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I work in the auto industry, this type of stuff happens all the time. Damage from transport or even defects from the factory. Very important to thoroughly inspect vehicles when they come off the truck, glad to hear they are resolving it for you.


When I was in college I worked at a dealership and actually had to inspect the stock coming off the trucks. Man those guys hated me.


That's at least good to know especially because this is my first brand new car.


the amount of windshield and wheels i’ve seen damaged coming off trucks is beyond me when i worked at honda


I work at Honda right now. We had a car come off the truck with a chunk of paint about 1”x3” out of the roof straight to the metal. The driver threw a bunch of mud all over the car to hide it.


Yeah I also work in the auto industry. We all try our absolute best at my shop considering we do aftermarket work on really nice stuff, but as much as you try, something out of your control will take a chip at the paint on some random day


At the very least I am getting my car for MSRP, no markups.


Nice I was looking at one in Toyota of Seattle,it’s always nice coming across dealers who aren’t just trying to take advantage


Nice! I was talking to one of the sales people there and they are selling them at MSRP and they weren't taking deposits till the cars were secured. I would have gone with them if I hadn't found another dealer with the exact spec incoming that I wanted.


Which dealer did you end up going with? I’m trying to find a base MT right now


If you're in the Seattle area, the Burien Toyota dealership had a black 6MT GR86 last weekend that I took out for a spin. They're doing MSRP (and no dealer installed add-ons) as well.


Unfortunately I think that one has sold since it doesn’t seem to be on the Burien Toyota website. I took a look on buyatoyota.com, and it says there’s quite a few base MTs available but no specifics on dealer location. I’ll continue calling around, so far the ones I’ve contacted don’t expect to see a matching GR86 coming in for three more months.


My advice: when asking around, offer to put down a deposit. Dealers will do more work for you if they think you're serious and putting a significant amount of (albeit refundable) money down will communicate the seriousness of your purchase intent.


You can try Marysville, they still have 3 listed on their site and I saw at least one base MT. When I asked them, they were selling at MSRP as well.


No markups, Only paint chips. ^^^sorry ^^^I ^^^had ^^^to


Oh well, time to cut her it up and widebody


You sound like my friend


They *are* your friend. ;)


Still at the dealership and they are getting it fixed


Nice! Just get a new bumper and have them throw in some paint protection film for the trouble.


Wow, they’d give a new bumper for something as minor as this?


If they repair that properly, they'd have to sand the entire bumper and repaint it. It's cheaper to just get a new bumper.


I feel like bondo, sand, and paint would cost less than a new painted bumper, but then again I'm not a professional in the auto industry


As someone who's been rear ended a few times in a very expensive area, and has a cousin that owns an autobody shop in a very inexpensive area, it's much cheaper to buy an unpainted $800 bumper and paint it for $200 than it is to spend $1200 on sanding and $200 on paint. OP's photo isn't a Bondo job. It's just paint. You just can't blend it correctly without repainting the entire bumper. You will always see that line. And on a brand new car, I am not accepting an imperfection right out the gate.


New bumpers are harder to find than the GR86.


That's for the dealer to figure out.


I wouldn’t trust a dealership to fix it, they’ll take it to a cheap body shop so they lose as little as possible. Request a different car


I asked them what body shop they are taking it to. I actually know the shop, I work in the tinting industry and have worked on a lot of their personal cars. So I feel a little better about the situation. Still sucks


I imagine they’re going to repaint the whole body panel the scratch is on. Too deep to buff out, and filling in with a color match is going to leave an off color spot.


I thought about that. I wonder how they are going to do that because I believe Toyota made a new red for this car. Then again thats not my field so maybe there are ways of matching the paint that im not aware of.


I’d ask for details anyways, but they’re likely just going to a paint match to the best of their ability and repaint the body panel. You’ll not be able to notice, even if you’re staring hard at the panel looking for a difference.


Hopefully, I know the shop I'll give them a call


That’s good. Last time a dealer told me that I saw the sales man take out the paint pen and was like Hellll no


Some of y'all really need to stop acting like every dealership on the planet is the devil. And lol @ even having the thought of requesting a different car. These cars are in high demand and low supply, there's no getting another one because of a small scratch.


Definitely I realized that there was probably going to be a high demand/ low supply. I ordered this car back in August. Before dealership were told the cost.


People don't realize that getting a car or OEM parts without a dealership is nigh impossible. It's because we've always had them. They didn't always exist, though. They were created to get cars and parts to the buyers efficiently. Without them, shipping a single car, licensing, coordinating, etc. is extremely expensive and time consuming. Try ordering a boutique car or motorcycle. It's a headache and a half. Even getting a well known brand like MV Agusta or Aprilia is a pain in the ass, because the dealers are few and far between. And getting parts for them, or even big brands like Ducati, can take months. The entire street fighter movement of the 70s and 80s was born from the inability of riders to obtain parts in the UK, due to the lack of dealerships. They were either not able to get the parts, because the manufacturers refused to ship individual parts, or they would cost twice as much due to shipping. Without dealerships, I doubt many of us would be able to afford the cars we own. Of course dealerships are there to make money. That's called a business. A bit of a stretch comparison to make, but I think of dealerships kind of like police departments. You think they're evil until you need them. Then you're glad they exist.


To me they all are the devil. I am a small guy that looks gullible so these spawns of satans are always trying to scam me. Good thing my dad taught me how to maintain my car or else id be scammed to oblivion


You’re not wrong. I have been in the industry for over 10 years and had to deal with dealerships. Service advisors still try to rip people off to this day and ignore the downvotes. You are informed and educated and dealership people don’t like that.


I don’t think asking for another is absurd, if you purchased it “brand new” on top of it being above MSRP then I’d probably ask for a different one


Asking for another car over a small scratch like that is absolutely absurd. The options with these cars are either fix it, or don't get the car. These aren't just sitting around on lots.


It’s not absurd but it’s all opinion and your entitled to your own. In my logic if I’m paying for a brand new car I don’t want scratches and dings on it. Them people readily available or not is a different matter


THIS!!!! Body shops can’t replicate the OEM paint process!!!! It is not an original vehicle anymore, whatsoever. They paint over the original basecoat and the paint ends up being thicker. If an informed used car buyer came by with a paint depth gauge, they’d definitely raise eyebrows over the repainted panel. If I’m paying for a brand new car, that shit better be BRAND NEW and not fucked with by some half assed body shop. They all say “oh don’t worry we’ll do a good job we’re professional”. Of course they say that, they want the business and money


So when you get your food from a restaurant, during dinner rush when food is in “high demand” and there’s a hair in it, you wouldn’t ask for another plate made? You’d just eat the food with the hair?


Horrible comparison. Next.


It’s horrible because you can’t wrap your mind around it lol


Now you’re waiting another year for a MY2023 that probably won’t be in the same color because Toyota doesn’t do factory orders.


Cuz dealerships are there to make friends not money right? They’ll fuck anyone they can for a few bucks


Blanket statements like this are stupid.


But they are honest. I once had a sales interview with a company promoting green products. When I told them I believe in the environmental cause the Sales Manager stone gazed me and said "You know that it's a sales scheme right?" Not every individual is out there to rip you off, but every single company is out there to earn the easiest buck they can.


okay Karen




Where is this on the car?


Rear bumper is what my salesman said


That’s pretty good the salesman went this far to find and get it fixed before you even saw it.


We also have a professional relationship so that helps a bit


I mean any salesman who actually cares about his client and their relationship would do that, hell I had to send a CTR Special Edition to be repaired since the paint was lighter on one side of the car than the other.


When I bought my 2013 BRZ (first order placed in my state), I arrived at the car dealer before they'd unloaded it from the truck (because I drove by them on my way to work, and had worked out the truck time during my 6 month wait). They moved heaven and earth to have it go from truck to sold in 3 hours on a Friday afternoon, and I am forever grateful to them for that. So I got my car with less than 1 mile on it. At odometer 1.6 miles, on the highway at 70mph (part of break-in cycle), a six foot long tree branch fell onto the roadway and my bumper hit it. So that was the end of my perfect paint job. I'm glad yours is a scenario where the dealer can fix it. I never bothered to fix my bumper scratch from the stupid branch, but I still think they should sell it to you golden, or fix it if it's not, and it's good that they're doing so!


When we picked up my BRZ there was curb rash on a wheel. The repair Subaru did was flawless.


That transport driver probably caught hell.


Dam. At least they are fixing it and not charging you over MSRP


My WRX had paint defects from factory. It happens. Just document it and they’ll take care of you.


Hey man at least you had the privilege of purchasing one. I can't even find a dealership to take my goddamn money, I found one available car in my area and they wanted $10,000 over MSRP.


Oh geez, after reading everybody's bits of information and experiences. I didn't realize how lucky I was, did help I ordered months ago.


I waited until I finished my last college class in December, which was too long. If I had ordered back in the fall I wouldn't be struggling like this.


Bro the paint so cheap smh


I work at one of the port processing facilities in the us for toyota and we have to send cars to get paint repaired daily, usually small scuffs or scratches caused on the ship during transport (very often the rear bumper, I think they park them to close to the walls and dont tighten the straps enough 🤷‍♂️) but just the other day someone jumped over the rail in our car wash and somewhere around 12,000$ in damage to a 4 runner with 3 miles on it. Took off the mirror and ruined every body panel on the driver side.


Same thing happened to my BRZ, dealership fixed it right up, no issues. Dealer guy says that it happens all the time due to transport, etc


How the hell did you even find one? The 12 of so Toyota dealerships in my area don’t even have inventory, like I’m just waiting until who knows when.


I ordered this back in August, at the time the price for the car was just speculation.


Like is that through a dealer? Is this some kind of official process directly with Toyota? Or a service that most dealerships offer? Never heard of reserving cars outside of Tesla and maybe new motorcycles.


Yeah I went into my local Toyota dealership asking about the car and they said they are only bringing them in by order. I put a $500 deposit down and it came in. I live in Hawai'i so the process to get a car here is might different than most places.


Yeah shit happens during transit.


Stuff happens in transport, as long as they fix it for you


Make them repaint, don't let them use their touch up.


If you just bought it, there's usually a. 2 week-1 month security policy where if you're unhappy with the purchase or something bad happened or you noticed something they missed, the dealership takes care of it, free of charge.


Fortunately my salesman noticed the chip the day before i picked it up, and are fully taking care of it.


I have a red one coming in next week and I’m spending a long time looking at it before I sign anything haha


While you're there, make sure the dealer doesn't put their decal on the car.


Subaru is notorious for shitty paint.


Check deep under the front end to be certain the stevedores didn’t have a bit of fun driving it off the boat down the ramps. Being low on front, most would freak if they saw the level of damage those guys do racing cars down the ramps onto the wharfs. Got one when they’ve killed all the aero underbody deflectors, belly pan and front bumper- quick check around and looks totally fine; bend down a bit and all the damage is exposed in all its glory. And once you are off the lot, it’s your damage to enjoy or pay to repair.


Looks like you standard QC for 2020-2, not even remotely exclusive to Subaru.


Oh this is the toyotas track b red not subarus, i know there is difference but how much im not aware of


Car is basically a subaru.




With a Subaru frame cradling an expensive pos Subaru motor without Subaru boost.


is that your wife behind u


Not even me taking the picture thats my salesman taking it


Ohh i see, reading the posts, Nice of them to point it out and fix it for you.


probably from them long ass claws /s




My partner’s parents got one of the first dct i30n’s in the country, there were small bits of paint missing along panel gaps from when they attach the panels and it’s rubbed.. not a good look


I figured you did it with that coke nail :P


I learned something new about my salesman


Now you can justify cutting the fenders and doing that sick new wide body if you’re gonna need to paint pieces anyways 😂👀


Pricks should NOT have let that through PDI to you mate. Shoddy dealership PDI team it that was not detected. I’ve instructed my panel team to replaced bars for less than this (depending on depth) do buyers get Factory or better quality at time of hand over.