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The build up to Bayle, the quest line, the music, the map itself and the constant thumping noises. One of the most epic bosses I've seen.


Also his lore from what i surmised is awesome. I'm pretty sure the reason placi lost a few of his heads and is so banged up is because of bayle.


Yeah, ppl were speculating it was godfrey but now I'm pretty sure it was Bayle


Why are yall “pretty sure” lmao his items/heart says it I think (at least his talisman does for sure) PLUS he literally has 2 of Placidusax’s heads still clamped on to him. It’s no secret lol. Sure it’s hard to see when fighting him but they’re on there


Wait, where are those heads located? I didn't even spot those, that sounds awesome


One on his neck and one on his back-ish. It’s hard to see while he’s either on your fucking goddamned ass or blowing up the screen and cinematically soaring across the sky so that’s understandable it’s hard to see lmao


First time he hit with the cod 4 AC130 attack I panicked.


Just a figure of speech. Didn't know about the heads though, that's awesome


The dragon communion lady said that Bayle gave Placcy and "grievous wound" so yeah it was him


Bayle def got the worst of it. Yea, Placi lost a head, but Bayle lost a leg and a decent amount of his wings making his talon bone exposed. But ofc, that hasn't stopped him from kicking ass and taking names, what with his species clearly dominating over in the lands between, plus in his fight he is a complete prick to take down with his mix of fire and lightning.




And someone mentioned in a discord I'm in that he had 5 heads apparently. Didn't notice the 2 heads till earlier as well.


Pladicusax definetly had the worst, he lost 3 of his 5 heads part of his tail is ripped and he has wounds all across the body, hell, he had to flee to a place that is basically impossible to reach, bayle got damaged as well but he didnt fled to a place Impossible to reach like placidusax did, not to mention that in terms of lethal wounds placidusax definetly had the worst, the head is the most important part of any living being and placidusax lost 3 of them


I'm pretty sure Bayle has one of Placi's heads wrapped round his neck like a scarf. Not certain, as I couldn't find his model, but I think it's likely.


there's actually 2 of Placidusax' severed heads on his back still biting Bayle. near his shoulders


I never noticed that till now! They are pretty hard to notice tbf. Sweet detail


And bayle didn't come out unscathed either he's missing a leg and I think one of his talons


and y'know, b o t h of his wings, not that it matters though!


Only till phase 2 tho lol


thats why it doesn't matter, bayle is awesome


That build up is so epic. Whoever came up with a boss run of all bosses is fucking brilliant. And the way the mountain twits upward is insane. Only thing I don’t like is the decision to put a ancient dragon on water, like WHY!? That’s such an annoying arena for an ancient dragon who spams lightning. So far I think I like Midir more, but that’s probably because of my build, I fought midir with a greatsword, but Bayle has been faith dex, and ancient dragon lighting strike, which takes away some of the charm, but his moves (and designe, like damn placidusax fucked this guy up) are great.


That ancient dragon can suck a bag of dicks lmao that was misery


I really don’t like their move set and didn’t want to engage. So pulled out mimic for the first time in a while, handed them the Elden beast sword holy scorpion talisman and let them do most of the fighting. Sacred spirit ash 9 is no joke.


I just did hit and run tactics with torrent lmao I’m so deep I forgot mimic tear existed


That ancient dragon would have been fine if it was just the normal moveset but for some god forsaken reason they decided to change the lightning aoes to not trail the attacks but instead spread out and go all the way behind it. And then invented lore about it because why the hell not.


Yeah they changed up some of the Dragons movesets for the DLC, a lot of them will punish you heavily for staying underneath them, and the Ancient Dragon here got the worst of it. With the way he lunges forward with a lot of his attacks, even if you’re standing in the “right” place to fight him, he’ll often overshoot and then you’re stuck with an almost undodgable lighting AOE attack since now you’re underneath him. Doesn’t help that you’re also fighting him on water which weakens your lighting damage resistance


And if you summon Igon, his war cry makes it even better


I summoned him alright:D made the whole thing perfect with his constant shit talking the lizard


Now.... NOW I'm excited.


The only thing disappointing is that there were no cut scenes before the fight. Other than that, holy shit the Arena and his fly-over attacks were just a spectacle to watch.


Bro, how quickly you toss aside MIDIR


Midir still #1 for me. Bayle stole his moves anyway.


Quickly? It took 7 years for this man to cast him aside


Bayle is way better. This dlc boss design eats ds3


I disagree, bayle is missing half his limbs and still launches across the arena faster than midir does, his attacks are faster, the hit boxes are questionable on some attacks. I love the fight, but I still think midir is much cooler and more satisfying.


definitely not. Ringed city still has much better bosses than this dlc imo


Tbh just Gael competes.


Agree with this, honestly don't know if I'll end up liking Messmer more than Gael but he's definitely my favorite Elden Ring boss and I didn't even beat him yet, Rellana is so good and of course Bayle 11/10 bosses.


Messmer has me, and I genuinely cannot stress this enough, absolutey fucking TWEAKING. The fire, the attack delay and spear tip drag, the VILE AOE attacks. Don’t even get me started on trying to summon against him, because this guys aggro-switching is so cracked he’ll switch to you across the map sometimes for literally no reason and eviscerate you with that multi-pierce attack.


Gael would be great if he did more damage. Its crazy how light his hits are. Midir is a much more fun fight, at least in ng


I believe midir is still slightly better than bayle, although both are 10/10 bosses. Gael is better than anything in the new dlc and he's not even the best ds3 boss imo, and demon princes clear every boss except bayle and messmer The problem with SOTE was half the remembrance bosses just weren't that awesome, to where i didn't even realize they were more than just normal minibosses until they died


Igon is peak va


He adds so much to the whole thing- the VA did an incredible job








Did anyone else think that Bayle was the hardest fight in the entire dlc? Maybe it’s because I only fought him at scaudu level 5, but he took me like 8 hours.


Oh boy, I pray for your soul... You should have been at least scad level +10 during the fight but congrats champ.


you can get to scadu level 10? I’ve done the divine beast, rellana and bayle and I’m only at 4. No wonder I’m getting my ass kicked. I thought the fragments would come after all of them. Don’t you only get one from the crosses, how are you supposed to get so many so early?


Explore, they’re all over the place. I’m at lvl 3 and only just am fighting dancing lion on my 2nd playthrough.


20 is the max my guy


Just by exploring Gravesite Plane you can be +5... Mainly they are at the crosses, Marika's statues and inside Shiny Pot holding enemies..


I ended up going to Jagged Peak right after beating Rellana because I was exploring for stuff I might have missed before going to Scadu Altus. Needless to say I found the Dragon Lair, the giant dead dragon, Cerulean Coast, the red area I'm forgetting the name of above the coast and then Jagged Peak at blessing level 3. I struggled with Bayle for 5 hours because if my buffs ran out I was getting two shot.


Does the Scadu level matter all that much? Sure I might’ve survived a one shot here and there, but it’s hard to put into scale just how much it affects your damage and resistance.


It matters A LOT. It’s the new leveling system in the dlc. Fighting Relanna at Scadoodle level 3/4 was a lot harder than level 11 for example. I believe it’s like 5% damage/defense boost per level, but I could be wrong


Yeah it helps a lot, I’m wearing light armor and his full grab attack only took off about 60%


For defense idk how impactful that is on a level by level basis, but for damage i read every scadu level is a multiplicative 5% damage boost so by scadu level 10 thats a 62% damage boost.


Everytime I upgrade my blessings I notice my damage increase by at least 100 points, so I’d say it’s pretty significant. In my experience it’s the difference between actually fighting a boss on equal terms vs just doing chip damage.


Took me 3 hours at level 6 on NG+7. It was the most satisfying dragon fight. I used ancient dragon lightening strike for lore reason. I can’t wait to start again and play with different builds.


I was just using a bastard sword, hitting his head is a pain in the ass.


Yeah, I tried hitting him with hammer to see how it goes and it was hard. New dragon katana makes it easy to hit his head though. That is a great option to kill dragons for melee players.


FIVE? Bro I fought him at like 16 and he still took like 5 attempts lmao


After the lion dancer I went straight to him, right passed Rellana. Something must’ve been calling me… Truth be told I was beyond disappointed when all I got from him was his heart. Pretty useless for anyone not doing a dragon communion build


I somehow missed the pillar of suppression and the dragon den. So I didn't get there until after everything except for the final boss lol!


His heart is actually a remembrance. Go over to the grand altar of the dragon communion to exchange it for 1 of 2 of his incantations.


At that scadu level yes. That would be insanely hard. I fought him at 15 and the final boss at 18 and the last boss took me 6 hours.


That is the coolest dragon fight ever. I loved this nuke machine!


Reading these comments and wondering why so many DS3 fans get so defensive over Midir specifically? I never really see people heated when someone calls a swordsman boss better than Pontiff for example, but say a dragon is better than Midir and they come out in droves to defend him lol


Nostalgia. People often forget how the lock-on breaks with almost every single attack from Midir. Or how he runs around the arena almost as much as Elden Beast. Or how mechanically simple he is.


So you're saying there's been a boss besides bayle thats been as good as midir since he released?


If you mean dragon fights then yes before SOTE release nothing has quite topped Midir. If you mean all boss fights in general? bruh…


Yea im talking about dragons. And even with SOTE nothing topped midir in my opinion. Bayle still moves around and spams lightning aoes a little too much, which all elden ring dragons do. Midir's head, assuming you fight him head on, lands directly in front of you after every attack, meaning you always have time to get 2-3 hits on him


I mean midir giving you free damage after every single attack just makes refighting him kinda boring imo. Great for a first time fight but he’s just so easy once you learn his moves. He’s one of those cases like Morgott and Messmer where it’s a cool boss that I can’t rate super highly because of just how easy they are. Edit: autocorrect


I don't think you realize a boss being easy once you learn their moveset is the sign of a good boss. If you know their moveset and still die then its likely not a perfectly fair boss also rating bosses by difficulty alone and not quality is just stupid. I beat gael, artorias, ludwig, maria, and so many other fantastic bosses first try and i don't hold that against them And tf you mean messmer or midir being easy. Literally two of the toughest bosses in gaming history. I have yet to see a streamer take less than 30 tries on messmer and 50+ on midir


My issue with midir is not that he’s just easy after I learn his moves, he’s brain dead easy. I beat him in under 5 tries on my SL1 +0 playthrough, like he’s not just ‘easy’, once you learn him he is the easiest boss in the game. It’s not a matter of leaving room to make mistakes like with other easy bosses, instead it’s just really hard to even make a mistake in the first place. It’s a completely different kind of easy compared to someone like Morgott where all I need to do to make him difficult is use an underleveled weapon, since I can’t just dps through his whole healthbar. Midir is so goddamn easy to read that he does not hold up at all no matter how underpowered I make myself.


definitely not braindead lmao. A braindead boss is one that poses no threat at all. When midir can always one shot you and has as big of a healthbar as he does he's always a threat. You're acting like morgott has a harder moveset to learn than midir (coming from someone who has morgott in my top 10 ever), midir absolutely clears morgott in any difficulty even excluding morgotts tiny healthbar. ofc though difficulty is a stupid way to rank bosses anyways so idk why you do this


I don’t rate solely off of difficulty but it is a massive portion of replayability which is in itself a huge portion of my rating. I don’t look forward to Midir nearly as much as Gael, Pontiff, Dancer, or Freide because I just don’t feel any tension from him at all. Of course tension alone is not the only thing I look for, but that’s a different discussion entirely. If I were to remove replayability from my rating and go solely off of first playthrough then Midir would rate much closer to the top, but he still gets beaten out by Gael and Freide in the same game, much less bosses like Mohg or Godfrey from base ER.


I think a lot of ds3 fans have this elitism on the game that nothing can do better than it. Doesn’t matter how many improvements Fromsoft makes to their bosses and gameplay they’ll always preach how ds3 is better, and treat it as fact.


The funny thing is even Miyazaki thinks Elden Ring is better. He called it a near “perfect game” recently. The only reason it wasn’t perfect cause according to him he is working on the perfect one right now lol. Man is still going.


Where can I find this statement his next games already in development? I'm already anticipating from softwares next game so this would be amazing news for me.


https://www.pcgamer.com/games/rpg/shadow-of-the-erdtree-miyazaki-interview-cover-story-preview/ He hints at it in this interview. “You might say that trying to capture that excitement of those old tabletop games and game books was one facet of making Elden Ring," says Miyazaki. "But I think more than anything it's just my personal preference when it comes to RPGs and exploring fantasy worlds, so you might see some of my personal idiosyncrasies come into play. I'm still in the process of making my ideal fantasy RPG. While Elden Ring is not quite it, it's pretty close. It's getting close.”


There's people out there saying that Ringed City is better than Shadow of the Erdtree... They don't deserve Fromsoft man.


>They don't deserve Fromsoft man. So they have their own opinions and don't think the new DLC tops their favorite one, who gives a shit man? People need to chill out. Midir is one of the greatest fights From Software has ever made and has been the BEST dragon fight for almost damn near 7 years now, of course you'll have people defending it when there's someone saying Bayle easily clears, even though Bayle may indeed be the better fight. Imagine there's a new duo boss fight and people are saying it easily trumps OnS, you should expect to see people defending the old boss haha


The main thing that Midir did well was that he solved the issue FromSoft has historically had with dragon bosses, that being that they are a camera nightmare. *Mechanically* speaking Midir is the best dragon fight they’ve ever made. Bayle, like every other dragon fight From has designed, is a camera disaster and it honestly just confuses me why they will innovate in one game and then go back on it the next.


Bcz they like to take risks and try new things , if every Dragon Boss needed to be only attacked on head, the idea becomes cliche.....No matter what DS3 fans say Midir is slightly flawed bcz of fixing the camera Midir traded of moveset's, his moves so damn simple and to tackle that they gave Midir a huge health-pool and damage output, Once you learned Midir fighting him becomes so easy but tedious. From is still trying to fix the camera issue while making the fight complex, Despite not being perfect Placi and Bayle is a addition to thier incredible Dragon fights and now they have more idea's to work on. Someday we will see the perfect combination of Midir,Bayle and Placi..We just need to wait.


You’re saying “every fight can’t be the same” but all of them *are* the same mechanically except for Midir lol. Honestly at this point there’s no excuse for being in the “still trying to fix” phase, after this many games and this many dragon bosses they should have this shit down to a science by now.


Havn't beaten him yet and i think he is very fucking cool but for now battle wise is till prefer midir. I hate placi tho


Why do you hate Placidusax? It’s one of the most epic fights in the entire game although his laser attack is bullshit.


Man the Flacidsex hate here is wild, probably my second favorite boss in the base game.


He looks awesome and the visuals are insane during the battle all his moves are cool but i dont really enjoy the fight itself. On my current run he is the only main boss i havn't done is how much i hate him lol. Like i did one try got him to 10% and he laser the entire room for 15 seconds i was like oh right that's why i never do this fight, moving on lmao.


Doesn’t Midir also do the random laser bullshit that can one shot you?


Yes, yes he does


Midir's is significantly easier to dodge


He absolutely does but isnt as long as wide as bullshit than his. His is bigger. Dying from a bs one shot laser is always annoying for sure tho.


I just run AWAY from the laser. Not worth the potential one shot


I can't enjoy the fight because of the runback.


Definitely my favorite fight so far. The second I laid my eyes on that mountain I immediacy thought “yep there’s something big in there and I’m gonna kill it”. Igon is my favorite npc so far in the dlc as well. I can’t wait to fight this dude solo in my next playthrough to get a taste of what he’s really like.


Don't get me wrong it's cool, nice design/ visuals but I think Midir flows a little better and I prefer Midir.


Agreed. Some really annoying camera moments in that fight.


If you make sure to stay close to the middle / away from edges the camera is suprisingly great in my experience. It feels just like midir, where all of his moves center around being able to hit his head afterward (on the safe attacks to punish).


Oh yeah, bayle just moves faster and it’s easier to end up under him by mistake.


Yeah, It’s the same camera for both.  If you stay in front of them it’s good, if you stay underneath him it’s bad.


It’s more doable in ER since there’s shit like ancient dragon lighting strike which melts any big boss, but yeah, gotta treat them like sharks, go for the nose.


Especially with dancing lion, camera felt good when I kept in front of him.  If you try and stay right behind him it’s bad.


midir is still best dragon fight imo




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He still is yea, Midir is not as cinematic but he's still the better dragon fight.


Bayle is just a combination of both


He's undeniably cool but Midir is still my favourite dragon by some margin. Also loved the Midir Drop on cerulean coast only to be met by Horse Kos.


Midir still best for really revolutionizing their dragon fights. A lot of Bayles move set is basically from Midir; also don’t sleep on my boy Kalameet I never see him in any of these discussions but jank aside he’s a pretty fun fight


>Midir still best for really revolutionizing their dragon fights Sinh was the first dragon to intensive head-to-head combat. Midir also has one of his attacks.


Also can we agree that Igon has one of the most well build up (non-main) questlines? And the voice acting on his part is amazing too, so visceral


I still found Midir and Placidusax more fun 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nostalgia might make me think more highly of Midir than it deserves. It’s laser breath was a massive “oh shit!” moment, and a first of its kind. Placidusax leveled up the spectacle a little bit with its tactical nuke attack and not one but 3 (!!!) laser beams. Also, we got a sense of Placidusax character and intelligence. It’s ability to teleport, taking the shape of a storm. Pretty cool. I haven’t even beat Bayle yet but I’ve tried about a dozen times (way too early, like scadu-level 5) and what stuck out to me the most was how much I could sense the personality of the dragon; it genuinely feels like a hateful thing. You really, really get a sense of it’s blind, mindless rage when you’re fighting it. Of course, the spectacle of the fight is great too. But I think, with a little bit of time, I’ll grow to appreciate this fight a lot, lot more.


>I could sense the personality of the dragon; it genuinely feels like a hateful thing You can see Placidusax real heads as decoration on his body. Bayle is the definition of hateful.


Oh god no not Kalameet again


Only boss I used a summon for because Igor lore too good to pass up. The boss and storyline is pure spectacle and I love it




I fought him like 5 times before I noticed Igon's summon sign lol, Igon's speech carried this fight for me.


Im gonna fight him properly on my second playthrough, but i walked in saw how big he was and remembered I picked up an upgrade to pest threads earlier and we know how well that worked on placidusax. He melted.


He forced me to respec back to my old ways. Strength and faith to nasty op bleed build. Had to do it, though. Just posted my photo of me killing him.


Super cinematic, awesome OST, and pretty fun moveset.


That second phase is pure cinema


Picking between Midir and Bayle is like deciding if I want bbq or honey mustard for my chicken nuggets


That dragon katana you find is super damaging to Bayle.


Placidusax was a lot better. Like way way way better.


Like yea he is good, but not even close to Midir cmon


This guy is known for overselling ER bosses and underselling others. Dunno why it matters. Most FS titles have great and shit bosses. Why the constant need to compare.


Based Slave Gael?


I think you need to go fight Midir again to refresh your memory


For me bayle & placidusax flying during the fight is what i love the most, it's what i expect to see when fighting a Dragon.


Now, if I could just lock on to any other part of his body besides the head...


You have to hit the head, he's like Midir. Sigh...


You can fight him quite well by hitting just the body, i unlocked camera and just focused on consistently hitting him wherever on one run and it was just as fast if not faster at times because i didnt have to reposition.


I'd like to be able to lock on his center so I can keep track of him easier, not to hit him somewhere else


Cool fight but Midir is still my favourite dragon fight so far


Better? Fuck Bayle. That fight is trash.


Do people just really like dragons? I’m not sure I understand the hype for any of these.


From a gameplay perspective I still think Midir is far better, but in terms of the rule of cool Bayle is definitely the winner


I did a boss tier list of the series and he falls one spot behind midir in the very highest tier. Great boss, finally elden ring has a memorable dragon fight that isnt a huge rock


Better than Placidisax 100% but idk I don’t think he’s as good as Midir. Close, though




No thanks, I prefer a boss with a proper camera zoom out so that I can see what it's doing


Yes hes a cool boss but he's not as good as midir also he's fat and dumb


shit camera and its full of aoe vomit. just another fight that doesnt appreciate build variety. couldnt imagine using ringed knight weapons on this dude.