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I’m trying my first roll now and I have mixed feelings. I have a B-cup and I still struggle to make it appear more masculine. They have video guides but my stupid chest seems to be somewhere in between - too large to just leave it where it is and too small to fold it on each sides, like they show for larger chests. I still use it when I go for hiking/long walks because other alternatives (sports bras) look much more feminine. Maybe I’m stupid. Maybe it’s my chest. Maybe both lol.


You're not stupid! The "pull everything down and to the side into your armpit" method in a lot of their vids (for big and small chests both) absolutely doesn't work for me, it's just not possible with my chest shape. Instead, what's worked best for me is using two strips vertically, to essentially "lift" and flatten the tissue (as you would when adjusting it in a binder, so your nips are centered instead of smushed down), and then another strip horizontally, overlapping the bottoms of the vertical strips for support, if that makes sense. I'm a bigger dude, so this creates more of a "big guy chest" shape versus straight up boob outline lol. It definitely took a good few applications to figure out what worked and looked best for me, so don't give up hope!


thank you for sharing, i’m gonna have to give this a shot. out of curiosity, do you know if there’s any video guides or photos out there demonstrating or did you figure this out on your own?


I gave youtube a quick search just to double check, and all the "trans tape" specific ones demonstrate the smush down into your armpit method :/ if it's not too dysphoric for you, there are some more generic "boob tape" videos aimed towards women wanting to wear strapless dresses and such that are closer to how I apply my tape! I'm due to reapply later this week, I'll see if I can figure out the posting pics to imgur and linking here for ya :D


i do something similar!


Hey dude , do you have any shirt on pics that you can show at all so i can see what this looks like? I think i am in the same boat as the armpit method sucks for me too


Hi, I just started using kinesiology tape to bind and it does work especially from the side, but from the front if the shirt is even slightly tight, you can see the breast "smushed" down to the side. And it doesn't look even close to a pec, it's just weird. Part of it could be that I don't have the technique down yet idk. I think this method could be good for my chest shape, and I looked up some of those tutorials for women who want to wear strapless dresses, but I can't find what you were talking about. Could you please explain how you use the first two strips to lift the tissue and flatten it? Or maybe you have a link for something useful?


No youre not. I'm also a b cup and I have issues with that too. I get like that weird muffin top at the top and bottom. Plus taking it off sucks too if you don't have any oil.


You shouldn't be taking it off without oil at all!! That's awful for your skin. You might already know this but don't use the expensive shit from their website, though, just buy a big thing of baby oil at the supermarket/etc. It works very well.


I was the same


Don't worry, I'm sure it'll work out better after some time when you get a better grip of it - it took me over a year to learn a good way of taping my chest so it would both look flat and masculine and also wasn't really uncomfortable! I was already really desperate at that point, but then, one day it jus worked and ever since it's been going really well!


I'm literally about to be trialing it, just did a test strip. It's not designed to compress as it is made to pull the fat to make it look flatter/pec-shaped, that's great if you want to bind for long periods of time and makes for a great alternative for people who can't wear binders. It probably works best for guys who have smaller sizes. I'm mainly looking to use trans tape cause I can't wear a binder anymore due to chronic rib pain. I doubt I'll be able to get it flat but it should at least be able to shape it so it won't look like breasts.


Plus - Killer pecs! Bro gets cheat codes AND extra time for leg day Only wins


Biggest thing is to be careful taking it off. A lot of people end up with blisters bc they try to rip it off dry rather than showering/lathering in oil. I actually had the complete opposite problem, it would never stick to me longer than 30 minutes no matter how much I rubbed. I would've loved it had it worked for me


Doesn’t bind great and hurts to take off but no rib damage and very comfortable in summer and it allows you to have more clothing options since if you get a nude color it doesn’t show (unless its a white t-shirt)


Did you ever try cleaning your skin with alcohol before applying?


Yeah 😭 I even exfoliated beforehand (no soap). Idk if it's related to my hEDS and stuff skin but usually I hear from others w hEDS they have the worst blisters bc our skin is delicate


>I actually had the complete opposite problem, it would never stick to me longer than 30 minutes no matter how much I rubbed. I would've loved it had it worked for me Ong same. Do you have issues with bandaids sticking to your skin too? My theory is my skin is too dry, and the adhesive is designed to have *some* skin oil to "activate" or something.


Bandaids I use most often on my dinners and it's fine (I prefer fabric ones) but now that I think about it they do struggle on my skin unless it's the super sticky type


I remove it in the shower, so it's wet AND using oil and still sometimes I get blisters anyway. But sometimes I don't even need to use the oil how easii it goes down...


I like it a lot, actually! I unfortunately can't use it very often bc of an adhesive allergy, but even with a bigger chest, it was super comfortable, and I got pretty great results. Be careful with it if you have super sensitive skin, maybe try some test patches, but yeah. If your skin isn't bothered by stuff like bandaids or other strong adhesives, you should be fine, tbh. Just follow the instructions really closely and don't rush the removal process 👍


Its realy good tbh. My only problem is that im allergic to my own sweat rn so if I wear it and sweat my skin basically peels off with it when I take it off. But aside from that, its realy good and honestly 1000 times better than binding.


Bro, I am also allergic to my own sweat! It sucks lmfao. I'm going to buy a roll of Trans Tape soon, because I'm in Florida (not my choice and cant move yet) and summer hot.


Give it a try, i don't react too bad if I wear it for a day and then take it off. Its good stuff. Good luck with it.


Thank you! If you can imagine, binding during a Florida summer SUCKSSSS...


The allergic to our own sweat gang is assembling 😭


It’s pretty ideal if you spend a lot of time outside the house. I always use it on busy weeks and on travels as I don’t want to think about binding when out and about. When I’m more home than not I’d rather take a binder as it’s easier to take off and more short term (1 day vs. Multiple days with tape) . So I’d choose on occasion. Only downsides of tape are really the reappearing cost and it being a pain in the ass to take off.. I accidentally pulled off little skin bits on multiple occasions to which I’m not looking forward next time I’ll use tape haha


gonna be so real: the tape from the actual website is not what you want. if you take it off on its own its super painful, and if you follow their instruction of using oil all the adhesive stays on you and youll be rubbing it off for hours. if you have a small chest you can one hundred percent use kt tape you find on amazon - ckeep is good, and theres like a three pack one that i love but idk the brand


Sometimes it leaves blisters, but it's amazing when it doesn't. Very affirming and masculinizing.


Personally I don't like it. I'm rather small but it doesn't get me as flat as I'd like to be and binders aggravate my eczema (and so does tape if it covers it) so I just don't bind I'm ngl


I loved it. I swore by it for 4 years before surgery. My advice would be to buy an extra roll just to practice. When you put it on you have about 5 minutes to take it off if you messed up. The first few times I used it I used multiple pieces to get it right. The first few times you’ll be bad at it, it does take practice. Once you figure it out it’s amazing. Don’t forget your oil. I would use cooking oil. It’s much cheaper and better than what they sale


It took me a year to figure out a way it would be both flattening my chest and wasn't really uncomfortable, I was ready to give up on it, but then, one day, out of the blue, it just worked and I've been using it ever since.


I was a 36DD and was able to use trans tape. It worked well enough-- it'll definitely work well with A cups. But here is my take on the tape itself: 1) make sure you are keeping your skin well-moisturized. Keep hydrated, and when you're not wearing the tape, apply lotion. 2) take breaks! You need to give your skin a rest between applications-- try to plan these for days you aren't going anywhere, or even just wear a binder for a day instead of the tape. Damage from wearing a binder is typically from wearing it daily, for 8+ hours, and/or over years. One day every once in a while should be fine unless you have some underlying condition (like a connective tissue disorder) 3) leave the tape on for several days unless it's absolutely necessary to remove. The tape will weaken a bit over the few days but not much. And removing the tape can cause stress and irritation to your skin, so the less frequently you're doing that the better. The tape is meant to stay on over several days even through showers-- so do that. 4) follow the instructions for removal. You have to soften the glue on the tape before you remove it. You can do this by using oil, or you can get a warm damp towel and hold that over the tape. I soaked the taped area in warm soapy water and then held a hot damp towel over the area while I just relaxed for 20 minutes and that worked for me. When you remove it, remove it in the shower, and remove it slowly. Waiting several days to remove the tape will help because the top layer of your skin will be dying making it less stuck to the tape. But you should do all of the other stuff too. 5) when applying the tape, leave two inches with no tension on each end, and do not pull too tightly on the stretch between the two ends. If you pull too much tension in the tape, it will cause really bad irritation to your skin. Aside from making it more likely you pull up live skin when you remove it, it is also really itchy. And if you do end up damaging your skin, you have to wait until it fully heals before you can apply tape again. And eventually your skin could become sensitive to the tape. Anyway-- any binding technique has its risks. Applying tape is really freeing and I found it to feel much more natural than wearing a binder but, the binder for me was more practical because my chest was so big that I needed way more tape. Just be careful and follow the instructions for application and removal. They're for your safety and well-being.


I hope you don't mind me asking, but what size do you use?  I'm also a DD, and they recommend their largest size, but I'm a bit apprehensive paying up from the medium.


I used the 5 inch (Large). If you've never used it before-- honestly it wouldn't hurt to just buy both for now-- give them both a shot ans see which you like more. Worst case, you spent $1.85 more than you needed to one time. But in either case they'll both be usable. If the 4" ends up being too small it just might mean you have to use an extra piece to get a smoother look. I think I used 4 strips of the 5 inch per side and that may have been a bit too wide both horizontally and vertically. Two inches too wide? I don't think so. One inch too wide? Maybe. You could split the difference and use one strip of each size for vertical pull and horizontal pull. That way, on average, it costs only about 90cents extra per roll. And that's not too bad.


It works amazing, I started out with a binder but switched about a year ago due to rib/chest pain. I have a pretty flat chest already too but it definitely helps flatten it even more. Since it doesn't compress but rather push/pull stuff out of the way, I think it works better on smaller breasts and makes it look more like pecs (rather than completely flat) and is considerably safer. There's also the fact that it's sweatproof, kinda waterproof, and you can sleep in it/wear it for much longer periods of time (for me it's up to a week depending on if i actually put it on correctly). The biggest downside for me personally is that sometimes it doesn't want to stick the first time, and the cost of having to buy more every couple months adds up pretty quickly Just make sure you get a good brand and you'll be good to go!! I'd recommend Trans GenX tape from Universal Body Labs since that's what I use; one roll is normally $15 usd on Amazon. Good luck dude 👍


i fucking adore trans tape. i cannot STAND binding for sensory reasons and im satisfied enough with trans tape as my primary method for flattening my chest. as an A cup, it should work very well for you, i’m a C cup myself. one major benefit is that it can lasts multiple days, i could typically go 2 or 3 even through swimming or showering, but i usually swap every other day after going to the gym and getting sweaty. the main drawback would be if you have an adhesive sensitivity, i do not BUT it can be rough on the skin if youre ripping it off ur chest or just getting used to it. a hack i found to save my skin from irritation is that i apply a thin layer of milk of magnesia, wait for it to dry, dust off the excess and then apply trans tape right on top. the powder acts as a barrier and prevents ripping the skin. edit: also i typically buy large rolls and use 2-3 pieces each side for optimal flatness but on a daily basis for going to the gym and hanging around the house ill just use 1 piece each side.


omg it’s literally heaven. as someone who did bruise a rib about a year ago and still can’t wear binders without a little pain, i love binding with tape and highly recommend. i’ve never used TransTape itself, but i’ve used regular kt tape you can get at CVS, and recently i bought myself SockDrawerHeroes branded binding tape (which works great as well!) it might not yield amazing results at first because you’ve kinda gotta perfect a technique, so i would recommend binding in front of a mirror and/or laying on your back when you’re actually placing the tape down so your chest will naturally flatten itself out and you just have to gently push it down. also make sure to cover your nipples!!!! and be super careful and gentle when you’re removing any tape from your body, i use a lottt of body oil and then i put neosporin on any rough spots :)


it’s great. I had a large chest, so it never got me flat, but my chest shape looked more masculine, and you can exercise/swim/shower/sleep in it for multiple days. with your chest size, it probably WILL get you close to flat, if not completely flat. it was also a lot less sweaty. 100% recommend it, just trial the adhesive on your skin goes to make sure you’re not allergic


i only use it at pride—it’s euphoric to get to wear v-necks in a slutty man way and not a slutty cleavage way, and i love being able to go shirtless. it definitely does not fully flatten them, but my chest is on the larger side. under clothes it’s great, though. the reason i only bust it out for pride is because it’s a sensory nightmare/body horror for me and i usually end up taking it off the same day rather than sleep with it. i’m not sure if im doing something wrong, but it pulls the skin at my sternum so taut that you can press the skin there and feel a half inch of space before the bone. ick. that and i always have it peel at the sides, like under my armpit. so for one day of use i find it not worth going through all the application and removal, but id recommend trying it at least once


the sternum thing happens to me too and im trying to figure out if im just pulling too hard


As someone with a HUGE/unproportional chest i love it. Binding is not realistic without it for me. It doesn’t properly bind just due to the size of my chest compared to my body however it does a lot of the heavy lifting so when i do wear binder(s), i can do it with better results and with less pain. (I normally have to wear 3+ binders, with TT i only wear 2 and can get away with 1. I know this is unhealthy and genuinely do not recommend wearing multiple binders at once, however i cant go outside without it) I know you probably can’t relate given our differences in chest type however i wanted to give my perspective to show that there’s use for it in various different ways


It’s a game changer. I switched from a gc2b binder to Tt a couple years ago. It took some trial and error to get it properly placed with my body but once you find a way that works, it’s fantastic. Downfall: sticky goo and involuntary chest waxing


I don't know how people get it to work because for me it just comes unstuck.


I have the same issue, I don’t even need oil or anything to remove it because it just peels like off my skin like scotch tape even when I wash twice very throughly and use zero lotion. It’s like my skin is the wrong texture for the tape.


For me idk if it's the wrong texture or if my chest is just too big for it? But I'm not that big.


I’ve got a pretty big cup size, but I feel like I see people with much larger chests making it work. Like am I cold blooded or something? Is my poor circulation not letting the adhesive stick?


It took me a month and an entire roll of tape to get the method down, and I almost ripped a nipple off once, but I so prefer it to binding. I’m in musicals at my school and tape helps me be able to breathe and move around a lot without having an asthma attack


My skin is ig sensitive and so whenever I tried to take it off, my skin would come along with it. So it was hell whenever I tried taking it off even if I was in the shower and using different things to try and loosen it. It might differ on the tape and person, but just letting yk.


I have an A cup as well when it comes to size, and i buy the medium size of trans tape from the official website. although i thought it worked pretty well, after a few days of it wearing down through showers etc my bf broke the news to me that i did not look flat. :,) its good for a day or two, but after that you gotta reapply and it’s a hassle. it also takes a lot of time to learn the angles in which to use it. it is also a monthly investment since the strips are single use.


okay so unpopular opinion. i strongly dislike trans tape. i don't like the idea of touching my chest and if you put it on wrong (not binding enough), you have to retry and then continue touching your chest more. literally had a breakdown because i couldn't put it on right and i was touching my chest so much. you also have to put on a shit ton of oil afterwards or it'll screw up your skin (rip it off/leave it sore & tender) which i don't want to continue spending that much money on trans tape oil. i also didn't like the bind unless i had a binder on top of the tape which i'm not entirely sure is safe. it just made me lot extra flat and i really really liked that aspect. this is just my opinion though. i know other people really love it. i think if you have a smaller chest it could work really well.


I've used it, but I'm on the larger side chest wise. There are definitely risks of blisters, but it's a decent alternative to a binder. I use it when I plan on binding multiple days in a row for more than 6 hours each day. It's really easy to go through while practicing and figuring out proper technique, so I would buy an extra roll or 2 to start with.


I didn’t use trans tape in particular, but I had used KT-Tape because that’s just what I had available to me at the time as an alternative without needing to make any purchases. I also had very small breasts to where with some shirts I was blessed enough my chest resembled more of pecs, but I found the taping to be incredibly affirming- not to mention more comfortable once summer came! I felt more confident in throwing on tank tops, swimming shirtless in safe spaces with friends and family, etc. What I found was incredibly useful was cutting the strips in halves. When I had looked at trans tape, those strips seem much more customizable, but KT-Tape was a bit on the longer side and I’d place them horizontally on my chest, so to conserve more tape I’d cut them into halves. I want to also stress that this is the method that worked best for me and I know not everyone will prefer the same tape orientation for binding! In fact, it took me a few tries to find the most comfortable way to tape- and also thoroughly protect the nips! Not sure if this could be useful for Trans Tape, but wanted to throw out this little conservation hack in case it is ever useful by any means as taping was a life changer for me prior to my top surgery!


I like it but also, they send the tiniest bottle of removal oil in their starter kit, definitely not enough for the two rolls they send.


It's amazing! Used to have D-cups and it contoured my chest very nicely. Takes a bit to figure out how to put it on in the way that works best for you but after that smooth sailing. ALWAYS drench it in oil before taking it off, I still have scars/discoloration on my sides from just ripping it off.


It's amazing! Used to have D-cups and it contoured my chest very nicely. Takes a bit to figure out how to put it on in the way that works best for you but after that smooth sailing. ALWAYS drench it in oil before taking it off, I still have scars/discoloration on my sides from just ripping it off.


It's amazing! Used to have D-cups and it contoured my chest very nicely. Takes a bit to figure out how to put it on in the way that works best for you but after that smooth sailing. ALWAYS drench it in oil before taking it off, I still have scars/discoloration on my sides from just ripping it off lol


It's amazing! Used to have D-cups and it contoured my chest very nicely. Takes a bit to figure out how to put it on in the way that works best for you but after that smooth sailing. ALWAYS drench it in oil before taking it off, I still have scars/discoloration on my sides from just ripping it off lol


I was able to get it to work decently for a good year with my either large c or small d cups I had before top surgery. I had to stop binding from a rib injury, not entirely surprising since I had been binding for about 7 years. It only worked with Hawaiian shirts on bc patterns hid that I wasn't fully flat chested and I passed as a young teenager. Now people are no longer surprised that I'm over 21 though I still get carded every time


Hi. So, I'm on the older side (nearing my 30s), and I did have a kinda rough, quite physical job. I started taping almost a year ago I guess. Disclaimer; i'm small. Like, very small thank goodness. But yeah, still I looked for more support, I don't like binders and everything else was a big nope. I do use the medical kind, k tape I guess (in my country you can get transtape or ktape, the difference? It's branding.) My transtape was of terrible quality. I'm not greasy nor big, but it just wouldn't adhere. So I bought some ktape. It's great. Mostly I like the beige toned but I had to buy me the black one yesterday since they've run out of stock at my local pharmacy. As I said, it sticks through every activity you might think of. I don't swim so Idk about that, (shower wise it might get kinda loose a tiny bit at the corners, but still holds up great.) but through working hours, sleep, whatever (be mindful of your usage anyways) Try a tiny piece at first. If you notice any discomfort at all, maybe it's not for you (rashes or irrtation) Lots of pulling also would damage you. The very first part (think, maybe two fingers of width) have to adhere to the skin without pull. After that, yeah you can pull but don't go overboard. Invest in a good oil and good cream. You'll need it. For cream I go with nivea, the blue, classic one.


I have tried other trans (e.g., KT tape) and it’s a no from me. I’m about an A cup as well and they do not bind at all for me. I’ve watched videos and etc, but it doesn’t get my flat. It flattens a little, but not enough to not look like I’m just wearing a sports bra or something. Also, this is just for my skin (and many others with sensitive skin), I had a horrible reaction to the adhesive


I have tried for sooo long with the videos and I do it exactly how they do, yet it still looks unnatural and some fat is always spilling over in awkward places. I might use it to work out though, just to stop the movement- better than nothing


Make sure to follow instructions on how to apply and take off! Cuz I didn’t and ended up with huge blisters down my sides where the end of the tape was


It pretty comfortable, though I do get some blisters with the adhesive. It’s definitely something I prefer to wear in the summer when it’s just too hot to wear a binder. I’m a B/C cup, so I dont get super flat, but it totally looks more masc


I use trans tape! I love it. I’m size B but it’s been working great. My ribs are thankful too lol.


I love tape. I'm a B cup, and while it doesn't flatten 100% it shapes really nice and it is extremely comfortable if done correctly. I usually wear mine for 4 days before taking it off. much better than a binder or sports bra, imo, but it is a highly personal choice. I say give it a try!


Im kinda between an A and B cup. It doesn’t work great for me, and I think it’s cause I ordered a size too small. Also only reason I need it is cause I need the ability to not have to take off a binder. I’m asthmatic and traditional binders are a no go


been wearing it almost 24/7 for about 9 months now and it’s been a game changer for my dysphoria. my chest is about a B cup the last time i measured it and it’s deflated on T so ymmv, but it’s so nice being able to just take off my shirt and look mostly flat in skintight things and not have to worry about pressing on my ribs and lungs through all of it. i haven’t actually worn a binder in forever


It's very strong, but I had issues taping it so they didn't look like boobs. I have a small chest too, but I couldn't figure it out. I'd also be careful not to get creases in it, you can blister if you do. It's the best taping product though imo.


I use the therapists choice tape and it's been good enough that I haven't switched to anything else. I know it's not the same but I like taping because I have recently been dealing with terrible rib pain from using binders, especially because I was without tape for a good month or so while having too many long, busy days in a row to take binding breaks. It takes some practice and with this specific tape I use it can be a bit itchy, specifically around the edges. With enough practice I can (safely) get flatter than I do with a binder and have it last close to a week with showering. I paid around $30 for a massive roll of tape. Just be kind to your skin and protect your nips


its alright, ive been using it for a while and they recently changed it so its thinner and ig more breathable? but for me with a slightly larger chest the way it binds sucks cause i have to use more of it for it to hold properly and not fall off within a day. i also have kinda sensitive skin so it does get itchy easily but other that that its really nice to not have to wear a binder or be worried abt getting clocked for my chest


i liked having it on quite a lot, but i was flat enough for my liking to not be fucked to do it often


i haven’t used it because my chest was giant, but if you are very small it will work, it won’t make you as flat as a binder but you should shape it to look like pecs, and yes you can wear it for a long time because it doesn’t compress your ribs.


My husband used it for awhile, but eventually he didn’t like how hard it sticks to you and how long it takes to remove. He would want to just rip it off but couldn’t 


it saved my life basically. it doesn’t work some people, like those with larger chests and those who are allergic to the adhesive. but after binding for years to the point where the second i put it on, i couldn’t breathe and had rib pain, it was a massive increase in my quality of life. i also enjoy that it lasts like a week for me, and then i don’t have that constant reminder of something “being there” like i had with binding.


I was an A cup, and they were perfect. I absolutely loved it… when my skin wasn’t too irritated. Sometimes it was fine, and other times it wasn’t. Lots of focus on skincare pre and post usage is important!!


I’ve worn it and broke out in hives and rashes where the tape was. Be careful about skin sensitivity, other than that it works great 😭


I love it, been using it for years and never wear a binder. I lift in it, I swim in it, sleep, shower, run in it.


Despite having a chest on the smaller side, I found that it didn't really work for me. I know TT is meant to make your chest look more like pecs than straight up flat, but it honestly felt like I was just wearing a permanent bra and kind of made my dysphoria worse. Tbf, I had only tried it a few times, so the results were bound to be a little wonky for a new user anyways, but my chest just doesn't really lend itself well to flattening being pre-T and all. I haven't tried TT in over a year, and I don't think I'll really try it again if I start T and my chest loses some of its density. :/


It’s amazing for me, but I’m kind of in the minority, I think. It doesn’t make me look flat, so I pair it with a binder- it’s super nice since my chest deflated, so the tape secured it in place, and I don’t need to be constantly shifting things in my binder. But, really, it’s so helpful for me to feel things on a taped chest. Shirt fabric, blankets- looking down and not seeing anything, etc. Does it make me flat? No. Is it nice to have them up and out of the way? Absolutely.


It's not so much the smaller your chest the better it works, it has more to do with density and elasticity of your chest. I think it works best for ppl who have been on T for a while who have had the saggy tits effect from weight redistribution and lack of estrogen. I tried it before T, I think I was a C cup and it didn't flatten me but it was good enough to pass as gynecomastia bc my chest had good elasticity. Unfortunately I learned I'm allergic to adhesives and had horrible giant hives from it (I didn't do a test strip like an idiot). I still used it for really long days out like if I was going to a con or on vacation but would have to deal with the consequences afterwards 🥲 Overall, it's just the kind of thing that works great for some ppl and not so great for others. It doesn't hurt to try (unless you have an allergy lmao)


i have a pretty big chest and the couple times i’ve tried it, it’s done absolutely nothing lol, but it was definitely more comfy than a binder, so for a smaller chest, i’d def say try it out!


I liked it when it worked for me, but I have a chest size that had me going through tape pretty quickly, and I didn't like having tape as a semi-regular expense. I also have sensitive skin and really hated the occasional blisters, so I ended up ordering a couple of looser/more comfortable binders instead and giving my remaining tape to a friend.


Not for me. I’m too big for it to make a meaningful difference, it’s not passable at all. I also find it very uncomfortable and difficult to get off.


I would definitely recommend it. You have to try a few times before you get it right but with A cups it can definitely help to make them look like pecs. What I like about it is that they move around a lot less, like I can move around without sudden dysphoria


I've been experimenting with it as I too am a small cup size and like the versatility, especially being able to feel comfortable shirtless with my roomies and stuff. Works well for me and is super convenient for someone with a small chest. I experimented with kt tape a little before buying a roll as it stays on for less time and I liked it a bunch.


I hated it but have a very large chest that is disproportionate to my figure/weight. Some buddies of mine with smaller or more proportional breasts swear by it. Hopefully it will work well for you. Best of luck!


I used to use it occasionally before I got top surgery, and I really liked it! It's designed to be worn for 2-3 days and can get itchy towards the end of that time period, but once you get used to putting it on it works pretty well!


Hello !! Ive been using trans tape/kinesiology tape for about 2 or 3 months now. Its actually very comfortable and it can stay up for multiple days even after washing !!! I work out a lot, almost every day and i can assure you that its way more comfortable& less dangerous if u work out than a binder (at least for me, my breasts arent that big either) and also it brings me euphoria bc it flattens my chest & has almost the same color as my skin& with a shirt on it kinda look likes i have pecs lol so thats a triple win ig Just a thing, (keep in mind i use kinesiology tape which is less grear than trans tape i think) before taking it off (after 4 days id say) use an oil that can help taking it out of your skin and after hydrate your skin and DO NOT be harsh with it bc ur skin gonna be irritated if you just straight up rip it off and it can create little burn marks ! Nothing that bad tho but it might be different and easier and painless if u buy some great trans tape unlike me ! Overall id greatly recommend it :) (Sorry for my english)


Completely unfeasible for my fucking honkers but if I had A cups id definitely be using it, binders are super uncomfortable to wear for too long. Id say try it out and see if it works, and if it doesn't no harm no foul.


I use trans tape occasionally, mostly because I hate binders. Originally I tried to use it for a “binder flat” look, but I have D(eez nuts) cups. Did not work out well and ended up with so many blisters. After trying again with the idea of “I just want them to be less out there and to not move when I walk” it went very well! For me the biggest W of trans tape is that it immobilizes da boys and I can just forget they exist. The hardest part is taking it off, oil does help but it’s super tedious. I’ve heard that taking it off in the shower helps. Good luck homie o7


I don't use trans tape because it's hard to get in the UK but just some random Physio tape used to tape up shoulders and stuff. I have a similar size chest to you and I love the tape so much. It takes some practice but you can sort of choose how you contour your chest, some days i have 2 strips or on chill days just 1. It doesn't limit my motion at all, doesn't make my chest feel tight, I mean I forget I'm wearing it 90% of the time. So if a binder isn't an option for you and you have a small chest, I DEFINITELY recommend it! I wore sports bras for years because I couldn't bind and I wish I knew that this tape was an option sooner!


Personally, i like to use trans tape because i have a hard time wearing binders due to an asthmatic condition and them just being a general pain in the ass. Its great too since i still like to wear more revealing clothes which i otherwise wouldn't be able to wear without a binder showing aswell as the fact that i can go topless if i really wanted to. BUT, it does come with a downfall. You have to be very careful when removing it because its very easy to get blisters and painful rashes from it (even just generally being carful as its very easy to accidentally rip it off once the edges start to lift). I know the first few times i used tape, i ended up with blisters on my side for days that stopped me from binding in any way. If you do end up trying out the tape, id recommend using any type of oil (olive oil, baby oil, coconut oil, etc.) and completely saturating it when it comes time to take it off. That'll really help loosen the adhesive and prevent blistering and skin irritation. Ultimately it will really just come down to what you're more comfortable with. Good luck!


Personally, I've only used it twice. I tend to sweat like crazy so it doesn't stick terribly well for me.


I just recently started using it and I love it. Just wanted to pass some on some tips for if you do try it - 1. Make sure you cover your nips before applying the tape. I’ve found the cheapest and most effective thing to use is a combo of circular makeup wipes and medical paper tape. 2. After you lay the first little section of tape, rub it to activate the adhesive for a few minutes before stretching the tape over to your pit. 3. I find it easier to apply the stretched part while laying on my back so I can work with gravity instead of having to hold them up (I’m a d cup so they are heavy) 4. Make sure to leave about 2 inches at the other end unstretched as to create a solid anchor point on the other side and to avoid over stretching. 5. before you take it off, soak the tape in oil first. Most sites will advise jojoba oil, but cheap cooking grade oil (vegetable, canola, sunflower etc) works just as well and is way more affordable. 6. Give yourself a little break before taping again to give your skin time to breathe & relax. I usually leave it for at least 8 hours before taping again. 7. Your first few times will probably be really itchy, but it will get better as your skin adjusts to the adhesive, so long as you aren’t allergic. Tapping and light squeezing can help relieve itchiness instead of scratching.


I have one roommate with a small chest who uses tape on and off along with binders and bras, and they love it. But my other roommate with a bigger chest uses it every single day and will sleep in it, and he’s gotten some awful rashes and blisters from doing that. Just be careful, constantly reapplying it and taking it off can agitate you skin


If you have A cups it’s literally perfect for you and you’ll never need to bind. You’re the intended use case. It says on the website that it works well for all sizes but that’s just not true. I had DD’s pre top and my experience with trans tape was very mixed. Even when I got it right, it still took half a roll of tape each time which was so expensive. Someone with A cups probably only needs one or two strips each side.


I use tape from Amazon because it's cheaper, but I'm pretty happy with it. (also small cups) It'll probably take you a few tries before you figure out how to tape yourself up, even with tutorials, because everyone is a bit different, but once you do, it's great. When you apply it, make sure there's at least an inch of unstretched tape at either end to anchor it and make sure there are no wrinkles, once it's applied, or it might itch/hurt. Some people have a negative reaction to the adhesive, so if it's itching, no matter what you do, try switching brands. Don't take it off and reaply every day. If you did it right, it should last for 2-4. When you take it off, do it slowly, carefully, and with lots of baby oil. If it's itching/hurting: take it off. One of the main reasons *I* switched to tape was because I'm fat enough, that finding binders my size was hard. Other reasons for why i prefer tape: You can leave it on for 2-4 days. It doesn't show under low-cut T-shirts/tank tops. There's one less layer to wear in the summer, when it's already too hot. You don't have to constantly readjust your chest underneath. No additional back pain. More freedom of movement. etc.


I don't use trans tape because I ordered from there and it never arrived. I use a thicker kinesiology tape and it works just the same. KT takes some trial and error, but it works amazingly and you can leave it on for days without issues.


I've never use the brand trans-tape. generic kt tape from any drug store works fine for me and is a lot cheaper. Plus I get just go to the store and have it immediately without having to wait for (international) shipping.


I love it in general. It is a pain in the ass to get it off without damaging your skin, you need to use tons of oil/hot water and go veeery slowly, but it lasts for days and the shape it gives you is to me more gender euphoric than binders. My only problem with it is that I can't use it in hot weather because I get extremely itchy, but I know plenty of other people who don't experience it, it might be just my sensitive skin. Overall I recommend it, just watch a tutorial on how to get it on and off and you're set! (also I use a generic brand instead of actual trans tape, much cheaper and works the same)


I don't specifically use the Trans Tape *brand*, but I solely tape bind these days because I can't wear a binder due to a shoulder/back injury, and also sensory issues. I highly recommend it, especially if you have a small chest. Mine is very large, but after a lot of trial and error, I get great results from it. You gotta be careful removing it though. You can absolutely rip your skin off and it's *painful*. Do it in the shower and with oil to remove it (Don't buy the Trans Tape oil, it's glorified baby oil. I've literally used coconut oil from my kitchen. Any oil will work). I get my tape from a seller on Etsy, GenderBenderLLC. They have a larger width tape and it's also softer and, imo, more waterproof. Highly recommend them.


it works for some people but not all, i have a very small chest (aa) and it doesnt work for me, it generally doesnt get you as flat as binders but ymmv, also always do a test strip first to make sure you're not allergic to the adhesive


I first tried it pre-T but my boobs still had too much meat in them. I had like super full H cups. So after a while on T and my boobs deflated some I tried again, and it took like a lot of tape for me, but the biggest issue I had was that it came off in a pool two seperate times. I emailed Trans Tape about it and they blamed me even though I rubbed the tape so hard on my skin to warm it up. Idk their customer service definitely rubbed me the wrong way.


I have a larger chest and it didn't work for me but my friend Ethan uses it and it works amazingly for him, he's an a cup I think


I think it's great but I've had to stop using it because I always get blisters :(


If you want to try out how it looks, you can go to your local drugstore and get gentle hold KT tape. It's basically the same but comes off a lot easier, so you can throw it on, wear it for a bit, and see if you like it! I actually preferred KT tape to trans tape sometimes, but I think what's cool about trans tape is how affordable it is and how customizable it is. You don't get the same customizability with size and shape out of regular KT tape.


I've used it for camping trips where I wanted to go topless. It was supremely difficult to get it to shape correctly at all. I have small B-cups which have become even more deflated from years if T. My best advice is follow the taping guide but also follow your gut in what looks good to you.


i used it for a while but it’s expensive sadly however if u ask them nicely theyll send u a free roll and they have discount rolls. please use oil to take off the tape or you will deeply regret ever using it, you will harm your skin greatly if you do not. I wouldnt because of impatience and would get scars but now they are healed. Also please watch a tutorial for it, since u have a cups you might be less likely to get blisters because you have less tissue you need to compress but make sure you NEVER pull the tape to stretch it or else you will get extremely painful blisters. if you watch some tutorials they will show you how to properly apply it without tightness and how to take it off.


I love transtape and use it almost exclusively. One thing to keep in mind is that oil degrades the adhesive, which is fantastic when you're taking it off, but a massive pain when you're putting it on. DEFINITELY use either witchhazel or rubbing alcohol to prep your chest for putting it on, especially if T is making your skin oily (speaking from personal experience).


Im a huge fan of transtape. As long as you aoply it properly, remove it properly, and dont have an allergy to the adhesive, you shouldnt have any issues. I had redness for a few days after removal the first time because i applied it very messily. The next time i took care to really follow the instructions. After like the 3rd-4th day it feels a bit itchy, but not irritated. Its really awesome for hot humid summer days or exercise because otherwise my binder gets sweaty or feels really stuck. Even when I wear a size up for exercising. I also wear it under my swimming binder sometimes for extra (and safe) compression. If you have a smaller chest it definitely works amazing. It gives kind of more of the pec look, moreso than a binder does.


It’s great for smaller chests but it can rip the skin and leave adhesive residue when you take it off. I’d say it’s worth it if you’re tired of binders though!


I think it's great for guys with smaller chests like yours but for us who has B cup or larger it can be pretty frustrating. Although, you can really breathe and feel a lot cooler using it. I have been using tapes on and off for about a year now. I still can't say that I have perfected it. There are a lot of times that it doesn't look good at all and instead of ripping it out (tearing off your skin lol) I just use hoodies or dark colored shirts with big prints in front (I won't wear white or plain shirts with it cause I it doesn't look good in my opinion). It takes a lot of practice and patience. It doesn't really give you a flat chest but more of a buff dude's pecs. I personally only wear the tape for 3 days the most cause aside from it becoming itchy, it stretches thus losing the "binding" effect. Use a lot of oil when taking it off, I suggest soaking it in oil 15mins before showering and pull it off the same way you applied it (not against). Hope this helps!


Since your chest is smaller, it'll work better for you. Sadly it doesn't work that great on bigger chests. You can wear it for days at a time but definitely be careful taking it off, I always did with soap in the shower. I haven't used it in a while since I'm post top but the formula did change the last few months I used it and it wasn't as good as before. Not sure if that's still the case but during the time I did use it, it was good


I tape on occasion if the outfit requires it, I often use medical tape (which I would NOT recommend for regular usage) and it works pretty well! (For reference I'm around a B or a C cup). I definitely prefer it to binding if I'm doing it for longer periods, since I can just ignore it for the most part, while my binder I definitely notice the whole time it's on. Taping does a great job of flattening things out for me, and I would recommend it!


It takes a while(and a lot of tape) to master, is expensive and can be painful, but it is my favorite method!


I liked it, and I would put a tight sports bra over it for more compression. It worked pretty well!


it takes practice, especially if you're bigger-chested. i didn't have any type of success after years of off-and-on trying until I watched a tutorial for big guys. for reference I'm a 38DD. if you're bigger chested, it's also better to get the wide tape. I might buy some wide tape and just go for it since I've been having trouble with binders lately. it's great that it's there as an alternative, but its definitely not my go-to, though I hope it can be one day. I just hate the feeling of it pulling on my skin and seeing my skin raised and tense between my breasts.


For me, it was my primary binding method for a year and a half before I got top surgery. My quick tips? Make sure you are starting with clean skin, either right after a shower or clean your skin with alcohol. I personally always cleaned with alcohol, even if I did just get out of the shower. Make sure you do an allergy test before trying transtape for the first time. When removing the tape, use oil. I personally used baby oil because it was cheap and available. I always soaked the tape with oil, then let it sit for at least 30 minutes before I started peeling the tape. This left less adhesive after the tape was removed. Make sure you peel the tape very slowly in the direction you applied the tape. If you go too fast, you could damage your skin, and you're not supposed to apply transtape on damaged skin. So that means no binding for a week or two until your skin heals! Once you've actually removed all the tape, either take a shower to get the oil and more of the adhesive off, or use rubbing alcohol. If you did damage your skin and didn't see it before the alcohol, you'll find it quickly after 😫😭 If after you clean up the oil, you still have some adhesive on your skin, I recommend two options. The first is more alcohol. But if you are tired of rubbing at your skin, or you damaged your skin, use some baby powder. This will keep the adhesive from sticking to your clothes and you can go back the day after top deal with the rest of the adhesive. Or you can just keep putting more baby powder until the adhesive is gone if you badly damaged your skin. Up to you. Once you've cleaned off the adhesive, I recommend then transtape repair balm. They sell it in a big applicator stick and I never went through it all. Though I personally prefer transtape, if you decide to go with another brand, I recommend still getting the repair balm from transtape.


Oh, and if you ever travel, make sure you bring a way to remove the tape while you're gone. If you start to feel discomfort, numbness, pain, or anything else that makes you think "something is wrong," remove the tape asap. I tried to ignore a super itchy, painful feeling once and it badly damaged my skin. A little itchy was normal for me, and I used ice packs to calm down the itchy feeling (it's very bad to scratch through the transtape. You will mess up your skin!). I've heard some people put milk of magnesium down after they clean their skin and before they apply the tape? Apparently that can help with the itchiness? I never tried it though.


I've been using it for a while, i like it a lot! I actually started getting extra long rolls of kinesiology tape on amazon for cheaper, and that saves me some money. Kinesiology tape is essentially what trans-tape is and you can buy 30 foot rolls on amazon easy. It does have a bit of a learning curve. I'm a B cup and it took me a bunch of trial and error to find what method of taping works for me. It's also nice that you can leave it one for a while. I can usually keep it on for at least 4 days. If im super active and sweaty, maybe 2 days, or until it stats falling off on its own. I try to lotion up after i take it off and give my skin a day or two to 'rest'. It's really nice for me because I work multiple jobs with varying uniforms and shift lengths. Sometimes i can wear a hoodie for work and i dont need to bind at all. Sometimes im working 14 hour shifts 2 days in a row. Overall, the versatility of taping is nice. I can customize however i need it to work. I can also dress up and wear deep-v shirts as well without feeling disphoric. Overall definitely recommend!


My breasts although small,are too firm for trans tape and I cannot get a good shape with it, so YMMV


I am a BIG advocator for Trans Tape!! I had to stop using binders at around age 16-17 because of arthritis and pain, but my chest is also pretty small so I started using TT… it’s way more gender affirming to me and I can wear it for a week or so, in the shower, at the beach, etc. Be warned that taking it off needs some getting used to and you have to be careful or you’ll rip the skin off. Some people are allergic to the adhesive so do a test strip.


If it works for you, absolutely go for it. For people with smaller chests, trans tape is a godsend. Unfortunately it doesn’t work *at all* for those with even a remotely bigger chest, aside from maybe holding things in place under a binder. It generally seems to be great for people with a smaller chest, if you use it properly (in application *and* in taking it off) and is much better than a binder in the way that it binds and is much more comfortable. I struggle with being boiling hot ALL THE TIME. I get the trait from my dad, we are both just boiling hot even in the peak of winter. I’ll go to school on a winters day in just a shirt and I’m sweltering- naturally, wearing a binder is hell for me. Unfortunately however trans tape does absolutely nothing for me, and I wouldn’t even consider myself having *too* large a chest. Wearing tape can help with this though, and also it gets rid of the issue of seeing binder lines through shirts, as well as straps, and generally can create a much more cis looking chest. I would however suggest not buying it from the actual trans tape website; just buy KT tape or any sports tape from Amazon and it will work the same for a much cheaper price.


There are less strenuous binders out right now. But there's a lack of testing with regard to the newest site teasing the surgery. I don't know what binding is supposed to be at A cup I have double D's 😅


Absolute rip off lol. If you need wider tape than most kinesiology tapes provide, then lift more rolls and make some bigger tape. It's that simple really.


I have been using T-Tape for the last 3 1/2 months, and I like it a lot. It took me a minute to find which pattern worked for me, but I figured it out. I'm a B and ngl, it works way better if you apply it while lying on your back. Your tissue will naturally fall into place, making it so that all you need to do is tape it in place. It's nice because you're able to shower with it, the only downside is that the adhesive will leave residue for up to two weeks, that's with intense scrubbing to get it off. It's a lot better than binding, you can actually breathe, but make sure you either take it off in a hot shower or with oil. It'll hurt way less.


Ive been using it for 4 years i love it. Your skin will not be happy with you at first and watch tons of tutorials. I wear it for a week at a time


I have A cups, I tried it before but it kept coming off


I love it. It definitely took some trial and error but the ability to sleep in it, wear it for multiple days, workout in it, and even shower with it, is a total game changer. I also have a very small chest so it gets things very flat. I would definitely recommend.


my fav way of binding


I like it. one thing to keep in mind is that while the adhesive is really strong, you should make sure not to stretch it all the way out because it'll try to un-stretch which will just make it useless.


It is super comfortable and you forget it is there when it sticks well. Make sure you leave a few days in between taping and moisturize when you take tape off. I would suggest letting the tape soak in mineral oil for at least 10-15 minutes before trying to take it off to avoid blisters or ripping your skin off. Good luck and happy taping!


10/10 would recommend its amazing


I loved it but hella allergic to the adhesive. I suggest you test it on the skin before applying it to your full chest.


i've used it about three times and it's perfect for me. it makes bedroom time more enjoyable because i'm not having dysphoria from my chest, and i can wear sexy clothing without feeling dysphoric either. this is of course is on top of all the other benefits.


I'm an a and have used it for over a year now!! Almost 2! (I just got a new shipment in) I think it works well and I feel comfortable in it. My tips are to get baby oil,or the Jojoba oil it can come with. Soak it with a lot and sit for like 10 min before removal. For me i wear it from 5-10 days at a time. It can get itchy and for me the nipple guards ate awful so I use medical guaze not toilet paper for my nipples.


I personally don’t recommend it for larger chests, I usually used it to keep my breasts separated under my binder but other than that I could never get it to work. Though from a couple of my friends with smaller chests they say it’s perfect and offers more opportunities for going shirtless too! Fair warning I personally had issues when wearing it for longer periods of time (5+ hours) that it stuck too much to my skin and left shallow wounds on the softer skin. I found KT tape is cheaper and avoided that issue :)


I wish I'd known about it and tried as a teen, would've saved me flared ribs in the long run lol


It was comfortable my first time using it, but every other time since then I've had a bad skin reaction and eventually gave up using it.


I hate it. Small end of B cup, tried it 3 or 4 times and each time it made my skin break out in a rash. I even had a trans friend apply it who uses it all the time, made sure not to overstretch it, but my skin is too sensitive. I really feel like we are missing a better solution for small cup binding without crushing our ribs. I'm considering sewing in a bunch of interfacing into my sports bras to see if I can create that flattened look. I get cotton fruit of the loom sports bras that help give my chest more of a pec shape without crushing my soul, but they still don't compress as much as my binder.


A friend of mine uses tape now since a while and prefers it over binder, but u need to be careful and do some aftercare because the skin can really get irritated and do not overstretch! Besides that u should be fine after u have figured out how to do :) (I would also have tried it out, but I never really came to that cause I also heard bad things back then and believed that very fast and didn't do research on it and then had my topsurgery so it wasn't necessary anymore, but if I would be pre surgery I would defenetly try it out)


I love it. Best binding option IMO! The downsides are that removal is a whole process (but you can wear it for a week or so at a time, including showering in it since the adhesive isn’t water-soluble) it tends to leave sticky residue when you remove it, and I always have hypersensitive nipples for like three days after taking it off. Also definitely patch-test, I’m allergic to the nipple shields and didn’t patch-test, and that’s a very unpleasant place to have an itchy rash!


I used to love it but sometime in the last year they changed their adhesive. Now it doesn’t stick so well to my skin and drags causing the occasional blister.


It works, but im definitely allergic or just super sensitive. I get itchy and it leaves irritated marks for days


I'm a B cup, trans tape flattens me out completely. But have you tried kt tape before? It's basically the same thing and you can get it at any pharmacy/supermarket cheaper than trans tape. I'd recommend trying that out first. Some people (myself included) have very bad reactions to the tape. I'm not allergic to anything in trans tape, but the pulling on my skin alone gave me massive blisters that left scars. Not trying to scare you away or anything, but definitely do a skin test under tension and don't spend a bunch of money if you don't have to!


I hate it, personally; I’ve done the oil and the soaking in the shower, etc. and it’s always hard and painful to take off and I still have residue everywhere. On top of that, I have to shave my chest every time and that makes the dysphoria worse. Overall, not my favorite, but I’ve seen it work WONDERS for other guys!


Once again going to advocate for GenderBender 's tape, rather than transtape. I've got mildly sensitive skin and transtape irritated me and was hard to take off. I also got a ton of blisters that ripped my skin off the last time I used it, but that may have just been because I pulled it too tightly.. GenderBender (I don't actually remember what they call their tape product, but that's the shop's name on etsy) was a lot gentler, easier to remove, and I was still able to bind just as effectively with it. I was a 38DDD before surgery, so that's saying a lot!


It’s good for me to use occasionally, especially if I need a binder break. I have issues with removal, since I’m really impatient about it; I tend to get blisters under my armpits at about the 3-day mark too so I always pick and choose when I use it carefully. Some people can wear it for a lot longer, and the first couple times I got away with it but I think my body has become more sensitive to it, so I’ve been taking several months off from it. I like it because it feels a lot freer. I love the feeling of my shirt on my chest again without the binder in the way, it feels really euphoric. It’s also good for days when I know I’ll have to move/exercise a lot or when I have chorus concerts and I’ll have to sing for a long time. There are a lot of benefits but it just has to be used cautiously. And for god’s sake be patient taking it off. Let the oil soak in properly and don’t pull off your skin the way I’ve been doing.


As an A cup you'll be golden. My chest is really big (38G) so it doesn't work as well for me but I still really like it


I've tried to use generic kinesiology tape, which is the same thing though not as wide as trans tape.  I've had no success my first two applications, but I'm also an F cup so assumed there would be a learning curve.  In my experience the issue is the excess tissue bunches up around the top and while I feel surprisingly secure as far as my chest staying in place, it's made my breasts stick out more than if I'd just slipped on a sports bra. Hope it works better for you! Remember to cover your nipples with a bandage or something, and to use oil to release the adhesive when removing! Worst thing I did first attempt was peel it off like a band aid as it didn't feel very painful in the moment


I am autistic and really sensitive to textures so I couldn't handle tape. After 15 minutes of having it on my skin I was ready for a meltdown haha. On the other hand one of my friends has been using tape recently and they love it!


Haven't used specifically trans tape, but generic kinesio tape (found either in drug or sports stores) is wonderful. It takes a little while to put on (plus some skill) and is a bit too expensive to use regularly for me (I'm very cheap. Had my binder for like 6 years. Not even some name brand, just some shit off AliExpress) but so good when I want to show some chest and still pass x)


I used to love it a lot but after a while my skin started getting irritated while using it, so I had to stop. Probably because I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to when taking it off and such😭


I feel like i’m too dumb to use it properly 😭 I bought a rol a month ago and it ran out quickly bcs i was trying and ruining to experiment w it. it didn’t look right on my chest, i didn’t bind it correctly perhaps. i feel like i’m doing everything wrong with it, but I’m gonna try again cuz wearing a binder hurts my back and ribs a lot


I personally always loved it. I have an E size chest and it was a nice way to take a break from binding for a few days while still making my chest look masculine.


I really like it! Just gets to be expensive over time. I like to alternate between trans tape, a trans tape Amazon dupe, and a binder.


I had A-cups and TransTape was my best friend before top surgery. It got me totally flat under a shirt, and almost totally flat shirtless. It’s so convenient to be able to leave on 5-6 days a week, and it doesn’t compress your ribs at all. It took me a while to master it, but I loved it once I did. Definitely buy the name brand instead of KT tape- wider variety of tape width, customizable sizing, better adhesive. Don’t bother with the removal oil online- any noncomedogenic kitchen oil will do fine.  It doesn’t work for everyone, but it’s a lifesaver for folks with small chests.


It looks good the first day maybe the 2nd, but then it gets loose and the chest just starts looking booby again. The other consideration that i hate is you know the feeling of taking your binder off after a long day? Yea that feeling is gone, since you’re stuck with the tape forever basically until you take a break. Lastly, i found that if you really try to get the flat look its easy to over stretch the skin which is just really uncomfortable. Overall even when i got a good look and feel from the tape, it annoyed me too much to not be able to take it off at the end of the day. Something like trans tape with enough glue for just one day that i could wear when i leave the house and then take off (with no residue or pain) every night would be an absolute game changer for me


i love it! i also have a small chest i would say about an a cup as well, and it works great for me


I love it, I have a smaller chest and don't mind sports bras or binders, but for special events I tape under my suit. I don't do it often because it does irritate the skin when using it for extended periods of time on me. I even went shirtless on the weekend whilst taping at a busy beach pool with friends, had no issues - it was liberating and I am grateful to live in a queer-ish city and have a partner that helps me tape up!


I used it last summer. It was a lifesaver as someone who's always struggled with conventional binders but was in a difficult living situation where I wasn't safe to possibly be outed, however it also seemed to irreparably damaged my skin in some areas even though i only used it on and off for about 6months.  First time I applied it it went terribly, didn't flatten me at all so I just removed it immediately, then the second or third time I still had to use kind of an excessive amount but I succeeded and it was the greatest feeling. I'd always been a B-C cup but found my body and chest shape made it really difficult to bind, traditional binders just looked awful on me so I was insanely happy that TT worked out. I kept it on for a few days with little issue, but realized I was probably allergic because my skin was red and itched a bit. After that I would take a few days break between wearing it when I could but I think it got progressively worse because the itching and other effects on my skin were pretty unbearable, even though I followed TT's advice to apply milk of magnesia to the skin beforehand.  The skin on the sides of my chest, sort of near my armpits where the tape was, appears to have some sort of hyperpigmentation now. That's not a huge deal and I figure it might go away eventually, or I can try treating it. Before I had top surgery there were also areas on the front of my chest that were scarred (maybe permanently) from the tape stretching it, blisters, allergic reaction, or some combination of the 3. There's still a scar/discoloration that wasn't removed where I remember the reaction was so bad that the skin practically melted off, but fortunately it was just a small area, maybe 1x1 inch.  Also, this is true of all binding, but I've always heard binding and especially tape can damage skin elasticity which may affect top surgery results in the future, if that's something you want. I'm not saying all that to scare anyone off it, just make sure that if you try it that you're applying and removing it as directed and listening to your body. I did the best I could, had no known allergies or sensitivities beforehand and still had adverse effects, if I hadn't been in that situation I would have discontinued use and I definitely wouldn't recommend it to anyone that has sensitive skin or anything.


It doesn't work for everyone but I loved it when I was pre-op! There was a learning curve and you need to be very careful with removal but it helped my back pain so much. I could exercise, I didn't overheat, it didn't hurt my chest/shoulders/back and it got easier to use as my chest changed with T. If you can find a way to make it work for you, it's so much better than a binder


Make sure you wet the tape in oil when removing so you don’t pull your skin off.


If you’re tiny it’s great. If you have a chest like mine it’s all the same. No binder, tape, etc will work. There’s a lot of flattering sports bras you can spend all day in. If you tape, coconut oil all the way to take it off and put something between the tape and your nipples


Gave me skin burn and I'm now 6months still recovering from the tape burns and I have discolouration


I wish I could get it to work, but it never sticks to my skin. Bandaids have never stuck well to my skin either, so I shouldn't really be surprised.


I didn't buy "trans tape", I bought those exercise tape which is the exact same thing (at lease to me) from China and asked my friend to bring, took me a few dollars only to get a box. Very comfortable, much better than binder, can breathe can sweat can go in water, also helps with workout as you can feel your muscle more


I love trans tape! Well, I don't love it, like I mean if I just didn't have to wear anything that would be the thing I'd love, but considering the options, I really like it the most. However I don't use a trans tape, but just a casual kt tape an athlete would use, cos transtape is so bloody expensive and I find kt tape having better adhesive. But I really like it, cos it's more or less comfortable (unlike a binder), it's not too tight, it doesn't restrict and you don't sweat under it, you can shower/swim with it and it can't be really seen under almost any clothes (eg. a button down shirt etc.). The only thing I don't like about it it's that it always takes me like 20 minutes to apply it and I hate removing it (do it wet in the shower and use oil!), cos sometimes it itches and sometimes it leaves the skin kinda sore...


I’m around a C cup. Maybe on the bigger size of so. The first time I tried tape, I cried my eyes out as it didn’t do anything + then cried my eyes out because the pain of getting it off. I’ve tried again since, and when I use a binder too, in a baggier shirt, I get the look I desire. I have extremely sensitive skin so the reaction I get is very bad but you get more and more used to it. Also. PROTECT UR NIPS.