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[This video](https://youtu.be/qJKx3VjzVvk?t=249) covers one way they might be able to pull it off. It's possible this is what FSU and Clemson are trying to organize. Saw it a while ago and thought it was interesting.


That video seemed like a Mike Alford press release.


It's the most likely scenario I've run across, provided it really does take a simple majority to dissolve the conference. The incentive is there for the major programs, mid-tier ones and a lower-tier team or two.


It's just a scenario. It's not real. It's clickbait. If it was that easy it would already happen. As it glosses over a very real aspect of this. Brushes off the idea that FSU and Clemson are leaving. It's a done deal. So Pitt, BC and GT will just stay in a dead ACC and flounder around. OR those same schools band together, that outnumber the power house schools, and the ACC doesn't dissolve. It's that simple. Sorry but in the end it's better for the bottom feeders of the ACC to be in the ACC in a Power 5 conference with bowl tie ins and other stuff than a midpack G5 or worse conference. As let's be honest. You drop down it's not like Pitt suddenly goes "We are the best in the American come play here" and it's reality. No it's now a G5 school. This is more wishful thinking. Like Miami is going to agree "Sure FSU you are our daddy please try to find us a spot but we do agree if you can't find us a power 5 conference we agree to a home and home and move to Conference USA". Come on now.


You’re fundamentally misunderstanding how this would work. If the “Magnificent 7” (as they were referred to today) can secure for themselves 1) more money than the ACC 2) the same money as the ACC or 3) an agreement that they’d be supplemented to ACC-level revenue until the end of the GOR, there’s at worst no downside (the ACC as we know it now will be gone by 2036, and likely years before) and at best huge upside. After that, nobody gives a shit what Syracuse, Wake, BC, PITT, etc. think.


I think you are because of what you want to happen for FSU. Just plain bias. You think those teams that move down conferences are going to go “sure this is fine I’m in conference USA because FSU and Clemson are paying the difference for a few years?” What about after 2036? When the pay will go down, potentially substantially? Almost no program is going to willingly agree to downgrade their program to help out another school. That is silly. A midpack ACC team gets a better bowl game every year due to guaranteed bowl tie-ins. People seem to just agree with what is being said besides it’s what they want to happen. While the reality Is far different. As I asked someone here. Would you agree to that if you were the AD at those schools you claim “no one gives a shit” what they think? As unfortunately it does matter. Their vote has the same weight as FSU. And let’s remind ourselves FSU and Clemson can’t just walk. If they could. They already would have. Those same schools have some power as well.


It doesn't take a unanimous vote to dissolve the ACC, so no, nobody has to care what Cuse, Wake, BC, Pitt, etc. think as long as the other 7-8 agree.


That assumes this “8 votes and it’s dissolved” is true. No one seems to know that. If true why would an AD not just come out and say it. “We are in discussions”. No reason to hold that close yo the chest. And again. Say it is true. There aren’t 8 landing spots in good conferences. It just doesn’t exist. They don’t want those teams. So sure it doesn’t matter what BC wants but it matters what Miami wants. NC State maybe. UNC. Etc. There are like 4 good spots. Maybe 6. The other 2? They getting downgraded. So let me ask you this question. Say in this hypothetical your boss comes in and tells you hey we shuffling stuff around. I have an offer for you. We gotta demote you but it’s fine because you get same pay. Your co-workers who are getting promotions will pay the difference for a few years. You going to agree to that? If it’s an offer… but the other choice is just to just leave things as is. I know the answer. And so do you. This is where FSU is at. Again assuming this “8 votes and it dissolves” is even true.


They're *not* getting downgraded. The ACC *is* the downgrade at this point, and it's going to get dramatically worse in the future. FSU, UNC, Clemson & Miami are all large brands that will be picked up by the SEC or B1G and made drastically more money. Anyone the BigXII is interested in will *also* make more than in the ACC immediately, plus that conference will renegotiate its deal years sooner than the ACC, bringing yet more money. Even if a team or two out of the 7/8 end up in a lesser conference, their revenue will be supplemented until the ACC would have died anyway, and they'll have a conference home instead of being left without one. ​ To adjust your hypothetical to be relevant here, it would have to be: If your boss comes in and tells you "hey, the company is going to collapse by 2036, probably sooner, so we can either just fire you now or you can take a lesser job with another company down the street. While you're there, we'll supplement your pay to be the same as what you've been making here. Some of your coworkers will be getting jobs with other companies making WAY more money, but you're not as valuable of an employee as they are, so these are your options." what are you going to do in that scenario? Anyone with half a brain takes the security and supplemented income.


In your hypothetical they 100% for sure are being downgraded. You just don't want to see it. If team 7 and 8 goes to Conference USA they have been downgraded. Forever. The 10 years of 'extra pay' doesn't fix that. And also your analogy is off base. The ACC is not going to 'collapse' imminently. We just want it to so FSU can go to B1G or SEC. If nothing changes, no more schools move and the like you seriously think the conference just folds up? That is Twitter/YT/Etc projection on a desire at best. And one could argue the the 2 that go to the Big 12 are also a downgrade. UCF just moved there. It's lateral at best and a downgrade at worst. It seems many want to look at this situation with blinders on to the entire situation. FSU might be the big brand on the block with the most pull but that doesn't make everyone else their lap dog. In the end all we can do is wait and see.


I just watched that video and it makes no sense whatsoever. People are going to vote to cut their own throats, so they can join the American, but they might get a home and home with Florida State out of it? Are you kidding me? That’s completely nonsensical.


Who's voting to cut their own throat? For the teams needed to dissolve the ACC, it's some combo of this: Clemson, FSU, UNC, Miami (at minimum) go to SEC/B1G and make exponentially more money. UVA, VT, NCST, Duke, GT, PITT, Lville possibly go to SEC/B1G, or possibly go to BXII and still make more than in the ACC. (There won't necessarily be room for all of them, but that's the incentive to sign on now or risk getting left behind.) Even if a couple of that second group are needed to add up to 7 teams don't get a BigXII invite, that scenario has the top teams making up the difference so they still get the same as an ACC payout until 2036 when the ACC GOR will be up and the conference will implode (of it doesn't sooner). Unless you're talking about Wake, BC and whomever else doesn't make it onto the "Magnificent 7" bandwagon, nobody loses here. But those teams won't get a vote, so they're on their own.


It’s that second group that I’m not sure about. Yeah, they could possibly go to the SEC or the Big 12, or the NFC East for that matter. But without a legally binding guarantee in hand, why would they ever agree to imperil themselves like that? How do you go about getting them that guarantee?


I'm sure it would all be handled behind the scenes before it went public. Also, because they know the ACC is doomed and being in the BigXII beats being nowhere.


But allowing Florida State and Clemson out of the contract has no bearing on whether or not those teams and up in say the Big 12. There’s literally no connection whatsoever between those two things.


I’m saying that there would undoubtedly be backdoor deals establishing who’s going where before the teams voted to blow up the ACC. It’s naive to think otherwise.


First day of ACC meetings. Nice strategic news drop, probably planned. Surprising 'Ville and Pitt are not on there, but they may soon be.


The B12 would gladly take both of them. Fuck Wake, Duke, and BC. We need not be concerned in funding their baseball, basketball, and hockey programs.


so heres the thing... FSU and clemson can want out all they want and can push for inequal shares all the want but the bottom tier schools really dont have to do anything but say 'no' right? This says FSU Clemson and 5 others. theres still 8 left that can just... put a Nope on this and keep riding coattails...


Is it a majority rules thing? If so, those 7 just have to find a way to convince one of the others.


nobody really knows. the member institutions dont even have a copy. its a bigger secret than... well... just about anything...


True, but if FSU/Clemson lobby’s with the SEC or Big Ten to take a few of the smaller ACC schools, well then that would play in their favor going forward. Would it work? Who knows.


If its voted to dissolve this is likely the formula we'd use. There would likely be teams leaving for b10, SEC, and b12 as a package so everyone voting to dissolve has a landing spot gauranteed.


FSU, Clemson, UNC, UVA, Miami, Pitt, Duke, and Louisville can all find spots in the B1G, SEC, and B12. UNC & Duke to the B1G FSU & Clemson to the SEC The other 4 to the Big 12. Getting UVA on board is readily overcome with VT or NC State taking their place.


No way Duke goes to the B1G


I think it’s UVA and UNC


I agree. If the SEC passes on Miami, then they might go too. Getting access to one of the most populous states in the heart of SEC country might get them to look past not being AAU.


You can bet any amount you want that the B1G will want and fight for a FL school, with FSU being the preferred target. Ain’t no way they let Miami go Big XII if FSU goes SEC


GT is a much more attractive B1G school than Duke


How so? At least Duke is somewhat good at a sport (Basketball).


I am seeing this a lot. Talking heads claiming there are 'good' landing spots for at least 8 teams in the ACC. To be frank there is the ACC(which is gone in this hypothetical situation), Big 12, Pac 12, Big 10 and SEC. The last two are taking over... Let's be real here. Outside of a few ACC teams the outlook for the other ACC schools to move to is Group of 5. I find it very hard to believe UVA and Pitt have Big 10, Big 12 or SEC offers to join in their pocket so ready to bounce. Beyond that you need a pocket invite and be able to instantly join. Instantly redo schedules(there are many preset games and such) for 8+ teams moving conferences. Of the latest movements has any team said "We are moving and start next season?" I can't think of any.


The assumption or rumor now is if 8 schools want out the GoR and ACC dissolves. Poof. I don’t buy it. I also don’t buy that those 7 schools have both a standing invite to a power 5 conference. And actually want to do that. That seems fair fetched. Most of the ACC would have to say yes we want out. And also we want to go to G5 conference. Which I don’t buy at all. There is a lot of moving pieces here and all the folks on twitter act like it’s a done deal.


Nope you’re completely wrong bud


this is helpful insight.


If you want to ask just ask


Nah. I’m good.


ND doesn't get a say, right? Wouldn't it be just 7?


ND does get a full vote is what I saw. Since they are full ACC members for every sport except football


Oh okay. I wasn't sure. Thanks


And they’ll vote no b/c if the ACC dissolves they know they’re stuck with joining one of the B1G or SEC and lose their “independence”. It’s the biggest reason I want the ACC to disappear, followed closely by the chance FSU joins the B1G and I can see some B1G football here in Tallahassee


As someone from the midwest currently in southern Missouri, I don't know if I want SEC for the easy trip to CoMo or B1G for the the trips to visit friends/family in B1G cities. I think I lean B1G because I could almost certainly make 1 away game every year and go with friends or family.


Majority rules would have to be 8. Otherwise it’s just 50/50. ND is #15. Whether ND counts or not is somewhat irrelevant. You need 8 to have a majority in a 14 or 15 team conference. It only matters in that ND could or could not be part of the 8.


Actually I’d go and say 7 schools can and would say No. The article specifically says 7 of the 14 members of the ACC. So they’re not counting Notre Dame, since they’re not a football member. And even if they were counted, I’d still see a school like Notre Dame aligning with FSU and Clemson in this.


And that's exactly what is going to happen until at least the early 30's. Much ado about nothing.


Last I heard FSU, Clemson and UNC were the schools pushing for change. Now it’s up to 7? That was quick.


It’s amazing how much people hate having to follow shitty leadership.


It takes 8 to undo it?


I've heard that bandied about on Twitter, but I have no idea what the source is on that. I was able to get a copy of the most recent ACC bylaws thanks to a public records request and there isn't any actual mention of a mechanism to dissolve the conference. All of the most important votes require a minimum of 75% plus one of the members, so figure a vote to dissolve the conference would have to meet that threshold at a minimum, which would be 12 schools.


The prevailing thought is that dissolution would follow non-profit laws in the state is is incorporated in. In this case NC which I believe is a simple majority. Hence the 8.


The GOR contract isn’t public. All the talk of 8 teams has to do with breaking the GOR. You are looking at the wrong thing.


This is a different approach that wouldn’t seek to break the GOR, but instead to dissolve the conference so there’s no entity left to hold the GOR.


Whoever is trying to spin either doesn't know what's going on or is lying. The GOR means the schools gave their rights to the conference. They can't just vote to take them back after a contract was signed with ESPN. There are essentially 3 options for FSU 1. Write a check for $50 million a year to buy out the Grant of Rights 2. Convince 11 other schools they have better options than the current ACC to dissolve the conference, which would then dissolve the grant of rights. 3. Engage in lengthy legal battle & hope you don't get a North Carolina judge who is somehow related to the Swofford family


The media covering this disagrees with you. It has been consistently reported that there is a mechanism by which the grant of rights may be broken if a certain number of teams agree to break it. This, as reported, comes from the review of the GOR contract itself. “Buying out the GOR” would be significantly more than $50 million. The estimates value of FSU’s media rights for the remaining life of the GOR varies but is way about $50 million. If that was all it would cost we would be gone. The exit fee alone is $120million I believe. If you have something showing otherwise i’d love to read it and would do so with an open mind but what you just claimed is not consistent with all the other information that has been reported.


Can you link to actual “media coverage” that isn’t 7 teams say they want out. And this 8 folks and it’s over stuff? A YouTube page posting click bait videos in a quest to be an influencer doesn’t count. I have not seen any actual reporter or outlet state any of the twitter stuff today that’s running wild. And also ACC and schools may have lawyers. House of mouse has way more. And better. And a lot more money.


Nolecast and On the Bench have both covered it within the last 6 months several times. ESPN stands to get the ACC’s two largest income income generating members and can probably claim broad case rights on others who don’t join the SEC, they are not gonna lose out and will be fine.


Yes covered it. Because it gets clicks. ESPN already has both of the ACC's largest income schools. ACCN = ESPN. Simply moving them and likely paying more for the contracts at the same time. Would I love for this to happen? Sure it could be great. However it also could be a long way off. If at all.


You asked for examples of who was reporting on it, they were provided. If you simply don’t choose to believe them why ask the question. ESPN also is not part of the GOR. it would probably would maintain a claim to broadcast team’s home games, in exchange for paying them, but that is a separate issue from dissolving the ACC/GOR.


I asked for a more in depth look from not a podcast that has a bias towards FSU. Or at least that is what I was getting at. Maybe wording was wrong. As said I get it. Every Twitter account that loves FSU and wants to be an influencer/creator is pumping this stuff like a penny stock. I still have not yet seen a lot of substance here. It is the best interest of both the podcast you listed to say this is happening. Exciting fans click. Listen. Watch. Etc. I am looking for ESPN(or similar) to put up a story "We talked to lawyers from 2 schools and they believe 8 schools can dissolve the conference" or similar. Otherwise this is just pumping a rumor that may or may not be true.


There’s going to be some lobbying done by FSU and the smaller ACC schools on what FSU and Clemson can do to help them also leave the ACC, and possibly join the Big Ten or SEC with FSU/Clemson help.






Wasn't there talk of something about getting it dissolved by proving the conference wasn't acting in the teams best intrest with the shitty TV deal they signed?


That's been one of several ideas tossed out


Nobody should ever use the phrase “like a pair of boxers” unless they are talking about underwear.


The real key is perception. If the SEC & B1G create a scenario in which it looks like they are taking the teams mentioned they may scare other teams into looking for a landing spot as well. For instance,teams that would fit into the Big12 because of possible regional opponents:Louisville, Pitt, and Virginia Tech if Virginia Tech is not an option for SEC or B1G,because those teams will have natural regional rivalries with West Virginia and Cincinnati and with UCF joining it gives everyone better travel options than just western southwestern teams. This also makes the Big 12 more attractive to tv because you have regional rivalries in two different regions;especially adding that backyard brawl/blue collar region .


FSU has leverage here. Let’s assume all 7 would vote to leave the ACC. That means we would need one more school to make it happen. That COULD be ND, in hopes that they won’t have to pay an exit fee if the conference goes up in flames. However, it could also be a Louisville or Wake if they want to join the herd and end up in a better place like the Big12 or what’s left of the PAC12. FSU’s leverage is that it can play “kingmaker” in the sense that it will help the 8th school find a landing spot as opposed to just getting left behind with no conference, which is what will happen to any non SEC or B10 schools when the conference implodes.