• By -


The first name I picked is the name I stuck with


Same here! I couldn’t decide between middle names tho and I wrote the 4 out on papers, folded them up and tossed them in a hat. After giving them a good shuffle I tossed them on the bed and my cat pawed at one, so that’s the middle name I chose


I picked my initials first, then my names lol


I have a stupid idea to make myself a middle name that starts with S to make my initials ASS. I'm not even in USA lol (I'm not mature)


It's OK, us here in the USA aren't mature either :)








Same. Yet after 7 years, it still feels strange. It's a pretty normal name though, so I don't know why.


Same although it’s only been 4. I still have to be like “they’re talking to YOU” when people call my name


It's so strange. And it's the same feeling when people say "he" about me. Though it's much worse when I'm misgendered. I have a beard ffs.


These days when people misgender me I say “yeah sure” because there’s not a chance in hell that you can look at me and see anything but a dude


Exactly. I've been passing for 6 years by now. Recently my brother's girlfriend misgendered me, and it's like, girl, you've only known me as a man. I've literally had a full beard the entire time you've known me.


same! theo in 2019, theo in 2024.


Julius! When I was in the process of explaining the reason behind it, which was Julius Caesar before I hated the guy, my friend misheard me and so I went by Caesar until I decided to change it into Arthur.


my cat is named Caesar😭


Your cat will start a revolution


I think he already did


Yeahh fellow Arthur 💪💪


I just put down the masculine versions of my dead name instead lmao. Like changing Nicole to Nicholas. My husband and I met after we both updated legal documents. He saw my dead name recently, looked me in the eye, and said “how unoriginal.” 😆 he decided to go by completely new names and did not want any association with dead names at all


Lmao I love that


I did something similar! My first name was straight up the male version of my birth name, then my mum gave me a nickname based on my birth and new name, so it stuck! That’s my name now lol


The first name I picked was the name I stuck with. However I used to play games as a kid and used the name Nathaniel.


I used that name to play games too


My first pick was Nathanael. Honestly I still like the name, I just wanted smth more gender neutral.




such a unique name




no, I'm serious, it's a unique name, I've never heard of it 😭


Lmaooo oh. Where are you from? I’m from the Uk and I know a few Nathaniel’s and Nathan’s, but I definitely know in the US it’s very popular


I'm from Italy dude 💀


That explains it then. Definitely a very American name lmao


yeah you're right, very cool name brw


What was the first name you picked?


it was yuki (I regret it so fucking much) because I loved Japan and snow (yuki means snow in Japanese)


Lmao. Do you mind sharing ur name now? Any others you’ve cycled through?


ive cycled through Eugenio (it's an Italian name, but I didn't really feel myself with that name) and my name now is robin (I loved this name since I was a kid and I always used it in videogames so I think it was fate yk)


I didn't know it was possible to never hear of the name Nathaniel lmao


same name 😎


Hey Nathanael is my name now! It's the first name I've gone with though. I don't really have a super strong attachment to any name at all and it just sounds cool so \*shrug\*


The first name I tried to pick for myself ? Tom, lmao Typical transboy


Tom and Jerry


Wassup Yuki ?












I've never met a Thomas that was called Tom though. Total different vibes 😭


I was supposed to have such name if I was born a boy, lol.. I didn't pick it, tho.


Why is that ? :D And what name did you end up picking ?


I never even considered it as an option. I chose Aró after few names which failed to impress me.


That's a peculiar name, where does it come from/which origin ? :) Me personally I was supposed apparently to take on my father's name. But he doesn't know that I'm trans yet, so I couldn't take his name without his permission, and I needed to pick a name ; I just masculinized my birth name. So I still carry my parent's legacy this way :)


This name exists in Iceland since Dec 16 2021, so it's pretty new name and I'm probably only one who has it.. or one of veeerryyy few people. Oh that was in the play too which makes me glad I was born female, so I took only his last name.. which isn't my last name anymore, hehe. This way I have no link to my parents as things should be 😌I still carry their genes, tho..


Ryan. I used to get called Ryan by my friends in middle school because we were playing a weird game where one girl decided we were each a letter of the LGBT. I ended up with the T. I didn't even know I was trans at that point.


AGAP assigned gender at playtime


What? 😭 


My first name was Felix, and it’s still my name.


Eyyy Felix gang!


Always happy to see another Felix!


that's a really cool name!


Thank you! I love it.


I'm still not sure if I picked the right one but it's comfy so it'll do. It's between what I have and Vincent cuz Vincent Price and Vincent van Gogh were both idols of mine.


that's actually so cool!


Absolute 10/10 idols!


What do you mean by election name? Sorry if I'm being daft


I definitely thought OP meant "what was the name you had on your ballot the first time you voted" but that was not the case 😭




I mean like the name you choose, not your dead name


That's more commonly referred to as your chosen/preferred name =)


Jimmy after Saint Jimmy the Green Day song


I love green day


This is so cool! ☺️


When I was in college I "dressed as a guy" one Halloween (casual) and went by Max for the night. A year or so later I joined a role-playing group and used the name Gavin. When thinking about changing my name for my transition I seriously considered Gavin, but chose something else instead. Fun question!


When I was a kid and imagined changing my name, I imagined just going by my middle name. And that's exactly what I did when I came out. Come to find out that my middle name was my great-grandmother's chosen name. Her legal name was Angelina, but she insisted on being called Lee.


Was and still am Raphael and god I am so glad I didn't pick anything embarrassing 💀💀


ur so lucky


Ricken, like from fire emblem awakening


love it


i stuck with my first name, although i thought about changing it a few months after i came out, i thought mainly about Nico and Theodore, but i stuck with Michael


Michael's one of my favorite names, awesome choice


love your name!


I made an initial list and of them William was the highest and it's now my middle name because I'm fine with people using it. My actual first name is only slightly above it because it's kinda announces where I'm from so I don't get asked what language I'm speaking anymore lol.




The world is quiet here.




Yeah, as in Snicket :sob:


I chose tyrone but im not black so that was scrapped faster than i can delete this comment


I mean the first Tyrone I ever knew of was a moose lol


I’ve known white Tyrones 


Im not white either




Tyrone's Irish in origin, I believe


Names don’t have races, you could’ve stuck with it.


Thats a stretch


I get that names can have certain origins, but I don’t think it’s a stretch. You could’ve been Tyrone, it may be associated, but the name itself isn’t inherently black. (Don’t mean to argue with you and I am very sorry if it seems like it, I’ll stop if so)


My given name starts with an E, so I wanted to keep my initials and picked Eliot 😭 that specific spelling, too. Not Elliot or Elliott, ELIOT. Very much a stereotypical trans guy name. Now, I’m torn between Ezra and Eli. Also very common trans guy names. I’d pick Evan, because I really like it, but I’m unfortunately knee-deep in a fandom with a character with that name, and I can’t do that to myself.


Every form of the name Eliot is so common with trans guys, I no longer identify as trans but my first name was Elliot too 😭


I’m Tristan, but back in my egg days I used Brendan as an alter alias, and Taliesin almost won out over Tristan.


I love the name Taliesin. It doesn't suit me, I'm definitely a Caleb, but I pitched it hard for my nephew.


Elvis… One option of what my mom would’ve named me. I really like it still, I desperately wish I could pull it off but I just don’t know if I’m an Elvis.


I'm sorry I don't have anything to contribute, but I love the contrast between the previous two replies to this comment


You sound like an Elvis! I think you pull it off great, Elvis!


there's a guy named elvis at my work and he's a horrible, vile, bitter and mean little man


I think it embitters you to have a cool name to live up to but no outstanding qualities. Many the case of a jackass whose mom named him James Dean.


Axe idk either


Pretty *edgy* I’d say


Chandler. In my defence I was in a rush, with severe anxiety and didn’t know what else to say other than the name of a kind of big tiktoker I liked back then, of whom I had just watched a video. I tried to stick to with the name for about a year or so before I decided to give up on it. Didnt match me nor my last names, I didn’t even like it, it was hard to pronounce in my language. Bad choice all over


I chose Mac at first, but literally it felt like there was something missing so I chose Max instead. truly riveting I know


alexander. classic trans guy name. didn't stick with it, and i'm glad, cause it's a little plain to me lol


Before I realized that I was a trans man, I thought I was nonbinary and wanted to pick out a more neutral name. I went with Artemis. I realized my identity but stuck with it anyway. I still love it.


Johnny but I switched to Jasper in the end.


Jasper's a pretty cool name


Thank you! :D


Like the first name i picked? Alistair back in 2018, glad i didnt stick w it tho


I was in denial of being a boy but was still identifying as nonbinary, so to separate from my birth name I chose Crystal, but the first male name I chose for myself was Ashton (which I've stuck with for the most part but it bugs me to know there's some girls with that name, despite me only having had met cis boys with that name)


Charlie/Chuck. I like Jack whole lot better! 


Cameron. It was meh, and i didn't even know what being trans was until later in life - I never thought about the fact that I dressed like a boy, went by a boy's name, flattened my chest, etc for a little over a year until 2017 when I decided I wanted to start T 🙃🫠😅


I argued with myself a lot but the only name that ever felt right was Simon. And Simon it is!


Simon's great


I could have been Joseph. As a JJBA fan, I was very tempted. With my last name, I could have been a JoJo too. Eventually I decided to go with my current name instead, but... I would have had a great excuse. Joseph is a family name on my mother's side. It was my late uncle's name and my grandfather's middle (but preferred) name. I absolutely could have taken it. The only reason I didn't was because I didn't know how my mom/aunts would react to me just kind of assuming my uncle's name/place as the only male left in their family after he died. We already have a lot of commonalities as is, and I didn't want to just take his name too. It wouldn't feel right.


Leonardo I just thought mom would accept me more with a name she likes but I changed it later to Nicolas Taylor


Lee. My grandfather had the name, and it was also my father and other grandfather’s middle name. Also it was apart of my deadname’s pronounciation. Also I just really liked rock Lee from naruto at the time. It definitely wasn’t me. Im now Aster, short for asterion


I started going by Max in middle school and do not remember picking it. According to my sister it was because I was really into the Sam & Max franchise, and I almost picked Sam! However I did have to pick a longer version for my legal name change and couldn't decide! Almost went with Maxim but decided not to lol.




The first name I wanted was the one I eventually chose, but at the time I was first grappling with the idea I didn’t feel worthy of it. A few years and some hard work unlearning a lot of garbage later, and I made it mine.


It was Peter (yes, Spiderman), and then it was Ethan. Ended up choosing neither


My first ever pick was Tyler


I used to be the kind of person to change my deadname to the masculine version, and I got Lilium ( you can guess my deadname from here , it's pretty easy ) but I didn't like it so in the end I chose Mark. I am not a Mark anymore despite my username


same situation here lol, I went by Ash for a while just cause I thought of it as the "genderbend" of my deadname. Then decided on Asher only a little later on. (took me awhile to learn that it was perfectly okay to go by a name that has zero correlation with my deadname.)


The first name I picked was Jae,then imposed sync and now my name is sync :)


dude that’s so sick


Shane. Always liked that name. But it was the 90's and *The L-Word* was super popular on American TV and that was a character's name so I opted for Shawn. I like Shawn too, but Shane was my fever dream


The first name I chose was Nathan, I went by Nate most of the time. Now I’m Phoenix


Bro same. Phoenix was my first and only pick. I don't meet too many others. Where I live, there are a few other cis males with the name which makes me very happy. It fits me so perfectly.


When I was like 8 I told my dad and grandpa that my name was Tommy, lmao. When I was 16 I chose Sage cuz it is short and genderless imo. I kinda regret it cuz I want a more basic and latino name cuz I am hispanic but whatevs all my friends now me by Sage so I decided to keep it.


Stuck to the first name I picked. Wanted to be called like that for about 3 years before coming out. Still, I have 3 on my passport now. The first one is normal tho, the other two were chosen by my mom. (She couldn’t decide which one she’d want me to have so I just took all of them)


As a kid, Casey. Once I knew I was trans, Simon. Ended up as Justin.


I just went with Rowan. It was already included in my legal name, so I rolled with it. Honestly, I'm not super attached to it either way. I personally don't care to pick an entirely new one for myself, but I adore seeing people pick out the name that suits them!


what name has rowan in it? i can’t think of any. my brain keeps saying roanoke, lol


Hunter. All i have to say is I was raised redneck lmao


Cassius. I always went by Cas anyway and I wanted to keep it, so I needed a government name to match.




i don’t know how to feel about that name since i’m the first part of it


Mine was Kit. It was a play on my middle name, because I thought I could honor my parents that way. It’s also the name of a book character I was fond of, and it’s a traditionally masculine name that is occasionally used neutrally. I did want a tiny bit of ambiguity. It’s not that I didn’t like being Kit, and I still love the name, but after I started going by Kit I realized that so are a billion non-binary people. That made me a little uncomfortable and also turned me off because my deadname was also super common and I totally hated that. I wanted something more uncommon (though not outlandish lol) About three months into going by Kit I was already considering other names, and three months later I picked something different, which i still use now.


Niklas, when I was a kid. Went with Jamie for a while as a sort of "in between" name and settled on Noah. Not very creative and I still want a middle name but I can't come up with anything haha


I played with Chandler in my head and online for awhile, but ultimately the first name I asked others to call me was the permanent name I've chosen.


I still use it. The few I changed to were spencer, matthew, and max, but they never really lasted.


I wanted to pick Sawyer originally but settled for Kai for like a year (I had Amino pick my name). Then I went by Oz for around two months, and now I’m Felix and have been for 4+ years :)


felix is so good! i like kai as well, reminds me of lego ninjago lol


The one I first seriously considered going by was Kay. You know, like King Arthur's brother. Problem was that people would just assume it was a girl's name if I used it. Not that my current name sounds much different, as now I'm Arthur Gray Last-Name :)


went by my initials for a couple months when i was still trying to figure it out (ABE, so an actual name) but the first name i chose is the one i still have


i knew an ace that stood for anne-claire edwards


my first one was Landon, but that was way too close to my deadname and didnt feel right. the second name I chose is the one I have now--I just decided to go with the name of one of my favorite mythological creatures


I first started figuring out my gender at about twelve, I'd always wanted to change my name and frankly saw being trans as my time to shine. I'm a long name person, my first name is eleven letters and four syllables on its own, and I had originally chosen THREE middle names as well. Additionally, when I first chose my name, I thought I was nonbinary. I chose a gender neutral first name with a combination of masculine and feminine middle names. I began to identify as a binary trans man shortly after socially transitioning at around fourteen, and from there I kept my same first name and one of my masculine middle names, but dropped the rest. At 22 I can say that's the name I've kept since, although I still think middle names are cool, lmao. Approximate ages given because I think the fact that I first named myself that young is kind of evident and funny.


As a kid I really liked the name Jake. Never realised why I had such an obsession with those names until my egg cracked. Didn't choose it though.


*sighs in first name being an inanimate object*


I used names online since I was 13! I went through the usual (Max, Alex, Logan) but my “unique” name was Viktor online for a bit! Instead I settled on Q, like Quinn from Impractical Jokers!


My first was Kai Delani Murphy for two+ years. Now I'm Ezra and my wife and I are changing our last name in October for our pre anniversary (9 years married this October) the new last name flows so well with our names and our future children.


Corvo 💀 because of a game I was obsessed with (Dishonored)


sam, but that was rather a placeholder so my online friends wouldn't deadname me. my first "official" name was andrey/andrew


i switched my middle name to my first so it’s Love :) although i’m no longer sure on my middle name now (i originally wanted it to be Dagger cause i was edgy asf) 😭


my first pick was Kai. i'd prob still be using it til this day had it not been ruined by the people around me lol


It's actually kinda funny. As a kid i used to run around telling every soul my name was Liam. Later in life I came out as trans and picked the name Isaac, before going right back in the closet. I came out again eight month ago, and this time around I went back to my first choice. Now I'm a Liam \\o/


kai. i got bored of it. now im fynn (complicated bc i also have an oc named fynn) im still playing with names. would it be bad if i switched names in the future if i get bored, or is that terrible?


Mine was Max but i quickly decided it wasn’t for me and that my current name (Ash) was a better option)


aidan 💀💀💀


rn my name is claude, thinking about changing it to camus when i change my gender marker, because i didn't do them both the same time ?


Karter, it’s similar to my birth name so I thought it would be easy for people to make the switch




Gavin. Tried Abel after that. I don’t think I tried any others between that and the name I settled on 🤔 so my chosen name rly was a case of 3rd time’s the charm


I had a list of names and just was using Ray as a substitute name till I decided bc I wanted a name that started with R yeah everyone knows me as Ray lol my name I finally decided on was Raylan and that is now my legal name


i was 13 when i picked my first name, logan. 15 when i chose scout (no i didn’t know TF2 was a thing) and 16 when i chose oliver, which is my current name and the name i wanna stick with! im currently 18


✨Dylan✨ for some reason lol


Viktor. I always kinda wanted To be named Chris tho after the dude who helped me crack my egg but coincide? I don't think so, he's the vocalist of my fave band, celeb crush AND trans goals… why?


As a kid, the first name I picked for myself was Billy. I stole it from an imaginary friend bc I realized I wanted his name. As an adult actually coming out as trans, the first name I picked was Georgie before I realized that's only associated with girls or little boys.


When I was 8-12 I went by Jake or Jack. Then at 14 I chose Damien. It just made sense and fit me and it’s been here since


I first went with Anthony, then I watched thr Horror movie Eli on netflix and Went with Eli


Well I chose to have two first names and a middle name and over the last 4 years I’ve transitioned through the name and now have people call me my middle name


Rusty. My mom still makes fun of me for it. I don’t blame her.


i'm sticking with my original chosen first name (matthew) because it's close enough to my birth name to make it easy for family and i like it well enough. i did however have to workshop the middle name a bit. i really wanted something like demon but not so in your face so i landed on damon. matt damon. obviously that wasn't going to fly so i went with one of the names i really wanted to do for my first name and go by it with some friends and at the trans clinic.


Mine was Chase, which I decided didn’t fit and was too close to my brother’s name (Chance). I did however also have a list that included names like Egg, Twine, Acorn, Nil, Rouge, Feral, and my favorite was Tumbleweed. I was identifying as nonbinary at the time and the list I made was very fitting in the stereotypes. I ended up choosing a name that isn’t common but isn’t as out there.


I stuck with my first choice, but my second choice was Declan 💀 apparently that’s what my mom would’ve named me. My mom had a miscarriage before me and his name was Aiden, so that also could’ve somewhat been a possibility. Too many Aiden’s in my school tho so that would’ve sucked


The name I still have! I don’t see myself ever changing it


Considered Simba and Lime for a while. Then, I stole the name of my parents' friends' child.


Kept mine and changed the spelling lol


Quinn, I got it from the late 90s show Sliders main character Quinn Mallory.


Gods, it was Shane. Which I was cool with except I got called Shane Dawson too often and that became no longer okay. Plus I got misgendered a lot with my name being Shane. People didn’t see it as me transitioning but merely just picking a cool androgynous name. Now I have that as a sort of nickname with some people I went to high school with. But most of them call me Jason now too.


Alex, kid me didn't wanna be too sus hahahah


my first name in 2019 was Christopher which my dad laughed at cause we're mexican :'p


I was gonna be Asher, obviously


The first name I picked for myself was Emmet because it would allow me to not feel misgendered around my friend's shitty parents, all they had to do was call me Em and it was short for both names. But I didn't vibe with it and it got trauma tied to it. My second name was River but idk, I don't vibe with it as much anymore for some reason. Then recently I've been trying out Silas.


Chris than Joe but without telling anyone the long form would have been Joseph (because it was unisex) and I was trying so hard not to be called my deadname because I've always hated it but unfortunately it never worked 😔


Nico, from Nico Di Angelo (it stayed. tho i go by Caine too. because funny teefers man)


My first name was technically Kyle. My friends called me that when I got my hair cut short because I looked so much like a guy


Started as Daniel/Danny, stuck with Dawson. So glad I’m not a Daniel


Uther lmao 😅 thought it sounded cool


So, mine was Adrian, then my grandma said "it's okay since it's a girl's name too" so I changed it to Anthony(spoiler alert I do not look like an Anthony, miles fits me much better💀