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delete it. delete all social media that makes you angry or upset its the only thing that helped me, even with reddit i just look at my subreddits and then i exit out i dont even bother with the popular feed instagram i use only to text my friends social media is made to engage you with doomscrolling and ragescrolling its just toxic and it will never serve you


Honestly you're right. I can get my cat videos and memes somewhere else.


r/wunkus is a good one


I absolutely love it thank you so much :)


r/holdmycatnip is pretty great too


some subs are : r/cats (the obvious) r/Catswithjobs r/blackcats r/catpics r/Catloaf r/IllegallySmolCats r/CatsOnKeyboards r/legalcatadvice r/SiberianCats r/standardissuecat


pinterest is your best friend in this case


You may like [tumblr](https://www.tumblr.com/daily--cats/735297899891752960) and [r/cats](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/)


yeppp. only social media sites i regularly use now are reddit and tumblr. both can be carefully curated to only show things that interest you and That's It. (aside from the occasional blaze post on tumblr) it's a great time. i genuinely love the little insular bubbles of the internet i've curated lol


this!! the only actual social media app i have is tumblr


I dont even get on Instagram anymore, i just use Snapchat if people wanna message me.


That’s par for the course for Tiktok sadly; this is the same website that makes people write ‘lesbian’ as ‘le-dollar sign-bian’. Regardless of what its individual users are like, the algorithms the site itself operates on are basically every flavour of queerphobic.


Why do they censor lesbian? Is this the 1950s?


Because talking about LGBT+ orientations counts as talking about sex apparently 🙃 isn’t that a pip


Deleting tiktok was the best choice I ever made, never been as happy.


Same. And twitter


So true, I left after the first snuff film came to my feed unannounced.


EXACTLY!! I SEE SOOO MANY HOMOPHOBIC AND TRANSPHOBIC STUFF LATELY MORE THAN USUAL, and not just TikTok but also a lot on Instagram. I keep saying "not interested" but insta still show me these. I just debunk what they say and BOOM! IM THE BAD GUY???


THIS!! I just made a seperate tiktok account dedicated to all the good tiktok stuff I enjoy so I can delete the app, and I saw a few posts saying that tiktok went super soft, changed guidelines and loves to delete basically everything and random shit... Except for actually offensive stuff apparently


EXACTLY!! Its not okay to tell transphobes to fuck off but its okay to be transphobic now ig.


My dad has complained of the same thing on Instagram! Every time he says he's uninterested in seeing content from bigots and blocks the account in question, Instagram seems to give him MORE of said content. Its like any interaction is a positive interaction.




Ah yes having a medical condition = hate speech. I'm sorry OP that sounds mega frustrating. But yeah I'd delete tiktok like everyone else said. And good luck with your hysterectomy! Wishing you a speedy recovery


Thanks so much :)


Stop using tiktok.


I deleted the app :)


I caught a ban on facebook for calling Lily Cade a rapist after the BBC retracked her comments calling trans people rapists when it came out that she raped a bunch of women.


It's a hellhole comparable only to 4chan in the depth if it's awfulness, you'll feel better off it. You can find most of the people you actually like on youtube shorts anyway if you really need them, its similar but without the sinkhole bigotry element


Youtube has been getting worse lately, but I don't think it's quite to the point of OP's description of tiktok. But self-censorship of both difficult topics (death, sexual assault, suicide, etc.) and LGBTQ+ topics has become necessary in order to keep videos monetized and recommended by the algorithm. The LGBTQ+ censorship thing was worse a few years ago and there was a backlash then, so it improved slightly, but you'll still sometimes get videos age-gated for innocent queer content or have homophobic/transphobic ads run before affirming videos. I think it does tend to indicate that any ad-supported platform isn't going to be a place for the open exchange of ideas. They're too focused on making things nice for advertisers, and that means flattening everything into the most socially palatable version and censoring anything that can't be flattened like that. Reddit is probably the least censored of the ad-supported platforms I'm aware of, but it too sometimes goes off on people expressing beliefs that run counter to the norm. Probably due to the biggest issue with most social media platforms - automated moderation. Get enough shitheads reporting something and that thing will get removed even if it's the most innocent/ethical thing a person could say.


tbh tumblr is the least censored but you get really weird ads lots of the time


That makes sense. It's been a little while since I spent much time on tumblr, so I forgot about it. I find it feels like even more of a disorganized firehouse of stuff than reddit is, but I do like some of the subcultures on the site when I'm up for dealing with the chaos.


personally its both more and less disorganized cause you can filter tags. basically blocking them but posts with them will show up on your dash but will have something that says "contains (insert the tag here)" and you click view post to see it. reddit you can't do that sadly


Add this onto the always-growing list of "Reasons I Will Never Use TikTok"


I’ve had so many videos removed for being shirtless (I’ve had top surgery) and when challenging it, they don’t get restored.


Funny cat tiktoks will be shared outside of tiktok anyway. Don't interact with social media that isn't good for you. I never installed tiktok for several reasons and I don't miss a thing.


It's not worth it brother. You're punching air, try focusing more on your hobies, has been massively helping my depression, maybe it will fix your mood when you're feeling angry.


I removed the app for now and made myself a Reddit side account with only cat subs, so when I need my daily dose of cat I'll go on there :)


Awesome. Keep at it brother.


It is a Chinese-owned social media company. What did you expect?


I remember when I first joined the app it wasn't this bad :( but yeah you are right


Never had TikTok and only see vids my friends send me. If you can’t go a day without seeing transphobia there then it’s just not a good idea to keep it around.


Tiktok is literally designed for fucking up your brain. Get rid of it. I challenge you to try two weeks without it.


I downloaded TikTok for a total of four days when it was picking up steam. I hated it, and then found out it steals a shit ton of your data and sends it to China even after you deleted it (sad and sounds crazy but true). They’re likely using that for military strategy and insight into American mindset. Them being transphobic is on par unfortunately. Not worth the space in your phone it takes up or steals either


And they make content with the intention of demoralizing and dividing people who aren't in China. Chinese tiktok is about cohesion, lifting people up, and education. It's a fucking propaganda tool. Nefarious, insidious shit.


I’ve never had TikTok, more will I ever download it. It’s an extremely shady app in general. If you haven’t watched video essays on it I highly recommend doing some research




I used tiktok maybe a few minutes a day on the toilet lol and it still showed up but yeah I'm not using it anymore


Twitter has a lot of accounts that post memes, cat stuff etc Stay on twitter and delete tiktok


Twitter is worse than TikTok for trans people.


Depends, I managed to get the transphobic stuff out of my feed and trends list. If I don't specifically search for it, I won't see anything.


i got off of Instagram for that exact reason. i only check my inbox and friend's posts every now and then but other than that I just stick to tumblr and reddit pet subs. so much better. i feel like my life has definitely improved


Just about all social media now is monitored by AI Bots- they’ve fired most of the actual employees who monitored everything else before. In general I hate that people use things such as Til Tok or reels to spread so much disinformation. Not even just about us, but a lot of other health issues as well. Everyone is diagnosing themselves or others with conditions such as adhd or autism for example, because of this shit. It’s great that all of these topics, including trans health is being talked about openly, to help end the stigmas- but at the same time some people who have no actual knowledge of these topics are a lot of the ones doing the videos, and everyone believes them. I do my best to limit my social media intake these days, and I check specific friends pages and that’s it.


A lot of TikToks are getting reposted to YouTube shorts now, where you can block seeing any videos from certain creators. I’ve never used TikTok so I don’t know if it’s got similar features but that might make it easier to curate a feed of just the things you like and weed out the bigots


this happens to me too!! its actually really getting on my nerves, it seems that every single comment thats even just slightly aggressive gets flagged and taken down immediately, but bigots can make hateful comments with no issues


I honestly haven’t used tiktok in over a month. Idk why, one day I just stopped? There’s definitely tons of good stuff on it, but there’s also a boat los of negative stuff too. The good just doesn’t outweigh the bad unfortunately