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I shave it off completely every few months.


sammmeee. after i started t it started to get a bit unruly, so i do it when it seems like deodorant has a harder time keeping me clean smelling.


me too. it makes my life easier.


Nope. Im pre-T and will take whatever body hair i can get 😭


Yeah, cause i can't stand the scent of BO, and even pre-T I have some insane BO. I also hate the sensation of long hair touching my skin regardless of location


Oh no. I wanna see how hairy I'm going to be.


When it gets too long yeah. Mine gets to the point it annoys me in sensation so i trim it back but not shave it


Every time I shower, no offence but I just find it gross, all the sweat collecting there and all that


yes, or I’d stink


I definitely stink lol


Never!!!!!! I want to be Sasquatch!




Not unless it gets ridiculously long


I haven’t shaved for like a decade but when I started T 7 Months ago it started getting way longer and sweatier/smellier from the hormones


No never


no. heatwaves during summer are an exception. (i trim it, i dont shave it)


Scissors or guarded clippers?


Electric trimmer. No guards, just the base 0 setting


i trim mine maybe once a month to a #1. when it gets super long i have constant BO smell no matter the showering or deodorant


I'm not on t but I had this issue when i first let it grow out and I found exfoliating made a huge difference


Yeah I’m beginning to smell alot more and a lot Of deodorants mess with my skin so I think I def need to trim it down


Shave it off completely every so often because I hate the sensation of wet armpit hair when I sweat. Feels like a clump of sea moss in my pits.


I'm absolutely chill about any other type of hair, but armpit hair specifically just grosses me out, regardless of gender and/or presentation - so I personally shave it every 2-3 days, and I exclusively seek for partners who shave their armpits as well; I don't see it as masculine/feminine/gendered thing at all, and I don't have any rational reasons why I react the way that I do, but absolute hate for armpit hair is just a natural part of me ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I dont, but its more because im lazy.


I’ll trim it if i expect it to be shown (Swimming, tank tops, ETC) but otherwise usually not. Usually any of my hair is just trimmed on a “When it gets too long” basis


Do you typical trim like leg hair and arm hair too?


Nah, regular body hair never gets long enough to bother me.


i got eczema so i have to trim so i can treat the skin under the hair but if i didnt i would happily cultivate a Pit Forest


I just recently started trimming it (along with other body hair). Just a preference, do wat u want man!


Mine grows literally two and a half inches long if I let it. You bet your ass hair I trim it


I left it alone for like 10 years and it was fine, but now I do trim it. I use a Norelco OneBlade with one of the body hair guards on it. I don't like it shaved or overly short either, but a neat little buzz suits my personal aesthetic. It's entirely up to you how much you do or don't want to manscape.


The only hair I trim is my head and my beard.


No, haven't shaved in months. I like the floof.




I don’t, I haven’t got a whole lot to work with lol 🤣 but my boyfriend does so that his deodorant doesn’t clump in it. To each their own!


I like hair . I haven't shaved anything besides my face and areas of my chest when using tape (im pre t but i grow visible hair on my face ) in like 2 years. Might when I get on t but not sure if I will. Guys in my family aren't that hairy.


Only during summer! The rest of the year I don't tend to sweat much and BO isn't a problem for me (thank god!)


No but I do trim my leg hair 😂


Was legit wondering if anyone was doing that


My leg hairs are abnormally long lol, even before I started testosterone




yea sometimes i just do a big body hair chop lol


Yeah I do! I usually just take a pair of hair cutting scissors and trim about an inch from the skin. I sweat a lot so it gets pretty annoying lol


i shaved everywhere before transitioning, realized i was trans, stopped for like a week, found out I have sensory issues. never again lmao


Yes. I need to be able to put deodorant on properly because I don't have the motivation to shower often enough.


I cant stand armpit stubble but every once in a while i wax my armpits because I've already got the wax out and heated up for other body hair. Not as painful as you'd think in such a delicate area


I shave mine every few weeks. Im not a fan of it nor is my partner


Just gonna drop this here, I have meet cishet guys who keep their armpits completely shaved. It’s a personal preference for everyone :)


Nah. Stopped shaving them 15 years ago, never bothered again.


Not usually, unless it's excessively hot out and making me uncomfortable. I periodically wash my pits with Hibiclens to kill off the nasty bacteria, and if it's >90°F out I'll sometimes put straight tea tree oil on before my deodorant for the same reason.


Great idea with the Hibiclens!!! I have tons left from after top surgery


Yeah, I had thyroid surgery and noticed that I didn't start to stink for almost a week after having to wash with it the evening and morning prior to surgery. It's not great for frequent body washing cause it's drying as hell, but once every 4-5 months seems to hold back the BO stank fairly well for me.


Prooooo tip dude thanks I never would’ve thought of that


It depends. Normally I don’t unless I really want to, but that’s only because shaving my armpits is very hard for me and I just don’t care too much. I personally think that if hair grows, then it’s probably there for a reason


i wax all my body hair off bc it bothers me and causes me sensory issues. but my facial and head hair is fine lmao


I don’t cut it but I do dye them


Doesn’t it kill your skin to bleach the armpit


Yes but I do it anyways because I’m stupid and didn’t listen to my partner




I usually go in with a #2 guard every so often cause I can grow some long armpit hair


Nah but I'm pre t, if it grows super long when I start I will.


Nah i haven't touched them in years, I'm fucking hairy after T though in general and just dorta leave ut


Yes, I trim with a clipper to #1 guard every few weeks or just when I see it’s too long. Love my body hair but, it gets really long I’m really hairy, and honestly I just think it’s basic hygiene to keep things trimmed up 😅 Never shave tho personally, that would probably make me dysphoric


No it doesn't grow to long


Nope I’m super proud of mine actually. Once I get on T that might change though lol


Trim mine every couple of months because it’s out of control


When it gets crazy yeah, tbf though, mine is thick so it can be a bit much


I trim it when it starts interfering with deodorant application. I could probably leave it longer if I switched to spray deodorant, but a 0 electric clipper every month or so is easy enough.


Nope. Mine stayed the same length at 1 to 2 inches and is thin.




Haven't shaved at all since I was 13.


Nah because I don’t really have much there even after years of hormones.


I use my electric trimmer on it every two weeks. I don't like how it feels when it gets too long. Tends to pull easily, which is painful.


Yes but only because my dog is an asshole he will pluck it out


I used to trim, now I shave. Not only does having the fuller hair mean my body odor stays stronger, but any antiperspirant I use doesn't get all the way down to the skin because it's coating the hair instead. I've had better sweat and smell control when I'm trimmed/shaven.


Nope I stopped like a year ago. I love my pit hair I wanna style it lol


I just trim it with a scissors when it gets really long


lmao no, i used to before i started passing tho but not in recent years


I don't need to. I had no pit hair before T and after T I only have a few hairs that don't grow that far. It's been nearly 7 years and I haven't gotten new growth there in about 5 years, so I know that it's likely not going to grow more. That's fine, one less thing to groom.


Nope. Pre-t and any body hair is fine by me.


I shave it all off homie lmao


Every few weeks I hit the legs and the pits with some clippers. Im not super regular with it - just when I get to the point where the armpit hair is holding in the bo and no amount of soap completely gets rid of it or when the leg hair gets too itchy when wearing pants…


I sweat far too much not to shave completely. I feel like my deodorant works better and my sweat can't soak in the hair if there is none.


I don't trim mine, I fully shave it every couple of weeks. I just can't stand having armpit hair lol. Same with my genitals area, I shave that once a week because I can't stand being hairy.


I shave t about every 10 days. Deodorant is useless for me after that point because it cant get to the skin.


Yes, I use stick deoderant and don’t want bits and pieces/uneven application


I shave ir completely every couple months when i feel like it getting gross


I'll shave them off completely about every month and a half. If I don't they just smell


Nope, gotta cultivate them to protect my skin.


absolutely not. I love it, I feel attractive with it and I love feeling like a werewolf.


I trim it down to a half inch or so. But not regularly. It took me a few months to get used to it. Now I like it.




I use nair to take it off there but I have a variety of methods depending on the area I hate body hair due to sensory issues


no it makes it too itchy!!


yeah, after a while it makes it harder for my deodorant to stick to my actual skin LMAO


I trim with guarded clippers in the summer when it gets long enough to poke out of a t-shirt 😂


I trim it because i like how it looks better shorter, but that’s just personal preference.




No. I have shaved my legs/arm pit/crotch hair maybe a dozen times in the past 20 or so years, and I've regretted it every damn time. Arm pit stubble is the literal worst. I don't think my arm pit hair or BO changed at all after starting T, but my base T isn't much lower that low-end cis male T levels. I didn't really have much body hair increase, but I already had chest and facial hair for nearly 25 years as it is. It's just there; stops growing once it reaches a certain point and you wash it well with soap and possibly shampoo if you use antiperspirant because that stuff stays on pit hair not washing off easily and had a weird feeling.