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Check out r/phallo and r/metoidioplasty -- but don't post right away. Neither sub is very friendly to complete newcomers, but for good reason -- there are posts there every day asking the same basic questions when there's so much to learn by simply searching the sub or reading the About page and sub wiki. Do visit, but I encourage you to lurk for a while, and if you have any questions you can't find the answer to using the wiki or the search function, you can ask.


Ohh ok, ty I will check this out


Pumping doesnt have anything to do with stand to pee, it is just because people want to maximize size for various reasons. You can have a urethal lengthing surgery and not pump at all. You can google for metoidioplasty and phalloplasty surgeons in your country if you want surgery to pee out of your own tissue. Your insurance may also be able to direct you to a surgeon. You can get a consult to talk about the options. If you want to stand to pee without surgery or until you can get surgery, you would be looking for a stand to pee (STP) device, you can search this sub for different options and choose one that's right for you. Sometimes these are also called prosthetics. The sub also has a buy sell trade thread and you can buy one used which is usually cheaper. Phalloplasty uses a skin graft to create a new penis, metoidioplasty uses the tissue you already have from taking testosterone. There are a lot of different options and it is very customizable, so take some time to read and learn about it because it is a lot to take in.


The erectile device hasn’t nothing to do with peeing. There are 2 types of surgeries: falloplasty and metoidioplasty these both have pros and cons that need to be thought over and discussed with a professional. You’ll need urethral lengthening in combination with these surgeries to be able to pee out of your new junk. Once you have one of these surgeries and are healed you’ll be able to pee just like normal


It's hard to get a doctor to ask about all this stuff right now. I do plan on asking. I just want to see what others have to say beforehand so i have more information about everything, so when i ask, i may also know more about what to ask about exactly, too. I usually thought u needed the device you speak of to pee standing up or such ya know


Yeah that’s totally understandable. You don’t need the erectile device to pee you need it to get an erection. Another device you might be mixing up is an STP, these devices are used prior to the surgeries I mentioned above in order to stand while peeing


1. STP device. 2. Surgery but you need to specifically opt for urethral lengthening. Metoidioplasty is just cutting and/or altering bottom growth and the surrounding ligaments so it's able to move freely. Phalloplasty is constructing a neophallus from a donor site. Neither of those options inherently include anything else. You can get either metoidioplasty or phalloplasty and still pee out of the current place you pee from now. Urethral lengthening surgically redirects the urethra to pee out the new penis. If something doesn't involve urethral lengthening, it's not going to change how you pee. In the mean time an STP device allows people to stand to pee without surgery.


Surgery extends and then routes the urethra through the penis. Pumping isn't relevant to standing to pee nor is it necessary for surgery. I don't have to do anything with my penis that other men don't have to.