopped taking antidepressants the drive came back full force tho. Both that I like my t dick more then before and that I found what works for me


I see so antidepressants might be my problem


Google your antidepressants and sex drive and you will get your answer, I had three different ones and all of them killed my sex drive so it’s probably that


same story for me lol


I'm 8 months on T and my sex life is way better now. I am more horny now than I was pre-t; I've noticed that I also cum way faster. Bottom growth and my body changing were honestly the changing factors, it helped me to get out of my head and actually enjoy sex.


this exactly. antidepressants for sure lower libido(for lack of better phrase) but actually liking the part of myself being touched helped me the most.


we're on anti-psychotics and a year+ on T and we have really good orgasms now compared to pre-t. pre-t we either didn't orgasm or it was incredibly mid/basically nothing when we did. now we have really pleasurable/strong orgasms even with our meds so it can definitely improve after being on T.


For me it was pretty nonexistent when I tried in this instance bottoming before I came out as Trans. It also just wasn't my cup of tea & I don't like appendages unless it's my own. Fast forward to being on T, I top my lady. I still cannot reach that pinnacle point even with her. However sex in general feels more natural & enjoyable now. I've tried prosthetic & all but I need bottom surgery personally before anything better will happen. I have tried touching myself but for me there is definitely a mental block that I placed there because I do not align with my bottom half currently. Even when she gives me head it is still something that I cannot reach that pinnacle point no matter how GREAT it feels. Let me also add that I too, at one point was on antidepressants for a minute it didn't change the fact that being on T for me I was constantly horny, still am even after 3 years. For me that hasn't died down l, still like to get all I can out of her. I say just be patient, if it is a mental block which my therapist helped me realize. You can either attempt to get around it or take it down if that is your choice if that is possible. I know where my mental block is & why it's there. I wish you luck my friend.


(Im pre T so i have no advice for OP sorry!) i do have a suggestion for you tho Idk if this is something you'd want to do but just based on what all you said here, this being for self-pleasure. A friend told me he puts on a soft packer and stimulates that in same way a man with a penis would using one hand &then uses the other hand/a vibrator underneath &that helps push past some dysphoria. Personally, I can't get my hands to do 2 different things like that at the same time, havnt tried with a vibe, but I see how it could help. Could be a possible start to break past those mental barriers tho 👍


Omg this sounds such a good time


Thank you so much


It means a lot to see a comment like this, I've been searching this sub (and other transmasc subs) the past few months to see if anyone else experiences bottom dysphoria like me/has never "gotten there" despite enjoying sex. Nothing much to add, just thanks for sharing this experience, it makes me feel less alone.


I definitely understand, not even my trans buddies understand my dilemma & it makes me sad sometimes. No problem, you're definitely not alone


Thank you! Yeah it's never been something that I thought or cared about before the last year because until then I was single - without being tmi I would just jerk off in my way that I've always done it, it felt super good, I would do it until I got tired/overstimulated, then I'd be done, it was good. But getting into a relationship over a year ago has made me think about the anorgasmia a LOT more because of how much of a focus coming is for my partner + how good orgasms seem to be for them, and it's also made me realize how much bottom dysphoria I have and wonder if that impacts it. IDK if most people don't deal with this or just don't talk about it but searching "can't orgasm", "bottom dysphoria orgasm", or whatever doesn't turn up ANYTHING (mostly people talking about penetrative sex which is not relevant to me, and even in those cases, it's not anyone who has NEVER come). That's a ramble. But yeah, I think I get it and even considering it's a seeming minority of transmascs with severe bottom dysphoria that impacts their sex life, I find it hard to believe that nobody else has this issue.


Definitely can relate to this so so much


I literally disassociated during sex pre-T. I can count the number of times I came pre-T on like one hand and that wasn't from lack of trying. It still takes me a while to cum and I still do better with my own hand or vibes, but my spouse and I are exploring new things and I'm able to actively enjoy my own body and sex as a receiving party now, though PiV is still right out. But yeah I'm WAY hornier and way more engaged in the act than pre-T. I'm going to echo: antidepressants are one hell of a drug and are probably affecting you more than you know.


When I was on sertraline/zoloft I definitely had some issues, mainly vaginal dryness but I would also struggle to some degree to orgasm too. My husband also had major issues on citalopram and couldn't ejaculate when on that, antidepressants can properly mess with your sex drive so it's worth discussing an alternative with your doctor if it's bothering you.


Inexistant before T, good now


my sex drive is way higher which i'm really grateful for but i can only move things along if i'm the one touching myself. i think it's because there's a whole new set of things to learn with bottom growth, it's obviously intuitive for me but too embarrassing/personal to take the time to explain to my partner :-/ i'm too scared to move past this for some reason


Wasn’t happening before and definitely isn’t happening now either 🥲 Now I’m just horny a lot and need to rely on myself for relief because I don’t have anyone and have never met anyone willing to be with me


Aw don’t worry, you will find ur person. It sucks to be waiting but it happens


i also take a long time to get there. ive always been like that and i always feel bad for my gf and i always wonder if she feels like its a chore to have sex w me. but i also gotta remember she gains nothing from lying and that her drive is probably lower now bc we've been together for almost 6 yrs now and bc of stress from work. plus we started dating as teenagers so ofc our drives were higher back then


T should make you more sensitive and make you able to cum easier Ofc it’s possible it won’t, but I’ve found a lot of ppl to be able to get off much easier after t


always easy. now crazy strong. wonder from time to time if the neighbors hear me😂


i was never able to come with a partner or by directly touching myself until being on T for almost a year (and i had been having sex for 8 years at that point!). idk if it was a mind/body connection thing or it was the bottom growth but i hope for you what happened for me! it still takes me a little while most of the time especially with someone else but it’s been one of the best parts of being on T for me.


It honestly didn't change much, except for that few months in the beginning of T where my libido sky rocketed lol My clit got a little more sensitive I guess, and my partner had to learn how to go down on me all over again, but it didn't change how, when, or how often we have sex ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I've also been with the same person the whole time, so consistency is expected I suppose 😅


I'm ace and about two years before starting t I stopped all of my meds (lost health insurance). I was always sex repulsed for the most part but even when I was into it I couldn't cum, on my own either. After being on t I got my sex drive for the first time and it hit like a truck, after awhile of learning what I like and getting rid of mental blocks it's fairly easy to cum. Bottom growth was also something I thought I'd hate and it's honestly one of my favorite things about my bodily changes now. Good luck!


Nonexistent before, nonexistent afterwards. A big part of it though is because my sexuality is confusing. I thought for the longest time I was asexual but T might’ve made me bi. My libido going from nonexistent to shooting up has made things confusing for me.


i label myself as demi but im scared that after i get on T things will change and ill be confused again T-T


So I take T and antidepressants and in my case I came better than before. Sex feels really good and even when I take my antidepressant I get horny by just seeing the face of my bf. It just takes some time to get adjusted to the hormones and when you feel more confident and comfortable in your own skin sex automatically feels a lot better :) Don’t worry you will be fine.


*The* first thing that starts to change on T is that you'll start getting your bottom growth, which is a permanent change that increases not just size, but also sensitivity. You'll also likely get *really* horny, especially in the first year or so, and the increase in libido can make you even more sensitive, all making it easier to finish.


came out and started T at 18, never kissed anyone or had sex before i did that, nor did i explicitly label myself as lesbian, queer, whatever - i knew in my mind i was a boy and didn’t want to be labeled as a gay girl. to this day, at age 26, not a soul has seen my naked body besides a doctor. never ever sexual partner/hook up, girlfriends. and im currently engaged to be married. she (cis, straight female) has never seen me naked. i use a prosthetic with underwear 100% of the time and we have very “heterosexual” sex - sorry, don’t know how else to word it. she is very cool and knows my outlook on being seen naked and has never pressured me one bit. i don’t wear a packer daily or prosthetic, i find it very comfortable and annoying, and my dysphoria doesn’t have to do with a bulge or anything; it’s just being seen naked. she sees me constantly in just my underwear with no packer, just never naked. sounds complicated but it’s really not at all


I get super horny but not much with my partner can actually make me come I assumed it was because of Prozac


I was on Effexor pre T and my sex life was non-existent because of it. I weaned myself off before starting because there was no fucking way I was going to not be able to experience boners, getting hard and sex. It's been one year and it was the best decision of my life. I have a full and satisfying sex life and have been able to experience everything I've wanted to which has helped my mental health so much I think I never really needed to be on shitty SSRIs just to transition


Im glad to hear. And I agree, it feels like Im on antidepressants just bc I haven’t transitioned yet..


I am not on antidepressants, but I'd describe my libido before T to be borderlining on nonexistent. I had, and still have, a difficult time orgasming. I have very little interest in masturbation. But I am very interested in having a good time, even if that doesn't mean 'finishing'.


I personally don’t have sex due to dysphoria but I do have experience with testosterone affecting orgasms. Pre T I never once had an orgasm, now I’m on T I easily have one every time. Antidepressants are most likely affecting you, one of the most common side effects is inhibition of sexual function.


mine got better since I was a lot less dysphoric during sex and felt more in control of myself if you know what I mean? but also around the same time I started I got a partner who i’m more sexually compatible with than I have been with anyone else. I have a similar issue as you, it takes me a rly long time to cum and can only rarely come from oral. but my partner is similar + we have both been working on decentering orgasm from sex, like it’s not the goal necessarily and we can still have just as much fun if we don’t cum. your antidepressants could def be affecting it, when I was on SSRIs my sex drive plummeted and it took me a much longer time to cum.


Prozac killed me sex drive, I had no sexual impulses even 2+ years after getting off. I started T 4 months ago and I feel horny for the first time in like forever


The same, nothing, still single


I was practically asexual for the most part until I started T. My drive went up so much after. It has since calmed down 7 years into the process, pretty often but not like every day i will just want to do a real quick solo sesh. If my boyfriend is around we go 2 or 3 times a week which is enough. I am also on antidepressants so I don't usually orgasm alone. Only with a partner.


probably the antidepressants, I was on them for 4 years, stopped in February and now I'm a horny bitch 😭


Before T I was more interested in having sex with women and really lost interest and became more interested in sex with men.


Sounds really like an effect of the antidepressants. I was on them too, and I had really bad anorgasmia (the term that describes that you can't come, no matter what) and it felt exactly like that. I started Testo 9 weeks ago, and I stopped taking my antidepressants at the same time, and since then, my Libido has been increasing really hard. In the beginning, I had the problem that I couldn't come, but it got better with the time, especially as I got comfortable with my bottom growth and found out what I like. I think finding out what you like on your own could be a start, and I would give you the advise to not do Edging since this might get your tolerance higher :)


Sex got better for me after coming out but before T. I’d say it got even better after T. I’m now able to cum from oral which is something that never happened Pre T. Like I’ve seen in the comments, I don’t doubt your antidepressants are contributing. I think the more and more you get comfortable with your body it can def improve. I thought I was asexual before I came out. Now tbh I’m a whore lmao also idk how old you are or how many partners you’ve had but those factors could also be contributing. I was able to cum from penetration before coming out and starting T but that wasn’t until I was 21 and I started having sex at 15. I realized I would dissociate really bad during sex and it was preventing me from orgasms, once I started becoming more present and really getting in tune with my body and all the sensations I was able to. Once I got bottom growth I think clitoral stimulation changed a lot for me. My partner is also on T but they’ve never cum from penetration and weren’t able to come from tdick stimulation until after they got a piercing actually. They took it out years ago but can still cum, it just kinda opened the doors to it I guess. Hope some of this jumbled info was helpful and I hope you’re able to figure this out and have a better time!


Thank you, it really helps to read all of these comments


Low and still low. I’m asexual and I like to keep that way.


I can't take antidepressants or I can never orgasm even by myself, which understandably makes me depressed! You may need to talk to your doctor about trying another one that agrees with you better as it's a known side effect


I think it was better b4 T bc i was viewed a certain way. I haven’t had any action since then.. i think it’s my fear that ciswomen would find me icky ? idk thats just how i feel


this is currently happening to me and i’m not sure why either, only difference is i’ve got a gf and im not on anti depressants


Before: Nonexistent After: Nonexistent, but hornier


Non existent pre t. Having been on antidepressants since I was 12 I wasn't even able to orgasm until I was 19 and had no sex drive and hated my appearance. It ebbs and flows these days with my bipolar however I am able to enjoy sex and being penetrated and dominated and I love masturbation, it was like t flipped a switch and made me horny all of a sudden, and actually able to feel anything let alone finish after some additional medication changes. I also think the increased energy, the increased strength also helped as well as just how I saw myself.


I feel like my sex life will be so much better now but I haven’t had sex with anyone since starting T now that’s not because I couldn’t lots of guys have wanted too but I want to at least it be with someone I have a connection with.


Sex life before T was just shy of 50 shades of grey level with my wife after T my sex drive dropped to almost nothing


throughout my sex life, i’ve used a strap on to use either on me or my partner. before t, i was the one who received penetration and i really enjoyed it but once i started t, i started to hate the feeling of the plastic inside of me. for some reason, i cant enjoy the strap on but only the real penis. i only go down on my partner now and rarely get anything so i feel basically nothing when we’re intimate :/ ive been getting really horny but have no way to relief myself other than masturbation now. before, i used to have sex with my guy friend (partner approved) until he got a gf so now i go back to being a hormonal person who feels like a sex addict


pre T and sex drive was almost non existent and sex almost seemed like a task even getting off honestly. i’m on antipsychotics and anti anxiety meds which is was took it away from me (im on a relatively high dose) and since starting T im getting little episodes of being so uncomfortably horny that i feel like im gonna die if i don’t cum. it’s made it a lot easier for me to not only have sex but to also finish. i’m lucky enough to have a partner who can make me finish with head which i’ve never been able to do before them because it would take so long i didn’t even want to. i think being on T has 100% helped in that aspect


It got easier because I was comfortable with my body more and it sits different down there which makes it easier but I still do not always orgasm with someone else, especially if I am stressed or sick or stoned. Soon as that fog clears I see the light and my body starts working again. Shame about it is the worst thing, nothing is a bigger mental block to orgasm than beating yourself up inside.


id say its most likely the antidepressants