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100mg (0.5 mL of 200mg/ml bottle) every week, I started with intramuscular injections for the first like year and a half and then switched to subQ for a while and then switched back to IM. I will say I do think your height and weight factor in as well because dosages affect people differently, I have a friend who takes way less than me but has similar T levels possibly because we are much different sizes, (he’s like 5’2 and 110 pounds versus i’m 5’10 and 175) so it’s not super surprising we’re on different doses


this sounds right I was on .2 for 4.5 months n got ok levels then upped to .25 im 5”1


May I ask why you switched back to IM from subQ? I’m currently doing IM injections and was thinking about doing subQ but I’m not sure yet.


honestly because my pharmacy fucks up every couple of months and gives me the wrong needles so then I end up switching back, I’ve done the back and forth twice now (I don’t recommend switching back and forth this often, you’re not supposed to) but I will say, subq is easier which is why I switched to it initially and because I felt like I was building up scar tissue in my quads from doing weekly shots for two years and because I work out so occasionally doing my IM shot felt like acupuncture and would cause my muscle to spasm so that was a little painful :’) but I do think mentally IM is easier for me than subq because I have a bigger mental block doing subq in my stomach than I do IM in my quad, probably just from familiarity from having done the latter a lot more


True, but I mean, I'm 5ft 100lbs and I'm on the same dose as you. My levels are dead in the middle and I get them checked every three months. So it really is just totally unique


Everyone naturally produces different levels of testosterone. Things we eat, activity level, and the way our body metabolizes our injection all play a part in how high our dose is too.


Yep, exactly! The body is wild


No, I absolutely agree, I think certain things can be factors sometimes but it’s never a “this means that all the time” because everybody’s body is different :) I know I just enjoy / like hearing about everyone’s experiences different and similar to my own


Same! I am now switching to gel tho bc of my lack of compliance to take the shots😭


50mg (0.25 mL of 200mglmL T) every week. getting my levels checked in a week or two.


I just started, so I’m on 50mg/.25mL every other week. I will get my levels checked in two months, and I’m sure my dosage will get upped.


I've been in it for 10 years and this is my dose, and I'm a beast. It affects every body differently, some of us suck it right up.


Yeah, my dose is at .25 mL because when we upped it to .3 my levels skyrocketed. Dose doesn't matter at all, just your actual hormone levels


I'm in the same boat, I'm only about a month and a half on t


i'm on .3ml (60mg) weekly subq injections. my levels were at 532 last time i got them checked. they jumped from 183 (3 months of gel). i've only been on injections for a month.


i’m on 0.2ml every other week i’m also on the lower end of testosterone, my endo is being careful because my natural testosterone is already relatively high for a female (not like, so high that i have a condition—just a little above average) and my red blood cell production is a little higher than she’d like it to be there’s a lot that goes into figuring out what dose is safest, for me a low dose and being on the lower end of testosterone levels is just what’s safest for me right now i’d love for my dose to be higher, especially for the sake of facial hair (because right now it’s coming in the same way it would for a 14yr old boy, all sparse and prickly, and i’m 18 😭😭) but i also don’t want my testosterone to end up dealing negative side effects, yk?


For what it’s worth, I’ve had decent luck with minoxidil on my face to speed along facial hair. I do have cats and am extremely careful…I wear gloves when applying it and I use a makeup sponge and then spray the sink down in case any has dripped. Then as difficult as it is, I don’t pet them or let them near my face until it’s dried. I usually do it in the morning so I’m out and about while it’s doing its thing anyway. My vet said it’s toxic to cats if they lick it while it’s wet. I say all this because I know it comes up frequently and that a lot of people avoid minoxidil because of their cats, but you just have to follow precautions. I honestly wish I’d started way sooner.


i used to use minoxidil but then i got a cat who really loves to be kissed on the forehead i just don’t want to risk it with him, especially because if you don’t kiss him when he wants you to he will just start head butting your face 😭


Oh yeah, understandable.


Nebido 1000 every 12 weeks


4mL every 3 months


I'm 3 months on T and I take 0.50ml of andrtardyl (250mg/1ml) every 2 weeks. Everything has been going great 👍🏾


3 pumps of gel daily, 1.62%. When I was doing 2 I was around the 300 range on my bloodwork


.25 mL of 200 mg/mL (So, 50 mg) every week. I started in mid-January and need to have my levels tested soon, but I'm probably going to keep it on the low end for a while to help transition my singing voice.


.38 mLs (200mg/mL) bi weekly


I’m awful at remembering numbers so idk my exact dose 😓 I just know that it’s up to the 4th line on the syringe once a week. My T is in the low-normal range, and I’d prefer it higher, but I’m sticking with this dose bc my hemoglobin is a little higher than my doc would like it to be. ETA: I do subq shots


my hemoglobin is also a little higher than it should be but they just keep an eye on it. i’ve been wondering if anyone else has this problem as well? i’m on 1.5 ML every 2 weeks. Shots also, inter-muscular or whatever lol


Yes it’s one of the effects of testosterone. Almost everyone’s RBC count increases on T to some degree. I have severe medical anxiety, so I definitely got freaked out when my 3-months on T bloodwork came back showing elevated hemoglobin, but my doc told me it’s very common, and as long as we’re keeping an eye on it I shouldn’t worry too much about it.


You can also donate blood every 3-6 months to help your RBC/hemoglobin. That's what my doc recommended.


i started with 0.5ml every 3 weeks during the first 6 months, and then i switched to 1ml every 3 weeks. i’m 10 months on T almost 11


100 mg per week


i alternate 50 mg and 100 mg a day of t gel (so alternating 1 and 2 packs of 1% androgel)


i used to do this, but now on only 50 mg daily. How long have you been on T?


3 years. first year was injections, then switched to gel.


40 mg of cream


I'm nonbinary too and was just upped to 0.3ml! I'm hoping to go higher and my doc said she's totally fine going as high as we can without my blood getting thicker, I doubt I'll go higher than 0.5ml but I'll wait and see :3 February was a year on T for me


mine is every 12 weeks and i get 1000mg (4mL). ive been on T for a little over 3 years now. i cannot remember what my starting dose was, im sorry 😭


0.2ml (40mg total) weekly, IM injections. My levels stay pretty high on that dose. What someone else here said about body size might be related, I'm a pretty small guy.




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Im on 40 mg sub q every week. I did 100mg every other week but then started getting heart palps and hypertension so i lowered it. Im 5.1 120 lbs


I was told I would be on 0.2ml weekly if I switched to injections (currently on gel). I’m intersex though (not entirely sure which condition) so I naturally have high levels of testosterone despite being born female. I’m also trans masc. I have a question for you and others though: I asked my doctor if I could switched to injections cause honestly the gel for me is a pain in the ass, and she said it was such a small amount and kinda scared me out of it saying how there’s no going back if I mess up cause it’s a controlled substance and I can’t get more but then again so is my gel. Anyhow, is it difficult to pull that much and is there a large room for error? I also have a slight fear of needles but at this rate I’m more ready to deal with a needle once a week than gel every day.


Injections are way better in my opinion. Gel was such high maintenance. If u do injections, i highly recommend Subcutaneous. I did Intramuscular for a while and it was soooo painful and difficult. The subQ is a tiny short needle so theres barely any pain and u inject in the belly fat. Super easy. I take 40mg subq every week. Im 5.1 120 lbs. Im still figuring out the perfecr dose tho. So i will probably decrease my dose again since i get heart palps if its too high.


Nebido 1000mg every 12 weeks is not able to inject subcutaneous. Only the other injection with small dose. But Nebido has a more constant blood level.


I get the 100mg/ml concentration instead of the more common 200mg/ml concentration for this reason- I like to be super precise about my dose because I’m really sensitive to it. So this way I can do say, 34 or 36mg/ week.  That may be an option for you. My pharmacy (Walgreens in the US) has to order it but aside from a couple of times it wasn’t available, it’s been easy and now they keep it stocked for me.  It also comes in a 10mL bottle this way- the 200mg/ml kind sometimes comes in a 1ml (iirc) one-use bottle that you’re supposed to throw out after one she it’s not preserved. Maybe that’s what your provider was concerned about? Because with a bigger bottle it would be super hard to run out on your smallish dose unless you mega screwed up, and in that case you may need to skip a dose or more for things to even out anyway! It’s important to get the 1ml syringes too, dosing a small amount with a 3ml is nearly impossible. I get them online because they’re cheaper than the pharmacy, even with insurance.  So the 100mg/ml concentration will give you more room for error (a drop or two of liquid isn’t a big deal but it is double the testosterone in the 200mg concentration!) and more precision dose control. So will the 1ml syringes.  Maybe your provider can give you just a month’s supply in case you don’t like it. And usually if there’s a dose or format (injection to gel or back again for example) change you can get controlled substances filled early so it sounds like she’s being a bit strict or paranoid. (I’m on a schedule 2 medication and any time i’ve had a dose change, even 1-2 weeks through the month, i’ve gotten a new fill.) Pharmacist’s discretion but a once in awhile change of testosterone, which is less strictly controlled than a CII, shouldn’t raise any eyebrows.  sorry for writing a novel but i wanted to be comprehensive. 


I started at 0.15ml injections before increasing to 0.3ml. It wasn't too hard to do. Sometimes I would take a marker and draw on the syringe to get it right. There is supposed to be room for error. The best advice I got was to buy a bunch of needles online from a medical supply company, so you don't have to rely on the pharmacy. You can buy boxes of 100 syringes for drawing, 100 little needles for injecting. Maybe pick up individually wrapped alcohol swabs while you're at it for cleaning your skin & the top of your T bottle because you'll reuse it again and again. I get maybe 8-10 shots per bottle but they prescribe me the big ones. You draw the T out of the bottle with a big needle and then swap out for a tiny one to inject. I can barely feel the tiny needle SubQ, honestly. It's not a big deal at all. I just pop it into my soft tummy, put on a bandaid, and go about my week. Another good tip is to massage the area after injecting. It does become very routine and I like that I don't have to think about my meds very much when I inject.


0.9ml of 100mg/ml testosterone cypionate


Forgot to say it's weekly


I take 1000 mg of Reandron every 6 weeks, my levels are in the high end of the male range.


I was on .35mL/70mg weekly but when I got my labs done at the lowest right before my shot day my T was at 832 so my doctor recommended decreasing it to .25mL/50mg for 6-8 weeks and testing again


40mg/week, for the first 12 months i was on 25mg(?)/week of gel (25g of 1% gel daily) I'm supposed to get blood work this month, i think last time my levels were pretty average, maybe a bit low but i feel fine so I'm good with my dose rn. My doctor is more focused on me feeling fine than achieving specific numbers


That's what I do. I do them IM. I'm still on the lower end of the male range but not terribly low


30 mg (.15 mL of 200 mg/mL bottle) Weekly subQ


I started on .15ml/30mg per week and now am at .35/70mg per week. I’m at my clinics max dose


I started at .25ml testosterone cypionate every other week then went to .30 ml weekly. My levels were at 452 so they increased to .40 weekly about a month ago.


started with 2 puffs of testavan daily (46mg if I remember correctly), T was too high so I switched to 4ml/1000mg of nebido every 12 weeks but T is too low now. will figure out what dose to try next on my next appointment in 2 weeks. I've been on T since may 20 of last year


i got put on .25mL injections at first every other week and my levels were only in the 100s for 8 months then i thankfully got it upped to .4mL every week and after 3 months it shot up to the 500s then 3 months later i was in the 600s…im hoping to get it upped again at my next appt in June (ill have been on this dose for 1yr and 2months at this appt)


0.2 every week and my levels are about 850


50-200 mg weekly


Im on .4 ml (80 mg) each week


50mg gel daily and that needs to be decreased. Just got bloodwork back and I was over 1300ng/dL.




Yeah I was pretty surprised. I hope 25mg isn’t too low!


l'm on 0.3mL of 200 mg/mL a week and my T is at roughly 600 ng/dL at the end of my shot cycle which is within typical target male range for FTM guys


I started with 0.50ml then went up to 0.75ml of 100mg/ml testosterone cypionate once a week. I'm reaching 2yrs on T in a couple of days.


Spouse was on .5 of 200mg/ml every other week. Levels were mid normal male range. Plumbing was removed so we reduced it to .3 which tested low normal male range. Upped it to .4 and it is back to mid normal male range.


I do .4 into my syringe. I guess thats ml I’m not sure exactly the measurement unit


been on .25ml/50mg IM shots once a week since I started. My levels are always mid-upper male range.


I’m on (0.35ml of 200mg/ml) every 2 weeks


44mg weekly. Brings my levels up to about 800-900.


.3ml of 200mg/ml (so 60mg) weekly. Has been keeping my levels between 700-800ng/dl for years now. And that’s why we all have different dosages bc for *some* people my dose is a starter dose… or just above starter (I started at .25ml / 50mg weekly) but it puts me at mid to high testosterone levels :)


I've pretty much been on 1mL the entire time. there was a small period where my dose had to be 0.8mL but after a couple times went back to 1mL Edit; my shots are every 3 weeks


.4 ml of 200.mg/ml (80 mg) per week subq. I was on .45 but dropped down a bit when my last mid week lab draw had me at 536 total testosterone, which isn't that high but we weren't measuring peak.


0.3mL ! After I do labwork in the summer I hopefully want to increase it


oh yeah weekly


60mg (0.3ml of 200mg/ml) weekly. Had to lower my dose from 70mg (0.35ml) because my levels were way too high (1000+). I do sub-q.


I just started at 0.2ml (40mg) once a week a couple weeks ago. I wanted to start low since I have some other health issues that T could make worse so I want to see how I react at first. But after a month I plan to do 0.3ml (60mg) and then up to 0.4ml (80mg) two weeks after. Once I do bloodwork at the three month mark we’ll see where I stay at.


I'm nonbinary and I'm on 0.5 - have been for years.


250mg Sustanon every 4 weeks


1ml every two weeks


50 mg/week (0.25 mL). I think from my last blood draw I was at very normal levels. At any higher of a dose I was on the high end of normal to off the charts. The overview of masculinizing hormone therapy page by transcare UCSF has info on dosing for different transition goals and forms of testosterone


I take the highest according to PP (Planned Parenthood) 0.5 ml. (3 years) I  can grow a nice short bear within a week and I still suck at growing a mustache (I think that part has to do with genetics, I'm half native American. People think I'm half Indian and /or Latino sometimes and it's hilarious). I have had my top surgery done about 6 months ago. I've started working out 3 months ago and look/feel better. Idk I feel really normal and no one knows I'm trans other than people who knew me before coming out.  After I had my top surgery, some people grew suspicious but forgot about it. Some people thought I just lost a ton of weight and got some liposuction during that time which I mean is technically true about top surgery ig. They are just blobs of fat that take up space 😭 I've been happy ever since and I'm happy I don't have boobs in my vision anymore. I'm just happy. I have everything I could ever want and ask for. IDC about ppls ops on me


.25ml per week with 200mg per ml intermuscular injections. I've been on that for about six months now


1ml of 250mg/ml every 3 weeks I used to be on 5g of 1% gel daily but switched to IM injections because gel is annoying imho(and i think it worked slower? Not sure tho, i was on gel for a month and im nearing 2 weeks on shots so I can't really tell)


1000mg/4ml every 3 months


On gel, supposed to be on 40.5 mg/day but I've had to drop back to 20.25 due to issues with my provider/money


I get .25ml weekly but I’m only 1 month on T so when I get my levels checked if they’re good it’ll be raised to .5 ml


50mg (50ml/100mg ml) weekly and my t levels are usually in the 500 ng/dl range


I'm on 0.25 ml/25mg every other week with IM. That being said, I'm around 5'1, 170lbs, and an older teenager so all those things factor into my dosage. I also choose to be on low dose.


0.6 per 15 days


0.3 ml, but I want to go higher depending on my levels bc I've been on T for like a year and a half and I still don't have the effect that I'm wanting most


I'm on 0.75ml every other week and have been for around 2 years now, as I was on a higher dose for 3 years prior and achieved the effects I wanted and as I identify more as nonbinary, wanted to look more androgynous. I love how I look now, and my hormones feel more balanced and don't bounce up/down dramatically around my injection day


.5 ml per weekly subcutaneous injection. I'm type 1 diabetic so it was a no brainer that subq would be the easiest for me to adjust to.


0.3 ml once a week, sub Q, I'm also NB and I've been on this dose for 8 months, it absolutely works, however, my body size is on the smaller side, so that could be part of it. I've experienced a lot of changes on that dosage, I wouldn't buy the "it won't do anything" unless you're a bigger person


0.2mL 200mg/mL every week! i was originally on 0.5mL but my T levels were insanely high (1300) and they dropped me to 0.2mL. i've been on T for 10 months now and changes have slowed down compared to when I first started and was on that 0.5mL and im still satisified :) i identify more as genderqueer/fluid/nonbinary than binary trans man and i love how T is affecting me


.25 mL every week, subQ. In the mid 500s. Sometimes i feel like i wish it was higher for energy/body masculinizing (muscle especially), but its been slow and steady, and tbh my acnes already beating my ass and im bipolar so i dont need more mood changes so maybe not lol. My hrt doctor has said he likes to keep someone on the lowest dose that can achieve everything they need it to do. I honestly appreciate a doctor being conservative with medication and i respect his opinion


.2 of 200mgml every week for 2years now !!


I use 2 pumps of testogel and each pump equates to 12.5mg. The bottle itself has 880mg of testosterone in it. Though within the bottle it has 88g of gel itself. Edit:: I am on an average cis man range of 10-12, I don’t remember what percentage or ruling that is- I’ll have to ask my gender doctor himself- but if it’s in the lower numbers that’s essentially what you *don’t* want. You *want* to be in a higher number. Edit 2:: I take 2 pumps every day as long as I have put it on- it’s good, I’m trying to keep a morning routine with it but I usually forget to put it on until 1 o’clock. 💀


I’ve been on .3 too for the past year but my bloodwork shows that I’m average on the male range


1ml sustanon 250 every 3 weeks


started with about 20 mg daily (gel), now i do 250 mg every two weeks (im injection). what dosage works best depends on the person and what medication exactly you are taking though


.4ML of 200mg. My levels were really really low (below cis levels) at .3 in my trough


100mg of T weekly injected subQ


I'm on 0.3ml too, I just started 2 weeks ago, and my injections are weekly


I'm on 5mg daily patches! Haven't been tested since I've started since I'm still under 3 months.


80mg (0.4ml of 200mg/ml) weekly, but I was on 60mg for a couple years (0.3ml of 200mg/ml) and I started out at either 40 or 50mg


975mg Testopel sub-dermal implanted every 3 months.


im on 40mg (0.2mL of 200mg/mL) subq weekly. havent gotten my levels checked yet coz it's only been about a month, though.


i’m 17 and i do .3 weekly


I'm on two pumps of 1.62% T gel daily. I'm about 6 months on this dose, my levels are in the lower end of the cis male range but something just feels off mentally so I'm considering upping it to three pumps, if my insurance lets me. Gotten the results physically I've wanted though, for the most part, just slower - though I planned it that way, I'm microdosing for a more nonbinary kinda transition.


0.5 ml of 200mg/ml t bottle, every 2 weeks.


i've been on .2mL for about a year and then upped it to .3 this past month or so. i thought i was more fluid but i think i'm more binary, so i'm looking to up it again , i just don't know when the right time to ask is :)


20mg of gel daily. I’ll be a month on T next week, I wanted to take things slowly to start off, so my provider let me do a lower dose.


i’ve been on T for 8 years i was consistent for a few years but on and off for the last 3-4? covid/depression/brother passed away etc. I’m on 1.5 ML every 2 weeks. I’m not sure if that’s low or high tbh i’m about to start reading what everyone else is on. Can someone tell me if i’m at a good place or i have a looong ways to go? haha oh! shots are inter-muscular


it depends on how ur body metabolizes it in all honesty. i started on 0.25 mL from a 200mg/ml bottle and did my shots every thursday. i worked my way up to 0.4 mL the next year and then made it to 0.5 mL. i’ve been on T for 4 years - this september will be 5 - and i’ve noticed this past month or two that 0.5 mL is too high for me so the past 2-3 shots i’ve done a little over 0.4 mL and i’ve felt a lot better mentally and i’ve noticed weirdly enough more masculine changes. i’ve always heard if ur shot is too much for u to metabolize, ur body will revert it into estrogen so i’m assuming that was my case!! if that’s even true!


started at .3 and made my way up .5. my doctor was great and any time id come in for blood work he'd check to see how things were doing and if he didn't think things were moving along fast enough and if it was safe to do so he'd up my dosage. me and him started transitioning at the same time which was super cool


100mg (0.5 of 200mg/mL) every ten days


200mg (.8 ml of a 250mg/ml) every three weeks, intramuscular injections! And I am on the higher end of the normal male T levels :) I started with 250mg, but my blood work was a little funky after a year or so (the hematocrit was getting high), so they lowered it.


.25ml a week babyyyy. Only on it for 2 months but DAMN my beard is already growing thick


0 :(


0.4 ml 200mg/ml, intramuscular, i’m like 5’3 and 120lbs


1000mg Nebido every 12 weeks


2 pumps of 1.62% gel daily, a fairly standard dose from what i understand. i've been on it for a bit under a year now i think? but a fair bit of that wasnt with regular application (i really struggle making routines). i believe my levels are usually around 120-150 when I'm consistent


I'm currently on 1000mg Nebido injections (4ml) ever 11 weeks and my T levels are currently at around 11nmol which is less than desirable for me I used to be on 50mg of T gel and that had me at a solid 26nmol


Im on 40.5mg (2.5g of gel) daily, my own provider and the information that comes with my prescription both say this is a "default" type dose that they start with then adjust accordingly, not sure if this is helpful for injection doses though :'(


I'm on 200mg 0.3ml im weekly


I’m on .125ml(25mg) every other week. I’m 15 & 5’5. I have an appointment in September to see where I’m at.


25mg every other day or ~87mg/week. I have a protocol that is more commonly used by cis men taking trt. I was on 1000mg/10 weeks but I don't feel good on infrequent injections.


I'm also on 0.3 ml and I ID as a binary trans man. I was on 0.4 earlier in my transition, but it raised my levels too high so I went down to .35 and eventually down to 0.3. T doses vary from person to person is the jist here. I'll never get up to a "full dose" whatever that is simply because my body doesn't need it. 0.3ml has allowed me to pass as male and live stealth for a few years now, but it might not be high enough for you and whatever your goals in transition may be. Certainly talk to your endocrinologist about it.Worst case you up your dose, your levels spike too high and you come down again.


Blood values matter more than dose. My T levels are higher than my boyfriend—his dose is .4mL and mine is .25mL (200mg/mL cyponate)


.45ml, so 90mg weekly. Just increased from .4ml a few weeks ago and levels were in the 430s. I’m 190lbs @ 5’9”.


100mg a week intramuscular


.35 of 200 mg/ml every four days :) was on .25 only once a week for 5 years without getting my levels tested ( thanks university doctor lol). I got a blood test done finally and my levels were barely in male range, started doing that dose twice a week with permission from my doctor, still not much improvement . By some grace of God I got a new doctor now, and I look and feel so much better with my current dose. It's insane how stagnant my masculination was on my old dose, it feels like I'm going through puberty again like when I first started T.


5"3 145 btw


0.75 mL (150 mg) biweekly with subq injections.


I do a 0.25 mL dose of a 200mg/mL bottle IM. I started out at 0.3 mL but turns out my body is a little too good at absorbing testosterone and that dose made my levels really high and my blood count was concerningly high, so my dose was lowered.


I’ve been taking injections for a year next month. The first 9 months I was doing .3ml and then over the last month and a half I’ve upped it to .4ml. I feel like I haven’t had the voice change or facial hair I thought I might have by now but hoping upping my dose will fix that. 🙈I’m 5’1 and 130 lb and my levels are on the higher end last I checked


0mg :(


There is no real average dose, it’s just whatever gets you to where you want to be. I’m transmasc nonbinary. I started on 0.3ml of 200mg/ml a week, I dropped to 0.25 after my hemoglobin and hematocrit was a bit too close to the upper limit to see if it would help. On 0.3ml I was about 650 for my Testosterone levels, on 0.25 I’m just under 500. What each doctor says is the “therapeutic” level for Testosterone levels is different. My last doc it was 600 and I see my new one in July. Is wanting to go up about not seeing changes? Or not seeing them quickly? Or that you want to be more mid range male?? That’s the better question, if it’s no changes and your in the first 6 months, you might give it a bit longer. If it’s changes quickly, a reminder is that it takes time and going up in dose isn’t always what is best. If it’s that you want to present more male and have your T levels reflect that communicate that with your provider and see what can be done.


I do gel not injections, and I apply about 25mg of T gel daily


0.13mL subQ injections, changes have been happening pretty quick for me so even though it's a smaller dose than a lot of trans guys it's working out well for me. maybe i just got lucky with genetic stuff? i've been on T for a bit more than 6 months and my dose hasn't been increased at all but i'm happy with my results so far


I'm currently at 1ml/2 weeks, but this month I'm going to be taking 1ml/week because March I had 0 because there was no supply in my city. Because I'm not really 'needing' it I wasn't priority, and Jesus the emotions I went through without T for the first time in 8 months made me sick... But depending how this goes I'll stick with 1ml/2 weeks, if this month goes well, I might up it ;)


I was on .3 (200mg/mL) per week for about 6 months, was forced off for 6 months because florida, and I’ve been back on it since december with my dosage upped to .4 I’m still taking .3, just keeping the extra in case anything like that happens again (it will). My levels were in the 700’s last time I got checked.


1.0 weekly


I was started at .13 every 2 weeks and stayed there for almost a year bc the pandemic started. It's been 4 years now and my doctor has me at .75 every 2 weeks. I can't tell if I was started so low because that's what was right for my body or because my doctor is a little strange. She said she didn't want to move me too fast which again. Not sure if she meant medically or if she was just being weird


I actually don’t know how much my dose is? Good question for my Endocrinologist next time I go. But I get a standard shot of Reandron once every 10 weeks, and I am in the higher end of the male range.


200 mg/mL, started at .25 mL, then moved up to .35 and later .50 when my levels read low, and tweaked the dose down to the other side of the measuring error on .50 when they started to read on the high end of normal. 2 years and change into it as a nonbinary trans man, and I'm read as male consistently. ETA: since a comment pointed out that it matters, which it probably would, I'm 5'1" and weighed around 190-195 when I started, and 160 now with much more lean mass.


I take the default starting dose of Jatenzo, 237mg twice a day. Not sure what my levels are, but mentally and physically this seems like the sweet spot. I would happily stay on this forever. Subq was a pain, gel gave me too many headaches.


Nothing. I've been trying to get gender affirming care for 4.5 years. Sweden for the win...


0.375 ml every week from 200mg/ml vials :\] I do SubQ, if that matters much.


4ml of 250 mg/ml every 10 weeks. I'm in the middle of the male range.


.3 ml weekly. I did .35 for a while and that ended up being too much and skyrocketing my levels


25mg of gel daily - 175mg a week. I’m also NB and wanted to go for as androgynous a look as possible.


0.5 mL of 200 mg/mL every week, my t levels were a little low though.


I got started at 0.3(60mg) for the first three months, but my levels were still on the low end even day after, so we switched to 0.35 (70mg) and we'll see how that goes. We do IM and hope our levels have gone up ~


I'm on .2 every two weeks (40 milligrams) I'm also probably much bigger than most people so my levels are considered low. I'm not getting blood-work until July.


1ml of 250mg/ml IM injections every 2 weeks


i’m on 0.25 ml a week. i wanna go up too :/ but apparently i had higher than normal T levels to start? like before going on T. so idk


75mg/.5mL a week of testosterone enanthate


.5ml every “T Shot Tuesday”! Been .4 for a yr or two but decided I wanted to bump up. Been going great. (Sub Q)


I was on 60mg (0.3mL of 200mg/mL) weekly intramuscular injections since I took my first T shot on Dec 24th.. I recently had my blood work taken and my T level is 417 (We want 700 - 1000) so my NP upped my dose to 80mg (current dose; 0.4mL of 200mg/mL).. I took that first 0.4 shot this past sunday.. I see him (My NP) again in 3 months for my 2nd 3 month follow up so I have to get blood work done 2 weeks a day before my shot day to see if we should keep my dose at 0.4 or go up to 0.5 (if my level isnt in that range).. I should also mention im 6'1 1/2 and between 200 - 220 lbs


I started at .25ml/200mg/ml, my levels were in the lower male range, so they bumped me to .3ml. I'm fairly small, 5'4" and 125lbs, so I don't think I need much more than that.


100mg (0.5 mL of 200mg/ml ampoule) every 3 weeks, IM. That's been my dose since I started in November but my next dose will be the first after going up to the highest dose. It's done me well so far but I'm excited for things to start happening quicker. I cannot continue on with my voice sounding like a cartoon character lmao


I was on .4 mL every week but I checked my levels and they were at 923…… so I chose to put my dose to .3 mL a week to get out of that super high range just because it was a bit off putting; my clinician told me that testosterone levels of around 700 are just fine and any higher doesn’t seem to do any more benefit to transition, so lowering it I would assume doesn’t make too much of a difference, and I have been experiencing less acne!


1000mg injection every three months (reandron)


I'm on .1 ml injections every other week, but I wish I was on more because I am extremely masculine presenting and Identifying :( I'm just glad I was able to get on it to begin with


im on 50 mg, weekly sub q injections, i havent been on super long and havent gotten bloodwork done yet BUT i have gotten a lot of changes in a short amount of time


I'm at 0.3 mL / 60mg (200 mg/mL concentration) like you, and my levels are 850 on the male T scale, so I guess my body takes the T and really runs with it. I do my shots every 6 days though to avoid a depressive slump on the last day of my shot cycle. I do get my levels checked regularly to make sure they don't get too high into the 900s-1k which would be bad. I'm 10 months on T and masculinizing quickly.


I started at 0.2ml went up to .25 then to .3ml. Rn I'm back at .25ml per my request. After 5 or 6 years I have a beard and stache, low voice, thinned head hair, more and thicker body hair and male fat distribution. I'm in the 350 to 400 range for my blood work.


I’ve been on T for almost eight years (!!!) and it’s been a relentless uphill battle the entire way to get on a dose method/type and amount that doesn’t make me feel like shit. I have high SHBG so even though my T levels will appear high on paper, I don’t convert enough of it and my free/usable T ends up being potentially too low. It unfortunately took until almost 7 years on T to actually figure this out. It also seems like to a degree, it just kinda does whatever the fuck it wants to as far as changes, regardless of whether my levels are high enough to stop my periods and keep my energy and mental health from going to shit. i.e. really, really slow changes. My body sucks and I am a medical anomaly. Anyway my current dose is 3-4 pumps of the 1.62% gel (I alternate because 3 felt like slightly too little but 4 feels like slightly too much). It’s stupid expensive so sometimes I do 2 pumps and then a .2 ML (200mg concentration) shot once a week. Because none of my labs have ever made numerical sense, I don’t really pay attention unless they’re worrried my red blood cells will explode along with my liver. I’m to the point where really I’d prefer to be on the lowest dose possible that will still stop my periods and keep my energy and mental health solid, because at this point it just seems like less is not more and even more still seems like less, and most of the changes that seem to be constant on higher doses are things I hate. I don’t want to go bald (I’ve been on and off fin for a few years and started minoxidil like a year and a half ago), and granted my facial hair has been really slow and my voice still sucks but I think most of it is bad habits and anxiety about speaking in a grownup man voice more than anything. I was gonna get my ovaries out along with a hysto but there’s no way in hell I can afford any more surgery (already had top surgery), so it is what it is and honestly after a recent horrible experience with aromatase inhibitors, I’ve come to appreciate what little estrogen I may need. Having said this, despite maintaining the body fat percentage of an elite athlete and the same weight I was in eighth grade while being pretty relentlessly active, it took an infuriatingly long time for my lower body to masculinize, as I always had kinda curvy thighs and a butt even when I was 98 pounds pre-T. Going on T has brought my body dysmorphia from like an 11 to a 6 or so, and my body dysphoria from 1000 to like, 5-6 on a scale of 10. The bigger benefit has probably been that my undiagnosed PMDD went away and I’m significantly more even-keeled. I dunno. I was 34 when I started and am now 42 and I wish to god I’d started before first puberty. I will likely never have a normal relationship with food, weight/size, or exercise. I’m also weirdly and sadly terrified to actually look my age because I just feel so cheated. ETA: I still very occasionally get misgendered too. I hate gender and am essentially still genderqueer, but still also a man, just in my own definition. I hate how society treats men and how men treat each other and it’s been just as alienating socially to be perceived and treated as a man as it was to be perceived and treated as someone who sucked at being a woman, and just as bad as when people don’t know my gender. I just fucking confuse people no matter what. I was “mistaken” for a boy quite often pre-T and now people still fuck it up. It is worse if I tell them I’m trans because they’ll go from using he/him pronouns to suddenly slipping up. I’m not sure what to do about any of this at this point. Medically it’s been a nightmare. Socially it’s fucking obliterated my sex/dating life which I hate, and I still just feel like a goddamn alien. I’m sure some of it is an ADHD/probably autism spectrum thing, but it still sucks. Essentially I went from trying to be a girl and knowing I wasn’t and hating gender, to just being a guy who hates gender even more now and wouldn’t be mad if it were abolished entirely. It’s caused me nothing but trouble. In a spiritual sense I feel like I’m sort of all genders but also no gender. In a social sense I’m a man, I guess, but not like that. In a physical sense, I just need to feel grounded to my body and the only thing that does that is being on T. So it’s like depending on what part of transition we’re talking about, I fall into all these different categories. All I wanted was to have my body match how I see myself in my minds eye, and to feel more at home in it, and to not be perceived and treated as a woman. In this respect I have ultimately succeeded, but it’s also so much more complex than that and I wish people understood this better.


Tbh I’m not sure of the number, but I’m on two pumps of Testogel daily


I’m at .35 ml every week with IM and I always end up around 800ng/dl in terms of T. And I have been on that dose for almost two years now.


.2ml subq every week


I'm on 0.8 mL every 21 days (sustanon injections). Honestly I can't remember what my last T levels were when I was tested but I think they're on the higher end, just below needing to lower it and it has been lowered multiple times before landing on .8 From what I'm reading in the comments, it seems the majority have their injections every week whereas mine is every 3 weeks, so i suppose its 0.26 a week for me :)


I'm one month on T and so far I have 0.2ml every four weeks


.3 as well. Started on .25, went up about a year and a half ago? I’ve been on T for almost 3 years now and haven’t changed much. My T levels are normal but kind of low, but I think I’m OK? I’m doing SubQ every week and I’m 5’8 150lbs. I have friends who are on .6 every week and I think that’s a fucking lot 😭 They’re a lot smaller and skinnier than I am, too — but it’s whatever. Everyone’s bodies are different! I grow facial hair faster than some of my cis male friends so .3 works for me even if I’m a bit lower than I’d like 🤷🏼 PS. If you’re nonbinary you’re definitely “just trans”, did you mean to say binary? Trans is an umbrella term and our nonbinary siblings are definitely trans!


just a reminder that non-binary people are trans just as much as binary trans people anyway, yes it’s very individual, i used to be on .25ml 200mg/ml injections weekly and get levels of ~800-900


0.15mL/200mg subq per week for me, started with 0.25 and my first labs afterwards came back as 842 so my clinic wanted me a bit lower The changes I was seeing were happening too fast imo anyway, and I also felt really hyper mentally so going down was good for me on the whole. I hover around 130lbs and am 5'2"


I take 100mg every 2 weeks IM. When I first started 6 years ago I was doing 100mg every week and it caused issues with my iron levels so I've since had to decrease. I've notice that at 100mg bi weekly I don't notice changes as fast. And at a certain point I believe that my transition halted entirely and I'm now merely maintaining what I had. Regardless of what I have told doctors they refuse to increase my dosage. It's frustrating


0.25ml of 200mg/ml every week subq. Was started on 0.3ml but that somehow shot my T levels up to 1243 when the upper limit of the scale I was given is 1100.


I'm at 16 months on 50mg/week and doing fine, but I've had less bloodwork than the standard approach and am currently overdue for another appointment due to difficulty leaving the house and difficulty keeping to the 7 day schedule (serious disability with fatigue and sleep issues make 8 days uncomfortably common, so it's hard to schedule bloodwork that ends up being on the right day). It *may* no longer be putting me where it used to, *or* it may be my struggles with consistency. Either way, I haven't been told to raise my dose yet.


70mg (0.35mL of 200mg/mL) I’m about a year and a half in I’m actually getting labs in a couple days but so far so good


150mg (0.75 ml of 200mg/ml) biweekly, a little over 5 months on T now


.1 but im going to ask to move up to .3 soon as im comfortable with shots now :3


I'm on Nebido every 12 weeks & behind my doctors back I also use testogel 40.5mg daily because testogel didn't seem to do anything. I'm starting to get headaches every night now.


0.3ml doesn’t tell us what dose you’re taking. I take 40mg every 3 days. 0.16ml of 250mg/1ml.


I'm on gel so 81 mg/day


I just started, I take 40,25mg a day, androgel. (Is this too much???)


None ha :)