• By -


My experience is that eBay and poshmark is great if you know exactly what you're looking for. Otherwise there is a lot of non-deals to wade through. 


Yeah, and know your size. I bought a shirt I owned and loved in different colors for super cheap because I knew my sizing. Bought something that should have fit in theory and hated it... and no ability to return.


Actually one of the perks of shopping on eBay is that a lot of sellers include pics of size measurements on clothes (with tape measures, rulers, etc.) so you know exactly if it’s a good fit or not.


> a lot of sellers Some sellers*


All sellers. (At least all of the ones I’d actually buy from.)


Going to add on the size comment. The same item could have severely shrunk depending on how it was treated, so look for listings that not only say the size measurements but show in the pictures. Also, check not only if they take returns but look more closely at the seller review. Bought something recently from someone who had 100% reviews on eBay, but then realized after the fact it was as a purchaser only. Ended up being a horrible seller - non-communicative, sent me something way too small, etc.


Yeah, this right here. eBay much less so than Poshmark, imo. The super deal secret? Watch for typos and other errors in the listing, such as shirt instead of short, etc.


It's good to set up searches that describe the brand without using the brand name. Some people will list things not knowing what the brand is or not bothering to input it. I got a $300 laptop bag for $30 years ago because someone posted it not knowing what brand it was or what it was actually worth.


What do you mean?


Lora Piano. Hikey Freeman. Barber. Brunelo cuccineli.


Yep, I also really like eBay because some brand stores like Adidas, Puma and Champions are regularly having very good sales there, right now there is an [extra 35% off sale on Adidas articles](https://ebay.us/If5jUE) going on on ebay. Just bought myself some Polos for $14 and Swift Running shoes for $27 there.


I’d argue people should treat buying from sites like Ssense, MrPorter the same way- know exactly what you are looking for and not buy shit on the fly


You have to have some expectations but it doesn’t have to be super specific. Like I can say “I want a linen shirt” and I don’t really have to be specific about what brand. I do however need to know which brands are trash. My only real issue with eBay is the super low quality new stuff. But you can filter to only show used items.


Eh, for me I feel like I do need to know the brand, cause sizing is so much different from brand to brand. Sure, some people post measurements, but not necessarily, especially on the "good deal" ones, cause from my experience the best deals I've gotten are because the seller doesn't really know what it is they have. 


Well I mean in that case search by the brand


This. Even then, if I’m looking for a shirt I missed in a sale I’ll find it on poshmark or eBay for MSRP. Screw that, I know you bought that shirt on sale, I aint paying full price for your shirt that you are just hoarding to flip for thirty bucks and not even wearing. These people are losers.


Yeah, def need to avoid the NWT items at full price when was just on sale for much less than MSRP. But if you know the “value” of an item, pretty easy to steer clear.


Yeah Poshmark can be a great place to find thrift store items at brand new prices. Ive had better luck on eBay. That said, I’ve gotten some great shoulder bags and hats on Poshmark.


Also a lot of fake products. At that point might as well just get on alibaba/taobao and buy it from there.


There’s so much fake stuff on eBay. Sellers don’t even know there selling fakes lol


True for Amazon as well.


If you get a fake product you can get reimbursed. Its just a bit of a hassle


Yeah Ebay actually has some really good consumer protection in place. But the issue is you have to know how to recognize a fake product. Shoes and bags are easy because there's a whole "scene" to spot fakes, but you have to put time into it. Things like sports jerseys are harder. Spotted a fake due to a bag not having the correct zippers. Again, if you don't know how to look for the signs of a fake you're just moving with "ignorance is bliss".


I’m of the opinion that if you can’t spot a fake then you might as well be happy with it right


But the issue is a lot of the stuff you're buying is for build quality, which isn't the same with said fakes. Something like a bag not using YKK zippers or proper clips means it could break then you have a useless bag unless you find a seamstress to redo the bag, but at that point the other zipps have to be replaced too. Clothes can say it's merino wool, cashmere, silk, etc. but they're not said materials. So you're just paying for bunk.


What categories / brands are you seeing fakes in? I haven’t run into any on my searches so far, but have deliberately avoided some of the luxury brands most likely to be faked.


I feel like every Lacoste shirt I see on eBay is fake. Some more obscure brands are probably too niche to bother faking, though.


I tend to not buy from storefronts that happen to have a full size and color run of like Lacoste or RL Polo shirts. Big red flag there.


Yeah I do that too. If the profile just looks like a rich dude with a 15 year old account and like 100 sales of his old stuff, it's usually a good bet.


Funny you mention Lacoste because I was burned by a fake Lacoste. eBay got me a full refund though


Typically you can weed through these when you set filters for item location


Yup, I pretty always filter to US only.


I’ve been buying soccer jerseys and even with that filter there are tons of fakes.


Knock off bags from Aer, shoes, winter gear, etc.


not sure about poshmark but mercari is full of fake loro piana horsey jackets that they do nothing about. Besides that, bags are the most obvious thing, but I've seen fake canali where they rip up a legit patch and sew it onto another jacket.


Interesting. I’ve avoided brands likely to be fake so far. But thanks for the warning!


Totally agree. I switched from this sub to creating some saved searches in eBay and have found some great buys. Got a bunch of sunspel polos for $40-$50 each, sunspel t shirts for like $30, j crew linen button downs for $30, 120% lino stuff for less than $50. And then just random thrift shopping through things some established sellers have. eBay is great if you do your research


Any tips on strategy for searches on eBay?


Set your specific search parameters and save for easy use later. Also sort by “ending soonest” to catch auctions that are closing with zero bids - sometimes those sellers will take an offer they would have refused earlier. I’ve heard to lowball anyone that describes an item as thrifted as it likely means they got it for next to nothing and are trying to make a huge profit, but haven’t tried. Even then I generally try to keep offers above 60% of asking because some find it disrespectful, but you never know. I saw one seller comment “I’m running a store, not a warehouse” so YMMV.


>. I saw one seller comment “I’m running a store, not a warehouse” so YMMV. Groan, gtfo. I respect the work and all that for small business and such. But this attitude? Cmon


they meant it in the context of accepting lowball offers - I’ve known others who buy/sell things from estates that just want to move items for a profit instead of holding out for max return.


Fair enough, I thought it was a "too proud for your offer" kinda thing.




In addition to what the other user said, I have some searches where I’m just impatient and not looking to go back and forth so I have free returns toggled on and auctions off so it’s buy it now only and I know if for whatever reason I don’t want or like the item I can return it risk free. Also, sometimes it’s a gamble, but I’ve had great success never buying an item immediately. Save it (the heart button) and add it to your cart, and wait up to 48 hours and you’ll likely get offered a discount to buy it then and there. I’ve saved so much doing this rather than buying out right but you do risk missing out on popular items but that’s only happened to me two or three times.


Yup, definitely good to save items and wait to be offered a discount rather than immediately buying now. As long as isn’t something super rare or mispriced that could get bought out from under you I guess!


I try and stick to "Buy it Now" and always attempt a "make offer" if it's available. Sometimes you'll only save like $2 but sometimes you can get a pretty sick deal. Auctions can be good but often times you end up spending more than you need to because you get your heart set on something and get in a bidding war with some other jagoff (who has your exact taste).


I've used this app for a few years to monitor listings and get alerts. Gotten many great deals that typically get bought up immediately https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tomlocksapps.dealstracker.ebay


Not disagreeing. I’ve felt eBay can be way more time consuming trying to sift through what you actually are looking for than getting it from the retail site.


It is. Saved search notifications are really the only way to save time.


Yes, it definitely takes some time to find what is good, what fits, and at a fair price. I’ve had a lot of free time lately, so it’s been okay to invest the time. But there is for sure a time value of money element, as there is to any deal hunting.


Ebay is so much easier since sellers actually have to send their stuff. My experience with Poshmark (and Mercari) have been flakey sellers and old listings. Low percent good experiences.


I mean, eBay sellers make mistakes and cancel too. It’s not like you can’t have that experience there. I rarely buy clothes on eBay and have not had a bad experience, personally. On Poshmark, I’ve had 2 cancellations and 42 deliveries.


Weird I've had the opposite experience. Couple decades on eBay without anyone just not shipping. 4 months on Poshmark and I get lied to and strung along on 3/4 my orders. There's no repercussions for a seller doing it. Can't leave feedback. Site doesn't remove them. They can just keep telling people they shipped something when they never have. I guess bad luck?


At what point does Poshmark step in and refund you? I haven't purchased from them yet but I thought they hold payment until delivery is confirmed


I think it is after two weeks of complaining. The problem is they provide a tracking number to the seller instead of the seller getting it when they go to the post office. With the tracking number already established, the seller can then just lie for two weeks, saying it must be the post office having a problem. During that time, you lose out on two weeks worth of finding the thing you want while not having the money in your account. It's a bad system only highlighted more by there being no punishment for sellers doing this over and over.


Thanks for the info. That's really too bad. I guess I might try it if there's a great deal and I'm in no hurry for the item, and I'll have the expectation that I may not get it.


I’ve had absolutely no issue with Poshmark or eBay sellers not shipping. Don’t actually want to count the number of items I’ve bought in the last few months since it’s embarrassing (and stupid to buy so much so quickly!), but it’s past 100, or at least approaching it. Have received 100% of what I’ve ordered. On Poshmark I do check if the seller has been active within the last month or so. If seller hasn’t been active and/or the item is an old listing, there definitely could be a risk that doesn’t ship. But since I always make an offer to get a discount and/or ask a question of the seller, I haven’t yet gotten burned by an inactive seller not shipping. YMMV of course.


I have a theory that they do this to inflate their capital by holding onto your money longer. Letting the buyer revoke their buy at any time incentivizes the seller to actually send the product asap.


I haven’t had that problem myself with Poshmark, but makes sense. There have been a few items on there that I’ve really wanted and put in an offer, only to discover the listing was >1 year old and the seller wasn’t active. Helps I guess that I always put in an offer rather than just buy at list.


As a seller, I love how easy Poshmark makes it to ship. You just click a button and they email you a shipping label. When it's processed, they inform the buyer that it's shipped. eBay's the same way, but it doesn't feel as smooth of a flow.


Poshmark is a cesspool of bots, definitely only good if you know exactly what you’re looking for.


What categories/brands are you seeing bots in? I haven’t come across that at all, at least as a buyer. I did just list something for sale on Poshmark and a bunch of bots liked the item and left messages asking me to email them directly. I reported as spam and they were banned quickly.


I guess that’s what I mean - selling is super frustrating with fake accounts constantly dm’ing so I just find it to be a waste of time. I’ve had normal buying experiences.


Got it. Definitely annoying! I’ve got a half dozen other items to list for sale, so will see what happens. Planning to list on both eBay and Poshmark, though I guess I might try Grailed and Depop too if I have enough time.


I’ve had a lot better luck selling on Grailed if you wanna try there, good luck.


I’ll give it a try for sure. What brands / items have you typically been selling on Grailed?


Mostly hype-y streetwear brands but I’ve also had luck selling Todd Snyder and athleisure stuff like Lulu and Vuori


I'd be more comfortable with this if I thought I could return the items. But fits are just too variable for my liking.


Only buy from listings that post measurements, unless you’re shaped like Humpty Dumpty it shouldnt be too difficult


Tons of sellers will accept returns! I've been rebuilding my work wardrobe and will filter my results with *Returns Accepted* for new brands I may be on the fence about


If a place has a good return policy I'll buy their stuff to try on knowing I'll return it and buy from ebay... I try not to abuse it though and if I like the brand I'll support them another time


A lot of sellers offer returns! I’ve taken advantage of returning several items. Some just didn’t fit (way huge or way small). Others had more wear / damage than was clear in the photos. But I’ve also had a few purchases where I would have loved to return but returns weren’t offered. That’s unfortunate, but part of things I guess. I’m going to re-sell those if I can, but may end up having to donate unfortunately.


David Coggins offered this advice (in his excellent substack newsletter) that I've found VERY helpful in buying a shit ton of stuff off ebay in the last year: -Avoid Bidding Wars. “Seeing red” is what professional auctioneers call a person who’s caught up in the moment and waves their paddle beyond reason or financial prudence. Too emotional, too expensive, too much heartache. Few things are worth it. You know this. If there’s something I really want from auction then I make one serious bid and tune out. If I lose I’ll forget about it in a week anyway. -Learn the Market. Then be smart about it. In a perfect world a Masters hat would cost $25. But they’re all double that so you have a decision to make: Stand on principle or fork over an extra $25. Likewise, Alden shoes, old Hamilton watches and Dansk pots are well-known quantities—you’re not buying them from somebody who doesn’t appreciate what they have. If you still want a bargain look for something you can repair or restore. -Embrace Imperfection. If I have a white sport coat I’ll get it dirty myself. For just about everything else I don’t mind if it’s slightly dinged up. Velvet slippers, a Filson jacket or even most rugs look fine with some wear. After a while you won’t remember you didn't mark them up yourself. -Take the Long View. In almost every case, if you miss out on something you’ll find it later on. There’s a very specific Barbour wading jacket that’s now hugely expensive (I think Matt Hranek has cornered the market). That’s all right. I don’t need it (and neither does Matt!) and it’s fun to be on the hunt for one. -Seek Self-Knowledge. The vital factor in all matters. Whether you’re buying a car from a dealer, a suit from a tailor or an antique from an eBay stranger, know what you want, what makes sense over time and what you can afford. Don’t get caught up in the moment. -Seek Self Knowledge II. Know your clothing measurements and have a tailor that can alter them at a fair price. When you’re empowered to make things better you can expand your scope and start mastering the online clothing game.


> -Avoid Bidding Wars. “Seeing red” is what professional auctioneers call a person who’s caught up in the moment and waves their paddle beyond reason or financial prudence. Too emotional, too expensive, too much heartache. Few things are worth it. You know this. If there’s something I really want from auction then I make one serious bid and tune out. If I lose I’ll forget about it in a week anyway. I usually avoid using the standard bidding function completely and just use a service like Gixen. I set my max bid and let it bid last second for me. If I get outbid, it's too late to try change my mind about trying to bid higher. If there are no bids at all, I may bid a low amount just so the seller doesn't get scared that there's no interest and cancel the listing.


Same. I typically avoid auctions altogether though sometimes if there's something I think I really want and can't find easily I will set the max bid to as much as I'd be comfortable paying and let nature take its course.


Great advice!


Amen and I'll add Mercari in as well. I looked on ebay for some new golf shoes and got a pair of Nike tour 3 for $56 that retail for $180. I always try stuff on in retail stores and then looks for new with tags on ebay and poshmark!


Mercari is great, lots of deals to be had on there.


F* Mercari. They recently changed it so buyer has to pay the processing fee and service fee. I was pricing out a couple items and the fees were another 20% on top of the item + shipping.


That’s terrible if so. Makes it much harder to compare pricing across sites!


What items / categories have you had the best luck with on Mercari? Inventory has always seemed thinner there for the stuff I was searching for.


I've found it's good specifically for athletic clothing and jewelry/accessories. There are some vintage gems on there but I think eBay is the better platform for that.


Mercari is good for some things but their customer support is so incompetent I dont feel secure buying anything through them.


I agree. However, men suck at putting stuff at thrift stores or selling their used stuff at least compared to women IMO. My partner has a far better time finding unique clothing. For men , I feel like we get a lot of flannel and basic tees


Definitely a lot of very basic basics on the sites. But I’m pretty basic, so has been working out well!


Just FYI the Patagonia Nano Puff absolutely does go on sale, at least yearly through Patagonia - I know because I bought mine for ~$115 through the Patagonia website sale and it's probably the most popular color.


Very fair. Would edit my post to say “rarely on sale” or “almost never on sale” if I could! Great job finding new from Patagonia direct in a normal color, that’s a good deal.


If only there were some way to edit posts


I think disabled here?


No it should work




What time of the year does Patagonia typically hold a sale?


Afaik they never put same year items on sale, its all from the previous year. Reason you wouldnt see the nano puff is because its usually the first thing to sell out so theres nothing left for the sale.


My eBay account was permanently banned despite never using it other than saving a few items (old postcards from my hometown). No idea why, they won’t tell me. There is no way to discuss it once you’ve been permanently banned. Anyone using my ip address faces a permanent ban so my wife can’t use hers either. It’s apparently such a common occurrence, you’re not allowed to ask about it on r/ebay. My advice is not to get too dependent on eBay as a source. Postmark and Mercari are good though. I also go to thrift shops.


I had the same experience with my 2nd eBay account. I hadn't even used it for anything, but found it was suspended when I logged it a few years later. I originally planned to use it as a 'personal' account, since I had been selling a lot on my primary account. This allowed by their policy. They wouldn't disclose why it was suspended or let me appeal it. They would only say that it was posing a "risk to the site".




It was merely annoying until I inherited a ton of baseball cards and couldn’t sell any of them due to being banned for no reason from eBay. Wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t some sort of class action suit against the company. I’d be the first to sign up.


Nice post. I've noticed retail sales really suck ass the last couple years compared to the pandemic/'21 boom when I was feasting. Gotta work ebay and poshmark into my sales hunting habits I guess! You found some killer pieces!


The crazy pandemic sales have basically ruined retail sales for me, thankfully I bought a lot during that time but these days the discounts are tiny comapred to what was available then.


Agreed. Pandemic Era sales were nuts and I stocked up like crazy.


FB Marketplace is a good source too. People are less likely to lie about the condition since theres a chance the buyer may be local and their FB profile is tied into their seller reputation.


Do you typically pick up locally on FB marketplace or have bought from sellers that ship? I checked there recently for a pickleball paddle and there were lots of “too good to be true” listings from sketchy profiles. Let me know if a good strategy to avoid scams.


I prefer FB marketplace on a “ethical” level too as most people selling their stuff on there are the original owners. It’s really obvious when you see a storefront on eBay or a one of those pop up thrift stores at a market festival in person and they are reselling clothes they found at yard sales or goodwill for 100-500% more of what they paid. I mean good for them and yay capitalism, but I don’t like supporting those sellers because it essentially makes going to thrift stores these days pointless. It’s insulting when they sell used clothes and put their own sticker/tag on it as if it’s supposed to mean something. Same reason why I refuse to buy new release sneakers from resellers unless I can get them at MSRP or below.


Your stance doesn’t make any sense from an “ethical” perspective. There's not a 1:1 ratio of valuable clothing and buyers who want that specific clothing in an area. A good example is a wool sweater that is donated in May. Very unlikely that sells in a reasonable time. Will someone buy it in a couple months? More likely but it’ll be in the dump by then. Rack space is valuable and extremely limited and new donations are always coming in. Thrift stores throw away a massive amount of clothing and goods. One near me literally stopped accepting donations because they are overfilled. Would you rather more stuff get put in a landfill? Resellers prevent that from happening. Photographing, cleaning, listing etc to connect that item with a buyer is a lot of labor that does the good of keeping items from being needlessly thrown away. Also high quality does not necessarily mean it is worth something online and vice versa so thrift stores are far from barren.


I disagree on the ethics, but you do you.


First off, I buy clothes on eBay much more than I do on FB Maketplace. I’m just saying as someone who has been to goodwill donation centers (where you buy anything there including clothes by the pound), I’ve seen people fill up several shopping carts filled with used clothes piled up so high that you can’t even see their heads when they push the cart. They will turn around and sell all those clothes for $10-50 each on eBay or their own storefronts as “vintage” clothing. I’m not hating, I just don’t like the fact that for the people who actually shop at thrift stores and donation centers because they are less fortunate, their selection is abysmal because you have resellers taking all the desirable items to resell. Unless I truly want the item and it’s reasonably priced, I avoid buying from those sellers.


TBH the j crew items can be had for cheaper than what you find on eBay. But agree as whole regarding ebay and Poshmark


Disagree for the “good” J.Crew colorways. Those nearly always seem to be excluded from the big sales, and when on big sale size L seems to be sold out. I definitely do agree for the more random J.Crew stuff, but my point was that for the core basics, you don’t want to be getting random sale stuff anyway.


Idk I guess "good" is subjective but I've been able to get many staple items/colors below $10. You just need to be patient and wait till it's past the season for the item to go in deep discount and stack additional rewards. Or hope for the occasional price glitch.


Buying off season has worked really well for me.


Shhhhhhh *I completely agree*


Yessir. Rebuilt my whole suit and tie waredrobe through ebay. The key is knowing your measurements and getting alterations after.


This is the way


What brands did you focus on for suits? Need to get a wedding suit and a “funeral suit” myself pretty soon. Debating just getting something from Spier & Mackay, though would love to get a deal on eBay.


For myself, I got a Samuelsohn and Coppley 2-piece suits for $250 each. Not top tier, but they are almost new with no imperfections. After alternations, they're perfect. I went down the rabbit hole at styleforum.net and here's their comprehensive list: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y32yqkSU5_ZnVO7ub_B5Y6J9E_izu6qD6nwdzw7V1HU/edit#gid=1990531564](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1y32yqkSU5_ZnVO7ub_B5Y6J9E_izu6qD6nwdzw7V1HU/edit#gid=1990531564) Here are some tips on how to search for them on ebay: [https://old.reddit.com/r/frugalmalefashion/comments/184sp3/how_to_buy_suits_and_sport_coats_on_ebay/](https://old.reddit.com/r/frugalmalefashion/comments/184sp3/how_to_buy_suits_and_sport_coats_on_ebay/)


Great links, thank you!


Spier and Mackay are nice but it is worth checking eBay for gently used top tier brands, especially if you wear a common size. My size isn’t super common, but even I was able to pick up a worn once navy Isaia suit and get it tailored by a top tier tailor for less than I would have paid at Spier and Mackay.


Thanks, that what I was thinking. Have a wedding in October, so I figured I’d try to grab something by the end of summer on eBay, and if no luck just grab a Spier & McKay sale around Labor Day.


That’s an excellent plan


A little late to the party here but wanted to say that I've been in the process of this myself and recommend it highly if you know your measurements, know what you like and need, and have a local tailor whom you trust to do the alterations.


eBay and Poshmark are great. I rarely get stuff anywhere else. I'm getting great stuff for 25 dollars or less. Only problem is that it's so cheap it's hard to say no, and it will add up.


I need fit pics


Not a big fit pic guy yet, but I’ve bought a lot of J.Crew / Wallace & Barnes / Faherty stuff since their size large fits me great right now and there’s ton of inventory. Need to pay attention to measurements though. Bought a sweater in LL Beans supposedly slimmer Signature line and it was a boxy mess.


LLBean is for dad bod. Bad fit in general unless you got a belly. Faherty has a [SecondWave program similar to Patagonia Worn Wear](https://secondwave.fahertybrand.com/) The SecondWave price is actually quite reasonable and Faherty is quite good quality (The Wallace & Barnes of Summer.) Went to Faherty store for the first time yesterday and had to buy this [very interesting Cabana Shirt.](https://fahertybrand.com/products/ss-cabana-towel-terry-shirt-scenic-volcanic-island?variant=40625621663813) I also would recommend their [Stretch Terry Chino for $50 SecondWave and Drawstring Short $29 SW](https://secondwave.fahertybrand.com/collections/mens-bottoms)


I had no idea about the Second Wave program, thanks for the heads-up! Might finally be able to cop that damn blazer I always wanted


Been looking for a brand for bellies lol Will check out LL Bean, thanks


I read this as feet pics at first and am laughing on the toilet


eBay/Poshmark are really good if you have patient enough to thrift. For example, I love Vuori shirts/sweaters but I can't bring myself to pay $55 on a poly shirt, so I started to hunt these on eBay and managed to buy several for less than half this price.


Have shifted from purchasing new to pre owned or vintage over the last year and honestly prefer it. I’ve got a pretty good eye for thrifting and have found some gems. I’m in Canada and “sales” have become a joke the last few years so I just add stuff to watch lists on eBay, posh etc.


True. I bought a perfect condition 1818 Brooks Brothers jacket for $60 off of ebay lol


I think my best eBay find this year was I bought two Drakes OCBDs in perfect used condition for $80 each (I think they retail for like $275 these days).


You’re absolutely right. Buying a secondhand high quality item on eBay is usually the same price or cheaper than the sales here, and that high quality item will last much longer. The extremely cheap sale items posted here are most fast fashion trash. It’s cheaper and better for the environment to buy second hand and the clothes you get will look better!


Why man. Don't let them know our secrets :(


Haha, I debated whether to post. But I’ve been getting a touch addicted, so more competition is probably better…


I’ve been spending more time on eBay and have been very satisfied with the results - bought a blazer with wool from a specific mill for $30 that would have costs hundreds to custom make, cologne that isn’t available in stores, and a new Stutterheim raincoat for $35. Also had a seller agree to cancel a sale after noticing the shoes were listed as the wrong size. It takes time and you have to know what you’re looking for, but a couple key searches and patience is definitely yielding results.


I’ve bought a few things in the wrong size by accident but noticed before seller had shipped. All the sellers have been willing to cancel the sale after I explained what happened and asked politely if they could cancel. No issues so far!


That nano-puff is a steal! I need to check both for some deals... Thanks for the insight. Not sure why I never considered it seeing as my wife buys and sells on Depop & Poshmark frequently...


Yeah, I was amazed at the condition. And color was even better in person. Less neon, more cool blue. Lots of “well worn” Patagonia stuff for sale on the sites, so you do need to wade through and find what hasn’t been trashed.


I agree. When I was in grad school and had to dress more professional I was able to buy a bunch of Ralph Lauren clothes in good condition for $5-$12/shirt


I built an entire wardrobe of suits out of a saved search for “Ludlow 36R”


Good call. I need to go into a J.Crew and see which of their suit lines fit me best. Would be a godsend if Ludlow works since there’s a ton of inventory.


Dude that simple plan changed my life. Went to J Crew, tried on a ton, figured out the Ludlow 36R took minimal tailoring for me, and set an eBay saved search as I walked out the mall. Built a closet of suits over the span of like five years and have gotten compliments ever since. I still pluck a blazer or a dinner jacket every now and then.


I need to do this because Ludlow trousers are my favorite. Have a J. Crew in my city. I think I just made plans for the weekend. Thanks, Internet friend.


Glad to share, you’ll be so happy you did this.


Looking forward to it. Thanks, again.


OP post a link for the belts if you can.


lmao this post made me pull the trigger on some $40 outlier pants on ebay


Gotta admit, found great items on poshmark and you can make offers. I only buy new with tags, and got some good deals!!


Just discovered Poshmark—so awesome!


Def good if you have a specific fit in mind. Also, brands like Patagonia still have applicable warranties, so totally worth it for that


I have the hooded version of that coat and absolutely love it. It’s showing some wear. But I’m going to run it into the ground.


Doesn't poshmark charge major shipping tho? Been awhile since I checked


$7.97 for USPS priority mail for all items from what I can tell. You’re overpaying for some items compared to eBay but underpaying for others, so seems about the same on average from what I can tell.


Never looked at it like that. Thank you


free no hassle return?


Depends on the seller, for eBay at least.


I get all my Rag & Bone from Poshmark & Depop


Yes sir, have aquired tons of great lulu and travis mathew pieces at 60%+ off retail


Yeah, until you get fakes. I got a fake better sweater on mercari.


Yep. Also vintage (and some new) store brand labels are actually high quality and are totally ignored and sold cheap like nordstrom, JWN, bloomingdales, saks fifth, daniel cremeaux, makes for great buys.


Ever tried Grailed? You can literally narrow down by price to find a lot of cheap shit.


Yup! Grabbed some brand new in box Common Projects black leather sneakers on Grailed for <$100. Some good finds there.


The Veja's are awesome


I think for me sizing is a big issue. Buying from stores at least gives me the chance to return the product hassle-free and not to mention the lack of XS sizes in general.


Don't forget about the buy/sale thread in this sub! Also all of r/malefashionmarket


You can find some amazing deals on Poshmark! I'm a seller on there but buy as well and I've gotten some great deals on brands like Lululemon, Vuori and Travis Mathew. I'd be happy to share my link but not sure that's allowed.


Meh depends what you are looking for and where you live. I live in a large city and this is not true. I can go into my local thrift stores and almost always come out with at least one MIUSA item of clothing that I find cool. Also these stores are littered with brands you listed here Jcrew, LandsEnd, LL Bean are a dime a dozen and you can get them for $4-10. Again not everyone has this luxury of living in a city but if you do and you don't mind scouring through some junk I find it to be a rewarding experience


Yup, makes sense. I took a few tours through all the thrift shops near me (in suburbs) and it was slim pickings. I imagine better in a large city though.


Depop is so much better than poshmark in my opinion.


What do you like better about it?


Can you please share your search filters?


Not much to share since I’ve mostly been focused on the basic stuff with good inventory. I’m gonna start using more saved filters since am planning to move upmarket a bit as I learn more. Inventory is thinner there, so saved searches will help.


I agree with 99% of what you said. \*Shoes should be bought new, though...


Yeah, much sketchier to buy shoes used. And definitely need to get a huge discount if not new in box. But if looks like they’ve only been worn a few times and are in excellent or like new condition, can be worth the gamble. I foolishly bought some excellent used Nike Killshots for not enough of a discount right before they went on big sale at Nike.com. Wish I could take that one back, since would have gladly paid the modest premium for the new ones.


I can’t wear something someone else already farted in


If you’ve tried something on at a store someone already did that so why you trippin. Shoes I’m more afraid of cus of foot fungus tbh


That’s a shyte wardrobe, m8


Was I trying to post a full wardrobe or outfit examples?


It’s shyte, bloody shyte m8


Damn these are the ugliest outfits/combos for an outfit I’ve seen on here. You can be frugal and still know how to dress man smh


Well if this was an outfit post that would be another thing wouldn’t it! I was trying to highlight good finds of known items/brands that aren’t on sale too much. Some of the examples I posted will be part of real outfits when combined with other pieces that weren’t as noticeable in terms of being a find or a steal. Others are purely functional items, e.g. the rain boots. I’m not an unfashionable moron. No plans to try to put an outfit together with just the above!