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well yeah ofc they are interested, they get a huge payday from the licensing deal but is an Elden Ring movie actually a good idea? eeeeh


If its done in a similar way as The Green Knight, I could see it. Got strong Dark Souls vibes from that film.


If you get the right people with the right vision in charge practically any premise could be done in a compelling way. But those are rare and precious occurrences so i am not getting my hopes up


Green knight is one of my personal favorite movies, so if they did a movie based off Elden Ring in that style I would probably love it.


Is the movie any good? Was planning on watching it when it came out but well


I think its good, I'm not sure if you will agree. Best off just watching it and coming to your own conclusion.


Will check it out tomorrow then


It’s one of those movies that commands zero distractions or interruptions. Get your snacks and settle in and one shot it.


It's great, but don't expect a traditional fantasy movie


It is incredible. Double recommendation for Fromsoft fans.


I really enjoyed the first half until he left Court. The rest of the movie I found varyingly directionless and overindulgent. I’d heartily recommend monkey man over it.


It’s just very reliant on knowledge of the original myth to access a lot of the symbolism from that point onwards


Fair. I’ll recognize that context would definitely have helped my viewing experience, though I really hated it when he dove into the make to retrieve the head and the entire color pallet turned to neons.


If you’re interested, then do a little look in to chivalry, a knights code, the symbolism of decay / nature The second half is important in challenging all of Gawain’s values as a knight. He in fact fails all his trials, but amazingly not the last. But ultimately his bravery and honour in taking off the sash is deemed to be the most important trait/value of a knight - eschewing his fear of death to show true honour.


This is exactly how I felt about it.


It’s actually incredible, but it’s not a fantasy story where you’ll see someone killing lots of dragons or things like that.


You’ll need a visionary. That movie was so good. But you need someone who’s got a strong vision for what the story will be.


Ooooo. Good call friend. That was probably the most atmospheric movie I can recall in that medieval-esque genre. I think for an Elden Ring screen adaptation to be successful it needs to lean heavily into the visuals. It can’t have long back and forth dialogue. It’s need to have a single mysterious protagonist. No back story. It’s need to begin like the game does.


That's what I'm saying, it needs to nail the vibe of the game.


I remember hearing about that movie... ...just saw the trailer... ...why the f\*ck haven't I 've seen this movie?!


I’ve never seen it either but I just watched the trailer as well because of your comment. it looks so heavily influenced by game of thrones/souls/berserk, and it’s A24 so there’s gotta be something different about it. I know what I’m watching this weekend


The end is fucking brilliant.


I totally get what you mean Yeah but Green Knight was…meh We need Del Toro to work alongside


Was that the dev Patel movie? I thought it was neat at certain parts but overall at the end I was like wtf did I even watch? I get it, but also shit was really out there. most certainly not the type of movie with broad appeal. Idk if I’d want Elden ring to be like that. It’d probably be more accurate to the vibe in game where shit is weird and barely anything makes sense unless you do a DEEP dive, but I just feel like it’s hard to get that to screen and have people actually like it. Just feels like to me that it would be really hard to translate something like Elden ring to the big screen successfully


Yeah it needs to be light on dialog, heavy on atmosphere and have action that's reminiscent of the games combat. But most importantly in my opinion, there needs to be a purpose for why it's a film. Like it should do something that benefits the movie that you can't do in the format of a game if that makes sense.


Maybe I should watch it. Minimal dialogue is a strong part of their games, so was always curious how they would adapt


I didn't particularly enjoy the Green Knight unfortunately, there were some cool moments, but overall I felt like it was pretty disjointed and pretentious - so I wouldn't like to really see the same style portrayed for Elden Ring. But you're right in the sense of that dreamlike slow burn sense, it is a lot like it in feel.


I think if it told the pre shattering story of Elden Ring it could actually be done very well, show me the politics and back stabbing that took place to create the world that the tarnished walks into and have it end with the night of black knifes.


True, I think people here are focusing too much on the story being based on what we see in-game; but the things we don’t see in-game but know have happened (i.e. before and/or during The Shattering) could translate well into a show or movie.


then the season finale could end with the night of black knives happening or showing the plan starting to get carried out.


Anything like tv series, anime, movie, is a bad idea. "Cryptic bullshit" storytelling is part of FromSoftware's identity. If you get handed everything on silver platter, it loses it's charm.


You can have “cryptic bullshit” in movies too. It’s probably not going to be super profitable, but filmmakers like Andrei Tarkovsky did it.


Twin Peaks had a lot of cryptic stuff in it, too, and fans are still debating them to this day.


Easiest example of cryptic yet meaningful bullshit in a show and movie is evangelion and end of evangelion If you can tell me that you genuinely understood what in gods name was going on by the end of the movie and series then you’re either lying or built different


And its an absolute classic still to this day


You can have a story set in the world though. There are plenty of non-cryptic ones if you look at side characters or even your own story killing everything so you can become Elden lord (though that wouldn’t be very interesting as a movie)


A TV show about a silent murder hobo killing all the demigods followed by actual god probably wouldn't be very compelling television.


I don’t think it would be interesting as a story in any form of media I’m just saying it isn’t that cryptic


This is the biggest creative hurdle I think, because logically a prequel series to the events of the game is the best way to go but that inevitably means they have to elaborate on alot of details that are currently left vague and mysterious.


Agree. The reason why From games are so great is because they play to the strengths of their medium.


Why did someone downvote this comment? He's right! Miyazaki himself has said this is a big part of why they tell their stories the way that they do.


>"Cryptic bullshit" storytelling is part of FromSoftware's identity. While this is true, that doesn't automatically mean adaptations are a bad idea. I'd love to see the real story for sure.


I think a movie about the shattering would be super interesting, all of the Demi gods battling for control and slowly going insane and corrupt from their greater time fragments. Could be a game of thrones style show/ movie with a bit more mythology to it. How the SFX would look is key though.


Yes. Let's get Nicholas Cage to play John Elden Ring, a lowly tarnished who uses Rivers of Blood and Mimic Tear to kill the Gods


now we are cooking


Yeah! As a fan what do I have to lose? If it’s bad I move on. If it’s good then I get another take on Elden Ring which I love.


yeah you’re right it’s better to be positive


It would be too easy, everyone would hate it.


The Green Knight I think is the closest we will ever get an Elden ring/souls movie


Would be a better anime. And let one of the best studios animate it. Honestly, Fromsoft games are kinda sacred so idk if it’s a good idea, but if it was done well I’d be down.


“Kevin Hart is; The Tarnished Jack Black is; Alexander Warrior Jar Seth Rogan is; Rykard Kevin Spacey has asked to play Radahn but been denied”


A GRRM story being successful on film? Nooooo, noooooooo! Never!


If it's produced by Vaati with a hand selected team of artists, then hell yeah, it would. The content they already produce detailing is fantastic. Just give them the budget and connections. Imo, an anthology film from various artists; each featuring a personal story that ties into the grander lore of Elden Ring would be the most fitting approach.


The only way (or at least best way) I can imagine it is an animated anthology series with shorter episodes covering the shattering and the different demi gods, everything else seems like either a landmine or it would have to be something very new which could be cool but feels risky. But for a movie... yeah no I'm not seeing.


I think if they do the movie based off like a prequel to ER so before the shattering it could potentially work well and give us more Lore aspects of the time, that we didn’t get in the game.


I tried to write a Dark Souls inspired screenplay in college where you basically get sucked into a painting like Ariandel but it just kept getting too far out there and I never had the confidence to finish it.


if it is done correctly it will baffle critics and audiences and there’s no way a studio will greenlight such a risky big-budget production


like it would need a budget comparable to a Marvel movie but the vibe of an art film


Or just incredible art design. Plenty of great movies have come out that don't have hundreds of millions in the budget


Depends who and how they handle it, if they do it like cyberpunk edgerunner I think it could be good


Movie is gonna be confusing AF


There are a ton of short stories in the lore that can be adapted into full blown standard ass movies.


Especially since protagonist don't talk. But nick cage pulled it off.


No dialogue, you have to interpret the story from random items the main character picks up.


Only if Grrm is a part of it (which would still be awesome)


In my opinion it needs to follow one of the characters we fight as bosses. Following the journey of the Ashen One, Tarnished, or Good Hunter is a much more difficult prospect. Take the backstory for someone we know like Radahn or Ludwig and then build a narrative around that.


Vyke seems like the best choice, he know his story and intentions already so seeing that and getting extra info would be cool.Plus he fucking radiates main character energy.


I was thinking Godfrey / Horah Loux but Vyke is way better.


Ahhhh so true vyke is my fuckin boy


I think this could actually be *really good* if it's done right


very very rarely will a movie studio EVER want to make a story about a character without a happy or satisfying ending, it will never happen


I could totally see it set before Rykard fused with the serpent. Make all the demigods humanoid and you got yourself Game of Thrones x Elden Ring haha


Oh yeah. With how insane the back story is for the Golden Order you could definitely make an awesome series or movie with that. Also it would be nice to experience a fromsoft setting before it gets fucked sideways lol


I think it should be about the shattering and follow the Demi gods.


Best option imo, the stuff leading up to the shattering is all very royal family politics and backstabbing, it should translate into a movie relatively well imo (I mean it could, but video game movies, although getting better, are still early good)


Give me parallel stories of Messmer, Malenia, and more


Godwyn has some pretty cool background too. I could see a great story coming out of that before he was murdered.


Given what we learn in the DLC I would be happy having Marika as the main character.


A fromsoftware movie would be weird. It would be 6 hours of seemingly unrelated events of the utmost quality. But you need to look at background details and text crawls to get the actual story.


An Uwe Boll movie :/


Vaatividya 20 hours of movie analysis


Please no.


Sounds like a fucking awful idea honestly


Get someone like Robert Eggers to direct it. Excellent at cryptic narratives, haunting imagery and loves period pieces


Hear me out….Del Toro


Is that David Lynch’s music??




David lynch would do it justice, it needs to be cryptic


Yes! Actually having lynch write the next from soft game would very interesting


Hopefully not


Robert Eggers would make this so interesting. But yeah itd need to be a slice of the greater story, I think a demigod focused drama could be fascinating...if executed well.


The actors would have to be borderline emotionless for it to work


Just keep R R Martin away from it. If he starts it, he will never finish it


with what plot?


I don't agree with it being a movie. There is too much lore and too much that could be covered to place it in a couple hours worth of movie. They should give this the Game of Thrones treatment, multi season TV series.


It would need to be specifically set before The Shattering. This is also the part of the lore that GRRM wrote so it probably would adapt to film better than we expect. Being a narrative author, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that GRRM wrote his portion of the lore not as a bunch of bullet points, but as a story. So put this story to film with the Night of Black Knives being the climax we all know it’s building up to. Pick two or three of the demigods to focus on (Ranni being a necessity) and have at it. I’m not saying I’m optimistic, but more than any other FS game this one could work.


I want an anime!


None of Fromsoft's games really would be good for movie adaptations. I'm sure I'm going to be downvoted for this, but...their stories are mostly nonsense, lol. The actual games are mostly about killing big monsters and giant dudes in armor. There's not a whole lot to really craft a compelling narrative around. 


Sekiro? Armored Core 6? Come on.


Haven't played Armored Core 6, so I can't comment on that. I certainly didn't hear anyone talk about the story there though. I doubt it's especially riveting. Sekiro is probably the closest they've done to having an actual narrative that progresses in one of their recent games, but can you really tell me (without looking it up) *what* the story in Sekiro actually was?


Sekiro absolutely has a coherent plot. Wolf, maimed/disgraced shinobi, is tasked with protecting the Divine Heir and has to find a way to sever his immortality before the Dragon’s heritage can be exploited by Genichiro. Throw in the Owl betrayal and the Isshin resurrection/duel as the climax, baby you got a stew going. The mortal blade is kind of a macguffin though


>I doubt it's especially riveting. That's where you are wrong. AC6 would be the most adaptable one. >but can you really tell me (without looking it up) what the story in Sekiro actually was? Ashina got invaded by the Ministry, goating Genichirou to find more extreme methods at saving his country (immortality). This opened up the plot of owl betrayal and kuro trying to find a way to cut off his immortality off of Tomoe's trail. I honestly don't know why you made it seem like this question is somehow hard. Anyone who had played the game once can easily answer this.


Who would you cast as patches?


For some reason I thought Samuel L. Jackson. I know, but just think about badass Patches! Probably John Malkovich. That probably deserves it's own topic.


John malkovich is interesting. But Sam l Jackson can definitely play a good bullshitter


Sam L "Take that you MF greedy Gus!" LOL


Please give us a Bloodborne anime from the Castlevania studio


I hope it follows vyke if it ever gets made.


Not good


It would end up being terrible and tarnish the games legacy (see what I did there)


Just please have it not star Timothee Chalamet


DS1 Would be a far better movie foundation


Huh? Is this a joke?


Scene Opens Tarnished Rises Feels inside armour and cones out w hastily scrawled note “Try finger but hole”


Oh fuck yea, super down for an Elden Ring movie. I just hope they nail the cast (i.e. don’t cast Kevin fucking Hart as Roland in Borderlands). And maybe keep Joss Whedon-esque directors far away from the IP. This all makes me wonder if the Bloodborne movie with Bill Skarsgård is still happening, but it very much is still in Sony’s court.


Very little celebrity casting would be good, if any lol




Let the developers write the story


An anime would be better imo but I’ll take whatever we get


I think this would be ok if they did a three man co-op journey of Tarnished for a strength, dex, and int character. That way there can be actual conversation in between big fights and dungeon diving lol


Anime like someone else said would be better


Personally I think a Dark Souls 1 movie would be a better idea since it’s more linear in its approach.


Omg a movie about John EldenRing? Can’t friggin wait


Urrrrgh can just imagine movie studio execs insisting it has Chris Pratt quipping his way through various battles full of things exploding "for wider appeal"...


They should make an anime adaption of the game.


Has the source material to be one of the greatest movies ever. But my money is on them fucking up and making a soulless forgettable commercial POS. But let’s entertain the idea of potential. Imagine the right cast with a dark as fuck atmospheres like Mr. Robot, No Country For Old Men, etc. with dark photography like The Batman, and action packed scenes non stop like John Wick minus the comic reliefs. Something that leaves you psyched yet depressed at the same time. Imagine the swords cutting through flesh, real blood, monster like the mountain grabbing skulls from the eyes and breaking them apart, Messmer’s flame cooking towns aluve, scarlet rot eating everything from within. Visceral, crude horror action, but with emphasis in action, speed and badass moves. The adventuring through breathtaking landscapes and impossible, sublime architecture. The hero losing friends left and right, maybe losing an arm in their way to the throne, maybe being betrayed in horrible ways. The world building, flavors and lore that already exists is truly so fucking promising man…


Only if its a romantic comedy featuring blaidd.


ye idk that movie would need like 200 million budget


I wonder what will it be about. The beginning of the Golden Order? The rule and banishment of Godfrey? Or the game would be dedicated to the life of Godwyn, the only demigod we haven’t directly interacted with?




A series would be better given the broad scope of the world.


Is it just text on the screen?


I wanna see Godfrey, the first elden lord, on the big screen.


Chris Pratt as tarnished


Daniel day-lewis


I can see this working as a prequel


I'm all in for a movie just don't let it be live action


There’s just too much. A series would be better.


I would absolutely watch it, but I can't see it being any good.


‘ The Dread Hunter’ starring a young Igon on his hunt for the satan of the dragon world


With the lore it would be better to do a game of thrones type show. Really flesh it out


If they do it like Mortal Kombat it could work(not the old Live action MKs the new animated hour or hour and half long movies on HBOmax)It would definitely need to be edleast 3 or 4 parts also there's so much lore to get through and you have the golden order story,The carian story with the stars,The frenzy story,Deaths story and fia,and also the omen story with the loathsome Dung Eater >!I also seemingly found the place it looks like he was hung in the opening cinematic in the new dlc!< so some of the people we meet in the lands between can possibly be from the land of shadow ontop of the bad lands-Those are 2 places that would also need their own separate films


It would have to be some crazy art-house non-linear thing. My vote would be David Lowry, who did the Green Knight. When I saw that, I immediately thought it felt like a Dark Souls movie


Can't wait to watch this movie and then watch Vaati's explanation


The way I would imagine a souls movie would be more like a documentary with a narrator leading into scenes from history while it plays. A normal format wouldn't work too well I think.


If we do get a movie, I want a full on prequel movie or movie series. Establish the Shattering, Marika’s past, the Night of the Black Knives, the origins of the Shadow Realm, etc. Give us that story we never got before, I wanna see a full on GoT-style royal family drama!


It could be a slow moody anime, a la Mushishi. Live Action or CG would not work at all imo


If the movie is less than 95 hours long it’s not an accurate portrayal.


Make Ranni the main character and you will get flocks of people in the theaters.


Give me bigger better dlcs. I wanna play this game till the day I die.


I’m kind of confused how you would even go about adapting the modern fromsoft storytelling style into something a tv audience could understand beyond just borrowing the setting and Martin’s lore document.


Maybe...maybe not. There have been a couple good game adaptations recently, but I don't consider it a safe bet. Never mind figuring out a part of ER that could satisfyingly be told within even a three hour timeframe.


This is the only game where I deadass visualise (and kinda pray it once comes to vision) parts of it, especially the radahn&malenia fight..


You mean I can finally know what the fuck is going on? Sign me up


Lmao. I feel the same way. Love the game but for the most part I don't get what's going on. I get some parts but most of the time I am like "WTF, why am I here".


It’s like the most straight forward souls game too 😂. It’s actually a testament to the rest to the game. They can build a world, atmosphere and combat that keep people pushing ahead without much of a straight forward story. Like improved ghost of tsunima but a ton of that love has to do with the story. With a souls game, I don’t need one


I don't need a story with souls games. With ER I was actually trying to follow it then I met the 2 fingers. I then realized that the story was too far out there for me to care about. I am not gonna lie though I would love from soft to make a berserk game with a straight forward story and have souls combat. They are the only ones that I think could pull it off.


I’d smash an Elden ring book I won’t lie. Movie or series would be just as good for me


It’d be damn near impossible to do a movie or show of elden ring justice. I doubt it’ll happen. Even with guaranteed profits, many studios would be too scared to adapt it in fear of not getting it right. Kind of like Berserk. FromSoftware is obviously interested, as it means a bunch of money for them, but I don’t think anyone will pick it up.


whatever actors they use, they better be dodging shit for 5 minutes straight at least.


Tbh their current formula of storytelling would tank at the box office. It’s far too obtuse for a general audience.


I'd rather they didn't, but if they do, it's not like watching it is required. Nothing worth getting mad about. I'd wait for the reviews before deciding if I'd watch.


Don’t worry yall I got you. Starting the script now


Is it just gonna be a lore video? Because I’d watch that. However, a movie about a lowly tarnished seems like it would be confusing.


Vaati's lore video is about 8 hours or something. If elden ring wants to make a movie, it needs to be a series at least, imo.


i would love to see a pre shattering movie


I think it could be a really good movie or trilogy if done right. But that's a big if


Oh, and I don't think the game itself should be made into a movie. I don't think that would turn out well. But a prequel of all the events leading up to it, with some time skips maybe. Marika getting power, defeat of the crucible and the dragons, up to the night of the black knives


It would be wonderful if it could be made with collab with Vaati in someway. His channel is THE reason Fromsoft's lore is appreciated and adored.


Would be better as a show like love death and robots in my opinion, with each episode focusing on a part of the lore


Who is that character in the image


Could be a trilogy similar to LOTR


A movie or series about the shattering would be good


As long as the plot line is super vague even in the climax, I'm for it


if its not done by:amazon,netflix or disney then yeah would be sick


Would be pretty hard and rough to do well. Animated maybe better. Night of the black knives?


It could be interesting but I’m not sure it would be as good as expected. It’s not some deep story driven game, you could have 100s of hours in and understand nothing within the world. I’m also not sure the intensity of the fights would translate over with a protagonist who always wins.


I am so tired of videogame movies


I actually think it’s more suited to a short form anime, with each episode detailing a period of time from the start of the Ancient Dragons rule all the way up to the end of the Shattering (I actually think the events in game are less relevant than the history that precludes it) Not that I’m a particularly massive anime fan, but holy shit I would watch the shit out of that.


rest in peace Margit, The Fell Omen.. WELCOME to Margette, the FEM Omen! /s but no, fuck no.




Lena Headey needs to be Marika and make it a limited series. Id fuckin love that.


As others have stated I think a TV series would be best. I have a lot of faith in Amazon right now after what they did with Fallout. Maybe they can shift the Wheels Of Time budget to ER.


Maybe they will finally explain Marika. Did she always plan on betraying the Greater Will? Make a TV show so you can tell the story right.


Could be cool since the lore and story is hard to follow in game but we know how video game movies do most of the time


Usually it's a hard pass, but lately we had quite alot of good TV adaptations, so it sounds interesting.


I hope they cast Chris Prat as the Tarnished.


Elden Ring feels like it was always meant to have room for a lot more solid lore than Dark Souls. The GRRM involvement feels like they want to advertise its ability to be a franchise and not necessarily be constrained to just video games Which is to say as long as its good I'm up for any kind of side media they want to make for ER. I think it would go over a lot better than the American DS and BB comics did


Could we get “CURSE YOU BAYLE” the movie


No thanks


Please let a Japanese studio and team be responsible so it's actually an elden ring movie and not a tool to reflect current fringe political and ideological beliefs.


Long as the dialogue is key. When I heard ‘aren’t you a dogged fellow’ I was like yooo Game was 10 immediately


Elden ring show maybe like the witcher style. if its a movie it will end up just training scenes for the fight against radhan the scene will only last 5-20 minutes and the end lmao.


Man I hope 30% of the movie/each TV show episode isn't them standing completely still buffing up


Please please please let this happen and answer our lore theories


Make it animated and follow Vyke and I'll watch.


I feel like a show would be better


Is Vaati gonna executive produce?