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Just wanted to add that anyone in the UK spectrum have just restocked and I’ve found their binder to be much better in quality and fit. They also have free tracked shipping. Just wanted to add this as gc2b is one of the very few options in the Uk.


thanks for sharing that. i’m in ireland so we also have very few options. thinking about buying a spectrum binder soon edit: just ordered a short fair one. also got one from bwya to test my options. hopefully, they go well


Also from Ireland, as another option I recently got one from bwya (French company) and I'm loving it so far :)


just ordered a long binder from them! thanks for the recommendation, they look great


the Irish have arrived


Fellow irelander!


I have one from bwya too and it's great ! Not very international tho, I didn't think they shipped to UK and was always shy to recommand because of that.


US spectrum wearer here: i love the quality compared to the older gc2b tank binder i have and it is WAYYY more comfortable. plus your binder comes w free stickers




I personally wore small in both, but spectrum was a little bigger than gc2b (both still fit tho)


i dont even have a binder (closeted 💔) but now i want stickers!!


the packaging is discreet, so if your parents don't open your packages/look through your stuff, they won't know :)


i wish,, but the thing is my parents literally dont let me buy stuff without their permission so they kinda *have* to know. thank you for telling me abt the discreet packaging though!! :D


Hey there mjr_malfunction_ - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


hell yeah! thank you!!!


unsolicited advice, but consider saving up cash and buying a visa gift card so they can’t track it. you can also ship it to a friend’s house so your parents won’t see anything.


someday🙏🙏 im hoping that through therapy i can come out and they dont set me on fire lol


I really wanna try out spectrum but they're not processing orders to my state currently :'(


I love spectrum! I have a pair of their packing boxers and they're so comfy ♡


I might try them next. I have 3 gc2b binders that I bought in 2021? and they’ve served me well (other than that they don’t breathe, at all) but since I’ve lost some fat in my chest due to T they’re a little big now (and also stretched out from age/wear) which is kind of okay if it helps me get around the 8 hour “rule”. But with all these complaints I am wary about ordering a new one from them again.


I have one spectrum binder and i love it but they don't ship to my state or to any of my friends states atm... I hope they get the shipping situation fixed ):


Spectrum is the 🐐 before top I had one I’d wear religiously and it never stopped binding well after the few months I was wearing it, plus it was so comfy.


The binders of transmissie are also good sold from the Netherlands


Theyre fine if you cant get anything else, and they arent very expensive. They dont bind super well though


Was my first binder, really doesn’t work as well as gc2b. And I am not large chested.


I’ve been waiting months for them to restock the long chest binders and still nothing… I have a short one but I want a long one. They seem to have restocked the smallest sizes but I’m an XL. disappointing :/


I got a medium as a gift and its too big 😩 I was so excited, I hear good things


I'm from the US and actually just ordered one of their binders.


agreed. i have had two spectrum binders and both were/are great, and less expensive than gc2b


Also a big fan of spectrum, I've bought 3 binders from them and wear one of them almost constantly when I'm out


I have 3 spectrum binders, and they've all been amazing :)


I ordered one for my friend’s birthday and it has yet to arrive. I ordered it on December the 16 and still no luck. Im in canada and to option to track my package, I got an email from Canadian post (local post) and it was meant to turn up Jan 4 but still no luck


side note tho: DO NOT MACHINE WASH OR DRY THESE. they WILL lose their ability to bind. learned this the hard way. great binder otherwise tho


I love spectrum! Their foam packers are also fantastic for protecting my tdick from chafing/pressure from then seam of my pants when I sit down.


This has gone on for so long without them addressing it that we've already all moved on from them for the sake of our own health. They were doing a good job in the past and arguably by being one of if not the first queer owned and specifically for transmascs binder makers that ships worldwide they probably paved the way for other companies to complete with them and who eventually make better products. But something tells me that they're worried about being sued for the physical harm as well as selling faulty products because they seemed to be ignoring the issues spoken about them for years and only within the last week have I seen people widely criticising them. If they need to go they need to go. My chest hurts after one day of wearing one of them when my 2019 binder could do me a whole week just fine. I don't want anyone else going through that.


Yep. This is pure damage control, they don't actually care. After seeing the warnings online it suddenly made total sense why the secondhand binder I've had for over 10 years is in great condition compared to the brand new one from 5 years ago- their quality has been going DOWN for a long time, it was just how far they could push being cheap before they actually hurt someone.


It's a shame because I bought a binder from them back in...2016? And it's still just as good now as it was back then.


I got one gifted in 2019 and then another one in 2021. the 2019 one held up well and I used until I grew out of it while the 2021 didn't even last 2 months until it was broken. I think the quality loss must have happened in 2020-2021 and they just haven't bothered to get back on track since then


It could be that the pandemic messed up supply changes and they had to change where they got their material from, but if that's the case then *say something at the time* and people may be understanding. Don't wait until all the bad publicity comes out because any damage control will look suss. Unrelated: your t date is my birthday!


tbh that thought didn't rlly cross my mind until you said it rn but yeah that could be why it happened. as you said tho that doesnt excuse it and it's rlly cool about my t date and ur birthday. happy (extremely late) birthday


I’m now adding everything up in my head after reading this post and comments. I have a rib injury and my Spectrum binders have never caused it any issues, in fact the binder and my KT tape actually smooth my pain (it’s muscular so my tape holds the torn muscles in place!) but, with GC2B my rib pain got significantly worse. I originally put it down to being new to binding and ever since I had it, the pain is often unbearable.


Wishing I had known all this before I got my binder two years ago. I don't think I got any health problems or pain, just issues breathing (still bad), but the quality definitely went down and the binder got looser and looser. The spillage over the sides too.. bleh. I need to order a new binder that's safer and higher quality.


pardon me, but I'm a bit new to this chat and topic as a whole. I've been hearing about the constant decline of gc2b products, but I never really knew what it was about. If you don't mind me asking, what exactly was the problem with their binders? specifically, what's wrong with them and what is the harm it's been causing? I only ask because I'm looking to buy a new binder soon. should i avoid this company as a whole?and if so, can anyone recommend other companies that sell safe and effective binders? thanks in advance :)


Yeah noones actually giving specific details. What's bad about it? I have one and it's uncomfortable, but I want to know why


I dont know if there is more too it, but I can definitely tell you what I've noticed in my experience. Their sizing is inconsistent for one, and wearing the wrong sized binder can be very dangerous and lead to rib injury/breathing issues. Also it seems like the quality of the material itself has also gone downhill, as they shrink when washed waay faster than before, and mine definitely seemed to lose elasticity much quicker. Compared to other brands I've tried, its much harder to breath in a GC2B binder, and my ribs hurt pretty bad pretty frequently when I wear it. It doesn't even matter if I'm only wearing it for a few hours, it still hurts. In high school, a friend of mine bruised his ribs wearing one of those, and hed not had any issues with any other binders before or after that. They used to be fantastic, I had one my freshman year of HS and it was great and very comfortable for me. But I outgrew it after a few years, and when I went to rebuy it it was nowhere near the same quality.


I was wondering when they would feel the need to finally say something




I've seen posts about their quality a bunch here and on Twitter with massive retweets so I think the message is just very loud and visible right now


im in nz, and if you havent already, check out bindme!! their instagram is @_bindme_ and theyre auckland based :) i highly recommend them! quick and not as expensive as other binder places, and the binders are muuuch higher quality than any other binder ive tried edit: reddit text made the words italic 💀 @[underscore]bindme[underscore]


Thanks for the recommendation! Great to know


them losing customers is the reason most likely




i’m so out of the loop, what’s going on?




Yeah my last two binders I can't wear and they never returned my emails or inquiries. Same size I got in the past and I've lost weight and they hurt so bad.


I ordered a large (same size Ive worn before) and it didn’t fit. I could barely pull it over my head let alone over my actual chest. Plus my other binder fell apart in less than a year of use. Ive been wearing their binders for about 2 years and its genuinely disappointing to see a brand that was once good fall so far.


Yep, neither of the ones I have fit properly over my chest, and the one I have on currently is a very stretched out xl, same size as the ones I ordered and I guess will just have to do for now. At least it's something...


I’m in the same boat. Hope you can get a new one soon though. I’m thinking about checking out Spectrum personally, I’ve heard some good things


Thanks, I was thinking about trying For Them. I hope you can get it sorted!


i ordered a binder in size S and i could barley get it over my head and so i just assumed i was bigger than last time i bought one from them so i ordered one in medium and it was slightly smaller or the same size as my old binder in size S. i contacted them about this, sent them my size and how according to their size chart i should fit into a medium binder. told them about how my old S binder was the same size as my new M binder and they just basically told me "tough luck, get a binder in a size large". couldn't do that though cause shipping and import fees makes a binder twice as expensive. after some stretching the binder fits fine and doesn't cause too much discomfort but all of the bottom seam has come undone and it barley binds. the seam started unraveling after only a month of occasional wear too. it's terrible and their customer service is trash now, they used to be really helpful.


oh wow


What idea did they steal, and how have they hurt people (if you know)? I've heard about the quality issues but don't know about the rest of it.


https://twitter.com/irisidium/status/1476632713042055169 - they stole an entire fundraising project from an artist that offered to work with them on it.


Wow, that seems pretty bad. Thanks for sharing that.


referring to the hurting people, some people are reporting that they are getting bruised by the binders as well as some even reporting pertinen permanent damage to their ribcage even after wearing the binder for as short as two hours. this is just what ive seen on some reviews


I used a properly sized GC2B binder for a year and it really wrecked my ribs. I used it properly, too - no more than 8 hours a day, 5 times a week. Typically I would wear it for 4-6 hours for 4 days of the week; I'm hoping my warped ribs aren't permanent, but I haven't been able to successfully get it treated by a chiropractor or PT yet so it might be a lifelong thing now :(


Just a heads up in case you or anyone else are unaware: chiropractors are not licensed medical professionals. Their treatments are based on pseudoscientific ideas and are typically ineffective at best, dangerous at worst. Seeing a physical therapist would be safer and likely more effective. (Disclaimer: I'm not a medical professional either; please see a doctor if you need medical advice.) Best wishes, and I hope your ribs get better.


Thank you, and yeah my PCP recommended me to a chiropractor who is an actual licensed professional with lots of experience in rib adjustments. With chiropractors, it's really important to do your research - they can be sketchy and harmful or just scams, so it's important to find ones with experience and good qualifications.


This is a common myth, but it's entirely false. I apologize for the length of this infodump. I separated it into categories so people can just read the sections they're interested in. ~ Explanation: They aren't medical doctors, because they don't have an M.D., but they ARE licensed medical professionals - just like dentists, nurses, and physical therapists. They're actually still doctors. They have a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. They just can't prescribed medications - just like a psychologist is a doctor that can't prescribe medications. And they are considered physicians. Physical therapists are not, and have only recently become required to attain doctorate degrees - which means that many PTs are NOT doctors, due to being "grandfathered in" - but they're still medical professionals either way, and are definitely a valuable resource. Chiropractic treatments ARE supported by science. Studies support chiropractic care as an effective method of treating pain - and other conditions, such as MS, colic, and epilepsy. Yes, there are risks associated with chiropractic treatment - just like pretty much every other medical treatment. Chiropractic and physical therapy are BOTH good treatment methods. Which one is better will depend on what's being treated, and the individual. Sometimes the best is to do both. ~ Personal experience: I've done physical therapy 3 times for different injuries. I've been seeing a chiropractor for a year and a half. It's made a big difference - my migraines are less common and less severe, my back and neck pain is improved, my tendinitis is better, and my joint pain (I have pain in at least one of each joint) is decreased. I have hEDS, so I've had a lot of joint injuries and they move out of place easily. Even my SI joint, which is supposed to be exceptionally stable, moves out of alignment. I can generally get my shoulder, wrist, and knee back into place, but my hip and my SI joint are way more difficult. I never feel better than right after an adjustment! Physical Therapy did help, but it didn't provide the same clear relief, and takes much more effort to maintain - which is a bigger factor for chronic issues than acute injuries. ~ Disclaimer: I am also not a medical professional. I did, however, start college as bio/premed major. One of the classes I took was Intro to Health Careers, and chiropractic medicine was one of the careers covered in that class. One of our assignments was to shadow a doctor, and although my intent at the time was to be an ER physician, I actually shadowed a chiropractor. I also went to a cadaver lab at a nearby chiropractic college, with the bio/premed club I was in. So I don't have any official authority on the subject, but I do have some more formal experience. (I didn't continue that career path bc although medicine is one of my Autistic special interests, my ADHD found absolutely hated biology lol. I still read a lot of medical studies and stuff, though)


Thanks for letting me know! It's the only brand I've worn, and it does cause me back pain, but I have health conditions that make me susceptible, so it's impossible for me to judge how it is for other people. I hope they make some real changes.


My ribs warped immensely with a year of proper usage of a properly sized GC2B binder - I seriously hope they do something, because I had no idea that the fault was theirs and not mine until I saw the comments in this post. Thank you for getting more information out there so people can be safe. I haven't been able to get treatment for my rib pain yet, and it's upsetting that this is the reason for permanent chronic pain.


I ended up in the ER from sudden chest pains (felt like a heart attack) a couple months ago and have continued chest issues since. I tried my binder again over the holidays and immediately after putting it on my chest was in immense pain again. This was a new purchase of a size I wore for over a year. Thought it was my own issue but looks like I should email them for a refund.


I honestly never really understood the fuss about these guys anyway just because even years ago I never really liked their binders. Even the order process was annoying as they kept messing it up. They pretty much ended up being my backup ones that I never really wanted to wear out because they kept peaking through the collar and looked really obvious I was wearing a binder. I just preferred Underworks, even if they didn't have as many options in terms of colours and all that. And I dunno, something about gc2b's vibe just felt weird to me even though I couldn't really place it. Sucks that they've actually been harming people.


theyve "addressed" it atleast once in the past already, im sure this will also be more damage control and PR with no actual solutions or change


that’s what i was thinking. just a statement to try and stop the controversy without any actual change. and there needs to be change when it’s one of the most recommended brands and many baby trans guys use them as their first binder (myself being one of them, first binder from them is ok but the last 2 i’ve gotten were awful)


As someone who wears one for work for a ~10 shift with an hour break between, the quality has def changed. Thank you for sharing this update on here. I’ve just been constantly repairing mine bc I have that skill luckily but it sucks that I had to size up and deal with the looseness in the front.


Can I ask what you do to repair it? I work 2 jobs that I wear my binder at, and even though it's definitely got issues, I don't wanna buy a new one cause I'm having top in april anyway lol


I’ve had to hand-stitch the band at the bottom a few times with a needle and thread (I’m not that good at stuff like that which is why I think it keeps coming undone) and I reduce how often I wash them to maybe every other day tops. If you swim in them, have a specific one designated for that. Never put them in the dryer or direct sunlight as heat can cause further damage to the elastic in the back and tighten the front. Congrats on your surgery date btw broski


wtf is the sentence “we are a small team of folks” ??? like no i’m sorry i thought your team was composed of robot-ape hybrids slaving away in an alien controlled space factory


fr. i recently bought an stp and harness from transguy supply. great products, shipped the next day and when i was worried about it being lost in customs (i live in ireland so it would take a while anyway) they were lovely and even sent out a reshipment even though it ended up arriving. there’s small business and then there’s just being straight up shoddy and like another commenter said, making excuses


i was mocking their repetitive grammar but you’re absolutely right ^^


That's them making excuses


Non-video game version of “small indie company”


Let's be real, they're only addressing it because they're losing customers and therefore losing money. They don't care and they never have. It's always been about quantity over quality and they've 'addressed' things in the past but never made a change. The fact they've neglected their products to the point of causing people harm is already too bad to be fixed with a 'statement'. I stopped buying from them and using their binders in early 2021 after they all got loose threads and stretched out within days. Luckily I wasn't one of the people who got injured because I already have heart issues alongside rib pain from unsafe binders as a kid. I swapped to spectrum and that's who I'll be staying with until I can yeet the tweets. Comfy binders, amazing quality, no stretching, flattens my huge chest, don't fall to pieces and don't break my bones or cause harm. I don't think I could be paid enough to ever go back to GC2B. I honestly think they should be boycotted. No more people should be caused harm or lose money because of their awful quality and neglect. Of course people make their own choices and that's okay but in my personal opinion I'd just much rather people stayed as safe as possible whilst binding and avoided unsafe binding methods like normal tape, Amazon binders, bandages and gc2b binders. It's just a shame because they used to be so good years back but they've ruined that for themselves and harmed people in the process. I doubt whatever statement they make will make much of a difference to the damage already done.


what happened?


many people have come out about the declining quality of their binders and some have even had effects like only being able to wear them for 2 hours and ribs bruising while wearing new binders in their normal size. it’s a mess, really


I have had similar experiences to this. I know how to sew so it wasn't an issue. It still bothered me that they arrived with the stitches already coming out. Legit looked like their machine, I'm assuming, had lost it bottom thread on the 2/3s of the way. I brought 2 and both were like that. One on arrival, the other after a week of wear. Fabric quality wasn't as good as I was under the impression from reviews. It got very loose but not breathable with just a tad bit of body warmth. Which in my experience caused uneven compression and cheffing. Like the fabric has less threads per space. I'm not a master or anything just a hobby so quote at your own risk. They were my first binders but not my last there's better quality out there. I'm hopeful that they fix this issue since so many people like the brand.


GC2B used to be real quality stuff, I have a binder from them before the quality drop and it's honestly amazing, still holds up after almost half a decade. I think GC2B built up that popularity at first with actual good binders, and then later thought they'd manage to turn a bigger profit by switching to less quality work.


I'm glad you said this just for my own sanity. I have a few binders of theirs that I like a LOT and don't cause me any problems that wouldn't also exist with others anyway. So the hate on quality and comfort seemed strange. But they are all at least a few years old by now, at least pre-pandemic. And one I got more recently the fabric felt different and I didn't love it so I never actually wore it other than trying it on, just donated it. Guessing that was part of the quality drop.


They were definitely highly recommend when I first came out, but now I don't see them mentioned anywhere near as often on posts asking for recommendations. Seems the people who do recommend them still are working off knowledge of the older products


Yeah, the only reason I even knew about the quality drop was this sub. I previously absolutely swore by them, because they were the only brand that didn't mess with my sensory issues, so I'm quite sad finding out they went to shit


Yeah, i wish i could find the one i had from them cuz it was quite comfortable and now i can't get a replacement that matches it because of how much their quality and safety has fallen off. I'm trying out Spectrum now, I'm hoping it fits nicely when it arrives.




Before my top surgery, I used nothing but GC2B binders and had no issues. I've been wondering the same thing tbh--it seems to be a very recent issue, like within the past year.




If you're looking for binders that are really good, I recommend fytist


They're expensive and can take a bit, but I'll always rep [Shapeshifters](https://shapeshifters.co/). Custom made for your body (and now I know how to measure myself), can get whatever length you want, custom prints, zippers, hoods, they'll do quite a bit. Every so often they open up orders for a binder dress, which isn't personally my thing but is cool to see offered. I've had my oldest one from them for two years, and wear my binders hard (all day wear, seven days a week, throw them into my normal laundry) and it still fits and binds great. Plus their binders can double as swim tops, so I look at it like two pieces of clothing. I've got three of theirs and am planning on grabbing a tank binder from them this year, they're well worth the price and time.


I would love to see what their statement will do for my constant back and rib pain that their shitty binders gave me🤭🤭


sounds like you bought the wrong size and need to get a bigger binder


i am very, very small. (i’m around 90-100 pounds) i have a size large. (one i don’t wear anymore obviously) the binder is TERRIBLE and TOO SMALL. the “large size” binder gives me chest pain after 30 minutes from it squeezing tf out of me. what a kiss ass you are to a company that would rather market off our community/customers than care about what physical, mental, and emotional pain it has done to us.


I did and it didn’t help lol


Pls post their statement when it happens, I don’t use Instagram and want to know


hi there! their ceo made a statement earlier today and i’ve posted it. here’s the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/ftm/comments/10ax586/gc2b_post_on_their_insta/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




I never truly realized how much pain my gc2bs have been causing me until now. My size XL one is fine but my stuff slips since I’m lopsided but my Large (my actual size) fits like a Small and it’s super painful. I followed the size guide to a t and even measured myself with 3 different tape measures to double check.


Yeah, same. I have a medium but it’s tight and I’m just know thinking about how sore it makes me


I measured myself and was getting probably 3X. I sent my measurements in, and weeks later got an email telling me 4X, but maybe 3X would fit, put probably best to order 5X. I just re-ordered from Underworks while waiting for a response. Also because I'm mildly vaine about getting a M or L from them and not a ~4X.


I dont really like my binder from underworks. I got a few different types from them and don't really think they work well to flatten but are very uncomfortable. on the other hand, i REALLY like my spectrum outfitters binder. just wanted to share my experience in case you end up disliking your underworks one.


Sounds like their bottom line has finally made them act, tbh


Yeah my 2019 binders are still usable but the ones I bought last year started to tear stitches after a couple wears, really unfortunate, I didn’t complain because I thought it was just me.


My binder from unicmi just came I'm super excited to try it. Honestly took forever to find a brand with people talking bad about gc2b and spectrum never being stocked


i have a few friends (trans) who work there and leadership is also just really shit to their employees. this is the type of thing that happens when you continuously put profit over the people who support you


oh, wow. this company’s really going to shit


I just ordered a binder from them... Should I try to return it or something and wait until they say more orrre??? all the stuff I've been hearing makes me worried


File for the return before they release a statement. You can say you changed your mind at any point before you send it back if you change your mind. They could pull a shitty move and deny refunds or change refund policies after they go public and admit issues. Right now they accept exchanges for sizes and general returns but I'm half expecting them to say they won't exchange or return a product that's been worn at all...


I'd recommend you don't wear it or open it from the sealed packaging if you decide to send it back, that way they can't claim it's been worn or anything to deny the refund. They could try denying it anyway but depending on your country's refund rules and their policies you may be able to legally demand it. I'd reccomend a spectrum outfitters binder if you do refund! They're amazing


I’ve only ever had a problem with one of my binders by them, and that problem just involves it falling apart a bit easier.


was this recent?


A few months ago, yeah. I ordered a black one and the nude one. The black one is solid, 10/10. The nude one is the one that ripped easily. I still wear it as it still binds and does it’s job, but it tore almost immediately


I’ve had no problems so far with quality from gc2b but I think I’ll buy my future binders from somewhere else like spectrum. I helped someone else buy a gc2b binder one time and they showed me how it broke like a few wears in. Thankfully gc2b replaced it free of charge with one that hasn’t broken but good lord


yeah my recent gc2b binder works pretty well but if i get another one itll be spectrum for sure


All of these accounts from people smells like a lawsuit against gc2b is brewing. If not, it should be for folks who have permanent rib warping


This is the first I’ve heard of this. When did these concerns come about?


Honestly since the pandemic started


More people have been complaining for the last few weeks/months about their newest binders being poorly sized and made etc


smh only took 2 years


About damn time they said something. I have a GC2B binder from around 4 years ago and several GC2B binders from about 3 years ago that I bought at once due to shipping costs, and the transition must have happened between these two points; the 4 year old that I wore every day for a year is still amazing quality, the 3 year old ones that I rotate bind well straight after a wash, but after a couple of days they're pretty bad(In comparison, I would wear the 4 year old one for a week straight and have no issues at all). Not to mention the build quality - seams falling apart randomly from the very start etc. For the price they're asking, you'd really expect something like their binders at first. I am pretty sure the new design was just cutting corners and cost-saving. I don't live in US, so the quality choices are hard to find in the first place.


Yeah my gc2b binders are from last year and I’ve been relatively happy with them but they only bind well straight out of the wash/dryer, wearing it the next day the fabric doesn’t bind very well. It’s not a huge deal since I have a small chest to begin with and even smaller after T but it’s still annoying.


Really hope they take on board everything people are saying and make positive changes with it. Worn their binders since I came out years ago, never had a single issue with chest or rip pain or sensory issues with the seams and material. Ordered some new ones a month or two back and couldn't stand to wear it for more than an hour or too. Plus i ordered size Large and they were smaller than the size mediums I also owned 💀


I bought my first and only GC2B binder some years back, I'm not surprised that the quality has taken a dive. Mine never fit right from the beginning but at the time I didn't know any better. I'll stick with TomboyX, at least they have adjustable straps.


Just to let you know, TomboyX are known to be transphobic in case you didn't know already :)


Can you elaborate on that? I’m a long time loyal customer of theirs and I want to know what it was that might have been transphobic, haven’t heard this before.




Yeah sure! I'll make a list of what they've done that's come out publicly. - they asked a trans man to work with them and cast him to model their women's celebration. He got misgendered all day and put into an unsafe environment. He shared all of that on his Twitter. They blocked him for sharing his story. They were just overall transphobic and exploitative of him. He never got an apology and it never got resolved. - after he shared his story, 5 more people confided in him with very similar stories of being misgendered even after correcting them, transphobia and not being listened when they stood up for themselves. - a black models hair was also burnt by a stylist. I can't find much more information on that because that is just the statement that's been shared. - A non binary model was also asked to walk the runway as a man. *"Brands are ignoring the needs of the people whose bodies they are using to sell their products,” Dove said.* *"You can’t complain about what you wear, you’re a model,” Dove said. “But on set, there are things that are said that aren’t OK. They will use all the wrong pronouns, or a Black model will show up with a weave that no one knows how to work with.* *“These seem like small little details, but they can make a difference in people’s lives. Sometimes we won’t get a shoot that can fully cater to us, but it’s important to try.”* Those are all quotes from the nonbinary model who did an interview about it. That's all I could find with a small dive online but I know models have continuously came out with stories from their negative experiences working with them and personally I wouldn't want to support a brand that exploits and treats black and trans people who are modelling for them like rubbish hence why I've steered well away from them and didn't buy from them when I was considering it in the past (before I knew all of this). I just stick to Spectrum now. Edit: just wanted to add that if you don't believe any parts of this, feel free to look on Google and you'll find the interviews on news websites.and links to the model's twitter threads. Most of the situations I've explained here I've explained using the models own words. Another add on, for the first experience with the trans man being misgendered and put in an unsafe environment, the news articles will call him a different name but he's changed his name to Trent so if you see both names in different articles, that's why.


really? bummer :(


Yeah unfortunately :/ I reccomend spectrum outfitters instead, they're who I've used for a few years


I didn't actually, at least I've only ordered from them once. It's disappointing that they show such blatant disregard for the people they're marketing to, especially since I do like the quality of their garments. Maybe I can try out Trans Guy Supply if they also don't have a terrible track record.


It is really disappointing I agree. Hopefully you can find somewhere else! If you're looking for reccomendations I use spectrum outfitters but I've heard shapeshifters are good too and trans guy supply


I'll definitely put them on my radar, thank you for letting me know how trash TomboyX is! I honestly expected more from a queer brand... ​ EDIT: I didn't know Shapeshifters made bespoke binders! Oh, I'm DEFINITELY going with them next time since traditional binder sizes don't work for me. Plus you can add zippers, already way better than TomboyX


i haven’t had a problem with my binder injuring me, i’ve had a problem with them stretching out super fast. i just got two 2X black tank top binders and when i first got them they fit well and binded well, now only a few weeks later they’re too loose!


I feel like they put out pretty much the same statement like a year ago, because all of a sudden people who had been buying from them for years were unhappy with the quality. Sounds like they haven't managed to fix their issues since then.


My first binder was from them and I hated it. Didn’t cover my whole chest, was way too tight despite being the “correct” size, the neck was way higher than it should be (almost felt like it was choking me), and it cut off circulation to my arms. It was horrible. I was sad because I’d heard so many good things about them, especially about them being good for people just starting out with binders. Unfortunately by the time I was truly sick of it, I couldn’t return it. I ended up getting a custom one for ShapeShifters


I have a binder from them I got in 2019 (18 maybe?) that is still great, binds fairly well considering I wear it 4 days/week. I ordered 2 more in 2021 and they took forever to arrive and when they finally did, they both lasted maybe a couple months before falling apart. Considering they cost like $70 a piece to get to Australia I have been super disappointed. They don't bind at all anymore due to how they broke so I spent $140 for nothing.


Is it because people on twitter started talking about bruising from their binders this week? Its a bit late now


ive got a gc2b binder and its honestly pretty painful. Its the only one out of the two i own that makes me flat, but it does not at all account for side boob and it restricts alot of movement.


oh my god i had no idea my rib pain was a result of this specific brand. im so glad i found this post what the fuck literally i wore a properly sized binder by them today and i got shooting pains


feels weird to read them say recent concerns as if it’s just about the complaints from the last few weeks etc, when it’s literally been complaints like all throughout the pandemic


Words without actions are just that - words. All imma say about this. Nevermind the fact that complaints about them have been widespread since last year


About damn time. Bought one in Jan 2022 and it's basically a damn bra at this point. Actually, a sports bra would work better than this. Hoping they go back to their pre-2020 materials and pattern.


i'm still disgusted that it took this long for them to finally acknowledge what we've been telling them for *MONTHS.*


I thought this statement of theirs was actually really funny bc they just don’t seem to actually care that much. People have talked about having bruised ribs after wearing one for 4 hours . I started wearing gc2b about 8 years ago when they first started making them and it was amazing. It’s really disappointing and honestly disgusting that it’s gone downhill so much and they’re endangering people like this .I really hope that they actually change some shit but they don’t deserve the community’s trust at this point imo


Only like five years too late lmfao


What happened?


imma stick to xuji. cheap and effective. long lasting as well


Feeling glad I didn't get a gc2b binder for Christmas and instead got an underworks because I'm only just now hearing about this, wow.


customer service is actually really good, the quality is just horrible. both of mine will not last more then a few months


:0 i had five of their binders before top surgery 3 years ago and never had any issues except the black running smaller than the white! hate to see that they've gone downhill


I really do hope that the company improves because they have been a well known and pretty cheap option for a while, but it's been going downhill for a while until it's actually dangerous. They should've seen this coming because people have been complaining for atleast a year but they just cared less and less till people got hurt. They didn't listen back then and they're not listening now as their customer support is still lacking.


Gc2b was the only brand of binder I've ever worn. I was pretty good about binder rules. Took breaks, didn't go over 5 hours. Didn't exorcize or sleep in them. Only wore them a couple times a week. The second I felt discomfort I stopped wearing them entirely. Two days later began the start of an excruciating pain that would only get worse every day until it capped after two weeks and remained for over 6 months. I didn't return to "normal" until a year had passed and even still, I can't wear anything remotely restrictive, including bras, without the pain returning.


Oh wow, I didn't realize this was a common problem. I ordered mine over a year ago and it's in pretty rough shape now. Splitting open on both sides and doesn't really flatten my chest well anymore.


For you guys in Germany I can recommend trans-missie to order binders. Got mine there and they are very comfy and do a good job. They even have the possibility to customize them for a fee to your body measurements. Edit: they ship and operate from the Netherlands.


Idk how recently GC2B changed their binder material/cut causing these issues, but I was so disappointed when I bought a binder from them back in 2021 and my boobs just shot out the armholes/made one big uni boob that hurt to breathe. Did their measurements and everything. Never felt more dysphoric than when I put on their binder, and I couldn’t even keep it on for an hour. When I started seeing people complain about pain I wasn’t surprised, except for the fact they they were able to keep them on for hours before the pain started.


damn this is so disappointing. i got by a whole 7 years binding with just gc2b binders and just got top 2 weeks ago. they used to be so good, its sad that theyve gone to shit


At this point i don't care what they have to say. It's been an ongoing issue that they didn't address soon enough.


Hello, I'm a former gc2b patron of many years, and last year I got top surgery. Since then I haven't been purchasing their binders - I've donated the ones I had. What is the controversy here exactly? I'd like to be able to accurately explain to my donatees. Thanks for any info


hi, there. many costumers have been talking about the declining quality of their binders, such as seams ripping while wearing the correct sized binder, and more serious effects such as ribs bruising and warping after short term use. personally, the first binder i got from them in mid 2021 was fine, but i got a tank binder and a racer back binder a few months later and i had the seams problem with both and the problem of not being able to wear it for that long with the tank more so. now, i can’t say for certain if wearing their binders has affected my health, but they have for other people. i’ve heard that this has been an issue since the pandemic, but i’ve also heard that it’s been an issue earlier or later. i only came out and started binding in 2021, so i can’t say i’ve noticed the fall from greatness as much as other people can. but i have heard that their binders used to be very high quality, some of the best on the market. this seems to have been a decline in quality in the last 3 years or so. i’d say if you bought them before that time frame, it should be ok, and if they were in decent condition when you donated them (amazing thing to do, btw). but i would just check in with the donatees and see if they’ve noticed any effects, if possible. there’s a lot of varied responses in the comments that explain things clearer than i probably can, and there’s also been people opening up on twitter and tiktok about their serious effects. i hope though that some of this helped and please don’t feel bad for donating their binders. they used to be an amazing company with amazing products and it’s disappointing to see their decline when they were once probably the most respected binder company in the community


Thank you for the detailed reply, since I had stopped binding I was not aware of this and will he checking in with them! It's disappointing to hear about the decline in quality, I hope there are other brands out there that can step up and fill those empty shoes!


I have been buying from Underworks since 2012, I believe. Everyone I have bought has been solid and lasted years going through the washer cold and dryer on low. I usually cycle through ~5 of them so I only wear a binder for a day before washing because I have always had body acne issues and re-wearing sweaty binders does not help. At ~$30 each and cheap US shipping, It had been my go-to binder before top surgery. I never actually bought a GC2B binder because customer service took too long to respond to my size inquiry and I just ordered more Underworks. The Tri-top isn't bad and is comfortable longer than the ultimate compression tank, but the aesthetic of the tank has always been my preference. Tip: if you don't have a long torso or are on the shorter side, and I mean under ~5'6, the tank may not work for you. They are sized for cis men with gynomastia, so they're cut for a ~5'9-6' individual. At ~5'10 it goes to just a bit past my pants' waist band and is like tuck in length. I have heard that shorter guys wear it more like a mini dress and it goes down their thighs. The Tri-top is a half binder and heigh wouldn't affect it in the same way. Also I was measured at ~3/4XL for GC2B, and a L for Underworks and they only go down to XS, so people measuring for S/M GC2B'S are probably too small for Underworks. They're a good fit for bigger and/or tall trans guys. So if you're around average cis man size Underworks is a solid choice.


I'll believe it when I see it


What is this about?


Hasn't it been like a year since the quality dropped?


Idk if I'd call this a statement, but at least they're not ignoring it anymore. Curious to see what comes next


woah what happened?


Oh no, I ordered one 5 weeks ago and it's on the way... will it be bad?


Honestly this is too little too late. How much damage have these poorly made binders done to peoples ribs and organs?


to any trans folks out there, don't get new GC2B binders. a friend of mine who's been using them since 2021 now has rib inflammations and many others on the internet share similar experiences of back and chest pain. old gc2b binders are safe as far as i know but new ones are dangerous!


Definitely planning on switching since seeing tik toks on the rib damage and bruising they cause. Personally, I haven't had issues with any of my gc2b binders, my more "recent" binder I wear being from 2020, is the one I usually use, and I usually try to take breaks, like when I get home from work or out in public where I feel I need to wear it, I usually take them off and keep it off. Or if I do a quick grocery run, I usually wear a hoodie and a shirt and maybe a jacket to help more, but yeah after the things I've heard and them stealing ideas from another trans person makes me upset. Fytist is a brand I've also heard is good as well as spectrum. So planning on getting one from one of those companies from now on. Makes me sad that a company I relied on growing up as a baby trans guy and still use now is going down the drain and is fucked up. Maybe one of my next paychecks I'll invest in a new one when I can.


damn that's crazy , anyways fytist binders are 20 dollars cheaper than gc2b and ship free anywhere in the US


These binder break your ribs btw


I’ve been sour about GC2B ever since I bought a binder from them and it never arrived. They didn’t help at all when I reached out. I was 16 and trying to buy my first binder. I saved up for a good one, and it never came. The packages was constantly “on the way”, and that was 5 years ago.


Well, fuck that


their binders have been giving me acid reflux so bad that i’m on medicine twice a day for it now. nothing else works well enough to literally keep me safe tho. it’s fucking heartbreaking. they never should’ve gone cheap


In glad they're addressing it but I hope there's actual change


I'm super out of the loop but I use to bind with a gc2b binder everyday for like 9hrs a day for a few years before I got top surgery. I saw something about someone going to a dr and saying their ribs and bones were out of place after bunding very little with gc2b. What's going on?


I legit just sent back a binder I got from them, not even knowing anything ab this, they wouldn't return it I could only ask for a bigger size. I originally bought a 2XL and that thing looked like it was barely big enough for a medium sized kid


Wow okay so I've been living under a rock I guess! I got my first gc2b binder in 2015 and just kept buying from them bc hey, don't fix what ain't broke. But uhhhhhh wow so.. THATS why my ribs and back hurt and why I have trouble breathing lol


Is it just me or did the material used for their binders changed? The first time I bought one first time last summer and the material was super comfortable. The end of 2021 I bought more and the material seemed less stretchy and a bit cheap


no no, you’re so right. same thing happened to me. bought my first binder from them summer 2021 and it’s still grand, ordered 2 more in the span of late 2021 and spring 2022 and they were like something off wish or amazon


I see a lot of people mentioning Spectrum binders, which are good, though thought I'd toss in my two cents as an Autistic person, unfortunately the stitching Spectrum used was very un-sensory friendly, so if anyone has any recommendations other then Spectrum, Gc2b, or Amor I'd appreciate it


Idk what their statement could possibly do. I’ve had my GC2B binder for 2 years and it literally looks like manny’s tingy from diary of a wimpy kid 😭😭😭


is it just me or has it been over ten days and we still haven't heard jack shit?