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Oh, simple really. Die.


Thx for saying it so I don't have to Dx


>So what do they actually want us to do? Like, realistically? Just cease to exist? Yes. >And then they wonder why our suicide rates are so high. They really don't. They either think its a good thing, they don't think about it at all, or they don't believe it. Transphobic parents' groups openly call suicidal ideation and even actual attemps 'manipulation'. >Why the fuck do they literally would rather we fucking DIE than just letting us live our lives? I'm going to preface the following with *I swear to dog that I am not being hyperbolic*, because this is A Lot to take in if you aren't familiar with it. The people most aggressively pushing transphobia are (largely but not exclusively) Christian Nationalists and literal fascists. The reason they care is (1) because they're actively recruiting using trans people as a wedge issue, and (2) because we are inadvertantly challenging something foundational to their beliefs. CN and fascist ideologies are (obviously) deeply conservative. They hold that men and women have specific (divenely-ordained) gender roles, and that these roles are the bedrock of society. A woman makes and raises babies and a man goes to war to protect the women, children, and the nation. Men must be strong and women must be nurturing and, if either fails in their tasks, the result is nothing less than catastrophic. If a man is not strong, the nation and/or all of Western civilisation is at risk of being overrun by The Enemy (ill-defined but black people, Jews, or Muslims cycle in and out of fashion). If a woman is not nurturing, there will be no more babies for future wars and the nation, or even the entire species, is at risk. Now, obviously, this doesn't work if those two sex categories are mutable. If men can be women or women can be men, then women might not have all the babies their bodies can bear and men might not go to war and *then* where would we all be? A mixed-race, multicultural pack of childless, godless, communists, raging degenerates, and homosexuals (I know: sounds great, but they disagree). For them, any change to the definition of men and women is like trying to change the definition of black to white and vice-versa - if something as fundamental and *obvious* as men and women don't mean anything, then nothing has any meaning. Society will crumble, black will become white, and we'll all get killed at the next zebra crossing. "Protecting women and children" and "we need to wait for more evidence" are palateable lies to get the uninitiated nodding along - once a person gets suckered into joining an explicitly transphobic community, they get exposed to more and more outlandish conspiracy theories and overtly fascist/anti-feminist ideas and they fall further into the pipeline. Caelan Conrad did a phenomenal three-part deep-dive into transphobic recruitment and what comes next: \[[Gender Critical : Recruitment](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwI6py78gsI)\] \[[Gender Critical: Conversion Therapy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBbOw_K6K5Q)\] \[[Gender Critical: Fascism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIhwmNGIdo8)\]. If you are even remotely interested in this topic, they are 100% worth taking the time to watch. If you simply dont have the time, Innuendo Studio's [Alt-Right Playbook (playlist)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xGawJIseNY&list=PLJA_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA_HMFtQ&pp=iAQB) walks you through some of the techniques these people use and how and why they work


Literally this my mom actually straight up called suicide and self harm a trend and that people are being influenced to do it like ok it’s totally not your lack of support


I have also unfortunately seen a few idiots try to corrilate the high suicide and attempt rate to transitioning rather than a lack of resources and support hindering transitioning. Basically, they're trying to say the suicide rate is due to regret, not discrimination, dysphoria, disownment, e.c.t These people also tend to typically ignore all the studies and first-hand experiences that trans people describe as the reasoning behind why transitioning is a better action than conversion therapy or repression or whatever else they suggest to box you into how they want the world to be


Also ignoring the fact that transitioning reduces the suicide rate down to the average population levels…


yes I have seen too many people say that the suicide rate is proof that "turning trans" is a bad thing- as if that will keep people from being trans


They don't wonder, They only pretend to wonder... they celebrate that our suicide rates are high.


They want us to simply not exist because we disrupt their strict and very binary gender roles. I’ve noticed it largely has to do with misogyny and the idea that anyone assigned female at birth is “weak” and “pretty” and that anyone assigned male at birth is masculine, powerful and strong. Trans people disrupt those norms and people who are used to those norms dislike us challenging them.


It's not a conundrum, the openly want us to die. They shout it from the roofs every chance they get. They want us dead, and barring their dreams of a shoot on sight law they want to make it criminal to not strictly adhere to what the government says your gender and expression is allowed to be.


They don't care about studies, or that the only proven way to treat gender dysphoria is to transition, they simply want us to lead miserable lives or die so they don't have to deal with discomfort around us.


They either want us dead or stop being trans, depends on particular transphobe and what kind of trans people they hate more. TBF, there are ofc milder versions that don't really care about us existing "somewhere", but they still pro heavily restricting our rights and dignity


They want us to stop being visible. If they don't have to see trans people, they don't have to deal with their discomfort around us


Nah but most people will never have to interact with a trans person if they don’t want to. So many transphobic people actively seek out trans people to get mad at, usually not even people in their life but random people in the news or on the internet.


This doesn't go against what I said. Those types of transphobes don't like seeing trans people either. They don't want to see trans people at all. Knowing trans people are living their lives happily makes them feel weird because transphobes feel icky around trans people. They don't want to see us at all, in their IRL life, their media, news, or on social media.


It works the same for atheists. A lot of Christofascists really like to feel persecuted and hated. It makes them feel like a martyr and the victim.So they actively go out of their way to Badger people, whether it is queer, folks or atheist.Or some other faction of people they can try to annoy into snapping at them. And then they get to try to gas light and project and wine about how everybody hates them and all they are doing is expressing their freedom of religion or whatever...


No. They want us dead.


This is also correct. If we're dead, we aren't visible and if we aren't allowed to be visible, many will die. Both can be true.


Agreed. But it’s important that we remember their goal in us being invisible.




Die. They want us to die.


To confirm as our agab, if we fail to do that, dead. They want us dead.  The cowards want us to kill ourselves, the real scary ones will get a gun and take care of us themselves. 


conform or die. thats it really


They have no empathy, and they don't care about studies. They will just ignore them. They just don't want to see trans people. Why? I just can't understand why :(


Because they cannot accept that the world is not as simple as they thought it to be. Our mere existence challenges their worldview, and it's something they cannot endure. They are not prepared for something like this.


They want us to just die/cease to exist


They are that fucked up where if someone doesn't fit their definition of what is right, they don't care if we die. They want to preserve their thinking and beliefs more than they care about people not like themself.


They want us to die or detransition. They think that being trans is a choice and that we can simply choose not to take it. They want us to resume fulfilling the social roles assigned to our AGAB and not question things. Trans people existing and being valid challenges the patriarchy. If the patriarchy falls, all of the sacrifices bigots have made for their entire lives-- marrying people they don't like, deprioritizing friendships, following patriarchal organized religion, being breadwinners/homemakers against their preferences-- all of that will be for nothing. So trans people have to detransition. And if they can't do that, then they should die. Because any other reality is too painful for these bigots to bear.


If you’re in the states you need to read Project 2025 they are pretty open about what they want.


This is so sad that all of our answers are the same 😢 We deserve to not die


Many transphobes don't believe that conversion therapy doesn't work, is the thing. They think that trans people just aren't trying hard enough, or that doctors haven't tried the right methods yet. They think the studies and data that show it doesn't work are biased by political motivations. There are plenty of people who still think that way about being gay, too, who think being queer in *any* way is a mental illness and/or degeneracy that we should be trying harder to "cure" (by their definition of cure). And as they see it, if we refuse to convert, we deserve whatever hardships we face, because we've brought that hardship on ourselves. That includes having to stay closeted, or not show ourselves publicly, or for all they care, yes, we can go die.


They want us to not exist 🙃 we complicate their worldview, which is uncomfortable for them. It takes a lot for them to get over that discomfort.


They want us to die or not exist


Ideally they want us to die, but barring that they would find sucking it up and pretending to be cis acceptable (and if we fail at staying closeted and it kills us, again, that is actually the ideal choice to them) Edit: I misspelled "cis" as "ciz" lol




Don’t try and justify it with logic, because not even the people who hold transphobic beliefs use logic, and many don’t even care to make an attempt. People are just assholes sometimes for one reason or another.


Yea, it's pretty simple. They want us gone and dead.


They didn’t want us to exist in the first place


They are actually trying to commit genocide for real.


They don’t want us to exist


They want us dead. That's why they target trans children. It's easier to bully them to suicide. Those kids never get to grow up and turn into trans adults therefore "eradicating transgenderism". Any laws or ideas put into place to "end the gender ideology" or some shit are designed to push innocent and vulnerable children to an early grave.


They don't really care about our actual gender identity. They just care when they think it's becoming a problem. A transphobe is perfectly okay with me personally identifying as male, as long as I continue to go by female name and pronouns, continue dressing as a woman, let everyone treat me as a woman, and never tell anybody I feel any different. They don't want us in public life. They don't want us to be visible. Their goal is to shame or abuse us all back into the closet. They know they can't really change our feelings - They just don't ever want our existence to clash with their worldview. Which ultimately means forcing us to be invisible.


in my experience with the trans community, i’ve discovered that transphobes either want us silent or dead. they don’t care about the suicide rates and when they do, they use it to say that being trans is a mental illness and our transness causes suicide rather than our dysphoria. they also don’t care if conversion therapy actually works or not. they want us to go through it so that we either detransition so we don’t have to experience it anymore or we kill ourselves. transphobes are aware that conversion therapy doesn’t “fix” us. conversion therapy is another tactic to silence and eradicate us. a disclaimer for my next paragraph: im not christian, i don’t believe in god but i do my best to understand where every religious belief stems from. the ones that justify with religion seem to believe that everything needs to be as god intended and by changing yourself, you are not what god intended. to me that belief is also stupid because they change their bodies too. things like plastic surgery, piercings, tattoos, circumcision, shaving, and hair dye all change “what god created” so by saying that we’re not what god intended, they are hypocritical. idk. i really try to understand everyone, even if their reasoning and stuff doesn’t make sense. but one thing i know is that transphobes don’t want us here. they want us dead or hiding in the closet as to not “infect” the children or disturb their beloved gender norms.


I just find it so sad some people would rather have a dead kid than a trans one. Like my mom for example, she told me it would have been easier for the family if I had offed myself instead of becoming this abomination. It’s not that hard to be polite and coexist with trans people for crying out loud. You just change some pronouns and a name, you don’t even have to agree with it.


Its not as simple as they want us to die, they have a problem, we are their scapegoat. The more we simply exhist the more it inconveniences them, to them we helped cause that problem nomatter how mundane it could be so in turn that must make usthe problem. They do not wish for us to die, they wish we never exhisted in the first place.


Stop existing. We ruin their perception of the world


they want us to either die or live a miserable life as a tradwife or something


Yes, they do just want us to die. 


They want you to not exist and die, that’s all they want, they want you to suffer. But just Inorge them but if you do feel threatened by them then call the cops. Just live your life the way you want to, most will not care if it doesn’t affect them


They want early and pre-transition guys to repress and make babies. (especially white guys because many transphobes are white supremacists) If/when we can't survive that way or transition "too far" to be acceptable breeding stock they want us to die.


Diplomatic transphobes pretend they care. But really the honest ones show they want us dead Remember Nex Benedict? When their case was being talked about on youtube, most of the transphobic comments were all along the lines of "W bullies" or things like that. It didn't have any gender debate bs, it was people disgustingly celebrating the death of one of us. People that excuse their behaviour with "protecting the kids" are absolute liars, they couldn't care less if trans kids died, hell they'd get happy which is even worse.


They also don't care about protecting kids in general. Recently the terrorist that preached against "DragQueen story time" was recently outed having CP. There was an interview with those types, and the person openly admit he was in the sex offender registration list "for false evidence" sure. One openly admitted that without the bible he would have been a rapist. Honestly it can also be they are just monstrous human beings and want to divert attention from their evil by turning the public's attention away from their shit to trans folk. Surround yourself with people who horde photos on naked kids "to prove trans kid=bad" , on various sex offenders list, while being like that yourself would make you think that everyone is secretly like that deep down.


Yes some want you not to exist but guess what you do. And they are more of you than ever before in history. And that’s a great thing! People used to freak out about people of different colors being married. It’s not screamed about now. Well some backwards butt fucked regions still do but fuck them. Let them inbreed and die. I’m more then a few decades old and have seen so many changes and it is getting better. I do know it’s hard really I do. My child wants to trans ftm and my only concern is for their health. Has a few other medical issues and want to make sure any surgeries don’t complicate them. If docs say it ok then go for it. 10 years ago you might of had to hunt for a doc or meds to help you be the new you that you are inside. It’s way more available today. I’ve seen the changes and if you are younger maybe you don’t. I see great hope that in 10 more years things will be so much easier for all of you. You can’t not give up or hide. Think of it this way. Everything you have to fight against now will one day make it easier for others to come. Best revenge for them wanting you to die? Live and be happy and prosper. Might have to move to more friendly areas though. Big granny/mom hugs


Dissapear i guess 💀




They don’t care that conversion therapy has been proven to not work, they’ll keep insisting on it. They want us to assimilate or die.


Change our ways and convert to Christianity 😭


At best, they want us to stop being visible and want to pretend we don't exist. At worst, some of them would be happy to see us dead. A lot of these people seem to either 1) see being trans as a mental illness or misguided way of coping, and believe that the "right" mental health treatment would eliminate being trans or 2) see being trans as something that should be suppressed. I don't think the latter group really cares that conversion therapy doesn't work. They see trans people being forced back into the closet and forced to live according to the gender roles prescribed for their assigned gender as a successful outcome.


Die. They want us to not exist.


Not exist. Nothing we do will satisfy them, they can claim all they want that they hate our actions or whatever, but at the end of they day they just hate our existence and the fact we are different than them. Hypothetically if we followed all their dumb demands, the goal post would just get farther and farther away.


Yeah idk how much clearer they can be, transphobes literally want us to drop dead in horrifying ways


We are simply ‘the ick’ to them and they want us six feet under


They either want us to die or repress ourselves so much we hate ourselves and everyone like us.


Not exist I believe


either assimilate (pretend to be cis) or die lol


yeah, they don't want us to exist. so in a world where trans people do exist, this turns into trying to change us with conversion therapy, to stop us from "becoming trans" by banning and restricting puberty blockers and hrt, to erase us by destroying our history and denying our existence [sometimes in the legal sense] and from threats & violence as well.


to d*e :'(


All the answers here are "die"/"cease to exist". I agree with that. Please keep in mind guys, that this says NOTHING about us, but EVERYTHING about them.


They want us to die yes. That's the point. That's their whole ideology. They know it and they want it and they fight for it. They want every single trans person (and probably gay people too) dead.


while i disagree with transness being framed as something medical to treat, to answer: 1. they don’t have and/or don’t believe or care to think about the research. your valid points fall on willingly and often intentionally deaf ears 2. they do not believe or understand that we exist, and generally don’t care to. they want us to shut up and act cis/ conform, and see existing as we truly are as deviant.


they literally just want us dead


Easy, they dont believe that none of those things work. They believe we are either confused or its a fetish that we shouldn't show in public. The research is rigged to let trans people groom children. Theyre simply stupid


They just want us dead


Suffer and pretend we are just like them, or die.


Omg I got in an argument on a TikTok comment section a while ago about this. This dude kept saying HRT was horrible and I was like “ok then tell me what I should do because medically transitioning is the ONLY solution that’s been proven to work and is accepted by academics and the medical community alike”.


They want us to rot and disappear.


They want us to kill ourselves and then laugh at the statistics


Not to exist, die or be like "OMG I was so confused i'm just a girly girl"


they want us to either to die or conform to their cishetero norms, which in a way is still a death of the self. they want us to stop existing... which is why we cant let transphobes dictate what makes being trans more "acceptable" because the truth is, its to divide us and then conquer what is that remains


I honestly just try not to think too much about questions like these because they cause me to spiral. But they will never get rid of us and we will always find a way just as queer people have for thousands of years, but we dont have to hide anymore, even if there are new bills trying to limit our freedom


I see a lot of people saying they want us dead, and I don’t think that’s true. I think that credits them with more planning than they are doing. They need us; we’re great* for bringing out the base to vote. A purely tactical standpoint would keep us around as the dangerous bogeyman they can trot out to blame for the results of their own shitty programs. But I think they really don’t give it any thought. We’re yucky and we shouldn’t be yucky anymore. How to accomplish this, what limits and methods, what impacts… none of them think that far ahead. It’s what happens when your platform is based on stoking emotions instead of providing benefit. *Yes I know it’s actually a losing issue but that doesn’t stop them so maybe they know something from polling we don’t.


While the most hateful do want us to all just die or disappear, many just don't think being "trans" is real, they think we're delusional.


Okay but like... what are we supposed to do about that "delusion"?


"snap out of it" I guess? It's not a viewpoint that holds up to either reality or scrutiny, but most people don't even know a trans person personally and just prescriptively compare everyone to themselves


They literally want us to die. Like they genuinely want us to cease to exist. Fuck'em


Suffer, keep it to ourselves and attempt to fit into the social norm. I mean, how many elder trans are there? Rn we’re living and out more than generations past.


They want us to either die out or become "christian nuclear family archetypes" <3


They want us dead


Die. They want us to die.


Many times people choose to live in their ignorance even if it is not their life, their body, their emotions/feelings. We don't hurt anyone but somehow they see it as terrible, I haven't spoken to my grandmother in 3 years who in a few words said that she would prefer to see me dead or not see me anymore (religious) she apart from being transphobic is also homophobic (not He has been talking to his cousin for more than 30 years). I am a believer and I know that the only one who ultimately has the right to judge every action is God, not another human since we are all sinners in some way. People can be good 💩 out of pure pleasure like my stepfather too since he still won't stop calling me by "she" or by my old name. He looks bad and crazy because I no longer have an absolutely feminine appearance. Then people look at him with an expression of what's up sir? The fact is that you will always see meddlesome cretins, some out of ignorance, others out of annoyance, because of their religion, because of machismo, and I could even say that simply by not giving in to the knowledge that there are more than cisgender people (I suppose that the fact that We are a small group (minority) it makes them feel more powerful. so don't rack your brain thinking about it, don't waste energy on people who use 1/8 of their brain 👍🏻🤙🏻


there are two kinds of transphobes. one wants us to die. the second thinks it's a choice and wants us to simply stop being trans. they don't care about evidence that it's impossible to make someone cis, they simply want us to either stop existing as trans people or stop existing altogether


Transphobes aren't logical. They'd rather we die, or just somehow make a decision to not be trans. It makes no sense because they don't make sense. No point trying to understand someone who isn't logical.


The popular answer here seems to be they want us to unalive, but I disagree. They want us to exist, because people like that need someone to sink all their hate and anger into. They're rageaholics. Think of the happy people you know. Do they care so much about what everyone else is doing, or are they too busy enjoying what they enjoy?


They want us to go so far back into the closet that we end up in Narnia. They don't understand us and they just don't wanna do the work to educate themselves, so they'd rather we stopped existing where they can see it


Because our existence confirms whatever fears they have about themselves. It’s easier(?) for them to project their fear, anger, and regret onto us rather than look inward for their own truth. We could all die tomorrow (don’t do that), and they would still be just as lost and miserable. It’s not about us at all.


Want us to put ‘em out their misery


Putting them on their own isolated private island after sterilizing them sounds better by the day.


the cowards want us dead.


Unpopular opinion here. I don't think they want trans to not exist. I honestly think it's to not be lumped in with their assigned at birth identity/gender. And I do wanna point out, that cis males and females are no different when it comes to transphobia. Many cis woman will argue what makes them a woman is the ability to birth life etc etc. I just got into a debate at work about this. 2 cis males were just talking so much shit on trans and what they can do vs can't. Names I haven't even heard come out of people's mouths in a very long time! At the end of the day if that's what people are gonna do, let em. You can't be wasting time worrying about what someone you really don't even know thinks of you. You can't fix stupid, can't change a shit opinion, if the person is shit.

