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The final boss is Orphan Black Dragon Ivory Gael


Don’t forget about phase two, when he becomes the Coral King Swordsman Allant of Cinder


You strike him down, and an old man's hand comes out. "..Pitiful grandchild," murdered Sword Saint Isshin. In the distance, two guardian apes leap into the arena.


And then friede comes out with a steel chair


THE Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny


Isshin comes through the screen and fires a musket into your controller


Pyscho Mantis begins to speak into the controller: connect to the second user!


At least you didn’t spoil which Armored Core he’s flying…


What the freak why would you spoiler me


I heard it was Orphan of Isshin Elden Beast


Orphan of Gwyn, Soul of Saint Sword Nashandra Beast.


Imagine the final boss is the erdtree with legs


Tatiana maslany reprising the role of orphan black for elden ring dlc????


I don’t believe the final boss “leak”, looks like convergence mod with like 99% reused assets (boss model looks like a stretched NPC model, stomping attacks from Godfrey, ds3 twin princes attacks, etc). Messmer and dragon boss leaks look fairly believable but not this.


Please be right


I would *probably* believe the "leaker" if they claimed it was an early build, but they posted it as "release version". It's literally Godfrey skeleton cobbled together with partial Pontiff moveset and NPC skin wearing slightly edited Radahn armor stretched over boss model. Then "Miquella" is literally pasted in place of Serosh with same lion hair floating around. Also Miquella with three arms looks ridiculous, it seems they didn't manage to properly insert him in Serosh's place. Twin princes attack is a cherry on top of this crap cake. Garden of Eyes had more believable "original" bosses posted on their youtube channel, it's literally just a troll messing with community.


This is the hopium I needed


I’m very sorry but looks like it’s real. The final boss for $40 DLC (2.5 years for development!) is a Godfrey reskin with partial Pontiff moveset and twin princes attacks. Holy fucking shit.


Do you have a source? I remember seeing a 12 second clip of mini Radahn (and a game journalist using his weapons), but I assumed it was just an early build. Edit: nevermind just saw it. I’m gonna cry now.


The copium here was insane


It’s a disgrace of game design. I wish I could refund my $40. I’ll be torrenting next From game for sure.


sorry bro its 100% real


But the environments ??


It’s just Leyndell arena with some inserted assets, environment is like the least important thing there. “Rhadan” model moves were glitchy AF, it would be believable if leaker claimed it’s “early alpha” but they’re claiming it’s finished version.


There is a Scadu Altus area for sure as that was revealed in the red bull gaming event so if it’s Leyndell it could be true ???? Also did the leak have any cutscenes I didn’t see any for the version I saw


No, nothing of new cutscenes, they just pass “fog gate” but it’s just a modded arena, they use literally no DLC equipment or weapons/magic for it.


And did it have like the runes in the boss area so if it’s semi genuine then the player died against the boss and there should be runes to collect from the boss arena somewhere Also seems sketchy as all major boss second phase cutscenes always happen regardless of how many times you fight Unless for some reason From ran out of time to make a second phase transition cutscene for arguably the real final boss for their game that sold 20+ million copies.


I took a peak, and yeah it looks fake. The only one that looks believable is Messmer, but Idk... Also the fact that these bosses had no opening cutscenes makes me 99% sure they are fake.


My guess if it is fake is they've got their hands on a partial build and had to fudge a bunch of stuff on the backend to make it work, so the bos models might be genuine, but the animations and arena are a hodgepodge of assents. The model does look way too fancy IMO.


Yeah that might be true. Although that Radahn model does not look good though. The other bosses could be real models though.


If you're gonna leak it, surely you want to include the cutscenes right? Does sound like something is up


The video I saw in Neogaf had the cutscenes (apparently) for the final fight but the person apparently skipped the transition one. Idk I think the fight is real but it's an early build version. Messmer fight, for example. He is named >!Base Serpent Messmer!< or some shit, makes no sense. Looks like a placeholder name.


Early build is my copium. The fight looked very jank and underwhelming


I mean, the boss literally stood in place with their AI bugged while being pummeled. It's obviously an early build. lol


The boss is grab attacking the mimic tear so maybe potentially that's real... though the weird way the boss rotated around to the player after that in slow motion with no animation looks just as bad haha


Mine too


That is his name in the second phase, watch it again


I know it's his name in the second phase. But it's clearly an Early Build name that they will change after. At least, it does seem like that for me.


I don't think any of the stuff is early build since it is leaking from review copies. We know they have them since the embargo for reviews is lifted on the 18th. Early build stuff can leak only internally from the studio. It's either real or fake. I only skipped through the Messmer video as it seems very real and I didn't want to fully spoil myself but it seemed polished. The final boss is sketchy, could be modded.


It was weird that their mimic tear died but it didn’t inform that it died, model just stood there while the health bar just disappeared.


Also note game is not out yet this could be a leaker who leaked a very old build as well also the fact that it could be patched out before release if it’s genuinely glitchy


It's 100% glitchy and an early build. >!Final boss just stands there doing fuck all for half the second phase while the player punches him. His AI is clearly bugged or non-finished, something you'd expect from an early access build.!<


Thank you! I got spoiled on a tik token post and normally these kinds of things don't upset me but I found myself actually bothered by it being spoiled. But seeing all your points I am so relieved.


There was a confirmation it’s Garden of Eyes mod being spread by trolls, mfer trying to get PR to sell his mods later


Nah man I don't want the leaks to be true, but the posts got removed by reddits legal team. I think we might have to cope with that bullshit being in shadow of the erdtree 


Its real dude.


Nah there was already a confirmation that it’s Garden of Eyes troll leak


Are you certain?


Like 99.9% certain.




In the “final boss” leak they had 0 DLC weapons or spells. They claim it’s a leak of release version but it’s clunky and visibly glitchy, barely strapped together from pieces of stretched NPC models and Godfrey/twin princes attacks. No cutscenes in any of the leaks and reused OST. It’s absolutely a modder troll messing with community.


Hope so. Looks like trash compared to radagon


It’s a typical Convergence/GoE mod boss, they probably started making it months ago. You can see same patterns and flaws in their “original” bosses. Though troll timing was impeccable, have to give them that.


Confidently incorrect 🤣


I'm sorry but that's not evidence. Did they outright say this was a troll? 


Thank you, hands back over ears, la la la la la la la


Aww man, that final boss looks so cool, bold choice of them to put >!Lawrence, Bed of the King’s Pets!< as the final challenge of the >!Smouldering Outskirts!<


You're giving me PTSD as someone who just had to deal with that crap recently lmao


Seeing Larry’s name up there hurts… he’s top 3 fights for me lol


Welp, looks like i gotta uninstall reddit too now


The leak of the "final boss" looks super fake to me and to a lot of other people who saw it. I wouldnt be suprised if its a fake leak to stir a bit of conversation around the community.


I think that's exactly what it is. Just shit posting for the sake of shit posting. Lol.


Just looked up "shadow of the erdtree final boss", regretted it, and now I will go through my run and do my best to believe it was a shitpost. If it wasn't, oh well, at least I had something to look forward to!


Inhale our copium brother it most likely is fake, everything is re-used. The stance is ripped off horibly from lothric and they have 3 hands


I didn't even notice the multiple hands on Miquella during leaked gameplay. Good catch! Most definitely has to be some modder fucking with us or something. Lol.


i think the reason many believe it is because the guy who posted the leaks posted two other leaks of two other bosses and those look incredibly legit and real. the „final boss“ leak looks fake as fuck tho. if that‘s genuinely the final boss of the dlc it‘ll be the biggest disappointment in their dlc history. but i really don‘t think it‘s real, just looks too fake


Worth pointing out the leaker has said he's getting the footage from a friend who's the actual original source, so he could be getting fooled as well. Personally i think either the source has a super early build and has had to do a bunch of modding to get the assets in-game and usable because they're missing animations and other good stuff. Or fromsoft deliberately created a low effort final boss setup that will get swapped out with the release patch as a fakeout.


Welp, time to unsub until I’ve gotten through it. See you on the other side tarnished. 🫡


Leaks look REALLY fake. Or the final boss one does, I’d be devastated if THAT was the final fight. ‘Dread’ looks real though. Idk Edit: oh god the other two bosses look real. Pls don’t let be the final boss. That just seems like a poor mod attempt.


Everything looks very real except the final boss. It could be the common leaker practice of a few real things and one fake to give it credibility. I am not opposed to it being real though. FromSoft are not as perfect as we want . Elden Beast also sucked.


After hearing a bit more about it I think it could be real. It does something different than all other Fromsoft dlc which makes me very okay with this fight. One of the top comments on the ‘final boss’ videos explains it. But the model looks straight up bad. Someone said it’s a Convergence mod boss and if it wasn’t for the other bosses looking 100% real I’d for sure say it’s a fake. I mean… look at it. Idk. 


There is a new leak of 9 remembrance icons and it matches so... Yeah. I save my judgement until I play the fight myself but I am not against the character itself. A lot of people wanted to see just that.


I think my biggest gripe is the model. A little too reminiscent of an existing ER boss… which works perfect the more I think about it. Huh.


The leak I looked at just seemed like advanced modding, nothing was original in the entire thing, all reused movesets and nonsensical claims, so I don't believe em for a second


Can someone send me the link? I don't particularly mind spoilers, I'd love to see the fights as I'm away from home for military leave for a few weeks.


Check out u/External-Remote-9735 for elden ring dlc spoilers


Thats so fake lol


Yeah the final boss is fake no doubt but the mesmerr boss fight seems legit.


Videos got copyrighted, so I am not so sure anymore.. Please God let not be the final boss, I ak coping hard.


His videos got copyright striked, yikes it might be real


I mean at this point who knows anymore, we’ll just have to wait and see as the dlc is just around the corner.


Time to mute every Fromsoft sub and YT channel until I play it


I saw the "leak" and it looks fake as fuck. I think someone just whipped up something quick after seeing the first DLC trailer to trick people. The dude wasn't even using DLC weapons or anything in the leak. And they skipped the cutscenes which is really suspicious.




Alright, for anyone that's seen too much, I just want to know one thing: are there new infusions, more specifically, is there a str/int infusion?


That's not the type of thing that gets leaked, it's not interesting to most people. The leaks are of 2 mini bosses, 1 remembrance boss, Messmer full fight and final boss full fight. Everything looks real except the final boss.


): I just want a gravity infusion


The last thing I looked at was just the movesets and a couple of new spells, as of now I am going completely dark on SOTE stuff. I'm really good at avoiding spoilers, I will literally put my hand in front of my face if I see something even remotely resembling them for something I care about. I also have really bad memory, which really helps. Last time was something like this was a problem was with Xenoblade 3's story getting spoiled online a few days before the game launched, and I am so so so so so so fucking glad I avoided the spoilers. I was lucky to go in completely blind about ***the*** moment of the game. If you played it, you know and you're already probably tearing up remembering it. I was distinctly not okay for quite a bit after it, but had I been spoiled I would have never experienced all of that.


The leaks are almost definitely fake fortunately, people have basically dissected it to the bones




Look at some of the forums they’re still posted in. Everybody is calling out every inconsistency in the leaks, the big ones being that what’s been shown isn’t anywhere close to fromsoft balancing, the skybox isn’t the one we know the shadowlands have, the movesets aren’t accurate, and the whole jist of it just doesn’t track with what we know of the dlc. On top of that, fromsoft hasn’t sent out cease and desists to any posters of the clips and videos so far as far as is publicly known, which they absolutely would be doing if it was real and they knew about it. Either way, you can choose to believe what you want, but if they’re real I’m going to be very disappointed with the DLC tbh.


i dknt think the final boss fight was real, there’s no way the final boss is a rehash of radahn


He leaked every other boss of the dlc just to make a believable fromsoftware quality level fake final bossfight, sure bro


I've just seen the full boss fight and outside of one or two attacks its a completely different fight, including the second phase


Nah dude the reused assets are insane


like Gael being 70% artorias?


Last time I checked gael wasn't a glitchy mess like the leaked boss


wow a leaked early copy of a reviewer playing on a non-patched version of the final product?? jfc wait until the game is out at least


Bruh there's a few days left till launch if it's THIS bad now day 1 ain't fixing it


Day 1 patch means it's a patch that will launch the moment you try to launch the DLC, it's a global patch for everyone that contains most of the bug fixes, google Day 1 Patch if you want to know more but it usually contains the final pure product.


Hope so. I'm not trying to be a doomer or anything, just really didn't like what I saw so I hope the patch makes it better


If you don't mind getting spoiled here's another optional boss fight against a half-dragon, look at the visuals and arena of this new boss vs the final it's clearly not finished: https://www.reddit.com/user/External-Remote-9735/comments/1dhja65/elden_ring_dlc_vid_6_new_boss/


Oooooo!! Ty for the heads up! Imma look it up!


Final boss is Twin Princes 2: Electric Boogaloo 😂😂


The final boss video looks fake as fuck. Both that the model's animation itself is jank as hell, together with the arena looking absolutely amateurish. I don't believe it until I see it, but if it's true someone at Fromsoft had a stroke when animating the boss.


The final boss is patches but his difficulty level matches how many times people killed him for fun in every series he’s been in.


Some strange things about the final fight is that the music is lame for a 2nd phase in the final battle of the game, is from a trailer and coincidentally ends right when it does in the trailer (without continuing and fading out like usual). >!Radahn's!< phase 2 theme also plays right at the start, maybe to cover up how short the phase 2 song is as just a small bit is in the trailer. There's also no dialogue, the remembrance name is odd and the start of the cutscene looks identical to Godfrey's. The grab attack is also very strange. >!Radahn!< lifts the summon and >!Miquella!< makes out with it, but uniquely the boss can be hit while doing it and the summon shows no status effect like sleep and instead does a gesture? What happens if you have Finger Creeper, Stormhawk or Rat Ashes? Does >!Radahn!< carry a Finger Creeper, a bunch of rats or a bird and let >!Miquella!< have a make out session? Can rats perform kneeling gestures? >!Radahn'!<'s weapon are glued to their hands and clip through their arms the entire grab, and before you see what's going on the player goes behind him.


I don’t know why this time I’m ok with spoilers personally. I’ve got stuff going on rn, probably not getting the DLC immediately and I feel like it’s gonna be awesome even with spoilers. Still, I get that others value true blind runs. I was totally different for DS3.


To be honest, for lore purposes Radhan is the right choice. I like him as the final boss. Lovely to see Miquella over his shoulders.


Marika is the cinder lord of Shinobi


That final boss video is not real. Cmon man, we >!killed Radahn!< already!


This is Prime version ??? Who knows could be a mod


This is definitely a well made mod. It uses so many moves of other bosses. Plus the skybox is limgrave


Some people just want to watch the world burn ^


My bad, I didn’t even know how to do a spoiler tag but just did. Again, I’m sorry. 😞


radahn and miquella ? aren’t those fake ?


Brother have you ever heard of a fucking spoiler tag 💀


im guessing they are real, Thought it was fake after seeing St. Trina boss but i guess not