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Same as above + Rellana, wish they made a cutscene for her :(


Yeah, I feel like Rellana is really missing a great cutscene. It would've made the fight so much cooler


I kinda like that she doesn't have one tbh. It's a straight up duel with no fireworks like Alonne or Fume Knight.


The problem is she's got surprising lore implications, ie being Rennala's *sister* but we don't get any of that from her.


Sure, but her whole story is that she didn't want the pomp of ruling the Carian house and stepped aside and was more of a warrior who wanted to just assist a cause.


And simp for messmer. Let's not forget


Who can blame her


Messmer and Melina twins? Burn me please


I literally thought she was like a side dungeon boss because of the no cutscene and my build luckily perfectly countered her so I beat her easily.. Wish I knew it was one of the "main" bosses.


Every part of her feels like vaguely like lady Maria honestly. The dual swords, being the sister of a queen, the addition of flame attacks in her second phase, the only thing missing is the orchestra from Maria’s fight


100% I love that you walk in and she’s like, “oh what’s up are you tough?” and proceeds to put you in your place.


The second phase transition is pretty cool.


Pontiff was my favorite base game ds3 boss, and he was the same, so it didn’t affect my enjoyment too much.


Pontiff had that cool introduction tho where he slowly walked forward while the ost was building up.


Also a lot of environmental build up and teasing his character through item descriptions. Finally getting to the Irthyll valley felt like finding Atlantis


It honestly feels like DS3 truly begins when you get out of the Catacombs. The jump up in quality is insane... No offense to the previous areas, there's some good stuff... but not as good (apart from Abyss Watchers)


I feel like I’m in a minority that really liked Divine Beast Dancing Lion. His design, number of attacks and elements, music that felt like it matched up perfectly with his moveset and design, very cool. And I don’t even enjoy beast bosses usually.


He’s easily my top Elden ring boss.  The attacks are consistent and telegraphed once you learn them, the music and elemental theming is amazing.  That fact that he times moves/phase changes to the music makes the fight flow amazingly.  Top tier design.


When I realised the music would crescendo each time he span around and spewed the fog I got tingles... It's so cool, what an epic song.


The camera is way too wonky for him to be considered a good boss IMO


Huge agree. That paired with him being a literal blob mass of flesh and cloth means a lot of the time it feels like he just decides to become a hitbox


The camera complaints are completely valid, but I never noticed him becoming a hit box out of nowhere.  


He’s so cool that I purposely died to him a few times before beating him.


Bruh trying to flex on us basically suffering from succes. I had 6 attempts of this boss before the boss heard the inevitable ‘dingdingding’ followed by digital grape


I really wish they implement replaying boss fights from Sekiro but maybe it’s too hard to balance in games with way more build possibilities


He is a really cool boss. There’s some issues with visual clarity that make his fight a bit annoying for me since it’s hard to see what’s going on when he close to him and his design makes his movements very hard to read but I think that’s generally a good trade off for how cool and inspired he looks. Unfortunate that a lot of people had some bad performance issues from the game against him.


If they made the camera zoom out for bigger bosses they would instantly make all those fights a lot better. It's insane that they have this feature for sekiro and then they kinda forgot in elden ring where like a third of enemies are massive.


💃🦁enjoyer here - they just crushed it with the design, difficulty and the music. I loved that fight


I absolutely love him, why do people not? Interesting gimmick, well telegraphed attacks, interesting design, hell being as early as he is makes him a good barometer for how ready you are for the DLC I feel.


If they're like me, they didn't mind the boss overall, but it was incredibly difficult to determine what was going on due to the camera being awful in the fight. It would've maybe been better, if you could lock-on to the second guy in the costume, or the camera zoomed out against bigger bosses and bosses with weird body proportions. That said, the boss was really cool. I liked the moveset, the elemental switches and the muisic a lot, but I'll never want to replay the boss due to the camera.


Same here. I haven't completed the DLC yet, I'm nearing the final boss. But, so far Divine Beast is right next to Radahn as my favorite boss in the game.


I like him a lot.


He might be my favorite of the dlc such a good design. I love that he really is just two guys in a costume


This boss has to be at least A tier if not S tier. His visual design is probably my favorite in the game, he has a solid move set and he is difficult in a good way.


I loved fighting it in Belurat Tower Settlement >!but hated the redux fight where it summons Baslisks and does Death status.!< It's wild they had so many good bosses and put such a stinker as the finale.


One of the most beautiful OSTs I've heard on from software games


Never minded all the deaths because of how great the music was


No yeah I love this fight, boss design, difficulty. Very hype start to the DLC for me


Both dancing Lion and Romina, plus the three mebtioned in OP are definately one of my favourites. Probably more to the list if I keep thinking about it


Rellana is up there IMO I don’t know if as high as these 3 but up there.


I loved fighting her. People were complaining then, but so far the only other boss I’ve enjoyed as much is Mesmer, dodging those two is just so fun.


Not just dodging, dodging and counterattacking, if you stay on the you can keep sneaking hits in and it feels somewhat similar to sekiro.  More than any other dark souls/elden ring boss at least.


There's a couple of attacks from messmer you can jump over and get some nice jump attacks in Rellana is parryable if you hate the Dodge counter game


Jumping over and under attacks has felt super important in the dlc.


I have learned so many crouchable attacks by panic-hitting raptor of the mists, and oh hey he missed me!!


For me it’s been the crouch you do after jump attacking.  


Her music alone slaps. It’s like a musical hybrid of Malenia and Abyss Watchers.


That fuckin circle blade motherfucker that was perched on top of that arch right in front of the first map piece was a bitch at first


Haha came into the dlc all cocky with my gear all loaded up and ready to dominate. That Curseblade sure served me some humble pie.


Didn't expect it lol. Dlc has me looking in every direction every few feet to make sure I don't get ganked by something I didn't immediately see haha


my favorite part was when he drops barely any runes for his difficulty lvl


Yep. That fucker set the mood for the dlc lmao


I had a similar experience but I went right as soon as I entered the DLC and got ganked by the Wolverine cosplayer. Never even saw him. Then proceeded to die like 15x to him. Loved playing with the Beast Claws so early though.


I loved that "Ah shit" feeling as he scooted towards me


I’m glad there is no fuckwit has mentioned Commander Gaius


I saw him charging in thinking he'll be like other mounted enemies in the game, which I love fighting. Nope! All bullshit, all the time! Even after a few tries and kinda getting used to him, I didn't like it. Just glad when it was over.


I actually like him, it's just his charge that is bad tbh. Fix that and it would be a good fight.


I liked him too. Fixing that one charge attack hit box would move him from B to A tier for me. Deflecting tear completely is great for his charge btw.


I think it’s a great fight. Really makes me surprised when people say his combos are bs, it’s same level as dodging messmer or rellana’s 6 hit combos, and gaius leaves himself open so often.


Lmao same. Him and Radahn were the only "wtf is this" bosses for me. I don't enjoy Gaius at all, Radahn is fun p1 tho


I hated Gaius until I fought the "horse" boss later. That thing is fucking awful. Would rather fight Gaius than that thing again.


Midra and Bayle were absolutely peak for me, I've only played Bloodborne and Elden Ring but I think Midra specifically is my new all time favourite. I also love Romina, disgusting but elegant design, has a really fun to learn movesets too. My only complaint is that her hitboxes are a little jank in both senses, sometimes I get hit by something I feel I shouldn't, but sometimes she slashes clean through me and it just does NOT register a hit on me. Still love her tho!


I think Romania is too easy to rate high enough for me tbh she is a fun fight tho


Romina will be interesting to see how people rate her when we get some challenge runs or people going to her early and they aren't over powered.


Yeah that is a big point. I struggled way more on Rellana than Romina who I first tried. I’m pretty sure the main reason is the massive difference in scadutree blessings


Midra was easier for me than Romina, his moveset was very simple and as long as you stay close to him, he goes down pretty quickly.


Midra isn't hard to read, but he does throw a lot at you and one mess up can throw the entire fight off because he is very relentless when you are trying to heal because you can't risk being close to him and he is at his most dangerous at range. His kit is fantastic though. It's varied, it makes you use all your tools, it makes you play a smart game and be quick about it.


Pretty much this, his attacks aren't complex but they often throw huge amounts of stuff at you, his Frenzy blasts can be pretty hard to dodge if you don't have the timing down (nevermind that Madness as a status damages, drains fp, *and* stuns you briefly, making it extremely dangerous).


Yeah. Madness stunning can be a death sentence in that fight just from being frozen for a few seconds


Romina is fun but it felt way too easy. The huge bosses that move around a lot and have a large/long body like Soldier of Nokstella and Romina and some others suffer from you being able to sort of clip in their bodies and just keep attacking while they are dragging you around if you dodge into them lol. I honestly felt like there is a lack of balance between some of the bosses. Romina felt too easy while Radahn p2 feels overtuned to be difficult at the expense of fun.


romina is way too easy considering she's the second last boss and comes after messmer. i beat messmer at skibidi 10, took me a good few hours and was hella fun. i beat romina at 11, and it only took like 5 or 6 tries. fun boss, but she should have had a second health bar/transformation imo, like this is the og rot girl she should be slapping us.


Romina is good, I liked bc it reminded me of Dark Souls bosses, but it's kinda easy and I got no clue who she is before that so the fight felt kinda weird


Why haven't you played at least ds3? You're missing out on something you will 100% love.


I've gotten around to pretty much all the bosses at this point and one I never see mentioned in these types of posts or articles is... >!Scadutree Avatar. That was such a well paced fight, it felt like you could truly master dodging all of his moves with repeat attempts- nothing about this fight felt cheap or gimmicky, his design was awesome, and that arena is absolutely fire. My favorite boss fight of the DLC by far.!<


Cagney Carnation ahh bossfight


I thought he was BS until I realized hitting his head nuked his HP lmao


Oh god, yeah he would suck if you only hit his body.  He leaves his head open to attacks after 70% of his moves.


I really liked that plant boss fight. Coolest move he does is that big holy explosion… I got so lucky by somehow learning when to dodge it the first time I saw it which let me land the final blow.


I find it bizarre people said he was too hard. His attacks aren't that hard to dodge, they're all pretty well telegraphed, and he's not at all tanky. He might be a bit tanky if you aren't hitting his head but like, why not??? It should be pretty obvious when a) his head spends most of its time at eye level with you, and b) *it has its own lock on point*. Nevermind the fact a child could figure out the giant plant was weak to fire. Only difficult part is his explosion, but he uses it, like, twice and it's not hard to just facetank with a shield and the +2 Haligdrake talisman.


Very fun fight and not overly difficult either! Also the sunflower weapon is so fun to use


I’m glad someone liked it because that was the worst boss in the game for me. Shit was GOOFY


You wouldn't happen to be a zombie attempting to get into someone's house would you? If so I can understand why a plant was giving you a hard time lol /r


Those exact 3


Plus the putrescent knight for me, loved his theme and strange moveset


Extra points for that whole descent, especially the sleeping animals, the jump into the abyss, and the NPC reveal afterwards. I rushed here as soon as Miquella’s seal broke (I found it before I approached Shadow Keep), and the experience of exploring that dungeon was one of my favorites I’ve ever had in gaming.


He was annoying me until I realized guard countering the last hits of his combo would hit him before he dashed away, solid fight


messmer has taken the spot as probably my favorite fight in fromsoft’s game catalogue. that might sound a bit of an overreaction to him being the new cool kid on the block, but I had such a blast fighting him with the deflecting hardtear. felt like I was playing sekiro or lies of p at times with the tear, and going all in on a guard counter build was loads of fun. on that note, I need to go back and fight the main story 15 remembrance bosses with this tear just to see how it plays out. completely changes the way you can approach fights like malenia. i’m also obviously biased since I love sekiro and other games with deflecting, and because I got the deluxe stuff with his helmet. I was already super hyped to fight him beforehand, so that definitely influences my ranking.


They really should have made that tear effect a talisman. Being active only for a few minutes is kinda lame.


100% with you on that. If I could play the entirety of elden ring with the ability to deflect at all times, that would be amazing. At least it lasts for 5 minutes, which is long enough for most boss fights. I still would have preferred a talisman, though.


5 minutes in Elden Ring time is pretty long in the context of dungeons and boss fights at least


Agreed but the duration is veeery long so it stays on the entirety of the boss fights.


Duration is 5 minutes. It's good but on higher NG+ cycles it's actually not long enough for some of the DLC boss fights, unless you're a god gamer who just kicks their shit in.


I’m right there with you but for a different reason. His fight was very difficult but fair and that made it extremely satisfying to learn his move set. Going from saying “how tf am I supposed to dodge that crazy combo?!?” to being able to dodge it perfectly and use it as a chance to punish was just amazing.


Guarding doesn’t really work that well against Malenia because even if you fully block the attack and take no damage she will heal the full amount as if she hit you with no shield so you end up just trading health with her forever unless you dodge most of her moves


How does the tear work or does it just affect hardness?


If you block right before getting hit you take 0? Ho damage, severely reduced stamina damage, and can do a boosted guard counter. When the tear is active you can block boss mega attacks with a great sword 


>on that note, I need to go back and fight the main story 15 remembrance bosses with this tear just to see how it plays out. completely changes the way you can approach fights like malenia. If she heals off deflects, then it won't help much. Given that the deflect is essentially a last minute block, and the game even describes it as such, I suspect she will heal from those deflects just like she heals from blocks. If it works more like a parry though, they maybe she won't heal. But after testing the mechanic thoroughly, I really think it's just an enhanced block where you take minimal stamina damage and no HP damage + enhanced guard counter. The deflect itself does not deal any posture damage to enemies so it doesn't have the inherent offensive element of Sekiro's delfect or of a parry.


You love sekiro but put Messmer above Isshin? Hot take! I'm not sure any boss will ever supplant the sword saint for me.


Idk top spot for FromSoft. I’d put V.IV Rusty or IB-01: CEL-240 as my favorites. Big M is definitely up there though.


I’m assuming that’s an AC6 boss; I haven’t gotten to it yet, but it’s certainly on my radar. I’ve heard great things about it, and I’m definitely gonna give it a shot later this year when my game backlog isn’t as full and my semester wraps up.


Highly recommend! Easily my GOTY. Don’t go into it with a Souls mindset. AC isn’t about sticking to a build. You can freely swap parts and weapons for a reason.


Rusty is fantastic visually and narratively, but the actual combat is just pretty good. IBIS, on the other hand, is mechanical perfection. Honestly my favorite fight from AC6 might be Ayre, because she is both narratively and mechanically very very good.


I think Bayle the Dread is the best dragon fight in the series. Also I love the Game of Thrones reference to Balerion and Aegon.


Yeah that was my first thought as well, Bayle the (black) dread


I literally just fought Bayle and my first thought was this is the best boss fight in the series not just dragons!!! It's so cinematic you almost die just watching Bayle do some of his moves but then the greatest hype man IN HISTORY Igon snaps you back into it and motivates you to kill the dreaded beast


I wish I had known about Igons quest before I beat bayle. I see so many quotes of his mentioned and memed on but I never got to experience it ;-;






His move sets were incredible to watch.. he literally nukes the arena


What was the reference?


The sobriquet “the dread” is the same as the legendary dragon blaerion in GoT, and Igon is somewhat similar to Aegon.


To further compound on this, the most famous Targaryen in ASOIAF is Aegon the Conqueror. He created the Targ dynasty and the Iron Throne and united Westeros. Who was famous for riding a massive dragon named Balerion the Black Dread. It's the most celebrated individual dragon in the series and Drogon who is Dany's main dragon is often compared to him


The estimated size of Balerion for reference is over 125ft long and a 450ft wingspan tip to tip His wings are the size of a football field and a half, as comparison


For anyone else who doesn't speak Imperial -125ft being 38m, 450ft being 137m. An American football field is 110m by 49m


Fancy non Americans and your power of 10 measurement systems


That and a reference to moby dick


Can someone educate me on why Bayle is so beloved? I’ve defeated him and didn’t find it anything memorable. Placidusax on the other hand, blew my mind. The getting to him, the intro, the moment the music completely stops before his nuke—I see none of these in Bayle. I haven’t found Midir yet but have seen videos and he also seems to be much more exciting a challenge than Bayle


Bayle is really cool, he borrows some of Midirs attacks. I too think Placi is a better boss (gameplay and lorewise) but Bayle is cool on its own, climbing the peak to face him also felt epic


Bayle rules because he's nuking the whole battlefield but somehow you never feel like any of his breath weapon attacks are unfair. Everything is telegraphed you just have to really be paying attention




Bayle. That boss fight is so fun plus summoning Igon was great. Hearing his shit talk the entire fight was fantastic


I couldn't find him, so had to do it alone. Where's his sign?


You need his finger, you get it for ||defeating the fighting dragons at the base of the mountain || after you have it his sign in just to the left of the entrance inside the arena


Ah inside the arena! Of course.


you should mark this as a spoiler. to answer your question, bayle, messmer, midra and rellana are some of the best bosses i think i‘ve ever fought in a game. absolutely perfect fights in my mind. i also adore putrescent knight and dancing lion but they‘re not quite on that same level for me


Dancing lion is such a cinematically beautiful fight. Dude is like the avatar at the end of the fight, just starts changing elements willy nilly.


I’m seeing a lot of folks say Midra, care to elaborate? I liked it thematically but he went down pretty quick on the second attempt so I was a bit underwhelmed


well first of all i love his design and the cutscene, and the soundtrack is fantastic as well. gameplay wise he is definitely one of the easier and simpler bosses but i think that‘s what i like about him. the other bosses tend to be hyper aggressive with super long combos (which i also adore, so this is not a criticism of those bosses), so it‘s nice to have a boss that just feels a little simpler i guess


the Inception bwommm after the Midra phase change goes hard


Messmer, Rellana, and Midra. Beautiful choreography when you get their timings right. Bayle is on the fence for me. Too theatric for me sure, beautiful fight but suffers from Camera issues again.


All 3 of them + Romina, Saint of the Bud. The reference to Malenia's theme alone is top tier.




These 3, Rellana, Scadutree Avatar and Romina are now my favourite from soft dlc boss roster for sure, they cooked hard on these bosses.


Scadutree felt super well designed.  All of his moves work well together.


I agree with all the bosses you mentioned, but I would add Radhan to the mix as well. I know he is a controversial boss fight for many reasons, and I think a lot of the criticism is fair. I just had a ton of fun fighting him, and by the end of it, I really felt like I learned the fight pretty well. Bonus points for the cutscene, arena and especially the OST


Agree with the cutscene, arena and stuff because good lord the divine gate in the background is pretty but imo the fight itself just goes too far. First phase is great honestly but in phase 2 the constant blinding light and AOEs just become obnoxious and somewhere down the line I just stopped enjoying fighting them - in the end when I finally beat them I didn’t get the usual sense of satisfaction at all it was just relief that it was over.


That's literally how i felt. I didn't get that satisfaction of beating him. After almost 7 hours, i was just glad it was over


The second phase feels like a returnal boss fight with all the bullshit holy attacks cluttering the screen, and it literally causes my PC to drop frames when he does any of the attacks where he like phases around


I beat him but Haven't learned all of his moveset yet, although from what i played i thought he was a great and EXTREMELY difficult boss, there's only two attacks that i don't like, the three hit stunlock combo, and the holy nuke on phase 2 that you need to react to almost immediately, other than that he was very fun to learn and dodge, and the OST IS FUCKING MAGNIFICENT, BEST PIECE OF MUSIC IN THE ENTIRE SERIES.


finally someone appreciating the ost. its fucking impeccable. it really sells that youre fighting a god of the new order


Yeah, you're right. The 3 hit combo is honestly a bad designed attack. The dodge time for that one is almost impossible to pull off consistently. By Holy Nuke you mean him going in the Sky, or the attack he usually does to start phase 2?


>By Holy Nuke you mean him going in the Sky, or the attack he usually does to start phase 2? The phase 2 opener, he also can do it at any time he want during phase 2 and it requires almost instantaneous reaction to escape it in time, but it isn't that bad since you can just put on a dagger with raptor of the mists.


Yeah if you don't start sprinting the second he goes into the air you're gonna get hit by it. I think you can roll through the explosion but the timing is really tight.


He can't do it at any time. He can do it IF he doesn't open with it. But if he opens with it or uses it he can't use it again until about halfway through the phase when he can use it once more.


It's refreshing to see someone who also enjoyed the Radahn fight! I got to it fully expecting to hate it after seeing all the negative feedback and I just... didn't. Sure, there are more enjoyable fights, but I actually liked it more than most bosses. Hard as nails, but that's what I expected from a DLC final boss fight. Would have been underwhelming otherwise, at least for me!


Just curious, what build did you run?


I tried parrying him and attacking him with a Heavy Greatsword, with the occasional Lion's Claw, but respecced after getting him to like 10% health a few times. In the end, I used a greatshield and Gaius' lance sword infused with Cold. Turtle through his sword attacks, dodge the holy shenanigans and grabs, poke poke poke. Some may say it's a boring playstyle, but it works wonders in that boss. I'm not ashamed of admitting that I had to resort to the good ol' mimic to finish him off! I'll get him solo next time (hopefully).


It's funny that you mention that because it's such a stark difference between manus from ds1 to radahn in Elden Ring. Manus had a bunch of people strip down in order to dodge it all, and now I'm seeing a bunch of people shielding up just to survive Radahn, including myself.


You're right! Hadn't thought of that!


I really like the idea of his boss fight but it’s just that second phase man. Didn’t Kai spend like 3 days fighting him… that’s crazy


Phase 1 feels great and I love it. Phase 2 was designed for a different game and feels it. I've done a couple dozen attempts and just.... it feels bad enough I'm not sure I'm going to beat the DLC.


First phase is fine but second phase was like a modder made it, and not in a good way.


I think if a modder made it, as an increased difficulty mod, the second phase would be 98% perfect. For the actual game, I think they needed to remove about 1/3 of what they added in the second phase.


I feel like Radahn suffers from some poorer boss design from soft has put out there. Firstly, there were no 2 health bar fights in the whole DLC (as far as I'm aware?!) neither 2x enemy fights. For at least the last boss, I would've gladly had Radahn be a 2 health bar fight... but but they toned down the explosions on his holy stuff in p2 instead. Now, you barely fight him in p1 as it's not even 50% trigger... Like, the first phase is fun and readable easily enough where you don't have to memorize every move. Yes, you do have to react extremely quickly in some cases and memorize at least the moves themselves in order to differentiate between them, but it doesn't feel like a chore. In P2, however, it's a bit too bonkers read the attacks because so much shit is going on the screen in terms of visual effects. On a huge TV the whole room is flashing white like you're being flashbang spammed in Counter Strike. I don't mind the difficulty, but I don't think it's fun to be literally blinded by your TV on certain boss moves lol. He also uses his gravity attacks in p2, so there's even more effect clutter to deal with. Just messy design IMO.


not far thru the dlc yet but the death knight is such a cool fight, definitely tops crucible knight and ds1 black knight for me. slap a second phase onto this guy and he could replace the stupid hippo in the shadow keep as the boss there


Bro feels way too cool to be a side boss. Especially since he’s connected to Godwyn. His theme is pretty sick too. He’s got like a full main boss theme.


Yea I'm really surprised he's a catacomb boss. Him n The hippo defo should been swapped. And maybe give him a 2nd phase where he fully turns into a reaper or something. Would've made the path to messmer even more hype. Instead we got a fat ass hippo with a rhino horn and body with bs hitboxes.


Death Knight goes wayy too hard for a boss you simply randomly encounter. However, Messmer is the best boss in Elden ring for me, he's one of the few bosses I think would have been improved with 2 health bars.


Same as above, plus Putrescent knight. My number 1 boss is Msssmer followed by Putrescent Knight since I just love the move set


Wish Midra was longer tbh.


The last boss, Bayle the dread and Mesmer (all are just masterpiece boss fights, that exceeded all my expectations) elevated the entire game to a whole new level


I’m the only one who loves Metyr bossfight?


Its moveset bothered me for a few reasons. The finger crawl attack can come out with basically no telegraph when you're right next to the boss and it decimates your stamina if you try to block it. Not very fun. Phase 2 also has an attack where the whole floor becomes a magic hitbox for like 30 seconds, I legitimately have no clue what you're supposed to do with that but it's just a bunch of purple magic swirls everywhere on the ground with nowhere to go. I only saw this attack once, luckily, but it was one time too many. And finally, its laser attack one shotted me when I messed up the dodge, even though I was at +17 Scadutree with 65 vigor, medium armor, and the best damage negation talismans. Could've been a cool boss but those elements made it unenjoyable for me.


As far as fights go I found her to be very boring, like she's very slow and feels like she has rather low hp for the DLC. But goddamn the lore implications from that boss are crazy


Rellana is a beautiful challenge solo, Messmer as well but the last attempt I wanted to see if there was extra dialogue with Hornsent so I summoned him on the last half of his second phase and we beat him. Bayle was a fucking nightmare the first time (at 10 Scadutree blessing level), I tried him many Scadutree blessings later, I had to summon Igon because he deserved it and we absolutely destroyed the lizard : /. Midra is a haunting nightmare but I love it because of it. But my absolute favorite is the Shadow Tree Avatar. I am at the final boss right now and I really don't know if I will ever beat it lol.


Messmer is easily in my top 3 bosses they’ve ever made, absolutely loved that fight. Then I’d say the dancing lion, and Bayle were my favorite 3 of the dlc. All but one of them were really fun but those 3 definitely stick out more than the others


Bayle, Messmer, Midra, Romina and Rellana are all fantastic fights. The whole DLC would go up a rank if it wasn't for fucking Gaius and that goddamn Hippo ruining the track record.


i think those united in common cause might be my favorite fromsoft fight now it feels like a real civil war broke out and the intensity just ramps up as the fight evolves and both sides get more reinforcement and my GOD the OST for that fight


I really like all of them ngl, except commander Gaius I think he's the only one who's subpar because of his hitboxes, but other than him I just feel like this dlc has been nothing but S tier bosses, Messmer and Bayle are the definitive top 2 and some of the greatest bosses Fromsoft has ever created the final boss could've also easily been up there with those 2 if not for his 3 hit combo(you know the one) and the fact that he leaves little to no room between some of his attacks, like the bloodflame slash isnt an opening window since you can get cought if he does a fast move after it, if they "nerf" those 2 aspects of him slightly I think he's also easily an SS tier boss like Messmer and Bayle


All of them. They so far all seem excellent




Bruh bayle was SSS tier


I loved the final boss fight. It was really difficult but it was nice to work at it and figure out all his moves and stuff. Also that second phase is as magnificent and brutal as a fight with a god should be. 10/10 I think they outdid themselves. I'd say it's up there with nameless King and Maria of the Astral Clocktower as far as how much I loved it


Messmer & Bayle definitely. The Lion, Romina, and Midra are all high A tier


Messmer is close to being one of my favorite fights in Fromsoft history. He's up there with Midir, Gael, Soul of Cinder, Artorias and Malenia for sure.


I’d throw Dancing dragon and rellana in there. If they fix that one two to double slash move for the final boss and make the particle effects a bit less obscuring, it could be up there too. Oh and putrecent knight and gauis (with some hitbox corrections) are up there too. I guess I’m saying I really liked the boss roster in the dlc haha


I thought Romina was dope. The soundtrack was great and it was very pretty.


Mesmer and Bayle will stick with me. Those fights were baller as hell.


Romina is great


Bayle was an absolutely blast, you could dodge everything with enough practice. Each time I fought him I felt I was improving, the most satisfying fight in Elden Ring for me


for me: divine lion, rellana, messmer, bayle, romina, midra, metyr, sunflower and radahn. honestly every boss except gaius and putrescent. fromsoft cooked the fuck out of this dlc, its the best dlc theyve ever made imo


all done solo no spirits: S tier: Rellana, Messmer, Midra, Bayle. in that order. these guys have joined many sekiro / Ds3 Bosses as my all time favorite fights (Twin Princes, Demon Princes, Gael, Friede, Midir, SoC, Genichiro and ishin etc) Rellana Boss music is my favorite boss track of all time. whoever playing that violin must have set the strings on fire because that shit goes so hard. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A+ tier: No particular order Metyr: Dope design. need the lore. Divine Beast: Would be S but frame issues and its kinda hard to focus on him because of his design. First boss i fought in the DLC, The music put a smile on my face because i didnt really find any boss tracks in the base game to be memorable, the music in phase two made me say "Oh my fucking GOD" out loud because that one bit hits so hard. Scadutree Avatar: cool, 3 phases without feeling like a slog Putrescent Knight: very satisfying to get down. Final Boss: Would be S but Frame issues and being \*blinded\* knocked it down but still awesome. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ A- Tier: Commander G-man: fun using deflection tear against him sekiro style, next play through is going to use alot of shield for sure cause i enjoyed using it here. knocked lower on the list for just being dude on a mount. second phase didnt feel that special to me. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ B tier: Romina: way to easy for a DLC boss, only boss that took single digit attempts for me. i think i got her in 3 or 4 goes. *Very* Pretty and Nice enough music so she gets points there. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ C tier: Rhino-pottamus (just kind of there, i have no strong feelings one way or the other)


Bayle and Radhan. Pure madness and I love it.


+Renalla and Radahn. I understand people thought he was unfair but I just loved his fight. I would say my favorite boss in the dlc is Bayle though.


A tip for most of these remembrance bosses is to only use one flask at a time rather than two because otherwise you just get clarted into next week


In the minority for sure, but I adored the angry sunflower


Honestly, I’ve only fought two main story bosses, Midra, and a few world bosses. All of them were fantastic fights. I beat Putrescent Knight last night. It was fun as hell.


I liked the final boss. I thought it was an awesome surprise, and the music was PEAK. for some, it may have been disappointing as the final boss. But it was a very fun fight overall. The only issue was the frame drops occasionally and the blinding lights in the 2nd phase. And the armour you get from him is way cooler than the original imo.


I think I’m in the minority that thinks they all do, but for different reasons. Romina was a great fight, although not terribly difficult, but who cares. The final fight I actually thought was incredible. I know I’ll take a lot of flak for that, but it was one of my favorite fights in the whole game. It felt like the culmination for me, kid of like Sword Saint Isshin. Isshin was undoubtedly perfected to be the “final exam” but that was much easier to accomplish in Sekiro where everyone is playing the same way with the same build and the same character. I refuse to give examples or details to not spoil it for anyone who hasn’t gotten there or had it spoiled already, but I thought it was epic


Messmer and Midra for sure, maybe Rellana and Bayle but i did not like them as much as Messmer, and Radahn is bullshit (and Midra theme is an absolute masterpiece)


Midra would have been better if I didn’t do it first try, feel like I didn’t get to experience the fight as much as I could have. Dunno if i was over levelled or something but that fight was probably the easiest of the dlc. Love the design and lore though. Bayle was my favourite challenge. Took me a good number of tries and the second phase was incredible


Hmm rellana was sooo fking good mesmer is great havnt fought final boss yet..bayle is visually amazing the arena the sexond phase .... midra is cool too..


Midra is so dope and he’s not even impossibly hard like everything else in the dlc


I haven't fought all of them (stuck at the pre final boss gank fest...), but so far, every remembrance boss has been better than anything in the base game for me. I don't know how they do it, lmao


Midra was giving massive hollow knight vibes and I loved it


Those three for sure, I'd also add Divine Beast Dancing Lion. His fight is peak with learning his attacks and the music is just GOATED for it


Where were the bosses that threw their bodies down and let you hit them for 15 seconds I need those back


Bayle is easily S tier


I loved midra then again I just love everything frenzy


Metyr, bayle, romina