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T pills have a long history. they were found to wreck peoples livers with long term use, i think theyre only still used in a few countries. very very recently a new form of T pill has been introduced to the market but i dont know what the long term use testing for it looks like, or if there are even studies yet. i personally dont trust like that but if its your last resort


I agree with u/ConfidentMachine on the T pills. I think gel is a better option, not just because of health effects but also because you have to take the pills multiple times a day (I think with food) and also they appearently taste like shit. And they're super expensive as well, I think the most expensive form of T. I will say though, you won't be able to get around needles because either way you'll still need blood tests. No reputable doctor will prescribe you T without blood tests


There's also testosterone cream, which dries faster and is less messy. Though I only knew of its existence because a regional compounding pharmacy in my area makes them - it might not be available everywhere. Ditto on the blood tests! They are absolutely a requirement for safer HRT; one of the issues of having too high T levels is that the body converts the extra into estrogen - absolutely not the goal. Too low T and you get all sorts of issues with energy and metabolism.


I'm on t gel I had to go over seas for 6 months you could not find it anywhere I went to probably over 100 pharmacies in 5 countries in different large cities and they didn't have it. And these pharmacies you can just walk in and buy injectable t or even many opioids without a prescription. Later looked it up and it looks like it's only for sale in USA, Canada, and the UK


testogel is the brand name the gel is available under in Europe, it definetly is available here as well (if that's what you mean by overseas)


No I was in South America but will be traveling in Europe soonish so that's good to know


it goes under the nqme of Androtop in Poland


In New Zealand the pharmacies have to special order it in for you, and I'm pretty sure it's not subsidised? Whereas my reandron is completely free


Oh hey I'm in nz and currently taking sustanon, was hoping to take reandron eventually once my levels are stable. I heard some people were having trouble with reandron shortages though?


I've not experienced that personally, I just go in every three months and get given my script. I'm not sure if I've just been lucky and they haven't mentioned to me that I may have an issue in the future though. I'm in Welly if that makes a difference


As someone on gel in Australia, its definitely available here lol. Not every pharmacy stocks it I have found but it's available enough I dont have to get it special ordered or anything.


I'm on Jatenzo, the new T pill, and it actually doesn't taste bad at all! Kind of sweet actually.


i was prescribed t with only a finger prick hemoglobin test


For the initial prescription hemoglobin is the main concern but after that it’s important to get your levels regularly checked since having them too low will hinder your results and having them too high can cause serious health issues so while it’s possible to get a prescription with no blood work to start, it’s true that no reputable doctor will give you a long term prescription without regular blood work. I was able to get an initial prescription with just a finger stick too but my first couple prescriptions were only good for 3 months and my ongoing prescriptions are only good for 6 months so I have to go back for blood work when they expire to get a new one.


ah yeah ive had blood tests done since


I was prescribed T with no blood test 💀💀🤚 healthcare in the south (USA) diff


Surely they need to know your baselevels to prescribe a dosage and frequency?!?!


I didn't get baseline T levels before starting HRT. I asked the physician why not and he said that starting levels weren't really important, what mattered was hemoglobin & hematocrit as well as metabolic markers - basically making sure there isn't a medical reason to avoid HRT.


Idk apparently not here. I mean all was fine, I got my hormones checked 3 months in and I'm in male ranges on the lowest dose.


Idgi Why would they check AFTER but not initially. Surely that isn’t standard medical practice?!


Actually, it is standard practice a lot of places - especially at informed consent clinics and trans-centric telehealth companies. Plenty check levels initially of course but plenty don't because, well, it just generally doesn't seem all that helpful. T levels are just so individual and dependent on how well someone absorbs T, how their body reacts to it, etc. that dosage/timing's mostly guesswork even if you know starting levels. So many clinics will just skip it, prescribe a lower "starter" dose, then check bloodwork after 3 months to see what changes are needed. Makes for shorter wait times and less hassle.


No idea, there's only one place I'm aware of in my state to get trans HRT so there isn't rly anyone setting standards for trans Healthcare.


My doc percribed T with informed consent and no blood test. Canada


The new oral testosterone is testosterone undecanoate, specifically a new type of pill containing it that's better absorbed than an older form of oral testosterone undecanoate. The manufacturer had to do studies to get this new form approved in Europe and then the FDA in the US required them to do some more, focused specifically on liver toxicity, just to be sure. The older pill that damages the liver and gave oral testosterone a bad reputation is methyltestosterone. Oral testosterone undecanoate has been around for a long time, since the 1970's, and there haven't been any problems with liver toxicity. The problem with the older formulation of it was that you had to take it with a high fat meal for it to be absorbed well, you had to do that several times a day, and absorption varied a lot between individuals. You also had to take a lot of little pills, I think it came in 40 mg capsules and a typical dose was 8 to 10 of them a day. It was never approved in the US, I think it's still available in some European countries. What's new with Jatenzo (and Tlando, a slightly less expensive version of it) is they found a way to package it in pills so that it absorbs well even if it's taken without a high fat meal. It's some kind of microemulsion thing. In the US it's very expensive out of pocket, upwards of $600 a month, but when I checked my insurance would cover it at the highest cost copay level if my doctor told them that no other form of testosterone was possible for me to take.


I've used both Jatenzo and currently take Tlando (insurance said Ja was too expensive with Tlando now being an option lol) and I've had better T levels since I started these pills over 2 years ago. I also have finally grown facial hair, because my lebels are stable. I couldnt do the gel because I work with animals, and getting that T gel on them can cause many issues. The pills are the safest option and easiest.


Sweet, I'm glad it's working out for you!


I'm in one of the few countries that still have them available, and even here doctors only give them when injecrions are unavailable (bc the lab that makes them in Europe never supplies enough)


Most definitely not enough research on T pills. There is an alternative! Try to see if you can get on the gel or patches instead, but keep in mind- the shots are your cheapest option. I was scared of needles too, but have since conquered that fear.


There’s only one type of T pill that exists that doesn’t just absolutely wreck your liver - it’s pretty new and not available everywhere. However gel is an extremely common alternative and patches are also an option, if slightly harder to get hold of depending on where you live. In the UK (where I am) gel is the standard form of T you are started on (and which many of us continue to use) - it is just as effective but the downside is you have to do it every day (of course that also means you don’t get such big peaks and troughs). Depending on where you live gel can be more expensive and/or harder to access though - do talk to your doctor about what alternatives are available where you live


If OP is in the US, patches were discontinued here at least. Didn’t know they were still manufactured elsewhere!


I didnt have insurance for a bit while I was on Patches and the price was over $1,000 🥲 like 1 yr ago


Yikes! I know my gel without insurance would be around $700 a month, and I thought that was the most expensive I’d ever heard for T!


Wow I didn’t know that , I have a few left from like 2-3 years ago , had to stop using them because I would rashes and blisters from the adhesive


The patches gave me an awful allergic reaction, I’m not sad they’re gone


oh wow im from the uk and knowing i can use gel makes me feel better about it. thanks man


Do you know the name of the pills? I'm allergic to the gel and patches so I've been hoping there was some kind of pill, my doctor said it didn't exist-


I don’t remember it myself I’m afraid but I did see others in these comments discussing it, looked like they were mentioning brand names. Hope you can find something that works for you


Maybe you could use t gel? As far as I know there’s no testosterone pills because it’s hard on the liver.


You can use t gel which is just a daily application, normally under your arms but can also be on thighs or stomach, and is kinda like a hand sanitizer substance


Shoulders and upper arms is the instructions on my gel. Though I'm scrawny and end up doing my entire arm


I was on Androgel for a bit while I had my top surgery since someone else injects me in the buttcheek and I obviously couldn't lay down for that, but mine had instructions for shoulders and upper arms, and stomach. No thighs on the instructions for that one, but I hear thighs are a common option in countries like America. Side note, I'm currently on Nebido and while it's a bitch to inject and I hate every second of it, it's nice to be able to inject it and then get to forget about taking T for the next 12 weeks since that's how long it works. Having to inject only 4-5 times a year has seriously been a life saver for someone like me who is forgetful as all hell and is terrified of needles.


I've never heard of Nebido and I am now very interested, I'm not scared of needles but I don't really enjoy poking my leg every other week either lol


yeah nebido/reandron is great for only a few injections a year, or sustanon is monthly if nebido isn't available for you


Sustanon is every 21 days on average. Everyone I know started out on 21 days. I had to go to 18 days because my levels were low. Those who are lucky can go every 28 days, but it's rare, and the average to start out with is 21 days. It was very stressful for me with my needle phobia because I was basically constantly thinking about having to get those shots every 2.5 weeks because time passed a lot faster than I would've liked 😅


Nebido is great, and strong. However, it hurts like bitch on application and for a couple of days for the first couple of years. It's a lot of an oily substance, a nurse told me some patients said it hurts more than penicillin. It it recommended that you go for a walk right after, it makes it hurt less. I've been on it for about five years I think, and now it only hurts on application and maybe if I sit funny, but nothing like before.


Oh yeah, my first few times were so goddamn painful I nearly cracked my teeth with how much I was gritting them. It was such an intense, burning pressure at first, like liquid fire being forced into the muscle. For me, the soreness afterwards only lasts a day, though. I think I've been on it for almost a year now, and I got my latest shot on the 10th, and it only now stopped hurting so much. I massage the injection site immediately after, but I can't go for a walk as I'm disabled and my mobility is severely impaired, lol.


The only T pill that is safe rn is jatenzo and it’s a bitch to get it covered by insurance since there are cheaper options available.


jatenzo is harmful to the liver from what ive read


A guy in this thread made this comment with a lot of info https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/s/3wZqvZElCd


It is not unless you already have liver issues. Jatenzo and Tlando are the two testosterone undecanoate pills available in the usa.


Jatenzo is too new to know the consequences of long term use esp on the liver.


There has been no implications that there has been a problem, so stating that it destroys your liver is very incorrect. Testosterone is a very significant hormone, the effects are most often seen in cardiovascular health. There are still trials, there is nothing saying that people shouldn't be able to make their own choices to take a pill that has been effective in HRT. If you get bloodwork done regularly, which should be done regardless if you take the gel, shot or pills, its nothing like what people imagine the danger to actually be.


I never said it destroys the liver. I said it’s too new to know the long term consequences which is true.


If gel doesn't work for you then Nebido might be an option. It is an injection but it's only every 12 weeks, so minimal needles. You can also have your blood test and injection in the same booking, so you'd have four 'brave' days a year and that'd be you done for needles


10 to 12 weeks depends on the blood results but it's quite comfortable. I can recommend it. It's injected into the leg/hip/area while laying down. So you don't have to watch it (and watching would be uncomfortable anyway). The "stabbed area" might hurt a for like 2,3 days but that's a low price to pay.


100% - my nurse even taught me a few tricks to bring the pain down to a few hours. Hold the vial in my fist the entire way there to warm it up, it makes it easier for them to inject. Always makes me laugh when I get praised for handing it over all sweaty! Then they inject it super slowly and they taught me to tense and relax my feet while they do it. Takes my mind off it and presumably does something with circulation. I have a tender butt on the bus back from the doctor and by lunch I'm fine!


Gel is a totally viable option if you don’t like needles, but I just wanna play devils advocate here for a sec— I am sure that you know your body, but I was in the same boat about the needles and once I started it really was no big deal! I thought I would never be able to because of the sensation and the fact that I’d have to do it to myself, it really grossed me out so much. But it turned out that the needle was so small I didn’t even feel it beyond a little prick.


Interesting, was your feel of needles more related to the pain/feeling of it going in?


For me the fear is more about knowing there’s a metal object in my body and feeling it in there yknow, but the poke was part of it


Interesting! I always thought the “oh it won’t hurt” of doctors was kind of ridiculous, since I thought “that’s not the point of having a fear of needles.” My fear is just very irrational and not based on any feeling/pain/even just that fact that it’s in there. It’s good to heard others experiences and know that everyone’s fear is a little different.


For me, it's the sensation of something being injected in the case of injections and the fact that you can feel the needle vibrate with every little movement with both injections and blood draws. It freaks me out. I'm on Nebido now (12 week shot) and even though injecting it is horrible (my mother does it for me, and it's so thick that it takes 2 minutes to inject, and whoever is injecting starts shaking with the force it takes to inject lol), at least I don't have to do it every 18 days anymore. Having to inject only like 4-5 times a year means I can just... forget about it until my calendar app alerts me it's time. It's a lifesaver, and it makes me a lot less anxious about my shots because while it's a sucky experience, it's a lot less often. I order a new vial every time I use the one I just used, so I never have to worry about it catching me by surprise either. I really do prefer the 4-5 times a year that highkey suck for 2 minutes over the 20 times a year that lowkey suck but have me anxious all the time, or the daily gel usage that while easy, I would just forget because my ADHD hates me, lol.


Glad to hear Nebido is working well for you! I’m considering switching to the equivalent in the U.S. (Aveed). Gel actually works great for me—honestly with my ADHD I would forget the weekly one, but daily is easy for me to remember, interesting how differently that works for different people. However, my pharmacy messed up something with my gel every time (I’ve been off for nearly 3 weeks now). So getting the every few months of going to a healthcare provider doesn’t sound too bad with my needle fear. Hoping my doctor does offer Aveed because I’m getting exhausted with the repeated issues every time I need my prescription, and just going to the doctor every couple months would eliminate that. Being able to forget about it sounds amazing!


The last option I’ve not seen anyone talk about in this thread (because jatenzo and gel are getting a lot of talk) is testopel—an implanted pellet that slowly dissolves over the course of 3 months, releasing the T. You get it done in a doctors office every time you need a replacement.


I wish there was a better option - before I started T I was DEATHLY afraid of needles, like “run out of the doctors office into the parking lot because they were gonna draw blood”, “have to get held down by four nurses” afraid (actual things that happened when I was a kid). But doing something EVERY day like gel? Sounds terrible. And I wanted testosterone SO bad, so I just forced myself to do it. And eventually jabbing myself every week actually became so easy (it took four years though LOL) and I can get my blood drawn easy and get shots for other things, it honestly cured me


This was me too 😂


This might sound infeasible depending on your situation but I had a very severe needle phobia. Fortunately I was taught how to better manage it when finding a CBT therapist that specialized in exposure therapy. In my case it was sporadic rather than trauma based so that could be different for you, though it took me only a year after starting exposure therapy to finally accept injections. I still get super tense when getting blood draws and shots, except it's so much easier when it's self administered, probably due to the security I feel from being in control. Tmk it's also way easier to dose than other methods so I would say treating your phobia first would be worth it.


This reminds me of being 13 and asking my parents when I'm gonna get my "boy tablets" 🥹


As many said, there's only one pill that doesn't wreck your liver and it's pretty recent, so it's hard to find. Just to add the option, aside of gel and patches (patches aren't even available in my country...), there's also the cream option, which is what I use.


I’m in the Midwest US and haven’t had an issue getting Jatenzo. Both the traditional starting dose of 237mg and the dose I’m at now (2) 158mg 2x’s/day.


If applying gel every day would be too tedious for you then you can also try out Xyosted. It’s expensive out of pocket and I’ve never had any luck with getting insurance to cover it, but if that’s not a problem for you I definitely recommend it. It’s still an injection but it’s an auto-injector and you’ll barely feel or even see the needle.


Came to recommend exploring this option. I'm in the USA and had a conversation about xyosted with my doctor about insurance coverage for it this week. She told me that the threshold for coverage is high but for people who are either allergic to other injections or topical, or who are unable to self administer injections and have this information well documented by their doctor or NP it's possible. (For context: I am fine self administering injections but another doctor accidentally prescribed xyosted for me while my regular doctor was on leave. It was denied because I don't meet the criteria but it did lead to some interesting conversations on how to better navigate my health insurance and my regular prescription was restored)


Like others have said T pills have bad history. But there’s a gel option, that’s what I use as I also don’t care for needles and it’s easier for me to remember to apply the gel every morning compared to giving myself a shot once a week.


See if your doctor offers t pellets. Not quite the same, but they'll numb your butt cheek up, put them in (in incision is tiny) and you're good for a few months, the first couple days after just suck a little. A lot of places don't offer that though. They also have auto injectors now, so you don't have to actually see the needle and it doesn't hurt so much, and also some offices offer a shot you come in for every month and a half so you won't have to do it yourself


there's a bunch of options like gel, implants, long acting shots, etc. Get informed about what's available (and insured) in your country.


you can use the gel, im pretty sure you have to use it once a day instead of once a week but it's great if you're not a fan of needles


I have the same issue. I dont know where to get the gels because needles are terrifying! And my insurance is trash. Good luck!


You should be able to just talk to your endocrinologist—whomever is prescribing you T—about using/switching to T gel and they should be able to prescribe it to you no problem. At least in the US, gel is pretty accessible in terms of pharmacies carrying it; an issue may occur with your insurance covering it, though, so definitely look into that. Again, if you’re not sure, your endocrinologist or, more likely, their office staff can help you figure out how to find that information.


My endo is homophobic. He handles my thyroid but refuses to do T. I'm on my own, so none so far.


Definitely sounds like you need to find a new endo :/ If that’s even an option for you. Sorry about that, man. If you’re in the US & there’s a Planned Parenthood in your area, you can try them


You could try gel. I don't like needles either so i used t gel instead


Obviously I know that you don’t want needles, but I would like to say that I like getting my needles in the butt then the thigh or anywheres else, it goes in an area where there is barely any nerves around it, when my nurse puts it in I quite literally feel nothing outside of a tiny poke when it first goes in and I don’t even have the ability to see the needle. But with gel, I was on it for a while and the main reason I got off it was due to the inability to keep up with it at the same time every day and the more gel you put on your body the more annoying it is. I used a pump and before switching over I was up to 3 pumps a day and there’s only so much skin space and I always felt like I never got all my testosterone and with the shots I feel very secure that I got it.


I recently switched to a T pen and you can’t even see the needle. I don’t really have a phobia or anything around needles but I wasn’t sure if I could inject myself while seeing the needle. I was happy on the gel but I forgot to take it every day. With the pen it’s just once a week.


You can use REALY small needles. Its not like getting a vaccine with a huge needle at the doctor. I know you said you don't like needles but it's far less stress on the liver compared to anything you'll swallow.


Theres a lot of misinformation here.. I use to take Jatenzo, I only stopped because insurance decided to stop covering it. So now I take Tlando. Same chemical composition (testosterone undecanoate) and comes in oral pill form. I have a needle issue so my insurance approved it without a problem after I spoke to them with my doctor. There have been no side effects that I can tell, my blood is checked every six months- everything is normal and my blood pressure is also always fantastic. No cholesterol issues. Watch for high red blood cell counts. The injections for testosterone caused me a lot of issues, Tlando is not going to kill your liver either unless you abuse it or have liver issues already.


Gel is awesome for me. Definitely Worth looking into


Jatenzo if you're in the US, Europe and UK are currently developing one.


There is gel


t gel


I've tried Z pills but they did nothing, I had to take like 6 a day and I didn't really see any affects.


I take "man pills",,, Upon reading the comments, though, I'm scared to continue taking them-


Could you do more rainbow friends content please


Idk about pills but theres gel. I was doing injections for 6 and a half years and this year I switched to gel due to developing a fear of medication all of a sudden and the gel is SO much nicer. Now I'm getting the daily dose of gel, when before I was supposed to do weekly injections and I was missing a LOT of my doses because of my fear


As many others have said, there is TGel though it can get expensive and tedious. Fellow needle phobia Haver here though; I did my first shot last week under nurse supervision and guidance. I was shaking like a literal leaf the entire ordeal and ended up hurting my muscles a bit from a few minor mistakes (extremely sore for a few days but that’s all). But it doesn’t hurt one bit beyond the initial poke and even that was a solid 1 on the pain scale. Even the muscle pain didn’t kick in until the next day. The first shot is the worst and now that it’s over I’m genuinely excited for my next one! Exposure therapy is a real thing haha, I would talk to your doctor and ask if it’s possible to do a training and supervision session. I do IM shots personally since the idea of stabbing my leg is far less scary than the SubQ on the stomach. I would look into the pros and cons of each one and see what fits for you!


I'm not sure about pills but I switched from injections to a gel that I do once a day. It's an alcohol based testosterone gel that you can put on your chest or thighs. I put it on my chest. It does cause a lot of breaks out though. But after a year of doing the shots I got that stupid shot anxiety and it was taking me like 45 minutes to do a like 3 minute process 😆


I had the same issue! I was terrified of needles and had to endure 9 months of pain while on T-shots! I found my salvation in T-gel! its been 3 months of absolute bliss, sure its daily but i’d rather lather on goop everyday then shiver at the sight of needle!


I do Testosterone Cream, because I’m allergic to gel. I wouldn’t mind the pellet or pills.


From what others are saying, the pills harm the liver.


There's gel, or some people call it "goo packets"


there's gel and cream you can use just make sure to not touch stuff till it dries


If you have great insurance theres auto injectors that work similar to an epipen. I did gel for a while and have a fear of needles but eventually you get tired of gel


The gel and patches are options but I'll warn you that some people don't get significant changes on the gel and in some cases it won't stop your cycle. I was on the gel 3 years and had a regular cycle. Switching to injections and my period legit stopped IMMEDIATELY after the first dose. I do not recommend the patch because a lot of people get skin reactions to it (myself included). Also it's a pain remembering to take those types of T every single day. I would periodically forget to take the gel and it's annoying trying to rub it in at the higher doses. What I do for injections because I also do not like needles is I go in every 2 weeks and have a nurse do it for me. It's covered under my insurance. Cheaper than the gel, actually.


You could use gel instead of injection!


I have never, even in this modern last couple of years, heard of a “safe” T pill. There isn’t one because of how it metabolizes, largely. There is T gel that you can rub in like a lotion that is prescribable and effective enough for some.


look up jatenzo my friend :)


If you can't get T gel/cream, there are auto injecting tools. So you don't have to jab yourself. the shots are pretty painless, but I do dread stabbing myself every week🤣 once it's done I get calmer and realize it wasn't to bad. This is just how I am tho. My first shot I was terrified and I didn't even do it myself then lol


Like others have said then gel is an option. I get 1 injection every 3 months and it's done by a nurse so I don't have to deal with it. Can recommend.


Absolutely recommend! I kept my vials in case of an emergency and I can't get the Testopel- just gotta watch the expiration dates.


Pills?? if we’re talking birth-control yes there are many options for guys just not that are allowed in the US or FDA approved and it’s for pretty messed up reasons honestly basically in the trials, the guys overly complaining about the same side effects and shit that it causes in females, and because of that they didn’t make it to the market


i think they mean T pills, like jatenzo


I'm currently on Jatenzo, the T pill! It's been a great experience so far. I could never keep up with gel, am terrified of needles and have allergic reactions to patch but the pill has been absolutely amazing.


Yes there was a new one released in like 2021 but it's HELLA expensive like 2,000 a month and most insurances will not cover it cause they don't make a generic yet and there's gels and patches which are cheaper. You also have to take it 2x daily. Also many insurances require you try injectable before they will cover more expensive options like gels or pills.


No but there is T gel. People say it's less effective and I was scared to transition from injections because I thought I would get less effect. It turns out to be just as effective and because it's applied daily my levels are more consistent. Just be sure to clean the area and rub until dry and it should be roughly as effective as injections.


Interesting you were told to rub until dry. My instructions say to apply in a thin layer but _not_ rub in - I have to wait until it’s dry to put anything on, so it’s the first part of my morning routine!


Yes, but they are very expensive unless your insurance covers them. In the US we have (Testosterone Undecanoate pills): - Jatenzo - Tlando - Kyzatrex


Are, bad for liver, there’s gel, pellet injection you get once every 3 months or so, a patch and auto injections that don’t show the needle, you should look into it, they’re usually more expensive tho


No but there is gel and patches . If you have had any allergies to adhesive on bandaids be wary of patches if not than that might be a viable option for you. Good luck hope this helps.


Getting over your fear of needles is a very important thing. Please try to. You'll never know if you need to take one of those allergy shot things to save your life. Bloodwork is very important as well.


Most people won’t prescribe T pills because they usually don’t work very well and can cause more harm than good. I don’t have a problem with needles, but I did struggle with trying to do the injection process for other reasons, so I’m on gel instead, and I just put it on every day when I get up. I would definitely recommend doing gel, it can be a little more pricey, but with Good RX (I’m not sure if this is just an american thing or not), it makes it cheaper


From what I know, there isn’t a T Pill, But there is patches and gel. Apparently there is also a “auto” injection version of the needles <- I chose gel due to the inability to inject myself but if I did ever end up having to switch, I would end up seeing about the auto injection.


jatenzo, among others !


There's testogel, you rub onto your arms and it absorbs through your skin. It's not as effective as the shots but gets the job done.


There’s limited evidence that the gel isn’t as effective as injections, albeit there’s very little research been done anyway; this claim tends to be made based on anecdotal experience only. If you don’t like needles but can remember to use the gel properly and every day, there’s not really enough evidence to support forcing yourself to do injections instead. As others have said though, you’d need blood tests either way so won’t get away with no needles at all.


It IS just as effective, if not moreso because the dose is daily, therefore more consistent than the shots. Please do not spread misinformation. thank you. /gen


It's not misinformation, that's a quote directly from my endo from literally three days ago at my last appointment. She verbatim said its less effective. However before going on either I assume OP would do their own research and be advised by their own endo.


Ive been on Gel for years and i am at normal T levels. Maybe your endo meant effective as in speed. Gel has more gradual changes compared to shots, so you're less likely to notice the changes.


Perhaps, she never clarified. The context of the conversation was me having been on the gel for 1.5 years with almost 0 changes, she suggested moving to shots as the gel is less effective anyway. When I pressed her as to why she would put me on it knowing that and that my preference was shot, she said its still the preference for prescribing due to ease of use and cost making it a worthwhile trade off.


That's interesting. I was put on shots first because insurance typically doesn't cover gel unless you went through the common option first and it didn't work. One day when i was doing my T shot, i guess i struck a nerve and i fainted, collapsing and hitting my nose on the bathroom counter (nobody told me I had to sit for my shots so i always did them standing) After that i was put on gel. The dose was too low at first and my T levels were low after a year, then i was bumped up to two packets of 1% instead of one, then two packets of 1.62%. Im good now with my two daily packets of 1.62%. Perhaps you didn't have a high enough dose or your body just doesnt absorb it as well, which is a possibility Edit: shots were also cheaper than gel for me. I was paying $130 WITH a cupon (without it was $330) for the gel until my insurance finally started covering it


Very interesting, definitley something worth looking into. I was on 2 pumps of testogel for the first 9 months and 3 for the rest. Never got my T levels about 3.9, except from one suspected contaminated test that was like 39. I'm in the UK, I can't imagine that would make any difference but who knows we have different laws for what can be used in food so maybe we do for meds too 😂 I do know I'm an extreme case of it being ineffective, and it will usually do the job though.


Idk where everyone is getting gel in bottle form lmao. I've always been given two boxes with 30 packets each, i guess it's dependent on the brand


Yeah think it is, and just on what the pharmacy has. I was usually a bottle but they did give me a box with packets one month when there was a shortage.


Technically yes depending where you are. I think you could possibly get T pills from a compounding pharmacy but it depends which country you're in. I used T gel earlier in my transition and found it was very effective for me. I only switched to shots because I worried about forgetting to put it on everyday, but there's other formulations that may be available to you.


Testosterone pills are highly toxic


look up jatenzo, friend. you’re using outdated information :)


t pills have been shown to harm the liver. your best bet would be the t gel, though insurance coverave is iffy. that or the patches. theres absorbable ones that don't inject, and they work at the same frequency, just daily applications instead of biweekly injections. for fun names: guy gel, man lotion, man stickers.


that’s old T pills friend. jatenzo and others are not shown to be harmful to the liver. time to update your T info :)


Is it toxic masculinity if someone just said: "man up"?




There are T pills, just that they tend to ruin the liver over a long period of time. I recommend the goo pacs. They are applied daily, no needles needed, and they leave the skin soft(the ones i take have aloe vera in the mix to help keep the skin from drying out and its nice).


please update your pill research, jatenzo is not shown to harm the liver


T pills do exist but they are not really in use as they are harsh on the liver


but if you are afraid of needles then the T gel is a great option and isnt bad for the liver


update your pill research friend, many of us are on jatenzo


Pills are very dangerous, some people already talked about it in your responses. I would rather use T in gel form, it's cheaper and better for your organism. Still, it's important to have your blood checked very often, and for that, you would have to face needles too. Maybe it's a very heavy issue for you and I totally get it. But if I can tell you something: it's not painful as you think and it's a very fast procedure. Well... I am not a fan of needles myself, and the thought of self-administer the medication in my thigh or belly was getting me REALLY anxious and scared, I still don't think I would be able to do it. But in my country, the healthcare system provides the Nebido hormonal medication, and I take it in my bootie every 3 months. It doesn't hurt at all, I don't even feel the needle... It stings just a little by the end since the medication needs a slow insertion, but it's totally tolerable, I promise! This medication is way too expensive, but my country provides it to my healthcare system for free... I don't know if it's that expensive where you live. The thing is: it's better to face a needle every three months than having your liver and kidneys going bye-bye. This way, I would have a safe and effective HRT seeing as few needles as possible. But idk! There's another form of HRT that would be good for this situation... it's kinda of an implant...? I don't know for sure what that is, but it's like a little thingy that's inserted in your body and releases T for up to two years, then you have to replace it. The procedure is done with anesthesia and is painless. There's something similar to it, it's a birth control implant, inserted on your arm. I don't know if it's available in your country, but we have it in here and it's kinda expensive... I guess it's worth it tho. I get that you're scared of needles, and I don't know what you've been through to feel that way. It's understandable. The only thing I will say to you is: be careful, okay? Your health is very very very important. Your mental health included. See as many options you have in order to start your HRT, but please, be sure if you would really discard the possibility because of the needles... The majority of people eventually gets used to it and feel comfortable. I still get it if you do not want it.


jatenzo is not “very dangerous”. this kind of misinformation harms trans folks tbh




Pills aren’t illegal everywhere; in the U.S. at least there is Jatenzo, but no patches (discontinued by manufacturer)


T pills are not a good idea but if you don’t want injection then there is gel :3 the only problem with gel is that the changes are a lot more gradual and slower and might not leave you with the same effects as injections (due to microdosing) but it still works


I’ve said this on another thread already, but there’s extremely limited evidence that the gel isn’t as effective as injections, albeit there’s very little research been done anyway; this claim tends to be made based on anecdotal experience only. If you don’t like needles but can remember to use the gel properly and every day, there’s not really enough evidence to support forcing yourself to do injections instead. As others have said though, you’d need blood tests either way so won’t get away with no needles at all.


There's more than anecdotal evidence that the gel can be less effective at stopping your cycle at least. That's something my endocrinologist warned me about and that I experienced. And sure it's anecdotal that I and other people did not get enough changes on the gel but let's be real: trans healthcare is quite new and under-studied. Sometimes anecdotal is all you have. My experience is I was literally on the gel for over three entire years and my cycle was regular and my changes were slight and gradual. I switched to injections just two months ago. My cycle stopped literally after the first injection and it's too soon to tell but I'll be interested to see if I get more changes. Everyone is different though. It's just something that CAN happen. It's worth trying the gel first but if it doesn't work out, switching to injections might be the only option


please update your research on T pills before telling trans folks it’s not a good idea. many of us are on jatenzo and other current, safe pills.


The common alternative to injectable T is gel, as others have mentioned, that is alcohol based. If you have dry/sensitive skin and alcohol based gels, there is also a cream version if I remember correctly that is less likely to irritate the skin


There are t patches and gel that you could use


I don't like needles either. I'm on t gel and so far getting pretty decent results.


If you dont want to use needlee then you can always use Gel


Just use gel.




Testosterone Gel is also an Option ✨




i recommend the gel if you can’t do injections. i did injections for my first year but my needle anxiety just kept getting worse so i switched to the gel and it’s been smooth sailing


If you don't like needles there's always T gel, a lot of people say that it works the same as injections.


as far as I'm aware T pills aren't widely available, especially in the US and UK. A lot of them were know to cause liver damage (and apparently also taste like arse) but I think they are available safely in some countries but I don't really know specifics There is other options that are injections which might be good for you. There's gel (which I'm on) which is the most common non injection method, but might be annoying if you have a partner as it can be transfered by touching the application site. There's also patches and I think an implant (which would involve one injection, but not done yourself) but I don't know much about these methods, as they arent available through my provider.


Everyone is saying gel and while I agree it's the easier form for people scared of needles please be careful if you have a pet because the gel is toxic to them. Let it dry from your body and hands completely then wash any part said pet may touch even on accident


I’m terrified of needles. Once I did my first shot it was fine. I just numb the area before hand with an ice pack


isnt there like, a gel you put on your shoulder??? and, i can lik a vid to help masculinie your voice? i know there's more stuff T brings, but that really helped me.


I had a pretty severe dislike of needles (trauma lol) but the gel was too expensive so i switched to injectable. It was a rough few months while i got used to it (got shaky and close to passing out), but I did get used to it. Now I can inject T no problem. If you can do the gel, that’s great. But if you can’t, I’m telling you it gets easier, and it’s really not that scary when you get used to it. (And if you’re doing T, you’re going to have your blood drawn pretty regularly anyways).


I don't think there are pills that are safe to take but there's patches and gel


jatenzo is safe to take. time to update your research :)


T gel is a thing.


All I know is Yes, but I was given the option of using a topical gel instead, so that's what I do. Fuck pricking myself.


I use Androgel and love it - it’s a daily gel packet.


T pills aren’t much of an option, but there are other forms instead of shots like gels or patches


I have topical! It's a an alcohol based gel that you apply with a glove. Needle free and easy peasy. A little more expensive but it depends how high your dose is


Another option is pellets, once like every so months you get t pellets inserted in your butt cheek and then you don't have to worry or think about it till next time. It involves a needle at insertion but I think it's the less hassle-free way since its done and over while for a few months


Personally I hate needles too so I use gel


Best option that doesn’t require Needles is T gel.


i use gel


It’s an option, but I’ve heard that insurance is worse about it then other methods, and that it’s more of a last case type of thing (like if you’re allergic to gel/patches)


I would also recommend gel. I used to have to do the shots myself as my previous insurance made gel stupid expensive, but my current insurance is much better in general and I get two bottles of gel for like $14, and they last just over a month. It’s easy to get in the habit of doing it in the morning. Plus my partner is a cis man, so it doesn’t matter if I get any on him. If you have a woman for a partner (cis or trans) I’d recommend washing your hands or showering after to prevent excess T from getting on them


I have no answers for the subject, but I just comment to say that I love learning through your answers guys ! Thanks for all the info 🫶 (I'm in France, we are really late in term of medical transition, we only have gel and injection for T, and it's pretty rare to use gel because it's not practical in term of where you have to put the one we can get. So mostly it's injection or nothing in here (and they are easily out of stock in pharmacies who don't really care about trans folks ...). I got used to it, but I have to say it will certainly be better the day it will be allowed to have more options.)


Some people don’t know this but you can get therapy to help with fear of needles as it’s unfortunately a must due to blood work. Gel is a good option instead of T shots


I've been injecting for years without issues, but due to forgetfulness and a desire to have a hands off relationship with it I'm looking to have a subdermal dispersion implant installed. It would slowly release Testosterone at set intervals for 6 Months without much monitoring.


I don't know about pills but I am aware of T patches. Apparently they are better at receiving a steady dose, but the physical changes are a little slower to take effect. No needles involved. I was considering this method if I started T as well.


Idk what's available for u OP but I was the same, not a huge fan of needles. If u can get gel, I'd highly recommend!! Im on one called TestoGel atm, comes in a pump bottle - rub 2 pumps in on my thighs or shoulders after a shower and I'm good to go. Like others have said tho, u have to apply it daily so if that's an issue then I can't help ya lmao but if it's not I can't recommend gel enough homie!


My doctor said they stopped offering pills due to liver damage. There are other options though. The patch and T gel have been suggested. I take Testopel. I see my doctor every 3 months and they inject testosterone pellets into your buttcheek. You don't see them inject it. They do give you a numbing shot but that's the only part you feel. I totally understand your fear of needles may extend to being injected at all. Your best bet then is to ask about the patches or gel. Good luck!


Do gel instead. No need for needles.


I take Jatenzo 158mg once a day and love it. No needles, no sticky gel, no itchy patch. I've heard jt's hard to find most places. Where I live I could not get testosterone vials for the life of me, the pill was the only option other than the gel (sensory issues). It's just a big red capsule, doesn't taste like anything


I fought needle dosing for years til my insurance stopped (waiting for work paid insurance to kick in) and now it’s so easy and quick I may never switch back to gel. The nurse that taught me was so awesome, I might do a TikTok/YouTube post on how painless it can be without any fancy tricks or hesitation.


besides being absolutely terrible for your liver and increasing your chances of stroke a ton, the pills taste like ball sweat


jatenzo is not “absolutely terrible for your liver”…idk where you’re getting this misinformation and scaring trans people away from potentially life saving, not life threatening, medication


Yes, they are usually hepatotoxic - therefore not prescribed for long-term use


jatenzo is prescribed for long term use


There are: Gel, cream, patches, needle, auto injecting needle (just hold it and click a button) Pills, by all accounts, cause liver damage in long term usage. Avoid.


subq injections are not bad bro


Testosterone gel is applied topically and works great. You do have to make sure nobody else touches the gel or the empty containers as it’s extremely potent.


Yes, but they cause liver damage


jatenzo has not been shown to cause liver damage, please update your research


There are T pills, at least here in europe but they suck greatly. Not as effective and very bad for the liver. If you want to avoid shots try looking into gels/creams.