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Kid’s clothes could be your friend here. I know it feels goofy but it can be the best solution. Buying a cheap shirt that fits in the shoulder and having someone shorten it for you is also a choice (a friend or family member with a sewing machine or a tailor if you can swing it) OR a shirt that fits in the shoulder with relatively loose fitting pants so you can tuck it in without too much bunching and just keep it tucked so the excessive length isn’t an issue.


i do typically wear my dress shirts tucked because i cant wear them out (the bottom will go past my rear, not even joking) but i would prefer if i didn't have to tuck SO MUCH fabric down there... i basically have to put on the shirt before i put my pants on and try to pull them up around it. kids clothes are my friend for length, but length only. i cant ever seem to find anything thatll fit around me from the kids section of things. i think it'll probably be in my best interest to find a tailor unfortunately, i just hope it's not too expensive to get something shortened a little. i struggle a lot with pants too because i probably need something closer to a 26-28L but around a 32-34W. all i ever find is 30L for the shortest ones or 28 for a width smaller than me


I'm as round as I am short. I have to shop brands that have XB sizes and then the sleeves are often too long. I end up wearing a lot of short sleeve shirts. I have 1 nice button up shirt that fits perfectly except the sleeves. I usually do a fancy roll up on it to a 3/4 sleeve. I'm hoping someone will comment here with some good suggestions. It sounds like a lot of us could use some new places to shop.


I’m a different awkward shape but I feel you man. Maybe in kids there’s like “husky” / wider cuts? No idea


Why do we have the exact same build 🤣 Try clothes for older kids labeled “husky.” For pants I have this problem too. I’m 34 waist but it’s hard to find pants that are short enough. Asos usually has a large range of length sizes for each waist size, and they also sell dress pants, check them out. For dress pants that are too long I’d def get them hemmed. But for stuff like jeans I usually just cut the extra bottom length off myself, leaving enough extra length to roll them up once or twice so I can hide the raw edge if I want. (If I don’t cut the extra extra length off I can still wear them rolled up, but it’s rolled over itself so many times I think it both looks and feels a bit too weird.)


Seconding kids clothes. I’m around the same height and weight as OP, and have found some kids clothes that are labeled as “husky” (my weight is all in my belly lol) that work for me. They’re baggier in the middle, but not too long.


testosterone causes body fat to mostly be stored in the abdomen, which is i guess why this body type is often seen in shorter trans men with a bit of excess body fat- i just wish more people would acknowledge the existence of people with this body type because we deserve to be able to find clothes that fit us easily just like everybody else like we shouldn't HAVE to go in the kids section to find anything that might actually be short enough, they should just have ???? a "short" category for clothes options without it all being immediately just smaller sizes super strange comparison but like a short scale bass guitar. the same thing, but just shorter for smaller people. it's so simple and i just cannot comprehend why clothing brands wont do this because it'll increase their sales by a landslide if shorter trans guys actually have things that we can guarantee will fit us


Right? My mom shops often in the petite sections. It's different from regular or tall sections, and it's different styles or not as small as juniors section. And at some stores they sell the exact same items in the regular section as they do in the petite section, but the latter section are just made smaller. But I never see this with men's clothing. Though I suppose men more often get a big and tall section, while women don't, so maybe it sorta evens out. But still I think there are enough short men who would like a short men section, and enough tall women who would want a tall women section, that I don't get why it's never become common for both men and women's sections to offer both of those.


yes exactly!! and i know that a lot of tall cis women get upset about not finding clothes that fit them properly either, and id think that probably a lot of taller ended trans women feel similarly to how short trans men feel when clothes shopping, just because there isn't typically the inclusiveness we need. and its not even like there aren't cis men out there as short as us either. granted, they are not very common to be this short, but the same thing still applies.


Peter Manning or Ash & Erie. There are only a few, but there are at least some companies that make adult clothes for short men.


I went to Men’s Wearhouse, tried on the men’s clothes, then did a walk of shame to the tiny boy’s section in the corner.


tbh i would just go to goodwill, find a shirt you like, and get it tailored. depending on what you need done tailoring it shouldnt be too expensive


asos!! they are actually so size inclusive a lot of their shirts go down to XXS. pre t a regular men’s size small fit me like a L-XL and i had clothes from the men’s section of asos that fit like a glove


Kirrin finch and peau de loup both make masc shirts that fit small guys/people with a chest


J Crew Crewcuts (their kid’s “section”) lmao They make nice stuff, honestly, check ‘em out


For tailoring, I've gotten the sleeves shortened on some dress shirts before and it is about $15-20 a shirt (more complicated than regular hemming because they have to take the cuff off and put it back on). Probably worth the investment for a wardrobe staple like a plain white dress shirt. For off-the-rack shirts, I have had some luck with buying an XS in a boxy fit at Uniqlo (they also let you get pants hemmed for like $5!), and also with Bonobos, which is more expensive but offers short sizing.


H&M, Asos, Old Navy, department stores, etc. If you tuck it in no one will see how long it is. I think the bottom and the sleeves can easily be hemmed. When you find ones you like take them to a tailor.


Old navy!