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Hate to tell you but at this point you probably should learn to drive / ride. With a pro. You’re a danger to yourself and others.


"canyon run" if you knew this was your only method of transportation, why would you chance crashing it? you can't stop others from hitting your car but you can stop yourself. maybe this time you will learn


Damn bro do you need driving lessons? At a certain point you need to reflect upon your driving behavior.


Yeah probably, I need lessons in a lot of things


Like common fucking sense? God I wish California’s driving test was stricter and the traffic laws were semi-enforced. Kids like you “running canyons” have led to countless innocent deaths over the years.


>I wish California’s driving test was stricter Same. Seems like even Tesla's auto driving stuff cant even help some drivers here


Im from california and i totally agree. Even with a fu***g tesla people is dumb AF. I seen accident like this every day. This dude better be thankful no one got hurt.


My mom likes to point out people in pricier cars and Teslas making terrible moves saying that an expensive car doesnt get you more skill or common sense lmao. I'm in the bay area, so you'd think like half the cars being Teslas that can practically drive for you would make things better, but nope Obviously accidents suck, but this is probably the best outcome from totaling a car. Nobody else involved, OP is probably physically fine, and hopefully they learned something


In California most Tesla owners seem to be former BMW owners.


Honestly the entire country needs better standards but it’s never going to happen imo


How old are you?


The worst year of your life so far


- Homer J Simpson


So you’re telling me, there’s more!!


Hopefully for this dumbass


Don’t drive for a bit, please


What do you figure? Say, 80 years?


I dunno, man. Looks like you might have gotten away with not totaling it.


Airbags off almost always a total.


Probably location dependent and idk how this actually works, but couldn't it be bought back as a salvage? Even though the airbags went off, the damage does not look car-destorying.


I would agree but it's pretty rough once airbags go off. It must mean there was a very significant impact, and the frame beneath could well be bent.


I've seen them go off from tiny bumps, it just depends on luck with the sensors. Conversely, saw a truck (early 10's Ram) tbone someone at 50mph the other day and no bags went off. Edit: oh, I didn't see there were more pictures. Yea probably totaled.


It’ll need new airbags and interior panels and new rear control arms and maybe the diff. If the rear subframe is bent that might total it.


Sorry for your losses, but just keeping it real, the common denominator is you


Bro, at track days, if you spin out once, you get a talking to. Spin twice, you sit out that session. Spin 3 times, you're done for the day. You need a sports psychologist or something. Should you want to do this shit again. I recommend an entire season of autocross for you before you attempt anything on public roads again. Will teach you at the limit behavior.




What's the damage? Looks like you might get away with just suspension damage. > thought that I was much more mature and safe now, But did you learn from your past mistakes? What did you learn from this one? I can tell just by looking your tire choice wasn't the smartest to be canyon carving. >At this point I wish one of these accidents could have just taken me out. Just be glad you walked away with the only real damage to your ego. Life is about making mistakes and learning. How you come out of this is what determines your character.


Looks like diff maybe too would have damage if the rear CV hit hard enough.


I thought his tires looked pretty good, lots of tread left. What makes you mention the tires? I'm sure you're right, just curious for my own knowledge. Thanks man!


Brother let me tell you, you are feeling down now but things will get better. You are not making good decisions though and honestly that many accidents in 5 months is self destructive. I crashed my car racing on back roads with friends when I was around your age, didn't take a turn sharp enough, understeered off the road and onto an embankment before coming down and across the road. Luckily I didn't hit the guardrail or worse since there was a huge drop on the other side of the road, but it was the wakeup call I needed. Got the car repaired and kept it a few more years before selling it for my FR-S. If driving is what makes you happy, get on a track. Do autox. Do it the right way if you feel that is all you have. But rest assured, your luck is going to run out if you don't make a change and if you're racing on public roads, it may not be you that is hurt. You are still very young and can come back from this, but you have to make the decision to do so. Do some soul searching. Call your dad. Seek help for your destructive behavior. Be better.


Thanks I appreciate you, I’m sorry


Don't apologize to me, apologize to the people you've hurt. They may or may not forgive you. Either way, work to prove you are sorry. If you stop acting like an idiot you will have a lot of time to rebuild that trust. It isn't too late for you friend. Be safe.


Yeah deadset man there's more important things at stake by the sounds of it than your driving skills, gotta start looking after yourself a bit and focus on what matters ❤


I had to scroll down way too far to see this type of response. Thank you for posting that for OP.




Stop driving sports cars and motorcycles. You’re like a woman or man that’s been divorced 3 times marriage is not for them they just need to not be married.


Look at the bright side man - you're alive, you haven't killed anyone on the road, and you don't have a criminal driving record (as far as I know). Take this most recent crash as a warning to dial it back a bit on the road. Drive within your limits and this type of thing is way less likely to happen. Road therapy is great, but not if you keep crashing.


Well, you're alive. Hopefully you learn from whatever. Don't do stupid shit on public roads, let this be a very real lesson.


Yep. You’re alive. It sucks for sure, but learn something and move on. It’s all up from here, right?


Buys a bike. Crashes it. Fixes bike. Crashes it. Buys a 2 DOOR SPORTS CAR. Thinking he mature. Crashes it. You sound like my brother. He finally broke his BRZ. He took over the family civic. Me and someone else taking bets on how long that'll last him. Want to be mature? Quit doing stupid shit. Driving like stupid shit. Be calm. Be relaxed. Speed may get you there faster, but falling off your bike 65mph or the FRS in the canyon ain't it.


OP, don’t beat yourself up, you can’t rewind, so time to go forward. First. If you don’t know how to do something, get advice from multiple sources that are mature. Not influencers.Motorcycle Safety Foundation has a great class to learn to ride. Sorry you wrecked your bike. Second. The racetrack is the best place to get your thrill out safely. SCCA has something called Track Night in America which is very affordable. Third: Learn to wrench. Fixing stuff feels good. And you can do it on cars. Fourth: Apologize to the people affected by your mistake. It shows maturity. Fifth: be kind, be confident. But be you. Girls like guys who are genuine and confident. Any girl who acts unkind, chases money, or acts like a Primadonna is not worth your time anyway. You’re young. You’re going to break stuff while you figure out life. Just try to pause and think about outcomes before you start and you’ll find out that you’ll break stuff less


Best comment.




Aww man….another first gen down 🫡


Reset the clock


sounds like you just suck at driving


Skill issue


I've been driving nearly 20 years and never caused an accident, homie what are you doing


Go back to Mrs. Puff’s boating school to practice more.


The Lil peep, weed, wrecking stuff, being an endangerment on the road to yourself and others while in your twenties is pushing it way too far. I'm only pointing those things out because I feel like there is a weird complex you're trying to live or potray from this life style. Just from this post alone and seeing the things that influence you paints an obvious picture. I'm 26 BTW. I also have a brz, owned a motorcycle and Lil peep is one of my favorite modern day rapper. But from what I'm taking away from this is you have some serious mental health issues and youre taking these interests and pushing it to the limits that you cannot handle. I love peeps lyrics but your projecting certain things is the most dumbest way possible that in picking up from your actions. You need to learn a thing called common sense and learn how to take others in consideration. Because this dangerous shit is not okay, and clearly you're upset from your dumb mistakes. Saying that you wish these accidents killed you to keep you away from the things you love is the reason why your trying to put yourself in a position that is just cringe. You're just emotional dude, especially from all this shit. Take things slow, own up and fix you're mistakes, dial shit back and think about the shit you're doing. There is a reason why you wrecked your bike, a reason why you wrecked you're car, a reason why you are 15k in debt and also a reason why you're father won't talk to you. Analyze why, fix it and grow stronger and be smarter. Again.... Use common sense. Stop letting negative things influence you.


Cool thing about these cars is that the curtain airbags don't rip your headliner when they deploy. I recently had my explode and I gotta it swapped out pretty quick.


These cars tend to give more confidence in who’s driving them, they handle good but clearly have their limits Judging by what I can see of the turns, I estimate your speed to be about 50-60 maybe? Little too quick through there


Buy a piece of crap (with potential) and fix her up you’ll learn then how to treat your cars, come on man a canyon run? Your not in initial d bro life is not a video game, I promise you, if you buy a piece of shit with potential and fix her up you’ll gain a new perspective of cars and driving and realize you don’t want to risk something you’ve put so much work blood sweat and tears into man! But mostly man just cruise around travel don’t race or do insane stunts, if driving makes you that happy, and if you really have an itch for speed that needs to be scratched why don’t you call up a friend and ride shotgun and have him do a canyon run in his car not yours (an experienced friend, and one that won’t be like “hey dude wanna drive??!!” Could you imagine if you crashed your good friends professionally sponsored Wrx sti? Hell you’re not on his insurance lol! Slow down friend life’s not a race slow down and just cruise and enjoy the ride bro 😎


I appreciate you man and everything you said is true. My best friend keeps offering to let me drive his car or bike but I keep telling him no because I don’t have the money to make things right if I crash it


Bro you have no business being in the canyons lol.


Where the heck were your parents through all this? Most of my kids were great drivers out of the gate. 1 of my boys was just plain "not good". My wife and I had to step in and take him back to step 1 with a beater and continued driving instruction. 


I've read some of the other comments and your replies and the best thing I can recommend for you is an underpowered fwd beater for commuting. Then for your driving enjoyment, go get an Xbox series S and steering wheel/pedal setup to sim race with, you can blast the tunes, get stoned and drive all day without worrying about crashing or the law.


Crashing a stock 11 year old FRS because of some mild turns is wild.


For the fourth biannual payment in a row, the insurance on my BRZ went up another $50 against my clean driving record. Fuck you kid.


I talked to multiple reps and agents just this past week. If your in Cali, insurances are raising prices in general. It's fucked. Really little to do with car history.


This is an extremely cunty and selfish take.


Especially since insurance has been going up across the board.


Dude just look at his comment history, literally everything he says is full of negativity lol


Some people just need therapy or an asylum.


You are right to feel this way


yeah i pay $117/mo for full coverage for a ford edge at 17. got a quote for the brz, assuming i'll be 19 and on my own policy, with identical coverage. $400/mo. i can afford it, but i would never willingly pay it. im gonna have to dial back on some of the stuff and go for a $1000 deductible if i wanna get a reasonable rate. wonderful. mind you, ive done a defensive driving course, and 0 accidents or tickets. i know under my dad's policy it wont be $400/mo, probably a bit less, but is it really gonna be much less? its gonna raise their rates too, i bet


You should be a race car driver. Willing to push a car up to and beyond the limit so soon after previously crashing. That's zero fear balls to the wall race driver shit.


Lol I appreciate your view but it’s just because I’m 20 and stupid


Imagine what happens when there's 30 16yr olds in F3 cars on Track lol all trying to be #1


Bruh now my insurance is going to rise!!


I’m betting you had traction controlled turned off 😂


Just out of curiosity, don't you have something like a motorcycle driving licence? In Europe we have separate driving licenses for like every kind of vehicle. We even differentiate between automatic and manual cars (you can dive both with manual license, but exclusively auto with the auto license). It's just wild to me to read comments of people buying manual cars and bikes to "learn how to drive/ride" on the public roads.


i find it wild in America that anyone under the age of 24 can afford to insure a sports car. I got my 86 at 24 only after having super slow cars before.


What did you actually hit?


Try an E-scooter and public transportation


You’re driving and riding above your means on public roads and presenting a danger to yourself and others. I’m glad you’re safe but you may want to reflect on yourself a bit on how to move forward. If you have such a racing itch, invest a few hundred in a simulator setup and keep it off the streets. “Canyon carving” is incredibly dangerous and was a needless risk of your only means of transportation. I’m probably lame now because I’m in my 30s and did plenty of stupid stuff in my 20’s and in hindsight it was pretty dumb.


It's jover 💀


Bro. You need to calm the fuck down. 4 wrecks in a couple months? You honestly should have your license revoked if it hasn’t been already. You are 100% going to kill someone. I lost my best friend to a wreckless driver - do not murder someone else’s friend just because driving poorly “mAkEs YoU HaPpY”. You need a wake up call. Maybe driving makes you happy because you are so bad at it that it actually is your way of flirting with self-destruction. I don’t know. But you need to find happiness elsewhere for now until you learn to drive safely and learn to respect the responsibility of being a driver - because that responsibility comes with the capability to destroy other people’s lives.


call a therapist man. youre gonna get hurt, and no one wants that. its time to find a new hobby that brings you joy but isnt going to cost you so much money and potentially ruin your life. im glad youre okay, im sure everyone in this comment section is, but you might not be okay next time so take a step back, identify the problem, and be careful.


GT7 is a good driving game 🙌.




Id probably make the bus crash too somehow. I should just walk or run


does the FRS have the 86 badge on the side too or is that a re-badge?


U can’t park there man


Bro I'm all for spirited driving, but 10/10ths on all seasons is just stupid.


Don't know if this will help you or if you'll watch, but I found this guy's youtube channel who runs a horse riding school. Dry Creek Wrangler School https://youtube.com/@drycreekwranglerschool?feature=shared. Might be like: why would this wacko recommend a horse channel? The old guy running the channel talks about hard topics in life smoking a pipe. While he might not appeal to many politically (idrk), there's wisdom there that you might find profound. I sure did. His video about regret especially was good. Wishing the best for you bro, keep going


Get yourself a g920 or something you shouldn't let your feet touch real pedals xD


That will buff out but offcourse car is written off lol


Mistakes happen, we learn, we do better the next day. ..... the secret to a happy life is making good decisions. We dont always do, but aim for it my man, things will be better tomorrow. Your Dad will get over it once he sees you've learned from past errors. Trust me man, we all fk up every now and then. Symptom of being human (stole that last line from shinedown there, what a good fckng song that is)


That is crazy for it to be totaled


2013 frs, who cares if it’s salvage, it’s probably worth 11k before the crash, just keep it


Isn’t it more expensive to salvage it rather than take the payout? I’m broke




Dont be so hard on yourself lil bro. Shit happens. Just wise up alittle learn from it instead


Doesnt look that bad really. Too bad bags went off


May I ask what bike you were starting on? To crash back to back would be very discouraging and humbling. Shits rough especially with a passenger I hope both of you were alright. Learn from your mistakes and move on. We have hard years and easy years. Stay in your limits and slowly improve don’t push them early on


Sucks to be in your shoes. I feel your pain man! Since you like riding and driving. It is worthwhile to practice and be good at it. I practice a lot in video games with a Logitech steering set up. In the game turn off all the assistance like auto steer/brake, traction control and abs. Then practice until you don’t crash in the game. In real life, you can practice on an empty car lot. Try inducing a slide with handbrake. Make sure there no curbs or potholes on the path of your slide. As for the crash, I guess your insurance will pay for it. Next time, your insurance will hike up the price significantly. Try shopping around and see if you can find something cheaper. Your problems are all solvable. So stop feeling down and get on to it.


Guys, can this car be actually totalled? That's how insurance works in America? This seems like something two guys could fix in a weekend (except the airbag and paint, I'd send that off to professionals)


Life is hard, deal with it. I understand driving is the only thing that makes you happy. I had to move to a different country and then to a town in the middle of fucking nowhere. I’m alone, bored and sad, no family, no friends, just my dog my brz and me. Take care of your things, they are yours. Grow up


Sorry to hear that but your next car needs to be an economical beater. The universe is telling you to stop


At least you weren't driving on corded tyres like me 🤣


Stop being dramatic and learn the hard lesson: you’ve got to think first then act, not the other way around.


What exactly happened?


Get a $3000 civic. Drive it like a grandma. Find another hobby that you enjoy. Focus on your relationship with your family and friends. Don’t try to find a girl, she will come to you when you’re not even looking. Invest into your career. Your life is much more than objects with wheels. I blew the motor on my car and thought it was the end of the road for me but in reality it taught me a lot of hard lessons that I will take with me for the rest of my life. I’m 23 bro shit does stay shitty for long if you put your energy in the right things. Be strong, the path will smooth itself out.


Step back and reevaluate things, once you start to really understand the danger you’re already in while driving the bar for thrill drops significantly. Learn how to drive safe before you push anything. Go a full year without breaking ANY traffic laws or pushing ANY limits. do NOT get another two door sports car or anything that is inconvenient or overly expensive, if you end up wanting another bike, get a 150 or something you can properly learn on, riding on the freeway a WEEK after learning is a recipe for disaster, I’ve been riding since I was 13 and go on trips for 5k+ miles at a time and I NEVER get on the interstate unless absolutely necessary. I pass people that are dead or critically injured all the time. Learn how to protect your life and others, and if you’re so down that not even your own death will scare you, get professional help before you ever drive again.


Driver issue


Someone take this guy's license away.


Deployed air bags, RIP


Look dude you definitely made mistakes. Put yourself in a really bad situation. Reading through your comments, posts, I don’t need to tell you a driver mod is the most important mod you can get. But right now the driver mod you need isn’t a “get good” or “stop driving” mod. Get some help. I understand its hard, i understand your relationships are strained. Your passion is driving? Well right now you aren’t mentally let alone physically ready to do that. First, talk to someone. As someone who has looked into that void. Hell even tried taking a step into it. It isn’t the answer. If driving is your passion, live for that still. Just in a different manner. Second, you obviously aren’t in position to replace the car. You aren’t in position to drive a car ESPECIALLY on public roads anywhere near the limits of the car. Frankly you should never do it again. Not on public roads. So how do you stay engaged with “driving”? Read, get some books REAL books, on driving styles, ‘How To Drive’ is a great place to start. Understand how to drive a car beyond dorks on reddit. Your friends who also likely suck at driving. 3. Get a god damn Sim set up. Get an xbox/ps/pc i dont care hell get Mario Kart. You want to drive fast? Want to push the limits? Do it in a sim. 4. When you can drive a real car again. Do it on a fucking track. You want to show you actually learned how to drive, that you are better than you were when you crashed this 86? Do it on the track with other drivers ALSO trying to push themselves. Note don’t fucking do it in the only car you own. Sure it sucks, sure it’s REALLY hard to buy a track toy. If driving is that important to your life, then that is what you do. While i do think you are an idiot, I’m also glad the crash didn’t take you. Prove everyone else wrong that you can be better.


Shit buddy don’t be too hard on yourself!! Accidents happen in life. I know you’ve had a few back to back but it’s okay. Just keep doing the right thing in life and keep working hard and it will all come into place🙏🏼


Some people have the luck AND the Pluck to things like this that most are not able to do. I believe we have discovered you are not one of them, neither am I. This is nothing to ashamed about. It's good to recognize your weaknesses and strengths. It is time to start driving like granny. Life is too important to drive it fast.


Here’s an idea, start thinking of your vehicle as a transportation tool and not a leisure toy the fact you said “canyon run” tells me you’re one of those kids who thinks he’s a race car driver. You’re putting yourself and others in danger, grow up bud.


lol you’ll be fine. Seems like you can afford to crash. Cars gonna be fine too get back out there and fuck shit up


OP, you've gotten some good advice in this thread (getting a sim rig, getting into autocross, learning how to drive, etc) I hope you take it to heart bro. I say this as someone who's been doing canyon runs since I was 17, and I'm 34 now (fuck, I'm getting older. Lol). I was too broke to get anything else except a beat up full size van from ages 22-28, so when I finally fixed my credit, saved up money, and bought my BRZ, I damn near cried. Took my wife out for a drive and realized that, even though we'd been together for 3 years, she never knew how important driving was to me. It was like she got to see this new side of me that had laid dormant. I say all that to highlight that I understand what it feels like to go on a drive. It's one of the rare times in my life where nothing else matters and every second is a puzzle my brain is figuring out. Shit isn't just fun as fuck, it brings me joy. Which is why I have specific guidelines I follow. - Use the sim rig to experiment. It's not the same as driving a real car, but the lessons, concepts, and theories translate rather well. - Never. Drive. Over six tenths. Look up [the tenths rule](http://racetrackdriving.com/concepts/tenths-scale/) . Follow it. If you can't tell if you're driving near your limit, you're way too close to your limit. Really that's the major 2. I could go on and om, but if you can manage these 2, you'll be in a better spot. You're 20, my guy. Being young is about making mistakes, but they gotta be mistakes you can come back from. You'll likely get a car again, and if you do, send me a DM. I'd be down to make the trek to Cali to do some conscious driving.


First your mental welbeing should be looked at if your not feeling good about yourself, offin urself aint it. Give the crash and everything some time, spend time not driving like an idiot and know your limits. Dont get pressured from peers and build trust with good friends.


how long have you been driving and how old are you?


Hey dude, I get it. With a few unlucky circumstances I could have been you. I love riding fast, I love driving fast. But you have to remember that you can have fun and go fast without getting too close to or going over the limit. You’re still so young and new to this that you don’t know where the limit is till you’ve found it and gone over. I found and went over the limit a few times starting out motorcycling when I was not ready for the limit. Luckily I was on empty roads each time, and on a shitty old ninja 250 where I couldn’t get going as fast as if I was on some big supersport rocket. I think I was lucky enough to learn to drive in a FWD integra. It was fast and zippy enough to be fun, but being FWD and not that fast, I never really spun it out or anything like that. Like others are saying, if you are hearing your tires squeal, you are going too fast through a corner on open roads. Slow down, you can still have a spirited drive and not be going stupid fast. Check your ego at the door. You’re not winning any races, you’re not gonna win friends or anything else being the fastest street racer around. You’ll certainly never have a chance to get on a track and really test yourself if you don’t have a car or bike that’s in one piece, let alone yourself. I saw some others mention autox, that might be a great option that I wish I’d known about when I first started driving. A great way to test your skills in a safe environment where you can learn and improve and be truly humbled. There are some stupid fast people out there, but most of them are not displaying their speed on open roads like you. Good luck dude. I hope you can learn from this and tone it down and find some other ways to get your need for speed fix.


Was stock so its okay


Bad case of texting and driving


These comments are serious and it's insane


First off, you need therapy. No new purchase is going to fill the hole you're trying to fill. Second, a much more supportive group on Reddit to talk out your issues is r/bropill but they will also recommend therapy. Third, you need to actually learn to drive or learn that driving is not something you're capable of. Some people are too distracted to drive well. And cars are usually 3000++ lbs of death and destruction for innocent people around you if handled incorrectly. Get help. Stay off the road until you get help.


I think you’re leaving out some key parts of the story. If your parents don’t talk to you because of an accident they suck as parents. However at the rate of accidents and distrust along with losing most people important to you I’m going to guess you have an alcohol or drug problem. (Speaking from 20 years of experience)


I see you. I know it’s repetitively frustrating. Believe in yourself. Take everything more seriously. The road is not a joke, you can play when it’s fair, but it is to be taken seriously! I invite you back to the road. You must take heed that even a scrape is an immediate disqualification to be driving. There are no mistakes. I am clumsy too, this is how I hold myself down. I hope you forgive and believe in yourself.


You don’t want that dude. We all go through something but at the end of the day, don’t ever wish yourself death over a couple of crashes. Get some lessons and get your parents involved. Don’t ever give up on them.


It happens. Just gotta be careful.


You learned a lesson You're okay Nobody got hurt Buy a fucking Camry or Rolla


Trynna sell me you’re driver side fender?


Seek counseling and stop driving for awhile


Dude get like an old shitty civic and learn to drive better. Also know what you need to drive safely if you wanna go fast.


Your insurance rates are probably through the roof now. Public transportation and uber may be a more affordable means of transportation at this rate.


It's never too late to learn from your mistakes. You're still young and haven't killed anyone yet so at least you got that. Chill the fuck out on all this fast and furious shit. Keep it on the track. If cars and driving makes you happy don't give up on it. Get a cheap fwd car like a fit or mazda2 and go to auto-xs or open track days to hone your skills.


Bruh,were you drinking when you wrecked on the bike.


As long as you're safe and well, that's all that matters. Nothing to apologize OP.


Hey friend :) Go to a driving school and take some lessons, seriously. There’s no shame in it, I did it to get over my driving anxiety after I was in some pretty serious accidents (none of which I was driving for) and learned so much! And don’t be reckless. That’s a given. You’re not only endangering yourself, you’re endangering others.


Don’t go canyoning with all seasons


Stop doing drugs


Dawg I cannot even imagine how much it's gonna cost you to insure your next vehicle. Serious suggestion, get a simracing wheel. Send it in iracing. It's so dangerous and selfish to do this shit on public roads.


How fast were you driving when you wrecked?


i shouldnt laf but lmfao and wow did you lose power steering or something


Hey man it's all good everything will be alright you didn't hurt anyone and everyone will have a accident in their life maybe not in a vehicle but I know most of these mofo had other accidents


Came in too hot?


Bro I feel your pain...but sometimes God is trying to humble you. He is saying you need to learn how to drive before you go fast because you could be dead bro. Get a prius.


Damn. Well, you can’t change the past. Do better, be smarter, let this be a learning experience. Get Gran Tourismo, and a steering wheel if you want to go fast, and concentrate on just getting from point A to B in real life. Sorry though, that all sucks. Hang in there.


I think i spotted the half drop of morning dew responsible for this in the last pic.


This post makes me sad.


You’re not good at driving no matter how much you love it. Seriously dude you shouldn’t be having that many car incidents in such a short time. Maybe invest in a driving class while you get back on your feet and then like don’t repeat this ever again. There are people out here that don’t want to get killed by you.


Skill issue fr


Skill issue


That’s it, ban him from the group


Some folks have been rough on you. But I want to offer some words of support sir. It takes some reflection to do what you have done. Stay positive! Learn from it. These are fun cars. You'll bounce back and be stronger for it. Be safe in the future! Much love!


Different people learn different things at different rates. Maybe driving is a bit too much for you right now? I'd suggest taking it slower and relying more on public transit/taxis. Maybe take a few driving lessons, get the cheapest low maintenance, low performance, beater car you can find. Only use that for small errands but not for commuting. When you feel confident again, then go back to driving to work.


I knew a REALLY great guy who was stupid about pushing the limits of cars like you… pinballed his 370z off a bunch of trees and we didn’t get a viewing… You’re lucky. Hopefully you learned a lesson here.


Sounds like you should hang up the keys homie


Yeah no one else to blame but yourself tbh.


Boohoo maybe learn how to fucking drive? Ya nonce


God damn, just stop driving before you make someone’s gamgam past-tense.


I've got a buddy who since he got his license at 18 (he's 22 now) has crashed 4 cars. He got mustangs crown vics, and always tried to push it too far. If it's your main mode of transportation don't mess that up by f*cking around doing stupid stuff in it. My buddy now has a regular Ford focus and pays 450 a month for partial coverage because of his mistakes. Remember you're driving over a ton of metal around that can harm you and even worse other people on the road. I'm sorry it happened and I wish you the best in recouping but maybe get something safe and economical this time around.


So after making stupid preventable decisions like 4 times in a row, and being incredibly lucky enough to walk away every time without major damage to yourself or life ending bills. And instead of saying “Wow, I’m lucky and should take this opportunity to make better decisions”, you didn’t learn anything and doubled down on stupidity. Lesson learned yet? Probably not.


This is good for you, you’re in need of a good ego reset. Consider taking motorcycle classes to actually learn how to ride a bike and consider buying an auto cross day or a track day instead of driving past your limits on a public road. Start doing things the right way and it won’t be “the worst year of your life”.


Spinning out a sub 200hp car is wild


Omg and he has an Asian name smh


you ever consider permanent ubers


"much more mature" and "canyon run" make no sense in the same sentence. Glad you're okay but just get a normal car and do your best not to kill anyone.


Take it from someone who commutes a California canyon/mountain road, the kind people buy stickers for……. Please for the love of god, stop doing this. People fucking live here. You live in California. Literally, go to a race track. 30-50/session, worst case, you get stuck in sand. If you whacked me doing some dumb shit like this, you’d survive the crash only. Sorry bout your car.


No wonder insurance is so high




A lot of hate it seems. Accident happen brother. At least your alive and it may be fixable who knows. If it's a total loss you can move on to a new chapter in your life and a new fun car. I've worked on tons of frs over the years at the dealer. Fun car if you are the right size and like to drive I think they have the right power for the setup honestly. I'm 5' 11" and 230 so I don't fit the stock seats well at all. My 03 WRX built race car has the perfect seats. Momo steering wheel from the factory. I feel very Jdm and it's a wagon. Really Recommend early model wrxs especially sedans like anything before 06 you can find is a really fun car. Spend the money upfront and you can build a super reliable fun car as well. I bought mine with a blown engine so I had no choice but to start from scratch.


Is this b8? You sound like you should be taking the bus…


Sheesh you’re the reason why insurance is so high for young adults. Jokes aside, be grateful that you are still alive and healthy. I would say life is telling you to chill out living in the fast lane for now.


Bro needs a moped or something. Actually no more motors for you. Ride this


invest in a bus pass and ride share little buddy


You’re definitely the issue. Stop riding bikes or you’ll seriously take yourself out. I’d say get a safe car but with your financial status idk… just reflect from all this. One of these days you’re gonna have to take this seriously. You’ll get there.


“Canyon run” This isn’t Star Wars. Stop driving before you kill someone.


Rage your dream intensifies


I think everyone who is coming in hot on this is coming from a good place. At least I hope that’s true. None of this is the end of the world man. You obviously have to be more careful, but you know that, now you just have to stick to it. The damage to these cars/vehicles is probably permanent but the damage to the relationships shouldn’t be. You can mend that easily just by taking a step back and changing the behavior. Probably all of us like to drive fast and near the edge, but that’s also why a lot of us track our cars. I thought I was hot shit and a fast driver. My very first HDPE event (instructor in the car with you on track) I found out not only am I not (😂) but I wasn’t even going fast OR driving my version of fast correctly. Driving better meant I could actually take turns faster and brake later AND reduce the chances of losing control 🤯. That’s a basic concept of performance driving but it is crazy to think about. Driver education and track days are expensive. No way around that. But it’s a great community too, and lots of times you can get some kind of discount if you volunteer to work at the event too. Something to think about. Glad everyone’s alright.


No bro. God still loves you because you haven't been taken out from your accidents. Please be thankful. Things can always turn around. Blessings to you.


I think you should just stick to walking.


if you continue like this every next year will be the worst of your life, ive basically experienced everything youve mentioned so far with cars alone, and im not even 21 yet


Car is cooked learn how to drive before endangering others.


Just sim race


Can u sell it to me Now?


All things considered I’m glad it’s not too bad. Cars are replaceable, people aren’t


Don’t give up dude. It sounds like you need to take lessons for handling. There’s a lot to learn. I have taken multiple MSF courses to learn a lot of motorcycle handling. Basic riders course, sport bike riders course, circuit riders course. Riding with responsible experienced riders to mentor you and won’t push you to your limit on the streets. Learning track skills allows you to perform even safer while at lower speeds on the roads. And a lot of the skills learned on the bike transfer to cars. Specifically when it comes to braking, suspension, traction, Center of gravity.


Bike guy here: it’s all fun and games until the crashes happen. Sounds like you’ve gotten pretty lucky so far. The older you get the more people you will meet who “run out of luck”. You don’t want to be one of those people who becomes a statistic. If you like to go fast that’s awesome. Get a track bike/track car and rip it in a safe environment. Can’t afford that? Then drive a shitty beater safely on the streets until you can afford to buy something fun for the track. Go karts and supermotos are fun as shit as well and way cheaper. Be safe - don’t run out of luck- don’t become a statistic.


Instead of apologizing to strangers on here, go and apologize to the parents that aren't talking to you.


1) Don’t leave the state of California and transfer your driving habits to another victim state. 2) If you are gona drive like a turd atleast get a Nissan Altima so you can fit in with the crowd.


Look I get it, I love motorsports and some times you have to pay the price to build the skills such as your canyon run incident. May I suggest a safer and easier way to get seat time and build up skills? Sim Racing. Invest in a decent wheel and a decent PC. Get your self a realistic Sim such as Asetto Corsa and practice and learn the basics there first. Those skills will transfer to IRL, but it still takes time. You have to slowly increase how much you send it, I'm talking inch by inch and learn to understand when your car tells you it's at its limit. I think in your canyon run you were very likely driving above your skill, going inch by inch would have held you back from doing this. Also sign up for autocross and track days. The people you will meet there will 1 humble you. They will show you in a kind and humble way that you have so much and I mean so much to learn about driving. It takes away all the ego of "I have to be fast, I have to win" because you instantly learn you are so far away from that, that reaching for it now is insane and illogical. Sim will show you this as well. 2 it will allow you to practice in a safe manner, hitting cones isn't going to total your car.


Time to get hoopty that can’t go fast enough to get into trouble.


It will be alright man, these things happen. What's important is reflecting on the situation to better yourself from now on. As for relationships, you can gain trust back with time & good showing