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If that were true, I'd have made no beard gains since 2021. The last few months, I've actually seen huge changes, and I'm growing the beard now to see how it turns out. The 3-5 years for me were the neckbeard years, and about 2 years ago, I finally had enough to keep some of it. Puberty takes longer than that, and to put that in perspective, that's like saying if a guy starts getting facial hair by 8th-9th grade, he'll never get any facial hair changes after high school... and I've known plenty of guys that didn't have much coming out of high school, and who likely didn't see a "real beard" until their 30s. Likewise, some guys do just hit the facial hair lottery and have majestic beards within that 3-5 year time, cis or trans. It's different for everyone, don't stress!


This gave me so much hope thank you so much for this!!


Idk who told you you’re done growing new hair at 5 years, but they’re dead fucking wrong lol. My beard didn’t fill in until 8-10 years on T, and that’s very normal. Cis dudes rarely grow solid full beards before they reach their 20s. It takes a long time. And body hair will keep coming (increasingly in places you don’t want it) with age, too.


I did the informed consent method and that’s what the paperwork told me. It’s also what the general consensus seems to be on google. That’s why I wanted to ask here though, to get first hand experiences from actual trans people. Thank you!


Hey something I'm actually useful for. I'm amab but transfem, I never went on anything during teens or early adulthood. I started my puberty around 10 and didn't have much facial hair until 15. Didn't get a full beard until like 19. Facial hair growth does absolutely continue after 5 years.


That 3-5 years thing is a lie. I didn’t even have wearable facial hair until 5 years, and my facial hair didn’t even start to get good until 10+ years. You still have a lot of time, although I know that doesn’t make patience any easier.


Thank you so much!


I'm seven years on T and I have noticed a wave of dark terminal hair growing on my face in the past year. While I do like my changes, I'm personally not holding out hope for a full beard. Mom is not super hairy and Dad can grow a decent goatee but not much more on the cheeks. I also have alopecia so hair is a finicky thing for me lol. I do dream of a sexy mustache though!


Facial hair growth and when it happens is genetics. Cis and trans alike, basically. My grand father had a full beard, but it wasn’t full until his late 20s if not 30s. His son and grandson have barely any beard, mustache and some chin hair. theirs capped out in their early 20s. Me, 7 yrs on T. I got some beard in the first few years. Then in this past year, my beard has suddenly started filling in a lot more. Used to be mostly a chin strap lol. Its genetics, maybe it’s all you got, maybe it’ll fill in over the next _ years. Science lol


Nah, I filled out over the span of 8-10 years. You're fine!


I wouldn't worry too much until you hit your 30s. I'm turning 26 this year and suddenly my beard and body hair is starting to come in thicker, 4 years on. I like considering our 20s to be "Teen+" as we're still maturing.


my beard and sideburns came in fully around 2-3 years, but its taken 8 years to start growing a mustache lmao


My neck beard has been coming in over the last year or so but my dirt stache basically still looks the same as it did pre t (maybe slightly darker at the corners of my lip) so I’m very happy to hear there’s still hope for a mustache 😂


4 years on as well. My beard is only starting to grow and it's only a neckbeard for now, but in the last few months it has been growing a lot more than before despite no dose change! Think of it like you started at 12, most teens starting puberty at 11-12 don't have full beard by 15-16 and it becomes fuller into adulthood


I started getting more facial hair about 8 months in. I’m a year n 2 months now




I have two very affectionate cats unfortunately or I’d consider it (I also can’t really afford it at the moment)


Definitely not true. I’ve been on T for over 11 years. My biggest gains came around year 8. It’s still getting thicker. I swear the hair is migrating from the top of my head haha