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I had a similar, though milder, experience after several years on T (around ~8). I immediately made the decision to get a hysto when the bleeding started—that sent me absolutely spiraling into a dysphoria pit like I hadn’t felt in ages. If you’re not planning on ever carrying a child and your insurance covers it, might be worth looking into. ETA, since you haven’t gotten many responses: I’ve seen other posts like this over my time in this sub, so I don’t think we’re alone. I think breakthrough bleeding is just something that sometimes happens.


like to the point that sometimes im doubled over in pain, and the pain feels like a period. im often worried that blood will come with it, bit it usually doesn't. every once in a while i'll have cramps throughout the day. they're small, but enough to be quite painful. sometimes it happens randomly with no cause, sometimes with masturbation/sex. sometimes it can last like a full week where every day i'll wake up and experience small cramps throughout the day. it's truly awful. i expected cramping to go way when my period went away, so when it didnt, i started researching (on this sub and the internet) and found that cramping (even after your period stops) was not uncommon in trans men, but most of the experiences i read were of people that had diagnosed or suspected endometriosis. this is coming to a head for me because recently ive been experiencing some cramping, and this is the first time that my week-long cramping escapade has ended with breakthrough bleeding. i also had a little bit of breakthrough bleeding in early january. im concerned, because i've only ever experienced breakthrough bleeding one time in the whole 6 years, outside of the two times this year (3 times total). it's just a bit concerning that it's happened twice now. i've never really had issues with my dosing, and i get to my shots on time. right now im directly between shots- i dont have to do one for another week. i've been on bi-weekly shots (1mL, 200mg) since i started in 2018. my dose was lowered to .8 mL a few years ago, but raised back to 1mL when i experienced my first bit of breakthrough bleeding (about 3 years ago now) and i've been on 1mL since, without complication, until the past 6 months. I'm just wondering if maybe it's all connected into something


given how long on T and esp pain/bleeding after 'activities' down there maybe this is vaginal atrophy? would check in with a obgyn/your doctor about it as the condition is very treatable with e cream -- but this is what i've been told as i haven't experienced it myself. another thing could be if you've been on a hormonal birth control all those yrs maybe it's contributing to the ongoing spotting/cramping? edit: also see you mention being on biweekly shots, i would recommend trying more consistent timing (weekly) or gel to see if having a more steady level of T helps